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Sex,Lies, and Bondage Tape

Page 5

by Saskia Walker

  He nodded, thanking her. Outside in the corridor, he saw two of Clayton's entourage emerging from a room farther down the hallway. The woman waved and said something about the night before. He returned the wave but turned away quickly. He was far too annoyed with himself to exchange pleasantries.

  Running a hand through his hair he worked back through what had happened the night before, everything that had been said. All he knew was that her name was Kelly. That was it. He cursed himself for the way he'd handled it. The situation had to be blamed for making him lose any sense of reality, though. What happened between them had been crazy. He hadn't been able to think straight, only act on instinct, and now he had no clue where or who the hell she was.

  "Nice going, bozo," he muttered, as he descended the stairs.

  * * * *

  "And then," Helen paused to grin, "when he came out for the final encore, he'd taken the shirt off." She fanned herself with one hand, holding out her phone for Jojo in the other. A blurred picture of Clayton Warren was captured on the screen.

  Kelly looked on and smiled wryly to herself.

  "Details, details." Jojo's eyes gleamed as she stared at the blur and waited for Helen to describe Clayton's stage appearance just one more time.

  Helen obliged the request with pleasure, cataloguing Clayton's physique in detail.

  Kelly poured them another glass of wine, trying to avoid staring at the pins poking out of Jojo's leg. She'd just about die, if she had to sit around looking at that on the end of her leg. Not only was she addicted to exercise, she couldn't actually sit still for any length of time. Easily bored, she quickly turned obnoxious when kept indoors. She was a monster when she had a head cold, let alone a full-blown injury. Jojo was being incredibly patient, and they'd been doing their best to keep her entertained.

  "Why don't you ask Kelly," Helen said. "She got to see him up close and personal, backstage."

  Kelly started when Helen's comment reached her. She glanced up from her wineglass, her mind filled with the image of Clayton "up close and personal backstage." She laughed to herself. "Oh, Helen is so much better at describing him than I am."

  Jojo nodded. "Thanks for trying to get me the autograph, you're a star."

  "She was a woman on a mission," Helen said. "If anyone could have done it, Kelly could."

  Kelly smiled. "But I failed." She said it with a sigh and a depth of emotion that was based more on her interaction with Tommy than with Clayton.

  "Was he as gorgeous up close?" Jojo's eyes were sparkling. She was practically in heat, just thinking about Clayton.

  Oh, the irony, thought Kelly. "He was very attractive, but I'm no good at this. He's not my type," she offered, as an excuse. He's not your type either, she mused. She wasn't tempted to share the information, though. What was the point of shattering Jojo's dream? Besides, it was a secret, and, like she had told Tommy, she wasn't the sort of woman to break the code on real, deep and meaningful secrets.

  "Kelly doesn't like metrosexuals," Helen commented.

  Jojo frowned. "What the hell is a 'metrosexual'?"

  "You know, a bloke that looks after his appearance, reads magazines, does skin care, that sort of thing. He might be a rock god but Clayton Warren looks after himself. I could tell."

  Jojo looked relieved. "Oh, right." She glanced at Kelly, smiling. "Yes, you do like them a bit more rugged than that, don't you? So, tell us, was this hunky security man rugged enough for you?" She waggled her eyebrows, shifting in her chair to get more comfy for the story.

  He hadn't been far from her mind anyway, but he was back in full detail now. "Oh yes, he was rugged all right."

  "She's been moping around all day," Helen said. "I think she should go after him. I've never seen her like this, have you?"

  "She's definitely got a pout on," Jojo agreed, swigging her wine.

  "Stop talking about me as if I'm not here."

  "You might as well not be," Helen commented. "You're pretty fixed on this bloke, aren't you?"

  "No," she responded, indignant.

  Helen snorted.

  "Okay, I guess I've been a bit preoccupied since last night."

  "Last night...that would be when you rolled in at god-knows-what-time, young lady?" Helen folded her arms across her chest, peering across at Kelly and doing a fair impression of a disapproving mother figure.

  Despite her mood, Kelly managed to smile. "This morning."

  "Dare I ask if you had a good time?" Jojo said, with curiosity.

  Kelly sighed. "It was the best sex I ever had."

  Jojo shifted awkwardly in her chair, focusing her attention on Kelly. "Go, girl! So, did you get his number?"

  "It wasn't like that." Nothing to lose, she reminded herself.

  "Oh, I see," Helen said, looking smug. "You've done one of your one night stand flits on this poor man and now you're regretting it. Admit it."

  "Not quite, but kind off." Pride stopped Kelly from pointing out that he had been the one to do the flit, but they had a point. She was regretting it.

  Jojo watched on with an innocent expression. It was her specialty. "So what's stopping you? If anyone can hunt the man down, you can." She burst out laughing and Helen joined her, reaching over to chink her glass.

  Kelly took another sip of her wine as the suggestion began to ricochet in her mind, setting off all sorts of mad ideas. She got to her feet, walking up and down the length of the sitting room. Why the hell not? She could hunt him down. Hell, she'd use him the way he'd used her. Sexually. Her body burned with anticipation at the very thought of it. She wanted another night with Tommy and she was going to go after it.

  "Ooh, I sense trouble." Jojo faked a scared expression as she watched Kelly pacing up and down.

  "I think you've set her off," Helen said.

  "Yes, you have." Kelly grinned. "Ladies, if you'll excuse me, I have some research to do."

  Jojo saluted her. "Go, soldier. Hunt your target down and hunt him well."

  Kelly returned the salute and then darted off to her bedroom, unfazed about the laughter following in her wake.

  Inside her room, she flicked her computer on. There was only one way to track Tommy down, and that was through Clayton Warren himself. Her mind whirred over as she considered her options. She'd have to play the groupie all over again, but this time she had to do it more cleverly. She needed to find out Tommy's name and get to him.

  She scoured the message boards on Clayton's fan forum. It didn't take long for her to discover that in the wake of his tour, he was spending a few days in the recording studio, before taking a month's vacation. It didn't say which studio, but some quick detective work on the sleeve of his latest CD gave her a name, the Celtic. He may not be using the same venue, but judging from the thank you messages, he liked the place. It was a good starting point, and she was on an early shift the next morning, so she could stake it out in the afternoon. She could also ring his agent, try for an interview. Ideas were coming fast and furious now.

  That night she couldn't sleep, inspired now that she had decided to track him down. "If you thought I was a crazy lady last night, Tommy, just wait till I get hold of you again."

  Smiling into the darkness she rolled across her bed, restless. Her hands roved over her body, sensation flashing beneath her skin as she remembered how hot it had been. She tweaked her nipples, pulling on them as they grew harder. One hand went lower, and she stroked her pussy, squeezing it with her hand, promising herself a night of total pleasure. She would take his glorious body for her own pleasure.

  As she squeezed and stroked her labia she pictured his body, his strong muscles trapped, his body bound for her pleasure. One finger tapped her clit, the simple movement setting bolts of stimulation free in her groin. His cock had given her so much intense pleasure, orgasm after orgasm. She wanted to play with it, make it hers again. Her hand grappled for the bedside drawer. Opening it, she pulled out her vibrator. Moonlight glinted off the silver rocket in the darkness. Flicking it on, she
ran it over her clit and then lower, into her damp slit.

  "Tommy," she whispered. "I want you, and I'm going to have you."

  She rode the vibrator in and out, her free hand clutching at her breasts, moving from one to the other, massaging them. They were full with need, her nipples so taut they hurt.

  "I'm going to punish you, Tommy, punish you for leaving me." She whispered the words into the darkness. They had crept up from somewhere deep inside her and, even as she said them, her heart raced up a notch. Yes, he had punished her. Now it was his turn to take it.

  Her climax built on the horizon. She moved the vibrator faster, pulling it out to send a rabid hum through her clit with the shaft against it, before shoving it deep inside again.

  Raw pleasure and determination to overcome him flew around her veins. When she came, she sat up, wedging the vibrator inside her, a guttural moan filling the room as she ground hard on it, her imagination flying with images of Tommy at her beck and call.

  Chapter Four

  The Celtic studio was a single doorway wedged in between an alternative clothes shop and an antiquarian bookstore. Glancing up, Kelly guessed the studio itself was upstairs. Sure enough, the windows above the shops on either side were all blacked out and had the studio logo on them. Pulling a map out of her backpack, she adopted a confused expression and walked through the door.

  Inside, a narrow hallway led to a small reception area where a figure sat behind a shiny black desk. Plush carpeting silenced her footsteps. The door had closed behind her, blocking out the busy street noise. The place was swish, and soundproofed. The walls were lined with framed vinyl records. Kelly looked at them with curiosity as she passed. The receptionist, a lean punk with a shock of red hair, was dressed in shiny black and would have merged into her black desk, had it not been for the pale skin and the red hair.

  "Hi," Kelly said. "I wonder if you could help me, I'm trying to find the quickest route to the nearest underground station, and I'm a bit lost."

  The receptionist nodded, barely taking her eyes off her monitor. "Go back out the door, first left, second right. You'll see it straightaway."

  "I just realized…this is a recording studio." Kelly smiled, glancing around at the vinyl discs in the frames. "Anyone famous recording today?"

  The punk paused on her task, giving Kelly her full attention and delivering a look that said "don't try that one on me." People had obviously attempted it before. "That information is confidential." She gave a false smile, and returned to her task.

  "Yes, of course it is. Thanks for the directions." She took one last, quick look around but couldn't see anything other than a couple of closed doorways that presumably led to the studios upstairs, or the cellar area.

  She was about to leave when one of the doors swung open and a woman emerged carrying a bunch of empty coffee cups. She was dressed in black, too, but had more of a Goth look about her, with black-and-red-striped hair and kohl-lined eyes. Apparently, you had to look like a music sub genre to work in the biz. Kelly smiled to herself. She was getting a lot of insight into the music world over these past few days, one way or the other.

  As the door swung closed behind the Goth, she caught the sound of guitar music. Someone was definitely recording, and it sounded rocky. Hopefully, it was Clayton.

  Back in the street she glanced at her watch, pulled an energy drink out of her backpack, and then took up a watching position a few doors away, preparing to wait it out until the elusive recording artist emerged. If it was Clayton, she'd make her move.

  The afternoon dragged. She was beginning to think she was on a fool's errand. It was getting towards six in the evening when a figure finally emerged from the Celtic. She gathered herself, pushing her sunglasses up her nose, getting ready to make an approach. Craning her neck, she watched as the man pulled up the collar on his jacket and put on a pair of wrap around shades, glancing around.

  It was Clayton. Jay stepped out of the building behind him, hand raised to hail a taxi.

  The Mission Impossible theme struck up in her head. Cautiously, she began to close in, hope and determination fueling her. Then she saw two teenage girls appear out of nowhere. They approached the two men and seemed to be asking Clayton for his autograph.

  Kelly was amazed because she hadn't seen them waiting. They'd been even more surreptitious than she had. No wonder Clayton was wary of groupies. And yet he seemed to be quite friendly and chatted with them while Jay went to the edge of the street and waved down a taxicab. Presumably signing autographs in a public place was acceptable. It was more about privacy than anything else, and she should have realized that right at the beginning. She smiled wryly to herself, sheepishly aware of the error she had made by intruding into his private space.

  A momentary doubt hit her because she was going to do just that, all over again. How would he take it? Not well, she knew that, but she thought about Tommy. She wanted to know. This was the only way. A trademark London black cab pulled up beside the two men, and she broke into a jog. If they left now, her wait would have been futile. "It's now or never."

  She made it to the door just as Jay disappeared inside, with Clayton already ensconced in the cab. The driver was signaling, readying to pull out into the traffic. She didn't have a choice. She snatched the door from Jay's hand and leapt in behind him.

  "Wait up," she said to the driver.

  The cab driver paused, watching them in his mirror.

  "Hey, this cab is taken." Clayton looked panicked, glancing at Jay for support.

  "Out!" Jay pointed at the door of the cab.

  Flipping down a seat facing the two of them, she held up her hands. "Okay, I know this looks really bad, I'm just asking you to hear me out." She had to raise her voice over the hum of the engine revving.

  "Hear you out?" Jay frowned.

  "Wait a minute, you're the groupie from the last night of the tour." Clayton looked even more panicked. "Jay, get rid of her."

  "I'm not here to bother you, seriously, please believe me. I'm not a groupie, never was. I was trying to get an autograph for a friend who couldn't make it. I realize I went about it the wrong way and I'm sorry about that. I'm just trying to get in touch with Tommy again. I'd like to um...hire him, if I knew how." She was attempting to show she was serious. "Please hear me out."

  Jay observed her, thoughtful. "We don't have time for this, we've got to be somewhere."

  "Please...I really want to get in touch with Tommy. That's all it's about." She pursed her lips, giving them her most hopeful expression.

  Jay looked at Clayton, one hand on his shoulder, reassuring him. "No harm in hearing what she's got to say."

  Clayton didn't look convinced and sank back in his seat, gazing out the window to make a point.

  "Thanks, it won't take long and I'll be gone." "You'll have to tell us on the way," Jay said.

  She nodded vigorously.

  "Drive on, Piccadilly," Jay called through to the taxi driver, and then looked back at her. "Any trouble from you, and you're out on the street, understood?"

  The driver slid shut the glass panel that separated them, and the cab lurched out into the traffic.

  Kelly smiled. "Thanks. I really appreciate it. I decided to get in touch with Tommy, but I had no contact number, I don't even know his last name."

  The cab was warm, and she could smell that expensive cologne from backstage. Was it Jay's, or Clayton's? Maybe they both wore it. She noticed how Jay had has hand barely touching Clayton, as if his arm was just nonchalantly along the back of the seat, but he was secretly reassuring him. It had to be hard, hiding a secret like that, when all they wanted was to be together. They were living a lie.

  "My only option was to come to you, to ask you."

  "Pushy sort, aren't you?" Clayton said, clearly rattled by her presence in the cab.

  "Yes, I am, I admit that. But you don't get anywhere in life otherwise...and it's not like I'm asking for a lot."

  Clayton's shoulders were squared, his e
yes bright. "I don't owe you anything at all. Most fans are reasonable, but people like you don't respect the fact that I need some space to myself. You seem to think you own a bit of me. You were creeping around backstage on Saturday, now you're in my fuckin' cab. I could call the police."

  He wasn't listening to a word she said. Annoyance ratcheted up inside her. She counted to three while reminding herself of his point of view on the situation. His remarks were justified, and she tried to keep her head. "I agree, and you have a point. I shouldn't have been there, but I haven't told anyone I saw you two together."

  As soon as the words were out, she knew it was the wrong thing to say, especially right then. Damn.

  Jay's head sank back onto the seat, his eyes closing as he shook his head from side to side.

  Clayton tensed visibly. He stared at her, his eyes flickering as he took in the implication, his lips tight. "Are you trying to blackmail me?"

  Her heart sank, her body tensing. She put up her hand to calm him down. "I'm not trying to blackmail you, I was merely trying to make a point. I shouldn't have intruded on your space on Saturday. I'm sorry, and I'm not here to cause harm. I said that I haven't told anyone that I saw you two together to show you I have no bad intentions. Do you understand?"

  Jay lifted his head, his eyes narrowed as he considered her statement.

  She directed her words to him. "I could have gone to the press, but I'm not that sort of person. I'm asking you a favor, not trying to blackmail you. All I want is Tommy's contact details. That's it."

  Clayton eased back in his seat, still edgy and nervous, but somewhat reassured. "How do I know I can trust you to stay silent" Even saying it was hard for him.

  "I respect that you've got a private life, and it is private." She paused for a moment to let her point sink in. "Although, I have to would be a lot easier on you if you came out."

  Jay smiled at her comment and immediately covered his mouth with his hand, as if he didn't want Clayton to see.


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