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Stealing Beauty (Fairy Tales After Dark Book 1)

Page 5

by Jessica Collins

  Her face lit up at the change in circumstance. “Thank you, thank you so much!”

  The change in her face and smile had radiated through him. She’s beautiful.

  He followed her out of the office, not yet ready to part from the beauty in front of him.

  As they walked into the waiting area, Belle saw Gabriel sitting on the couch, looking towards the windows. She immediately felt sick to her stomach at seeing him again after the other night. She quickened her pace in hopes of getting right into the elevator without him noticing her.

  When he looked up, recognition and shock registered on his face. She saw the moment the wheels in his head clicked as to why she was in the office. He stood quickly, his jaw locked, and his fists clenched at his side.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Belle?” He moved to block her path.

  “None of your business, Gabe. Leave me alone. And leave my bar alone.”

  Belle hated how her voice shook, as she tried to push past him to the elevators.

  “Belle, we discussed this the other night. Remember, when we were alone inside my bar?” He grabbed her upper arms, holding her hostage, towering over her. The way he sneered made Belle’s skin crawl.

  “We discussed nothing, Gabe.” You wouldn’t stop and I let it continue. Sick.

  “Oh, that’s not right, sweetheart. You were willing to listen to anything I had to say.” He leaned close to her ear as he whispered, “As I finger-fucked you till you cried out.”

  Belle was silenced realizing he was right. When Aleks spoke, right next to them, she prayed he hadn’t heard what Gabriel said.

  “Mr. Avenant, I’m sorry to inform you we’ll be unable to finalize our contract this morning.” He took a step closer, voice stern.

  “Excuse me?” Gabriel had turned to face Aleks with an incredulous look on his face, dropping his arms as he cocked his head up.

  “Was I not clear? I’m not sure what you didn’t understand.” Aleks squared his shoulders, his features intense.

  Aleks towered over Gabriel. He wasn’t just physically larger and taller, he seemed to take up the entire room with his presence. Belle could see the tension in both of them, and knew from experience Gabriel could easily get physical. She had to step in.

  “Enough, Gabe.” Her voice came out surprisingly firm. She turned back as she continued, “Aleksandr, I’m sorry—”

  “Aleksandr?” Gabriel interrupted, looking back and forth between them for a moment. Belle swallowed as his eyes narrowed on her. She knew in that moment he had just processed who the name she called out that night belonged to.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Gabe snickered as he said, “Oh, I would just love to know how she changed your mind.”

  She didn’t know what embarrassed her more — the thought of him alerting Aleksandr to what happened that night, or the implication of what he was saying. Belle’s face grew hot as she bowed her head in shame. Didn’t Aleks assume the same in his office? Gabe was right about the other night; she did let him inside her. She was disgusting, and they both knew it. She never felt so low in her life.

  “Learning you lied to me was enough to change my mind.” He paused for a slight moment before adding, “Although, she offered to work for me until the debt is paid off.”

  Belle’s head snapped up and she looked at him skeptically. He looked down at her and the corner of his mouth slightly turned.

  Gabe turned back to Belle, seething. “This is not over, Belle. We can discuss it on our way home.” He grabbed her arm as he attempted to pull her towards the elevator.

  Aleks grabbed her other arm, placing her in the middle of a tug-of-war. “I need her for another moment, to finalize our arrangement.” His voice was calm, but his tone dared Gabriel to continue.

  Aleks pulled Belle closer to him. Gabe clenched his jaw and released his grip. Glaring at Aleks, he got onto the elevator, then turned his gaze to her. “I’ll be seeing you real soon, sweetheart.”

  As the doors closed on him, Belle let out a long breath and let her body relax. Her back fell against Aleks’ chest; his hand still held her arm. She turned her head and looked up to see Aleks looking down on her with heat in his eyes. His hand trailed down her arm towards her hip as he released his grip, searing her skin with the heat of his touch.

  A shiver crawled down her back at his closeness, and she turned to face him. “Thank you for lying for me. I’ll work on the plan to pay you back.”

  “I wasn’t lying. You said you needed an internship. I could use the extra help. You’ll intern for me for the rest of the year.” He bent his head towards her as he finished, “To pay off your debt.”

  She took a step back to distance herself from his natural pull, trying to think clearly, digesting what he offered. “I — I can’t. I have school, and my dad, and—” and I can’t be around you without wanting to punch and screw you at the same time! She began to panic.

  “And nothing. You asked what you needed to do to keep the bar. This is the answer. I employ a wide array of lawyers who will provide the hours needed to complete your internship.”

  “How do you honestly expect me to just leave school for the semester? I’m already enrolled in classes; internship isn’t one of them.”

  “Which school do you attend?”

  Belle straightened, proud of herself for being able to admit, “NYU.”

  Aleks tilted his head to the side as a strange look came over his face momentarily. His lips curled in a cat-that-ate-the-canary way. “Perfect. My alma mater. Did you know they have a wonderful online program? It’s how I completed my MBA.”

  Belle was silenced, not imagining a man like Aleksandr Wolfe completing a degree. She assumed he had done nothing other than have a company gifted to him.

  Aleks leaned closer as his voice lowered. “Did you also know I donate to them on a yearly basis in the name of Beast Industries?”

  She knew exactly where this was headed. Swallowing, she admitted, “No, I didn’t.”

  “I’ll call the president later today; he owes me a favor. I guarantee they’ll have no problem with you completing your current courses online to add in the internship I’ll provide.”

  Belle bit her lip and considered her options. She was trapped. She didn’t like the idea but couldn’t let Gabe win. Not after the other night. She was at Aleks’ mercy, and they both knew it. She stood and held out her hand. “Fine. I’ll intern to work off the debt. But only until the end of the semester and only if my professors allow me to continue my courses from home. I refuse to drop any courses to be your … your … indentured servant.”

  His eyes narrowed and Belle wondered if he would challenge her. Instead, he shook her hand, holding onto her just a moment longer than necessary. “Meet me here tomorrow morning for your first day of work, 9 a.m. You can show yourself out.” He released her hand and headed to his office.

  Belle’s mind raced. In the short interlude at the bar she had pictured herself underneath him, and even while discussing business she couldn’t keep her mind focused away from his attractiveness. Now she had to work with him in order to keep her property? She was about to change her mind when he turned back around.

  “Oh, and Belle, I will thoroughly enjoy training you during your time with me.”

  Her heart raced at his words, mind going to completely inappropriate places. Luckily for Belle, Aleks turned back into his office and left her alone.

  She vaguely registered the secretary’s goodbye as she entered the elevator. What just happened? How am I going to be near him every day for three months and control myself?! Belle needed to sit down. The last half hour had been entirely too much for her to handle on only coffee.

  Chapter Five

  The drive home gave Belle the much-needed time to process the morning’s events. As much as she hated to admit it, some time away from Lily’s might not be such a bad idea. Gabriel was used to getting anything he wanted. Belle had not only refused to sleep with him, but had also prevented
him from buying the bar. She knew him well enough to know he was probably already planning some form of revenge. She would need to be careful. Over lunch, Belle broke the news to her father, already having gotten confirmation from her school the internship wouldn’t be an issue.

  “See, honey. I told you. You get your internship and we get to keep the bar.” He smiled at her as he wiped a bit of mayo off his chin. “These things always have a way of working themselves out.”

  Belle just shook her head and took another bite of her BLT. For all of his faults, her father had the uncanny ability to always find the positive in any situation. She debated bringing up the late payment notices, knowing he had to have received them and kept it a secret from her. Watching her father, however; she decided to stay mum. After all, “it worked itself out”.

  The conversation with Cynthia was just as easy. She was flabbergasted at the entire scenario, however; true to form, she focused on what Belle was going to do to seduce her boss and how quickly she would sleep with him.

  “Oh, come on. He basically dared you to jump on him in the office and you didn’t?”

  “Cyn, I was a bit distracted. You should have seen me. Once Aleks said Gabe was in the next room I turned into a scared child. What the hell happened?”

  “Um … you mean you had a reaction to the man who violated you? Belle, I know you’re a tough cookie, but you’re not superwoman. Anyone would have a reaction like you did.”

  “It was unnerving.” Belle remembered the tears which almost spilt in the office, the immediate queasiness in her stomach knowing she would have to face him so soon. “I’ve never been so out of control over my reactions. One moment I’m salivating over someone who I can’t stand, the next moment I’m petrified over someone I hate. What happened to me?”

  “Nothing happened to you.” She was quiet for a moment before breaking back into traditional Cynthia. “But, let’s talk about what’s going to happen to you working for him. We can plan your debauchery.”

  After hanging up, Belle went right to bed. When her alarm rang the next morning, she groaned and forced herself out of bed. Between worrying about what her job would entail and having to look into those blue eyes daily, she was lucky if she’d managed four hours of sleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about how he felt against her; it sent a fresh shiver down her back. She only hoped he was a typical business owner in the sense of owning by name only. Maybe he isn’t even there often.

  She got into the shower in hopes that the water would provide some clarity, but her mind was all but consumed with Aleks; the way he folded his hands as he spoke to her, the small smile when he recognized her, waiting in the office, the way he stood between her and Gabriel — everything about him demanded her attention. She couldn’t help but to wonder if this trait carried into his personal life.

  Belle wondered about the title of The Beast. The delivery boy corrected her when she thought the title was about his father. The Beast was for Aleks alone. He’d been mostly polite and courteous with her, if not conceited, but everything she’d read suggested he would be cruel. Maybe it was just because she’d caught him off guard? Would he be a vicious boss? What if she made a mistake — would she be punished? What if I wanted to be punished? Would he like that? She shook her head at the salacious thought. Professionalism, Belle. Ever heard of it?

  She had never been in a position where she lusted after a man so much, especially one who also made her blood boil. She didn’t quite know how to handle it. How was she going to be professional when everything about the man turned her on?

  By the time she parked in the office’s garage, Belle’s stomach was in knots.

  Checking her lip gloss in the mirror, she was about to open the door when it was opened for her. A familiar pair of blue eyes stared down at her. So much for not being at the office often.

  “Good morning, Ms. Lahela,” he welcomed, with the deep baritone she was already familiar with. Determined to keep him at a distance, she confronted his behavior.

  “Do you open doors for all of your employees, Mr. Wolfe?”

  He flashed her a sexy half smile before offering his hand to help her out of the car. “I saw you pull in. I figured I would welcome you myself on your first day.”

  “You park down here with the rest of us?”

  Aleks answered with amusement in his eye. “Yes, Anabelle.” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Sometimes, I even drive myself.”

  She knew he was joking, yet she somehow felt reprimanded. “Belle,” she corrected, taking his hand, unsure of what else to say.

  As she stepped from the car, he pulled her closer to him while he shut the door behind her.

  “Shall we?” He removed his hand and placed it on the small of her back as he had the day before. She again reveled in his touch and allowed him to lead the way to the lobby.

  As they walked into the building, he nudged her in the opposite direction of the elevators. Belle looked up at him quizzically. He continued to move them towards a large gold doorway, then pulled a key from his pocket and turned a lock, well hidden in the intricate trim around the door.

  He answered her unasked question. “Private elevator. Direct route.” As he finished his sentence, the doors opened revealing the large elevator, identical to the one she took yesterday. Except this will be me and him, alone, for almost 60 flights!

  Belle’s heart began to race. She could barely handle just standing next to him, let alone in an enclosed elevator.

  “Ladies first,” came the velvety command. Belle stepped into the elevator. She briefly closed her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing herself for the sweet torture she was about to endure. She walked towards the back wall and turned to face him as he followed inside.

  As the doors closed in front of them, Belle sensed the thickness in the air. Her senses were on hyper drive, and she still had lingering goose bumps from his touch on her back a moment ago.

  “Are you scared, Belle?” he asked, turning his head towards her.

  Yes. “No. Why? Should I be?” Belle attempted to sound calm as she looked up at him with determination in her eyes.

  “No, you shouldn’t. I always try to be gentle. At first,” Aleks responded with a hint of humor. He turned fully, tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip as his eyes unabashedly looked her up and down.

  Am I imagining the double meaning?

  “You look lovely.” He caught her eyes as his face regained its seriousness. Belle watched his throat move down and up as he swallowed, yet he didn’t remove his eyes from hers.

  “Th-thank you, Aleks,” Belle stammered, caught off guard by the compliment.

  The intensity in his eyes mixed with the heat in his voice gave Belle a new set of butterflies. She glanced up at the light that illuminated each floor as they passed. They were still in the teens, nowhere near the floor they needed to be on, and Belle was already feeling herself dampen. Pull yourself together!

  “There is one thing I should mention. You will need to address me as ‘Mr. Wolfe’ when we’re around others.”

  She was taken aback. First he complimented me, then scolded me — for something he told me to do? She crossed her arms as she spoke, turning to face the front of the elevator instead of him.

  “I’ll only call you Mr. Wolfe from now on. To save any confusion.” And remind me you’re my boss.

  “Is there a problem?” Aleks queried.

  She glanced over at him, the slight raise of his eyebrow coupled with the tilt of his head — he looked positively sinful. And arrogant. A combination Belle was all too familiar with.

  “No, sir,” she smiled sweetly, mimicking his expression. “I wouldn’t want to make a mistake and call you by the wrong title. If I only use one term, it will save me from having to think too hard,” Belle added, eyes wide and innocent, yet her tone indicated her annoyance.

  “You’re upset I told you to call me Mr. Wolfe?” he asked, incredulously.

  “Upset? Of course not. I mean why on E
arth would I be offended that you think I needed to be reminded of something as simple as common office protocol? I’m just a law student, after all. These kinds of things are lost on me. If there’s anything else you think I need to be reminded of, please feel free to lay it on me.” Belle turned to face him directly, arms still crossed in front of her.

  “Offended?” He nearly rolled his eyes. “There are many things I could say to offend you. That is not one of them.”

  The brusque manner in which he had brushed off her complaint only succeeded in moving her from annoyance into anger.

  Trying to keep her composure, she took a long, deep breath. She hated men who thought themselves above women.

  “You are angry,” he laughed. He moved in front of her and looked down at her with a condescending facial expression. “I hope you don’t think I actually care if my employees are angry with me. You work for me. You do as I say. You don’t question it. Anything else and you stop working for me — which, for you, means you risk your bar. It would be wise of you to remember that.” As if to ensure she understood the conversation was over, he turned and faced the elevator doors.

  Who does he think he is to talk to me like that? My boss.

  Belle glanced up at the floor indicator. They were almost there. She needed some air. Despite a growing sense of annoyance, she couldn’t help but notice how his suit fitted his form perfectly — and accentuated his solid back and muscular legs. My asshole boss who happens to be drop-dead gorgeous.

  He moved and put his hands in his pockets, shifting the jacket in a way to give her a full view of his ass. Seeing the outline of his curves under the tight fit of his pants, she caught herself having improper thoughts about the man she wanted to punch. She looked up after a moment to the mirrored interior doors, where she caught his eyes. He had caught her ogling — and he was smirking. Her cheeks reddened.

  Embarrassed, she decided she would think of him the same she thought of Gabriel — rich, beautiful, and an asshole. Just because I’m on a diet doesn’t mean I can’t look at the dessert menu.


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