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Feral: Book One

Page 10

by DeHaven, Velvet

  My eyes went wide, probably comically so from one of the other’s perspectives, at his humorous words and I struggled to control my smile. I lifted my hand to shoo him away, but he only shook his head. I rolled my eyes, deciding to rectify my mistake, and slid off my stool only to find the doorway blocked. I growled as menacingly as a human possibly could at him, and he growled right back, grinning the entire time.

  I stared at him for a few moments, before coming up with an idea.

  With a bright smile, I turned on my heel and took two steps toward the dining room entrance, watching him blur by to block me from leaving. I instantly spun and dashed for the main entryway, only to be caught firmly around the waist.

  I shrieked in protest as I went soaring through the air in his grasp and huffed when his lips came down on my mine, parting them with ease. I noticed as I held his gaze, his eyes twinkling with the laughter that vibrated in his chest, that he was very careful how close he pressed his face close to mine. I figured he was being careful not to touch the bruising, and was grateful.

  “Wow,” I murmured, stepping back and taking a few moments to catch my breath when he released me. “I, uh, would you mind if I used your bathroom to, um, wash and clean up.” A thought struck me, and I cursed. “I don’t have any other clothes.”

  His kissed my forehead, reaching up to stroke my upper arms. “Well, if you can assure me your father will not be home and you are not entirely opposed to breaking and entering, I can have Maymuna go to your home and retrieve some of your clothes.”

  “Or you can borrow some of mine,” Grace supplied. “From your footfall, it sounds like you’re about my weight, give or take a couple of pounds. I can tell from your gait that your legs are about an inch shorter than mine, and I have an idea of how long your arms are from their movement. From there, I can take a fairly good guess at the length of your torso.” She nodded, her eyes darting to mine, but never focusing on them. “You sound about my size.”

  She was right.

  Living life as a sighted-person, I’d never imagined someone could measure another simply from sounds, but for someone like Grace whose main sense of input was aural, it made sense. I found it amazing.

  I thanked the red-head, and before disappearing from the kitchen, she assured me she’d have something appropriate for me in the bathroom by the time I reached it. I caught Simon’s self-satisfied look and muttered 'compiaciuto bastardo' underneath my breath, knowing full well he’d hear me call him a smug bastard before making my way up to the en suite.

  I stood there for a few moments, taking in the utter opulence of the bathroom, something I hadn’t been able to appreciate the night before.

  The floor was made of eggshell-white porcelain tiles and the walls were a pale, mint cream color. A large, glass walk-in shower was in the far right corner, and along the back wall was a shelf covered in the fluffiest towels I’d ever seen in my life. To my surprise, a flat-screen television was mounted between the far left corners. I could not, for the life of me, figure out why a television was in the bathroom. I mean, I knew several humans who did the same thing, but humans regularly took baths and showers.

  Did vampires need to take a shower? Clearly, they had the plumbing, which to me indicated they indeed utilized it, and I could only assume the presence of the t.v. meant Simon at least indulged in bathing. I supposed on the occasions they supplemented feeding from humans with animals, they likely got dirty and would need to clean off, but I couldn’t imagine any other reason they would need to shower. I mean, given their cool body temperature, I doubted they’d sweat or anything. Of course, like many humans, they could just enjoy the sensation for the pure pleasure of it. Why not? I did quite regularly.

  The actual tub was a Jacuzzi that I swore could fit four people, at least. It was surrounded with white and matching mint-colored marble—or at least it was on three sides. I was sure there had to be at least one false panel in case something malfunctioned and it needed repair.

  There were small steps leading up to it, and four white pillars, with ivy and wisteria curling around them, stretched from the floor to the high ceiling. The ivy and wisteria, one of my favorite flowers, amused me. It was beautiful, of course, but I knew for a fact it had not been there previously, and I couldn’t imagine Simon allowing his bathroom to be decorated with vines and flowers under normal circumstances.

  I made my way to the sink and was surprised to see a toothbrush with a note attached to it.

  Don’t worry. The toothbrush is brand new, and if you look in the wooden cabinet to your left, you’ll find some clothes on the top shelf and a basket of shampoo and stuff on the bottom. (I didn’t think you’d wanna walk around smelling like man spice.) The wisteria is from my bathroom. I wasn’t sure if you’d like it or not, but I thought it would be a nice touch for you, since Simon’s bathroom is so damn boring. I hope you like it. Relax and enjoy! ~Grace

  I smiled, touched by the gesture, but really… how did she manage to write such a small note without sight? I shrugged it off with a glance at the small clock above the sink to check the time, and decided I’d definitely be putting her thoughtfulness to good use.

  I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my hair in the shower before filling up the massive tub and starting the jets. As I relaxed, I turned on the television and searched through the satellite listings for a music station. I smiled when the soft sounds of acoustic guitars filled the air, and closed my eyes, letting the bubbling jets lull me into a lovely little trance.

  Simon was an incubus, and so were Cole and Mr. O’Cleirigh. I vaguely wondered who else I knew might be a vampire, but decided I was being silly as the situation I found myself had to be one of those one-in-a-billion things. Like the odds of people winning the Georgia Lottery, it just didn’t happen.

  I frowned when a knock at the door broke through my blissful reverie. I was not entirely sure how long I’d been relaxing, but I realized it had to have been quite awhile given the now-lukewarm temperature of the water. "Simon, if that’s you, I don’t have classes on Saturday," I slurred unhappily to whoever disturbed me.

  His laugh made my lips curl. It was impossible to stay upset with him. “You have been in there for a rather long time, cara. I simply wanted to ensure that you had not become a little prune.”

  “Give me a few minutes to get out and get dressed!” I called out, adding with a mutter, “I’ve got more questions for you anyway.”

  “Well, if you were brave,” he returned loudly, “you could always allow me in, and we could discuss any questions you have in comfort.”

  “I’d be careful what you suggest, Doctor Treviso,” I retorted while I clambered to my feet. “I might call your bluff!”

  “Do you believe I am bluffing?”

  “Well, bluff or not, it’s a little too late, I’m afraid!” I shouted back.

  “Yes, I can hear the towel.”

  I wasn’t completely sure what I found more shocking, his actual words—given how Grace had described my body type, it left no doubt in my mind Simon could easily piece together a mental image of my wet form in a towel—or the tone he said those words in. Either way, I could feel warmth in my face that couldn’t be solely attributed to the heat of my bath.

  I pushed the thoughts and feelings he stirred in me aside as I hastily dried off and tied my wet hair in a messy bun, my mind dancing all the while with too many questions and never being able to latch onto one for too long. I had only learned of vampires in the past twenty-four hours, and my head was still swimming with the recently acquired knowledge.

  I looked in the mirror, trying my best to ignore the purple patch that stretched under my eye and down my cheek, and was once again reminded that this was Cole’s fault. The cute teenage boy I had loved was gone, disappearing under the bitterness of an abusive monster.

  I shook my head of the negative thoughts, determined to not let it get to me and to move on with whatever strange curveballs fate would throw at me next. I began by locating the clot
hes Grace had left for me, thrilled that they were jeans and a simple tee-shirt rather than a pressed pantsuit.

  “I have another question for you,” I declared as I left the steamy bathroom.


  I chose to ignore his sarcasm and simply ask my questions as I made my way to sit on his bed. “I asked Maymuna and Grace why of all of this seems so natural to me, so simple, but there is something I don’t understand. You,” I said bluntly. “Up until last night, the most you’ve ever done is hold my hand. I need to understand what is happening to you, so I can understand why it is affecting me.”

  He exhaled noisily and leaned against the cherry wood chest of drawers across from where I sat. “As much as I am loath to admit this, Maymuna was correct. While I, indeed, still feed as most incubi of my breed do, I do not live as a vampire. Once I learned how to control not only my feeding, but my body as well, I returned to life as a human.

  “I chose to walk as a human, force myself to breathe with human patterns. While I do limit myself, due to the way it reacts with my body, I still eat human food when the occasion calls for it. Aside from the occasions when I hunted animals, I refused to use my strength. I quite literally denied and repressed every aspect of my vampirism as much and as often as I possibly could. Despite being a vampire, I have not been a vampire, not when I could maintain myself, not in over four hundred years. And that repression has a direct influence on me now,” he explained morosely. “All the denial has come back a thousand fold it seems.

  “You see, the bond between mates, whether it is between two vampires or a vampire and a human, is the strongest bond of all, and it forces a vampires’ most powerful and primitive urges to come to the surface. All of that, when combined with the brutal force behind it from centuries of denial, means all of my instincts, emotions, behaviors, and actions are now making themselves known within me.

  “When I saw you, when I recognized and accepted you as my mate,” he said softly, “in that moment, I was forced to become the vampire I never was.”

  I sat there in silence, taking his words and letting them absorb into my mind, letting them formulate what would have to be the hardest question for both of us, I was sure. I was hoping it would solidify, make real in my consciousness what I had seen and heard thus far. “Simon,” I began tentatively. “How-how did you become a vampire.”

  From the look that ghosted over his face, I knew he had expected the question, but was in no way looking forward to it. I could actually see him steel himself to answer, and almost regretted having asked him the personal inquiry, but he had said there was nothing too personal.

  He unfolded himself from his position against the dresser and made his way toward me cautiously, as though he were afraid I would dart away at any moment. The mattress dipped beneath his weight, and as he sat quietly, I could practically feel a battle waging underneath his skin. After a minute or two, he offered his hand, and I entwined my fingers with his unwaveringly.

  “My change,” he began in a soft, but steady voice, “was born of guilt and the desire to escape the reality of a tragedy I caused. You see, there was a young healer in our village who had been accused of vicious murders, and I was the one to bring her before my father and our town’s priest. I realized too late she was innocent, and I was forced to watch the sentence of her death be carried out. Even before I became an incubus, I was a killer.”


  “My guilt led me to the monster responsible for all the slaughters, and he was a monster,” the vampire said firmly. “Most incubi and succubi are peaceable, given what we are, the fact we must be so sociable to survive. In the beginning, when we do not have any control over our instincts, we unfortunately take the lives of the humans we feed from, but once control has been gained, we do not often kill. This incubus was angry, violent, unreasonable—”

  “Sounds like Cole.”

  “Infatti,” he agreed darkly. “He was also cruel. He knew why I was there, knew I was looking for an escape from my guilt. Needless to say, my plan did not end the way I had hoped it would.”

  “You were trying to die without actually committing suicide. But why?”

  “In my time, under my religion, if a person committed suicide, they could not be buried in hallowed ground,” he admitted. “And because humans often have a skewed view of what love is.”

  It clicked in my mind. “You were in love with the woman you helped execute.”


  “I see,” I drawled, trying to process yet another complicated piece of information.

  “You are not going to become jealous of a ghost, are you, cara mia?”

  “Do I need to be?”

  His fingers slipped beneath my chin, tilting my face to his. “No,” he murmured, his lips descending to claim mine.

  It was sweet, innocent, and I found myself resisting the urge to deepen it, instead pulling away to say, “I have another question.”

  “Of course you do.”

  His voice was so sober it took me a moment to determine if he was being serious or if he was teasing me. “How do you take energy from the people you feed on?” I questioned. “I mean, understanding the blood drinking part isn’t exactly rocket science, but given you’re an incubus, how can you feed if you don’t have sex?”

  “Well, first and foremost, you need to understand that sexual intercourse is not the method of actual ingestion, if you will, of energy,” he stated. “There is a difference in the intake of energy and the inspiration of energy.

  “The more aroused a human becomes, the more energy they expend, as I’m sure you know. Respiration and heart rate increase. Blood pressure goes up. Large amounts of hormone are released into the body,” he said in an almost clinical manner. “And this is why blood-born adolescents require sexual intercourse. They need vast amounts of energy, and sex with multiple partners is the only thing which provides them with enough.

  “The means of consuming that energy are different, with different levels of effectiveness, the most efficient being the kiss," he continued, once again leaning in toward me. “Do you know why?”

  His closeness made it difficult to think, and my mind struggled to form thoughts. “I, um, well, the human body is electrical, in a sense. Most people don’t think about it,” I replied. “Everything, even human beings, is made up of atoms, which are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. The electricity, the energy, of our bodies travels from cell to cell.”

  By then, his lips had found their way to my earlobe, and his nibbling was causing me to lose my train of thought and a warm tightness to develop in my abdomen. I squirmed and tried my best to focus on what I was saying. “The human heartbeat is, uh, not only a product of the muscle contraction, but it acts as an electrical signal initiated by the sinus node. It comes from the, um, SA node in the right atrium, leaves and spreads to both the left and right atria causing them to contract simultaneously.”

  I squirmed underneath his little kisses and nips, which had since moved from my ear to my neck. “Once they’re empty, the signal then travels, um, to the ventricles. From there, our blood travels to our lungs, and…Well, long story short, you could argue that along with the chemicals we expel, we also breathe out our energy.”

  “Very good,” he purred. “Can you think of any other way we would take in energy?”

  “Eating the human brain?”

  He released me immediately, and I laughed at the look on his face. “That,” he said emphatically, “was the most unimaginative, unromantic answer you could have possibly contrived, though entirely effective in trying to throw me off.” A small curl of his lips let me know he wasn’t genuinely upset by my little comment. “Congratulations, bella mia.”

  A thought struck me, and I felt slightly guilty for wanting to ask, but I mustered up the courage and forced the words out of my mouth. “Earlier when you were talking about feeding, I got the impression sexual vampires don’t have to touch their prey in order to take their energy.
Um, have you—”

  “I am capable of feeding off your energy, but I have not done so,” he interjected. “I would never feed from you in any capacity without your expressed knowledge and consent. To do so would be a violation of your trust.”

  Once again, I was at a loss for words, except perhaps to say thank you, which to me seemed rather odd to say at the moment—thank you for not draining my spirit out of me without my permission. That would have been a strange thing to vocalize, so instead I responded with more questions. “What was it like, being changed?”

  “Drowsy and disorienting, if I am to be honest. If there is one thing humans succeed at getting right—well, half right anyway—was the draining and replacement of the blood. It was like going to sleep, because with the decrease of blood, everything slows down and you begin to lose consciousness,” he answered. “And while I myself have never sired an incubus, I know the process, and to do so now, with all of the advances in medical science, would be much easier than it was in the past.

  “Before the invention of I.V. tubing and the idea of transfusions,” he said, “it was preferred that two vampires be involved in the handling of a human’s change, because it was less stressful on both the human and the vampires giving their own blood, if you can call it blood.”

  “Two vampires? That sounds like most cases were premeditated.”

  “After a certain period in time, it was. Indeed, a few centuries before my birth, it was made illegal to change any human into a vampire without good reason and registration, due to a sudden increase of our species.”

  “Registration?” I asked incredulously. “Seriously? What, like a dog to the American Kennel Club or more like humans with social security numbers?”

  “The system was run very much like the United States runs their government now,” he replied. “It was originally created by the vampire races specifically for vampires, but as time passed and it proved beneficial, the council of that time ruled for the program to expand to a full government structure which allowed all supernatural species. This system was broken up into a hierarchy much like your own government, and it allowed us to keep track of all the registered supernatural beings in existence. And thanks to technological progress, it has become easier to locate and monitor any being that has gone rogue.”


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