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Escape to Earth-Living Legends

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew

  Josey looked at him with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, “Sir, what’s going on?”

  Captain Coronado looked at her and shook his head, “You’ve been transferred to Fifth Fleet.”

  Josey stared at him and said, “Sir, you know the Admiral in Fifth has it in for me.”

  Joe shook his head, “She offered Johnson and Benning for the two of you.”

  Josey’s eyes went wide and she saw Jan shaking her head, “Why does she want Jan?”

  “I gave up trying to understand how Admirals think years ago. If you two would have put up a better effort in the competitions, you’d probably not be going and don’t even try to say you gave it your best. I know better.”

  “How long do we have before we have to report?”

  “You’re expected to report to Admiral Greenwall’s office in thirty minutes. I suggest you don’t keep her waiting.”

  Josey and Jan packed their duffle bags and Jay said, “I’ll send the rest of your things. Get moving.”

  They looked at Jay, who had been listening in and Jan said, “Thanks.” Jay nodded and they sprinted out toward their Battle Pods.

  Captain Coronado looked at Jay, “You know I’m right.”

  Jay shrugged, “There are worse things than being transferred.”

  Coronado smiled and tilted his head, “Say that after Admiral Greenwall finishes with her.” Jay looked at the two women sprinting out the door and hoped the Captain was wrong.

  • • •

  They arrived at Fifth Fleets location and left their pods on the concrete as they ran toward the Headquarters building. A warrant officer met them, “I’ll deliver your bags; get moving.” They dropped their bags and the officer shouted, “We’re proud of you, Bartolo!”

  Josey yelled, “Thanks!” over her shoulder and entered the entrance to Fifth Fleet’s Headquarters building. They ran to the elevator and found a Sergeant waiting on their arrival. He closed the door and ran with them to the Admiral’s office. He gave them a moment to straighten up their uniforms and then pressed the door speaker, “Sir, Lt. Bartolo and Keller are here.”

  “Have them stand at attention and wait!”

  The Sergeant looked at them and shrugged, “You heard her.”

  Josey looked at Jan and went to attention. Jan followed her lead and they stood outside the door and waited. Three hours later, both of them were starting to feel their legs lock up but still they were forced to wait.

  • • •

  “How much longer are you going to allow this to continue?”

  Michael looked at Averel sitting in front of his desk and blew out a breath, “I really don’t want to deprive the Lieutenant of seeing what’s coming.” Averel’s mouth turned into a frown and he said, “I won’t wait much longer.”

  • • •


  Josey looked at Jan and helped her take a step. They pushed the door button and the door rose into the ceiling. They walked in and went to attention again in front of the Katy’s desk. She looked at Jan and said, “You may step outside and wait until you’re called.” Jan saluted, did an about face, and walked stiffly out of the room. Katy waited until the door closed and then turned to Josey, “You will start your new assignment as soon as you leave this room. The bathrooms you’re going to clean start on the end of this hall. Your tools to do your cleaning are in the corner.” Josey looked and saw a toothbrush and a small bucket. She turned back to Katy and kept her expression neutral. “Did you honestly think you could get away with ignoring me?!” Josey remained silent. “I asked you a question, Lieutenant!”

  “Sir, I never thought anyone as shallow as you would ever achieve your level of command. I am surprised that I was wrong about that.”

  Katy’s rage was instant and she stood up just as the wall monitor illuminated showing Admiral Stone. Katy pulled herself together and said, “Wait in the hall!”

  Audrey said, “Lt. Bartolo, belay that order. I’ve been looking for you and just found out that you’ve been transferred.”

  “Yes Sir. I now report to Fifth Fleet.”

  “No you don’t.”

  Katy said, “Yes she does, Sir.”

  Audrey looked at Katy and said, “Admiral Greenwall, since when are you in the position of telling a superior officer that they are wrong?”

  “But she has been transferred to my command, Sir.”

  “Orders for her to report to Fleet Operations for special assignment were approved by the First Commander immediately after her medal presentation. When were her transfer orders to your fleet signed?”

  Kate knew she was trapped. A sailor could not be moved until they served six months after a transfer. “They were signed at ten hundred hours this morning.”

  “It appears you’re ten hours late.” Audrey looked at Josey, “You will pack your things and report to Fleet Operations immediately. Your initial commander will be Commodore Averel.” Josey stared at the screen and Audrey said, “Get moving.”

  The screen went dark and Josey went to attention and saluted Admiral Greenwall. Katy’s anger was clear to see but then her anger turned into the sweetest smile she had ever seen. Before she returned Josey’s salute, she pressed a button on her desk and said while looking directly into Josey’s eyes, “Lt. Keller. Get back in here to receive your orders.”

  Josey knew why this venomous bitch had transferred Jan. Katy returned Josey’s salute and looked at Jan as she entered. Her expression was almost pure evil. She looked at Josey and said, “I’ll make sure to take good care of your friend.” Josey shook her head and Katy said, “Get out of my office!!”

  • • •

  Josey left and knew there was nothing that could be done to save Jan. She was certain that no orders had been written for her and now she was stuck for at least six months and probably longer. This cast-iron Admiral would never allow her to leave as along as her vengeance wasn’t done.

  Josey arrived at Fleet Operations and was taken directly to Ship Development where she was introduced to Budge Blaine. She had to get to the First Commander but she wouldn’t see him now. She cried herself to sleep that night knowing what Jan was going through because of her actions.

  • • •

  Three weeks later, Michael showed up in the ship lab and saw Josey working on a simulator. He walked over behind her and saw the score in the top right corner of her monitor. He looked at Budge, who nodded. “She’s incredible, Sir.”

  “I won’t interrupt her. I just wanted to check and make sure she was ok.” Michael turned to go as Josey looked at her monitor and saw his reflection just as the screen went dark. She whipped around and said, “SIR!”

  Michael stopped and smiled, “Hello, Lieutenant. I didn’t want to interrupt your training. I’m glad I was able to save you from cleaning bathrooms.”

  “But you didn’t help me at all!” Michael’s eyes narrowed and Josey said, “Admiral Greenwall transferred my best friend along with me and she’s punishing her for what I did.” Michael starting slowly shaking his head and stopped when Josey said, “You gave the medal to the wrong person.”


  “You didn’t really look at what happened; it wasn’t me that won the battle; it was Jan! And she’s living in torment because of that crazy Admiral.” Michael’s expression hardened and Josey said, “You think I’m lying to save her. Look behind the heavy. Just take a look!”

  Michael looked at Budge who shrugged, “She’s never been dishonest about anything, Sir.” Michael stared at Josey and left the room.

  Josey put her head in her hands and started crying, “He doesn’t believe me!”

  Budge put his hand on Josey’s shoulder, “Trust me on this, he is going to look.” She lowered her hands and looked at him through her tears. Budge looked at Michael walking out of the lab, “His anger is not toward you.” Josey looked at Michael as he disappeared through the door and prayed Budge was right.

  • • •

  “Jinks.” />
  “Yes Sir.”

  “I need you to bring the entire recording of the battle at the Legends’ Vessel to my office.”



  “Give me an hour to collect all of it into one data-block.”

  “See you in an hour.” Michael sat at his desk and thought about what Lt. Bartolo said. By the time Jinks arrived, he was all business. Jinks inserted the data-block into the reader and Michael said, “I want you to follow the ship frequencies of Lt. Josephine Bartolo.”

  “Sir, you’ve already seen that.”

  “And Lt. Janice Keller.” Jinks turned to his panel and began entering codes. “I also want you to see if there is any other ship frequency that’s near them on a consistent basis during the attack.”

  Jinks entered the instructions and pressed the enable button. They watched the monitor and after fifteen minutes Jinks said, “How did you know about this?” Michael remained silent and Jinks watched the recording and knew his department was woefully unprepared to fully understand the newest battles the Alliance was fighting.

  Michael pressed his panel, “Audrey, report to my office.”

  “Sir, may I…”


  Audrey saw Michael’s expression and said, “Yes Sir, I’m on my way.” Audrey arrived and found Michael and Jinks staring at the wall monitor. Michael motioned her to a chair and she sat down and looked at the monitor. She immediately recognized the gigantic black vessel in the distance and knew this had to be a recording of the battle. She looked at Michael who was intently staring at the monitor. She turned back to it and started getting into the rhythm of the battle. Then her eyes began getting wider and then wide open. The monitor finally went dark and she looked at Michael and Jinks. Michael looked at her and said, “I want four armored guards called in and all of Fifth Fleet’s communications blacked out until further notice.”

  Audrey nodded and lifted her wrist. Jinks shook his head, “I’m sorry, Sir. We just…”

  “No need to apologize, Jinks. I know the current technology isn’t up to doing what you need.”

  Jinks nodded and stood up, “Thank you for understanding, Sir.” Michael nodded and Jinks walked out of the room as four armored warriors walked in.

  Michael pressed his panel and said, “Lt. Bartolo, report to my office immediately!”

  • • •

  Katy pressed her wrist unit and nothing responded. She stepped out of her office and saw Commander King running up the hall, “What’s going on?”

  “Sir, all communications have been ordered blacked out and all ships grounded.”

  “Who made that order!?”

  “It came from Fleet, Sir.”

  Katy heard a bump on the ceiling and looked at Commander King, “What was that?”

  “I have no way of knowing, Sir.”

  Katy turned as she heard metallic sounds coming down the steps from the landing port on top of the building. She grabbed her neck as she saw Fleet Admiral Stone followed by four armored warriors. Audrey walked up to her and said, “Admiral, you are confined to your office until further notice.” Katy looked in Audrey’s eyes and shut her mouth quickly. She turned and walked toward her office and two of the armored warriors followed her inside. She heard Admiral Stone say to the other two armored warriors, “Find her!” Katy stopped at the door and a warrior pushed her inside.”

  “I’ll have you court-martialed for this!”

  “File the charges but do as you’ve been ordered, Sir.” Katy went to her desk and sat down as the two warriors stood on each side of the door. She looked at her panel and all the systems were dead. What was happening? She looked up and saw Lt. Bartolo walk in followed by Michael. She looked in his eyes and for the first time in her life felt fear grip her heart and squeeze it. A moment later, Lt. Keller was ushered into the office by the two armored warriors sent to find her. Fleet Admiral Stone stepped in behind them and closed the door.

  Chapter Five

  Michael looked at Katy and said, “You will keep your mouth shut until I tell you to open it!! Nod if you understand!!” Katy nodded. Michael raised his wrist unit, “Stop the black out and send the recording I’m about to play in Admiral Greenwall’s office to every monitor on this base.”

  Audrey walked around to stand beside Katy and inserted a data-cube in her desk reader. Katy looked at her with her eyebrows raised and Audrey shook her head. Audrey pressed the play button and a recording began with Admiral Jekins narrating it.

  Katy looked at the monitor and heard Jekins say that the recording followed the two of them from the start of the battle to the conclusion. Katy watched and, after a few moments, was stunned by what she was seeing. The two ships flew through the enemy’s formations destroying black battleships in incredible numbers. They deliberately flew into the thickest enemy formations and blasted their way out. Katy looked at Bartolo and saw her looking at Jan shaking her head. She didn’t want what happened known and it appeared neither did Keller.

  The recording finally ended with Josey destroying the four battleships blocking the heavy from getting off a shot. The recording then moved from the four destroyed battleships, past the heavy, to six black battleships moving in behind the heavy and preparing to fire. Jekins said, “The heavy would have been destroyed except for Lt. Janice Keller’s attack. She attacked and destroyed all six enemy ships before they could open fire on the heavy. Fleet Intelligence has confirmed twenty thousand enemy battleships destroyed by our ships participating in the attack. Lieutenants Bartolo and Keller accounted for three thousand of those. The next closest number killed by another pilot in the rest of our fleets was four ships. It was their actions that won this battle.”

  • • •

  Michael looked at Katy and she saw he was close to rage. “I’ve watched you abuse your authority over the years and I’ve refrained from taking action because you’ve done a good job building Fifth Fleet into a good fighting force. But now I find out that you went to another fleet and told a medal recipient how to act when she received her medal. You threatened her with cleaning latrines if she didn’t follow your instructions.

  “I saved her from your insane behavior and then I learn that you have a warrior that killed more than a thousand enemy ships cleaning bathrooms in Bartolo’s place.” Michael leaned across the desk and snarled into Katy’s face, “Admiral Greenwall, you are under arrest for abusing your authority and behavior unbecoming of an Alliance Officer. You will be put in the brig in Fleet Operations until a Court-marshal can be convened to remove you from your position and imprison you for your actions!” Michael reached across the desk and ripped Katy’s two stars off her collar. He looked at two of the armored warriors, “Get this piece of crap out of my sight!”

  Katy was scared speechless. She was frozen and couldn’t move. All she had ever worked to accomplish was gone. The two warriors lifted her out of her chair and walked her out of her office. Josey saw Katy’s shock and fear. Josey looked at Jan and she shook her head. This is not what they wanted. Then they were shocked into silence. “Guards, take these two and put them in the brig beside the Admiral.”

  Josey started shaking her head, “What have we done to deserve this?”

  Michaels face was still red from his anger, “It is what you didn’t do! Get them out of here!” Josey and Jan were taken by the arm and escorted out of the Admiral’s office. Michael looked at Audrey, “Find a replacement!” He turned and walked out of the office.

  Audrey sighed and shook her head. She went behind the desk and scrolled through Katy’s contact list. She pressed a button and said, “Commodore Moony, you will be in command until a replacement for Admiral Greenwall is chosen.”

  “What’s going on, Admiral?”

  “That’s not your concern now. You will be notified of the charges facing Greenwall at the time of her court-marshal.” Audrey ended the call and looked around before she left the office. So much damage, so mu
ch harm, so much pain in such a short time. She walked out and knew Katy had gone too far. She expected her to eventually do it but it still bothered her that she was that stupid.

  • • •

  Katy arrived at Fleet Operations first and was taken to a room where she was ordered to remove her uniform and don the lime green one-piece coveralls that prisoners wore. She was led to a cell and locked in. She moved to a corner and sat against the wall holding her knees and rocking back and forth. She had lost everything! She was so stupid! She put her head down on her knees and felt her tears. Thirty minutes later, she looked up and saw Josey and Jan wearing prisoner uniforms as they walked into cells across from her. She looked at them and saw Josey yell at the guard as he walked out, “We haven’t done anything!!”

  Jan looked at Josey and shook her head, “Yes we have and you know it!” Josey looked at her and threw herself on her cot. Katy walked up to the bars and said, “If it’s my fault you are arrested, I am sorry. I never intended to do anything to harm your careers.”

  Josey looked up at her and snarled, “Just what did you think would happen to our so called careers with your treatment of us? What did either of us ever do to you!?”

  Katy blew out a breath and looked at the floor as she shook her head. Jan looked at her, “Why did you do it?”

  Katy looked at them and said, “I’ve been in love with the First Commander since our primary grades. I’ve done everything to try and get him to notice me and show me some attention but he’s rejected me at every turn.” Katy looked at Josey, “When I saw your picture and knew he was going to present your medal, I guess my paranoia about his finding someone else took me. I had to make sure no connection was made when he saw you.”

  “Why would there be a connection?”

  “Because, if you haven’t noticed, you are drop dead beautiful. I just let my insecurities get the better of me. When you ignored my instructions, my anger got the better of me. Now I’ve lost everything and I really have no one to blame but myself. I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you and I will testify in your defense.”


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