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Stealing Beauty (Fairy Tales After Dark Book 1)

Page 14

by Jessica Collins

  She chastised herself as she brushed her hair. She didn’t have a right to be angry with him — he didn’t owe her his fidelity, but she expected more from him. His actions, his words, the way he had sucked her in; she knew her heart enough to know she needed to leave before it was too late. Will he be angry or relieved when he finds out I left? She shook her head and threw her brush into her bag. Fuck if I care. Screw him and his feelings.

  She called down to Luc to ask him to call a taxi for her.

  “Miss, are you sure?” he asked, with trepidation in his voice.

  “Very. How soon can they be here?” She hoped the answer would be in the next few minutes.

  “Probably within the half hour. I will call upon you when they arrive, to help with your bags.” Belle thanked him and did one last circle around the room to make sure she wasn’t leaving anything behind. As she took in the details she had come to love — the décor, the luxuriousness of her bedding, Aleks lying next to her each night — she felt a pang in her chest. A girl could’ve gotten used to this.

  At the knock on her door a short while later, she grabbed her bags, ready to leave his home for good. She opened the door to find Aleks, looking tired and distraught.

  “Don’t go,” he pleaded with her, with what she imagined as feigned sadness.

  Not going to fall for it again. “I’m surprised you remembered I was here,” she mocked. “Shouldn’t you still be in bed with the brunette?” The words stung the back of her throat, thinking to the night before.

  “Belle, I cannot express how sorry I am.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

  She rolled her eyes, disbelief written on her face. “Don’t be sorry. What did you say to me once? ‘You can do as you please, when you please, with whom you please’? You’re absolutely right. I’m just not going to stay here and watch.”

  “It won’t happen again.”

  Belle snorted. “Famous last words. Excuse me; I have a cab to catch.” He stiffened at her words.

  “Don’t do this,” he pleaded with her.

  “Do what, Aleks? Decide I’m not going to stay with someone who lies to placate me, while they screw everything that walks?” Belle said aloud the truth she had tried to ignore. “I’m just a challenge to you. You’ve been doing all of these sweet things for your endgame. All of it has just been a ploy to get in my pants.”

  “That’s not true.” He reached out for her cheek, but she backed out of his grasp, not wanting his hands on her.

  “Don’t even think about touching me,” Belle responded as she envisioned him touching the woman from last night, and a sick feeling came over her.

  “Belle, please. The only reason I even went out last night was because I was frustrated with you.”

  She looked at him incredulously. “Are you saying if I would have just slept with you, then you wouldn’t have fucked her?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t have, but—”

  Belle’s anger boiled over. She cut him off, not wanting to hear how screwing another woman was her fault.

  “You arrogant bastard! So, because I didn’t fall onto your dick the moment you hit on me, it’s my fault you went out and found some poor tramp to stroke your ego? Maybe I should be thankful you didn’t just try to shove yourself inside of me like Gabriel did.”

  He straightened with tension at her words. “Don’t you dare compare me to him,” his voice raised, as his eyes narrowed at her accusation, but she continued on.

  “You’re just like him. You both think you should screw whomever you want because you’re good looking.”

  “I would never touch you like he did.”

  “No, you would just coerce me to live with you under the guise of ‘protection’, when the only thing you want is me in bed. At least he has always been honest about his intentions, not like you, who pretended to care about me, all while screwing other women. You make me sick.”

  His jaw clenched at the insult. “I didn’t make you sick on the yacht when you were trying to ride my dick like a bitch in heat.”

  Belle flinched at his words. Refusing to allow him to know he bothered her, she countered, “Because I was drunk. I would have fucked anyone that night on the boat, don’t think you were special!”

  His face changed, taking on a mask of anger, and something else she couldn’t place. She knew she should stop, but seethed with jealousy. She wanted him to hurt, wanted him to feel like she did, and she provoked him further.

  “In fact, I would’ve preferred I was there with anyone but you. I’m going to make up for it today. I’m going home, I’m going to my bar, and I’m going to hook up with the first guy I meet. Maybe you should come with me, this way you can watch as I fuck someone else.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” he challenged, which only infuriated her more.

  “And how exactly are you going to stop me?”

  “You’re not leaving here.” His voice was deathly calm.

  “Watch me.” Her heart raced with her rage. “I would never stay with someone like you. Someone who treats women the way you do.”

  “You’re testing my temper, Belle.”

  “‘Testing you? Testing you? What, ‘The Beast’ can’t handle the truth?” She could see his breathing pattern change, the flare of his nostrils. She wanted to punish him; wanted him to kick her out so it would be an even easier decision to leave.

  “Am I frustrating you? Maybe you should call back what’s-her-name to make you feel better. Do you even know her name or were you too busy patting yourself on the back for a job well done?” His eyes darkened to a near black.

  He lowered his voice menacingly as he spoke, “Tiffany patted me just fine. She praised my cock for what I did for her. Wanted another go to add to the two orgasms I had already given her. You should know — you saw the look of bliss on her face as I pounded into her. It would have been the look on your face if I actually allowed you to fuck me. But the way I remember it, I turned you down.”

  His words caused the sensation of a needle poking her heart. Her brows furrowed before she could stop herself, yet again refusing to acknowledge the sting. She wanted to hurt him just as badly. “Be proud of yourself that you didn’t let someone incoherent seduce you; such morals. Perhaps I should bow down and praise you for your sacrifice.”

  “No need. Tiffany did enough bowing last night. In fact, she bowed down to suck my cock one more time after we finished — while you were hiding in your room, I was balls deep in her mouth, not caring about you.”

  And the hits just keep coming. “This is why I will never sleep with you. You—”

  He dismissed her words with a flick of his wrist. “Please. All I have to do is wait until you’re drunk again and you’ll be begging for it. You need me, Belle. You need me more than I’ll ever need you.”

  Her entire body tensed at the malice in his words. Belle’s emotions turned on her. She tried to make him angry and it backfired. Now he was being cruel, and she feared she would never recover from his venom. She’d be damned if she would let him see the effect his words had on her. She bent down to grab her luggage.

  He laughed darkly. “You want to compare me to that scumbag … accuse me of controlling you? I’ll show you control. If you leave here before I give you permission, your bar is no longer yours. I’ll sign it over to the next available buyer. I think we both know who that is, baby girl.” His features were set in stone.

  Belle couldn’t believe what he had said to her. She knew she pushed his buttons, but she never imagined he would use her bar against her.

  “You wouldn’t do that.” She went cold with shock.

  “Watch me,” he echoed her words from earlier. “Gabriel’s got nothing on me. I would never violate your body, but your freedom is mine. You will do as I tell you; you will eat and sleep and wake when I tell you. You are not to contact anyone without my permission. You’re not even leaving for work anymore. You will spend every moment inside this house until I decide I have no more use for you.”

>   Belle’s eyes widened as he spoke, unable hide the look of shock on her face. “You’re keeping me prisoner?”

  “You wanted to taunt me, wanted to make me angry. You got your wish.”

  “I hate you.” She looked at him with defiance, having nothing else to throw at him.

  “I don’t care,” he replied, as he turned around and walked away.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Aleks found himself outside once again, pounding on the covered tree. He was angry at Belle, replaying the words she spoke. I’m nothing like him.

  When Luc called to inform him this morning she was leaving, his chest tightened. He never thought she would be so upset. He wanted to try to apologize to her again, to tell her to stay. She wouldn’t listen.

  When she’d said she would never be with him, something went off; a pain he had never known. He couldn’t handle it, so he did what he did best — he used her pain against her. I hurt her on purpose. I wanted to hurt her. Just like he did. I am just like him.

  Thoughts of her raced through his head. His anger, her pain, he couldn’t handle anymore. His usual stamina left him and he crouched down and placed his elbows on his knees trying to breathe.

  He sat there for a while, trying to rationalize what to do. She was too upset for an apology, and he wasn’t confident she would forgive him anyway. He had never been in a situation like this, one where he was wrong, wanted to fix it, and couldn’t. Refusing to give up hope, he called the one person who would understand.

  “Why are you calling me so early on a Saturday?” Sirena’s groggy voice came from the other side of the line.

  “I really fucked up. I royally fucked up.” He explained last night and this morning, not leaving out details. When he recalled her telling him she hated him, the distressed feeling overtook him again — and relayed it all to Sirena.

  She listened in silence and paused before responding. “Jesus, Aleks, what were you thinking? And seriously, Tiffany?”

  “I wasn’t,” he uttered, miserably. “I … I need to fix this, Ari. Please, tell me how.”

  “I’m not sure if you can.”

  Her response was like a kick to the gut. “No, not acceptable. There has to be a way for her to forgive me.” He didn’t recognize his own voice.

  “She might not. I don’t think I would forgive a guy who did and said those things to me.”

  “That wasn’t me. I lost it.”

  “Well, actually, it was you. I don’t think I need to remind you about your temper. You’ve said things to others with the purpose of hurting them before. I recall one time you told someone to—”

  “Enough.” He didn’t need her to remind him of who he was and how he treated people. He had offended others before. He had a quick wit and cunning tongue, and had no inclination to spare the feelings of those who wronged him. Others tried to get to him, to offend him back. It never worked. Until Belle. She hurt him. He had never been hurt like this, and he didn’t like the pain one bit.

  “I can’t…” he didn’t know how to explain. “Please, help.”

  Sirena’s tone softened. “Aleks, you turned yourself into something she hates. Little Miss Independent is now under your control. She’s probably plotting an escape as we speak.”

  “What do I do?” he asked, leaning back against the tree, despondent.

  “Letting her leave would be a start.”

  “I can’t. Not yet. At least if she’s here with me I have some chance of seeing her … talking to her. If she left, she would disappear out of my life. I dug myself this hole; I need to make it work for me.”

  “Aleks, if you keep her against her will, you run the risk that she’ll never forgive you.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  Sirena sighed. “All right. I think the first step is going to be letting me and Cynthia try and reverse the damage you did. We’ll talk to her. I doubt she’ll speak with you anytime soon, so if you try and she refuses, do not get angry. Do you hear me? Probably best just to give her some space.”

  A glimmer of hope radiated through him. He thanked her and hung up the phone, confident in Sirena’s ability to help. What he wasn’t confident about was how he was supposed to be in the house with her, knowing she was hurting because of him, and trying not to force her to talk.

  Belle was outraged. She was nothing short of a prisoner. After he left, she was frozen in place for what seemed like hours, thoughts swimming with comebacks she wished she’d used. She was angry, hurt, humiliated, yet most of all … sad. She hated how he affected her and hated herself for allowing him to.

  Her phone chirped with a text message.

  Sirena: WTF happened?

  Cynthia: Yeah, fill me in. There was an argument?

  Belle smiled. She guessed Aleks had warned Sirena not to call. I’m glad she listens as well as I do, she thought

  Belle joined in the conversation: Argument isn’t the word. I’m a prisoner.

  Cynthia: Mmmm, with handcuffs I hope. ;)

  Belle: We had a huge fight because he fucked some girl. Then I told him he was like Gabriel and he said some awful things and told me I’m not allowed to leave.

  Sirena: I told him he’s being an idiot. He’s really torn up.

  Belle: HA! Don’t let him fool you. He’s an ass. I hate him. I want to leave. Come get me?

  Sirena: Seriously, Belle. He’s not okay. He called me this morning. Never heard him so upset.

  Belle didn’t know how to handle the information. On one hand she felt … something … at knowing he was upset. She was hurting and she was glad he was as well. On the other hand, he said those nasty comments to hurt her on purpose. His ability to become so cruel concerned her more than anything.

  Once again, Belle’s curiosity got the better of her.

  Belle: Why was he upset?

  Cynthia: Because he’s crazy about you, duh. Is he really keeping you prisoner?

  Belle: You can’t even imagine what happened this morning, Cyn.

  Sirena: Well, I kind of called her and told her what Aleks said to me.

  Belle: I can’t handle this through text.

  Belle called Cynthia first and connected Sirena into the call. Cynthia had asked for Belle’s version of the past day’s events, and Belle relayed them as accurately as possible.

  “Then I told him I hated him and he said he didn’t care,” Belle finished the retelling while the girls listened on. “And the worst part is, I want to hate him. I want to hate him so much. How could he say those things? He really hurt me. I’m such an idiot.”

  Sirena’s kind voice tried to soothe her. “Honey, you’re not an idiot. But I do think you have feelings for him. He obviously feels something too or he wouldn’t have gotten so angry.”

  “Oh, so it should be okay he said what he did because he was angry? You sound like him.”

  Cynthia chimed in, “That’s not what she meant, Belle. But come on … look what you said. You told him he was like Gabriel. Gabe, who broke into your job, pinned you on the couch, and tried to force himself inside of you. Had you thought what it might have been like for Aleks to hear that’s what you thought of him?”

  Belle was silent. Part of her understood what Cynthia was saying. Knowing what Gabriel was going to do, and what Aleks had saved her from, she couldn’t believe she made the comparison. The other part of her was mad at Cynthia for defending him. Sirena jumped in before she had a chance to say something.

  “Look, neither of us are defending what he said. Trust me, he got an earful from me this morning. And I told him he was crazy for saying you can’t leave. But babe, I’ve never seen him like this over someone. He cares about you. He was really hurt you said some of the things you did. And, as much as you won’t believe it, he’s beating himself up for sleeping with that girl. In the entire time I’ve known him, I’ve never known him to regret sleeping with someone. Not ever.”

  “Do you hear the two of you? You want me to give him credit for feeling guilty about sleeping with someo
ne while I was in the same house?”

  Sirena broke in, “Belle, you’re not dating him, there’s no exclusivity. He got drunk and made a decision he now realizes was a mistake. I think that’s a pretty big deal. Especially since he told me he thought about you the whole time.”

  “Ah, great; thought about me while his dick was in someone else. I feel so special.”

  “He found you in the greenhouse,” Sirena stated as fact. Belle was thrown by the change in topic but went with it.

  “Yeah, I fell asleep in there.”

  “He hasn’t been in there since his mom died. He avoids it like the plague. He also doesn’t talk about his mom. Not even to me and I knew her.”


  “So, he’s opening up to you about things he doesn’t tell anyone. God, Belle I can’t believe you can’t see it! He’s crazy about you. He doesn’t even realize it himself, but I do. He asked you to stay with him, he hasn’t slept with you when he easily could have, he talks to you, and he called me at the ass crack of dawn this morning to ask what he can do to fix the damage he did because he’s distraught. How do you not see this?”

  “Because it’s all ridiculous!” She wanted it to all be true but she couldn’t allow herself to believe it. “You want me to feel bad for him and forgive him for being a decent human being? Are you kidding? This isn’t normal. None of this is normal.”

  “He isn’t normally a decent human being. This is what I’m trying to get you to realize. I love Aleks, I really do, but he’s an asshole. He’s an arrogant, selfish, self-centered, man-whore who treats others like they’re below him. He’s different with you, Belle. You are changing him. More importantly, he wants to change for you.”

  “Why are you two defending him?” The fight in her was waning. Sirena’s words gave her unnecessary hope regarding what they might be able to become. This only left her more confused, as she was still exceptionally angry with him.

  “Because, Belle,” Cynthia said, “this might be the one for you. You deserve to be happy. And here comes someone who is drop-dead sexy, powerful, rich, and can give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”


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