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Justice for Gwen (Police and Fire: Operation Alpha): Guardian Elite series novella #2

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by Cooper, KaLyn

  The kiss started as sweet and tender, then ramped to desperate and needy as he thrust his tongue into her mouth while raising his hips, forcing him in deeper and deeper.

  She reared up and took over. With her hands on his powerful chest, she rode him hard. He cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples, just the way she liked it.

  “You are so good at this.” He sat up and took one nipple into his hot mouth and sucked.

  Damn, she loved that. She was getting close.

  He released her nipple with a tiny nip of teeth. “What do you need?” he asked through clenched teeth.

  “Touch me,” she begged.

  The second his rough thumb caught the underside of her clit, she screamed his name and came so hard she never felt him follow her.

  An hour later, her alarm was buzzing. With closed eyes, she smacked her hand around the nightstand to turn the damn thing off. She felt the loss of him before she ran her hand over cool sheets. She missed him, and wanted these past few days to be her life. Her working all day and Jonathan there all night.

  Well, she wanted most of it. She didn’t want to be a waitress or even restaurant manager one day beyond the return of her aunt and uncle. This experience had proven that she needed to find something more mentally challenging to do with her life. But, today, she had to get up and wait on mostly-friendly people, chat with the regulars, and make sure the restaurant was in good shape when the family finally returned.

  She smiled knowing Jonathan would be there again that night.

  Her personal protection stood guard at her door when she headed down to the diner. “Morning, Gwen.”

  “Morning, Stan.” She practically skipped down the two flights of steps.

  By seven thirty that night, she was dead on her feet when Jonathan called.

  “Is there anything you can tell me?” She was well aware of operational security, but wanted to know something. Anything.”

  “We were right. It’s the American Airlines towers,” Jonathan confirmed.

  She was dying to know. “Did you get them?”


  Oh, damn.

  “We will tonight,” he announced.

  “You’re going back out, tonight?” Dread filled every pore in her body.

  “Yes, sweetheart.” He reassured her. “You don’t need to worry. There will be a policeman outside your apartment door and another on the street.”

  So police were now involved. She wondered who else was in on this op.

  “Are you…can I see you before you leave?” Gwen wanted to tell him, especially now, just how she felt about him. She’d seen too many men leave camp on a routine mission and return injured, or… She. Would. Not. Go. There. The mere idea of never seeing Jonathan again had her heart twisted and stomach roiling.

  “I don’t think—” he started, but she suddenly had a brilliant idea.

  “What time are you leaving?” she interrupted.

  “We’re meeting some others at midnight,” he replied warily.

  “Then be here at ten-thirty. All of you,” she insisted.

  “I don’t know—”

  Cutting him off again, she ordered, “Put Alex on the phone.” She wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  “Hello, Gwen. Did the boys show up again?” Alex asked.

  Ignoring his question, she jumped right in. “Your men need good food in their bellies before they go out tonight. I’m sure it’ll be a long night.”

  When Alex started to protest, she shut him down. “It’s my treat. We’re closing at ten tonight for a private party and that’s it. You will be here. You can’t start a mission half empty. I know the drill. Carbs. Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, and bread. That should hold you until you all get back here for breakfast. No matter what time, you are all coming back here.” Then she added, “Safe and sound.” She sent up a little prayer that it would be true.

  “Yes, ma’am,” She could hear the grin in Alex’s voice as he quipped, “Damn, Jonathan, she’s a feisty one, isn’t she? Reminds me of Katlin.”

  “I can handle her,” Jonathan replied.

  “On that insult,” she declared, “since I don’t need to be handled, I’ve got work to do. I will see all of you at ten.”

  She flicked off the call so they couldn’t argue.

  At exactly ten o’clock, Gwen looked up and down the street before she pulled the last shade ensuring privacy. There was no sight of them. For a moment, she worried that they would stand her up. All the food she’d worked on for hours would go to waste, or they’d have a baked spaghetti special for lunch the next day.

  The door opened and twelve men in full battle gear, weapons strapped on duty belts and to thighs, walked in on silent boots. Black camo replaced the desert digitized tans but there was little difference between these skilled warriors and the ones she tended to in the secret Afghani USSOCOM camp.

  These men were more clean-cut and handsome as models. As they paraded past her, a calendar came to mind. He’d make a perfect January with that chilling don’t-fuck-with-me demeanor. Oh, but that one is so hot he’d have to be July.

  She recognized several faces including Quin and Griffin.

  Jonathan gave her a warm, but tired, smile. Inhaling deeply, his smile grew ear to ear. “Sweetheart, is that fresh baked apple pie I smell?”

  She grinned. “Your favorite.”

  “I think I’m in love,” Jonathan announced. “Apple pie, men. This wonderful woman made me apple pie.” He picked her up and spun her around, giving her a loud smack on the lips before he set her down.

  Feeling like a dizzy child, she assured, “I made plenty for everyone. And for those who don’t like pie, there’s cake.”

  Gwen started toward the back of the counter and nearly tripped. Had she heard him right? Had he used the L word? Did he feel the same way about her as she did about him?

  “Gwen,” Jacki derailed the train of thoughts she was having about a future with Jonathan. “Should I ask about drinks?”

  “Let’s start them with coffee,” she told the young woman and grabbed a pot in each hand.

  To make it fast and easy, they’d set up a buffet with each chafing dish filled to the brim and more in the kitchen. She was well aware of how men ate, and these men would not leave hungry.

  Alex brought up the end of the line as men heaped noodles onto plates and shoveled beef marinara or seafood alfredo sauce over top. “Gwen, you know you didn’t need to do this, but thank you.”

  “I would almost have preferred to go hungry than eat that fried shit Quin’s cook serves.” Griffin stepped from the line and gave her a one-armed hug. “Thank you, Gwen. My stomach thanks you, too.”

  “I’m looking for a chef for the new place,” Quin retorted. He gave Griffin a sly smile. “I wonder if Stella would like to move to Texas?”

  “No fucking way,” Griffin boldly snapped back. “She’s mine and loves it in Miami.”

  “Sorry, Quin,” Alex added, “she’d never leave her grandchildren. I’m sure you’ll find someone here.”

  Cups filled and two carafes left on the table, Gwen announced, “If you men are all set, I’ll go check on the kitchen.”

  Luis was off and the two other cooks had their hands full so her help was necessary. She scurried around plating pie and cake, and ran into a hard body that didn’t belong in her busy kitchen. “Dessert will be out in a few minutes and Jacki can get you more drinks, if that’s what you need.”

  “I think I’d better test my blood and, just to be on the safe side, refill my pump.”

  The voice sounded familiar but didn’t match the man in her way. “Excuse me?”

  A deep chuckle made her look up into brilliant blue eyes.

  “It’s me, Gwen. Kane.”

  Her jaw dropped. His long hair was tied back making his closely shaved face look ten years younger. He was gorgeous.

  “I clean up pretty good,” he admitted. “I think I should refill my pump since it’s going to be a long night.”
  “You’re not going out there with them, are you?” She sounded like a protective mother, or sister. They were only a few years apart in age.

  “No.” He shrugged. “Alex wants me in the Command Center running things from there.”

  She lowered her voice. She had to know. “How much danger are they in?”

  His answer was the typical military non-answer. “Every mission can be dangerous.”

  She pulled the insulin from the refrigerator and held it to her breasts. He’d never try to grab it from her there. “Answer my question, please.”

  Kane glanced at the tables of men on the other side of the large pass-through then back at Gwen. Quietly he said, “Intel has the terrorists planting snipers throughout the woods to take out as many people as possible in the panic when the buildings blow. Guardian, and a Homeland SWAT team, plan to…eliminate them as they take up their positions tonight.”

  Gwen’s heart sank deeper with every word. Jonathan could get hurt. Even—no, she wouldn’t think that. Her arms dropped. When Kane snagged the insulin from her hands, it brought her back to the present. She got to work with Kane’s injection system.

  By ten forty-five, the Guardian men had scraped their dessert plates clean. At an unseen signal, they all stood. Alex led the entourage of badass commandos, stopping in front of her. “I always seem to be thanking you.” He glanced at the table where Jacki and the bus boy were cleaning up. “We truly appreciate your hospitality. The meal was wonderful.” He took her hand and just held it. “You have a heart the size of Texas.” He squeezed slightly before releasing her.

  Thank you and compliments came from every man as the filed out. Jonathan was the last in line and waited until everyone else had left. Jacki grabbed the bus boy and went to the kitchen.

  Alone, Jonathan took her into his arms, and the world stilled. This was where she belonged. Forever.

  She had to say it. He had to know before he left that he had someone to come back to. Someone who needed him, every day and every night.

  He smiled at her and slowly lowered his head. “I’ll see you in—”

  “I love you,” she blurted.

  His whole body stiffened.

  Damn. She’d read him wrong. She was special to him and that was it. He didn’t have those feelings for her. She mentally pulled up her big girl panties, straightened her back and looked into his unreadable face.

  “I don’t expect you to…to say anything.” She glanced down. Those soft blue green eyes of his bore through her and she couldn’t see what she needed in them. Not now, anyway. But maybe someday he’d feel the same. She looked back up at him. “I just wanted you to know that I’ll be here, waiting for you, when you finish tonight.”

  With two fingertips under her chin, he gently raised her face then pressed a sweet kiss to her lips. Instead of the rush of electricity that usually jolted her system at his touch, soothing heat flowed through her, like gliding into a tub of warm water, relaxed and satiated.

  “I’ll see you for breakfast.” Jonathan turned and walked out the door.

  Chapter 13

  Jonathan leaned his head back as the Guardian SUV sped across Dallas an hour before dawn. They were headed home. His temporary home in the hotel. He didn’t want to wake up Gwen.

  It had been one hell of a night. They’d taken out more than twenty bad guys. None had gone down easy. The worst had been clearing the tunnels between the buildings. Talk about a death corridor. They’d finally borrowed SWAT shields and affixed them to the front of a golf cart and chased the terrorists down.

  Quin had been winged in the left shoulder. The bullet had grazed him according to Alex’s call.

  All Jonathan really wanted to do was shower and sleep for ten hours straight with Gwen curled up beside him. Then, he’d get her so wet and slide into her again. Christ, being in her, bareback, was the most incredible orgasm he’d ever experienced. He hoped to do it again. And again. Maybe for a lifetime.

  They needed to talk about their future. He was such an ass. She’d said she loved him, and he loved her, but couldn’t get the words out. Not then. Not there. He wanted to tell her after a romantic supper. Maybe take her back to the rooftop again, or give her that bike ride through the park they’d missed.

  “Holy fuck,” Stan said from the driver’s seat to the three passengers. “We’re making a detour, boys. I don’t like the looks of this.”

  Jonathan came fully awake and stared from the back seat out the windshield. Golden flames licked into the darkest part of night and black smoke blended with the starless sky. A glance around oriented him. The fire was close to Gwen’s diner.

  Fear shot ice through Jonathan’s entire body. Had one of the terrorists figured out that it had been Gwen who’d discovered their plan? Had they torched her place? He hadn’t checked her smoke detectors. How would she get out of the third floor? From the backside? There was a rusty ladder from the roof down, but she’d have to climb out a window. Why hadn’t he checked that it opened easily?

  The closer they got, the more worried he grew. He couldn’t lose her. Not now. He’d just found her.

  Police had traffic stopped a block away. Jonathan didn’t care. He jumped out and ran toward the flashing lights.

  A policeman tried to stop him at the barricade, but he could see him change his mind. Jonathan wasn’t sure if it was the blood covering his bulletproof vest, the look of madness in his eyes, or all the guns and knives strapped to his body. He didn’t care as he sprinted toward the woman he loved.

  Oh, fuck. It was Gwen’s place.

  The building was fully engulfed in flames, water shooting at it from several angles. He caught sight of the local station trucks and grabbed a man in turnout gear. “My fiancée is in that building,” Jonathan talked over the fireman.

  Concern covered the man. “What floor?”

  “Third, on the backside.” Please. Please, God. Let her be safe.

  The fireman talked to someone through his communication system and relayed information as it came in. “They rescued a man and woman on the second floor.” He fiddled with a knob. “Say again.”

  Where the hell is Gwen? Jonathan was about to go in there himself. If she was gone, he wasn’t sure life was worth living. But if she was alive, he’d die trying to get to her.

  The obnoxious sounds of another firetruck arriving drowned out what the firefighter was saying. He finally pointed to where a ladder was extending toward a third-floor front window. Two men held a hose shooting water onto the roof.

  “No, her apartment is in the back,” Jonathan yelled. “Is there another truck back there?”

  The man pointed again. The men on the ladder had stopped spraying. The window opened and smoke rushed through the new opening like a dirty, upside down waterfall. A third fireman stepped onto the ladder…with a limp body over his shoulder.

  Jonathan ran to the ladder truck, determined to be there when her feet hit the ground. He ran past an ambulance and caught up with a man and woman running beside a stretcher.

  “You shouldn’t be here, sir,” the woman scolded.

  “Gwen is my fiancée.” At least she will be as soon as I can ask her. He pointed to the fireman on his way down the ladder. He could see the debate in the man’s eyes.

  “Just don’t get in our way,” the woman sternly warned. She softened her voice and told him, “Let us do our job. We’re damned good at it.”

  Jonathan could feel the heat lifting off the firefighter’s suit as he laid Gwen on the gurney. He ripped off his headgear and stared at Jonathan, who couldn’t take his eyes off the small body on the white sheet. He had to touch her so he lightly laid his fingers on her bare calf. It was then he noticed that she was wearing one of his Marine Corps t-shirts and no bra. He hoped she’d worn panties to bed because he’d have to kill the fireman if he’d seen her—

  “You and Gwen?” A gloved hand touched his shoulder and he turned his head to see the first fireman. Jonathan nodded. He couldn’t speak around
the pain in his throat. He could hardly breathe as he watched the medical team work on her.

  “Well, hell. I lost that pool.” He hoped the man was trying to lighten the situation and not piss him off thoroughly. “Your name wasn’t even in there as a dating possibility.”

  “She’s mine,” Jonathan croaked out. She just doesn’t know it yet.

  Gwen started coughing as she came around.

  “Keep that over your nose and mouth,” the female EMT said in a calming voice. “You left us for a while, but we’re glad you’re back. Can you tell me if you hurt anywhere?” She continued with the necessary questions as the man started an IV line and talked with the hospital.

  Griffin suddenly appeared at Jonathan’s side. “How is she?”

  The male EMT answered, “Smoke inhalation, a few secondary burns, no third degree.” For the first time, he looked up at Jonathan, then at Griffin. “Where are you hurt?” he demanded.

  “Not my blood,” both men said.

  “What the fuck?” The first responder asked then inserted a bag of fluid into the line.

  “That’s confidential,” Griffin told him and whipped out a Homeland Security badge. He’d have to ask Griffin about that later. “We were never here.”

  “We’re ready to transport,” the female announced over his comm.

  Realizing that they’d never let him go with her with a blood spattered vest, Jonathan stripped down to his black t-shirt and cleaned up with the wet wipes they always carried. “Griffin, can you take my gear back? I’m going with her.”

  “Be glad to. You need to call Alex.” Griffin was right.

  Jonathan understood the meaning. He wasn’t going to be at the debrief and their boss needed to know why.

  Finally alone in an ER room, Jonathan took Gwen’s hand. He couldn’t wait for a romantic moment. “I love you, Gwen Shaw. And I plan to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much, if you’ll have me.”

  She started to answer, and it turned into a coughing fit. Once she’d settled, she stared up at him. “You sure you want to be with me? I might still have a target painted on my back. I pissed off a whole bunch of terrorists, including the big man.”


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