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Stealing Beauty (Fairy Tales After Dark Book 1)

Page 16

by Jessica Collins

  As she scanned the crowd below, she had another realization. I’m trapped up here with him. She and Aleks would be unaccompanied for most of the night up here, away from others, due to the privacy of the section. Unless a waitress came to serve them, they would be alone, together, in this small, dark space.

  “I thought I was ‘free’ tonight,” she remarked.

  He turned with obvious confusion in his eyes. “You are.”

  “It’s not exactly freedom if you’re hiding me in the balcony and sitting guard over me,” she pointed out to him.

  “The way you look tonight, I don’t want anyone to tempt you away from me.”

  “Yes, well, ‘master’, would it be a problem if I went to the ladies’ room?” He rose with her and she cocked an eyebrow at him. “Alone, Aleks. I can manage getting to and from the bathroom on my own.”

  “Five minutes. Anymore and I’ll barge in there myself,” he replied, as his heated gaze roved her body. The desire on his face caused her to squeeze her thighs together.

  “Yes, master,” she retorted. As she made her way down the stairs towards the ladies’ room, she again noticed a number of men looking at her. Her confidence grew and she gave her a more pronounced sway to her hips.

  Belle looked at herself in the mirror and reapplied her lip gloss. She had resigned herself to forgiving him for his tryst and decided she was going to let him seduce her. She would just make him work harder for it than usual.

  I can do this. Walk out there, sip your drink, breathe. Confidence restored, she was halfway up the balcony steps when she stopped dead in her tracks.

  Fucking asshole! There, in the booth was Aleks — and a brunette waitress leaning over with her breasts in his face, whispering right into his ear. Belle stared at her knee, pressed to Aleks’ crotch which bulged at the touch. He leaned forward to speak into her ear. Belle’s heart raced as her face grew hot. Not even five fucking minutes?!

  She was made painfully aware — again — of the type of man he was. Screw you, Aleksandr Wolfe. If that’s how you want it, I’ll show you what I’m capable of.

  Belle retreated onto the dance floor, allowing herself to move to the rhythm of the music. She closed her eyes as her hips and arms undulated softly, when she heard a voice purr in her ear.

  “Mind if I join you, beautiful?” She turned and looked up into a set of deep brown eyes.

  He was smaller than Aleks, but still had height, and sported a headful of messy golden curls which fell over his ears. He had the right amount of facial scruff and it was obvious his shirt hid a great body.

  “Absolutely.” She gave her killer sexy smile and turned back so he was dancing behind her.

  As she swayed with the music, she pushed back so her body connected with his and allowed him to rest his hands on her hips. His excitement was apparent through his jeans and she felt the heat coming from his chest onto her back.

  She didn’t know what came over her — the music, the champagne, or the anger towards Aleks — but she gave into the sensations. She reached up to hold behind his neck as he rested his face against hers. His breath was warm against her ear as he whispered, “You have no idea what you’re doing to me right now.”

  She smiled, and allowed him to press more firmly into her, sensually thrusting in time with the music. She dropped her arms from his neck and intertwined his hands in hers, now resting on her thighs. He used this position to pull her into him with each slow thrust.

  A soft kiss landed below her ear. She tipped her head back and encouraged him. Hot kisses trailed down her neck and she softly moaned at the touch. When her eyes opened, she had a perfect view of Aleks staring down at them. His hands grasped the handrail above the dance floor.

  Belle couldn’t look away, and truthfully, didn’t want to. A thrill rushed through her at watching Aleks watch as another man took an interest in her. Her eyes still fixed on Aleks, Belle moved her head to the other side to allow her dance partner better access to her neck. She could see Aleks’ grip tighten around the steel railing; watched as his teeth clenched and his jaw flexed.

  Two can play this game. She smirked at Aleks before turning her head to her stranger and allowing his mouth to find hers. He kissed her deeply, removing one hand from her thigh and into the back of her hair.

  Belle turned and wrapped her arms around the stranger’s neck, molding herself into him and into the kiss. She ran her fingers through his hair and allowed him to grasp her ass. Belle couldn’t help but compare this kiss to those she’d shared with Aleks. Sadly, it was no comparison — Aleks was by far the best kiss she’d ever experienced.

  “Take your hands off of her.”

  She froze at the voice and opened her eyes. The calm malevolence in his tone made her suddenly regret her decision to bait him.

  Aleks stood not a foot away from them — his eyes murderous, fists clenched at his sides. His arms’ muscles were taut, evident fury emanating off of him. Belle swallowed hard at the sight, at how his reaction to this scene made her stomach clench.

  The man didn’t move to let her go, rather turned Belle back to him. When Aleks took a menacing step towards them, she stepped toward him, shielding her dance partner.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice filled with anger at the audacity of his double standards. He grabbed her by the wrist and began to drag her away as the other man grabbed her other arm. Aleks turned and glared at the man in such a way Belle recoiled in shock. She had never seen him look so lethal.

  The other man raised his hands and backed off. He mumbled something like, “whatever dude, not worth it,” and left her standing there with Aleks grasping her wrist.

  “Let me go.” He tightened his grasp on her.

  Belle tried to pull away but Aleks pulled her closer. Belle’s eyes widened in both alarm and arousal at the heat emanating from his eyes.

  “So help me God, Belle, we are leaving.” His icy tone was loud enough to be heard above the music. “Follow me into the car or I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you out.” She could tell by his shaking voice he was about to lose his restraint.

  First he sleeps with some random girl, then swears to me ‘it’s nothing and won’t happen again’. Then not even a week later he’s all over some bimbo! And has the audacity to be pissed at me?!

  She pulled her arm free of his and walked in front of him towards the door. Her anger intensified with each step she took towards the exit. Outside, the car was nowhere to be seen. Her anger boiled over.

  “Don’t you ever do that to me again,” she yelled at him in the middle of the road.

  “Don’t start this with me right now, Belle,” he responded, not looking up at her. The small muscle at the base of his jaw fluttered as it flexed. Even as she yelled at him, she couldn’t help but admire the masculine lines of his face. What is wrong with me? Focus. Angry.

  “How dare you.” Eyes narrowing at him, about to let the full force of her anger unleash, she said, “What right do you—”

  Aleks’ head snapped up and he closed the distance between them. “Belle,” he started through gritted teeth, “It would be in your best interest to shut the fuck up right now. Do. You. Understand?”

  The level of his restrained rage silenced Belle and she looked down to avoid his stare any longer. The car pulled up and she got in without waiting for the driver to open the door. Aleks paused shortly at the opening before ducking to enter, locking them in for the ride home.

  Belle looked out the window, gritting her teeth. He truly is an arrogant bastard. He does and says whatever he wants. She stole a quick peek at him and realized his hands were still clenched into fists. He looked as if he were trying to focus on something, anything, but her.

  He turned and caught her eyes.

  I will not let you intimidate me again tonight. Belle stared right back, a look of determination on her face.

  He opened his mouth to say something and Belle narrowed her eyes in warning. He blew out a long breath, but said nothing.
  Tears stung the corners of her eyes. Stupid. So stupid. He’ll never change. He doesn’t care — all lies. He just wants what he cannot have. Nothing but a conquest. Don’t cry. Do not cry. Don’t do it, Belle.

  Too late. A lone, angry tear snuck down the side of her face. Fuck.

  When she began to cry, a stab of guilt hit Aleks in the chest. You blew it, stupid prick. She just started talking to you. You needed to control your temper and look what you let happen. He thought back on the night and how it went so wrong. Again.

  When Belle had walked down the stairs he struggled to contain himself. The blue dress showed off every curve of her perfect body. The hidden view of her supple breasts, icing on the cake. Her muscular legs looked spectacular and as he followed the shape of them, a sense of pride coursed through him knowing he would be the envy of every other male in the club.

  The blue color of the dress combined with her hair down and around her face only intensified the smoky quartz color of her eyes. It took all of his restraint to avoid pushing the dress up to her waist and fucking her on the stairs.

  Now, any hope he had of being with her tonight was completely blown away; like his temper. He stared out the window to avoid seeing the look he put on her face, a look of combined anger, disappointment, and disbelief.

  He tensed when he thought of her swaying to the music; unabashed, free, and mesmerizing. He imagined her moving in that manner beneath him, and he was about to meet her on the floor when some meathead came behind her and began grinding into her.

  As he watched, she not only encouraged it, but seemed to enjoy the man groping her supple body. I should be the only one to put that look on her face.

  Then she had looked up at him. She looked up at him, with the man behind her, touching her, and smiled as she turned to kiss him. She fucking smiled at me! She dared me to do something.

  When he approached them, he was ready to rip the man’s throat out for putting his hands on her. The only thing he could think to do was remove them from the situation. He needed to get away from the crowd before he did something he’d regret.

  He rested his forehead against the window. She’s right back to not allowing me to apologize. How many times have I already had to say I’m sorry? I never say I’m sorry. Aleks’ anger returned at these feelings of guilt and as he looked to the source of his emotion his heart sank.

  There sat his beauty, trying not to cry as tears pooled in her lower lids, still looking radiant. He wanted to pull her towards him and kiss her. Hold her in his arms and apologize until she forgave him, until she realized she was his. His breath caught in his throat. Had he just thought of her as … his?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Once they pulled up to the mansion, Aleks got out of the car and held the door open for Belle. She exited from the opposite side of the car out of spite and walked up the front stairs, through the door, and up to her room without a word. She kicked off her shoes and went straight to her bathroom.

  She turned the knob on the shower until it was as hot as she could stand. She needed to soothe her tense muscles and clear her mind. She walked back into the bedroom, head down as she moved to unzip her dress. A movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Aleks leaned against the door frame.

  “Get out.” She didn’t have the energy to deal with him anymore.

  Aleks walked into the room. “No.” He stood in his t-shirt and jeans; his blazer and shoes discarded somewhere along the way.

  He took a step towards her, running his fingers through his hair as he looked at her with a mix of sadness and something she couldn’t place.

  “I saw him there, groping you, kissing you, and I … I couldn’t see straight. I wanted to kill him.”

  “Oh, really? So, you can have fun with whomever you want while I have to play the doormat?”

  “Is that why you wanted to go out? To get back at me for sleeping with her?” Not letting her comment, he continued. “I’m sorry. I really am. What do I need to do for you to forgive me?” He took another step closer.

  She held up a hand to stop him from coming any closer. “I’m talking about today. I came back from the bathroom to see you all over the shot girl. You couldn’t even wait a whole two minutes before you found another woman.”

  Realization crossed his face as hers flushed with anger at the memory.

  “If you’re going to fuck around I am too. I’ll allow any guy who looks my way inside me if I want.” Belle’s anger was not yet sated.

  Aleks’ face turned impassive. He cocked his head to the side as he spoke. “Any guy but me, right Belle?”

  She recognized by his expression she should end the conversation. She couldn’t. She was tired of confusion when it came to him; tired of second guessing herself, of feeling stupid. The vindictive side of her roared with aggression. “Aleksandr,” she started quietly as she took a step towards him, “at this rate, I would let Gabriel fuck me before I’d let you.” I cannot believe I just said that.

  The fire seething through both of them was palpable. He advanced on her until he stood directly in front of her, forcing her to look up at him. A sinister smile came over his lips as he continued. “She’s not a shot girl. She’s a waitress, and one of the best fucks I’ve ever had.”

  He bent closer as he spoke harshly. “She crawled on top of me, begging to take her right then and there, just like we had in the past.”

  “Enough.” She pushed against his chest, disheartened at his blatant double standards.

  He didn’t budge. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her against him. Her arms were trapped against his chest, and his closeness combined with her emotions made it difficult to breathe.

  “Oh, I’m not finished.” His eyes brutally burned into hers. “Because as you found some poor sap to kiss you, she pulled down my zipper and grabbed my cock to use inside of her.”

  “Fuck. You,” she snarled at him trying to back away. For the second time tonight, tears welled in her eyes; tears of sadness and rage and jealousy. I’m done with this. I don’t want to want him anymore.

  “Sorry, Belle. Looks like you’re going to have to wait in line,” he finished mockingly.

  Belle couldn’t hold on any longer. Her emotions boiled over and she lost control. She began slamming into his chest with her fists, trying to push him away from her.

  “You asshole! Get away from me,” she sobbed as she tried to push him away.

  Aleks’ lack of response only aggravated her more. How can he not be affected at all by me? It’s not fair. Her inner thoughts intensified the emotions exiting through her fists.

  “Is this … is this your goal — to hurt me? Punishment for not sleeping with you?” She couldn’t stop the onslaught of passion escaping her.

  Aleks released her. She stumbled and he used her momentum to turn her around. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place against him, her back to his chest as he pinned her wrists in front of her with one hand.

  “Let me go!” She wriggled and tried to free herself; side to side, front and back, kicking her legs hoping to connect with his shins.

  She hated him in this moment, yet relished the feel of his arms around her. The more she struggled the tighter he held, the strength of him creating butterflies in her stomach as images of him holding her down in other ways flashed through her mind.

  “You’re so frustrating!” she exclaimed, less conviction in her voice this time. Defeated, she stilled against him. She turned her face, ready to ask him to free her, when he kissed her.

  His strong lips on hers turned the butterflies into bats. She couldn’t help herself as she returned the kiss, allowing his lips to part hers as his tongue licked along her bottom lip. If not for him holding her, her legs would have given out at the passionate way he kissed; full of desire and urgency.

  He spoke into her lips to tell her, “She did come on to me. But I pushed her away. The minute I realized what she wanted, I pushed her off of me.”

  He released her hands and she held tightly to him, the scent of him filling her nostrils, fueling the inner desire she couldn’t shake. She forced herself to breathe, to try to regain her ability to reject him.

  “Stop fighting this, Belle,” he implored. His breath against her mixed with the double meaning of his words sent a shiver down her spine.

  “No. You stop … stop playing with me. I’m nothing more than a game to you.” She tried to ignore her traitorous physical reaction to him.

  “Is that what you think this is? A game? Does this feel like a game to you?” he growled in response, his hips lifting his erection into her behind as he enunciated the words.

  She took in a quick breath as a rush of lust filled her.

  “Do you feel what you do to me? Every time I look at you I get hard. I think about you night and day; you’re the only thought on my mind.”

  He tightened his grasp around her, pulling her closer to him. She became acutely aware of the warmth at her back, the tightness of his muscles. He continued to press into her and she squeezed her thighs to try and ignore the fire burning in her core. His free hand trailed along the hemline of her dress, tracing circles along her thigh.

  His fingertips scalded her sensitive skin. She grasped onto the arm around her as his fingers inched closer to where she wanted them to go. When his hand slid under her dress, a small moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and allowed her head to fall back onto his shoulder.

  “Do you want me as much as I want you, Belle? Are you wet for me?”

  He kissed a line from earlobe to her neck as his hands parted her thighs and reached her panties. He cupped her over her wet warmth and she heard a low groan in the back of his throat. “Do you imagine me touching you here, allowing my fingers to circle and explore what you keep hidden from me?”

  His fingers dipped in deeper, brushing against her swelling clit. “Do you touch yourself here, imagining the pleasure you know I can give you?”


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