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Escape to Earth-Living Legends

Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  “Thank you, Sir.” Omny walked away as the pilot assigned the space next to his landing spot landed next to his ship and watched it being loaded on a gravity float.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jan sat in the conference room waiting for the meeting to start with all of the Alliance’s Senior Admirals. She wondered why Michael had not chosen to attend. Katy walked across the room and stopped in front of Jan, “I was so worried about Josey but I can see that you were the one I should have been worried about.”

  Jan’s face turned red, “No Sir. She is far more beautiful that me.”

  Katy glanced at Josey who was smiling and said, “Not from where I stand. I’m really proud of what you’ve done. I consider it an honor to have you in my fleet.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Luke stood up and the meeting began. Jay and Josey felt so bad for Jan. Every question was directed at her and after two days, she could barely speak. But the Fleet Leaders learned everything that happened. At the end, Jan said in a whisper, “Why wasn’t the Commander here?”

  Jay shook his head, “He’s trying to find the pilot that landed on that ship’s hull.”

  “Don’t they know who did it?”

  “It appears they don’t and the pilot isn’t stepping forward. It makes me wonder if he died with that monster ship. However, his flight recordings were sent in after the Monster was destroyed so he must be keeping a low profile.”

  “Why is it so important to find him?”

  Jay shook his head, “Since the Monster ships are being built in that monster galaxy, we’re not going to be able to go and destroy the manufacturing facilities. That means we are going to have to find a way to take them on. We lost eight hundred Battle Pods in the battle and the only one that ended it was the pilot that managed to get next to the hull.”

  “Shouldn’t that have been enough?”

  “The data was too scrambled until he arrived at the ship. Evidently, he was traveling too fast for his recorders to show how he did it. We need to find him, or her, to see if what he did is something we can teach others to do.”

  • • •

  Shelia walked into Eighth Squadron’s male barracks and looked around. It was two in the afternoon and free time for the pilots. She stepped by three pilots who smiled, “Hey, Shelia, want to join us for a trip to the city?”

  “No, but thank you for asking.” The three watched her walk away and shook their heads in admiration.

  Shelia saw him as soon as she passed the three pilots. She walked back to the furthest bunk from the entrance, the place of least respect, and saw Omny laying down staring at the bunk above him. “Why are you back here? I would think with your seniority you could move closer to the door.”

  Omny looked at her and smiled, “It’s very quiet back here.”

  Shelia looked around, “Let’s take a walk.”

  Omny’s eyes narrowed, “Why?”

  “I like to discuss things in private and everyone in here is staring at us.”

  “Why would you want to take a walk with me? I’m old enough to be…”

  “No you’re not, so don’t use that drivel with me. Come on!” She turned and headed toward the door and Omny almost ignored her request but she stopped at door and waited for him to come. He blew out a breath, got up, and moved toward the entrance. Several of the pilots said as he passed, “Look at the old man!” He ignored them and followed Shelia out the door. She started walking toward the cafeteria and was silent.

  “Is there a reason you interrupted my nap?”

  “You weren’t napping. You were staring at the overhead bunk.”

  “I can sleep with my eyes open.”

  Omni smiled but Shelia didn’t. “I guess you’ve been hearing the requests for the pilot that landed on the Monster’s hull to please report to the Admiral.” Omny stopped dead in his tracks. Shelia moved two steps past him and looked back, “You shouldn’t let a Lady get ahead of you.”

  Omny started walking and Shelia said, “How long do you intend to keep this up?” Omny stared straight ahead in silence. Shelia stopped and he stopped with her and stared into her eyes. She shook her head, “For your information, I’m twenty eight. My mother was that age when she married my father who was fifty. They’re still married and happier than they have a right to be so don’t look at me as a wet behind the ears girl. I know what happened and I’m wondering when you’re going to come forward.”

  “You’re going to have a long wait.”

  Shelia stared into Omny’s eyes for a long moment and then smiled, “I have my answer. I know pride when I see it. Good luck living with it.” She turned and walked away.

  Omny shook his head. How did she know? She must be pulling his chain over something else. His ship had been replaced in record time and when the investigators showed up they questioned him about whether or not he had taken part in the battle. His ship didn’t have a mark on it. He told them, “Of course I was there!” They stared at him and made a note to tell his commanding officer that he had a coward in his ranks. It didn’t take long before the other members of the Squadron picked up on it and gave him even more grief than normal. He walked back in the barracks and a pilot walking out sneered, “How did you get up enough nerve to walk out in the sunlight?” Omny ignored him and went to his bunk.

  • • •

  Ten days later an announcement went out over every pilot in Fifth Fleets wrist units. “All pilots will report to their barracks immediately! All pilots report to their barracks immediately!” It was nine in the evening and most of the pilots were already dressed, or undressed for bed. Now everyone was talking to each other wondering what was going on. At nine thirty, the wall speakers in every barracks came on. “This is First Commander Stone. I don’t like that I have to do this but I feel compelled to do something I would not normally do. I know that Admiral Greenwall has made Fifth Fleet into something for every fleet in the Alliance to aspire to become. I’m counting on the fact that all of you share in making that image. I am issuing a direct order for the pilot that landed on the hull of that Legend Battleship during the last battle to report to Admiral Greenwall immediately! If she’d done the job I think she has, I expect you to comply with this order. You have thirty minutes to report.”

  Everyone in the barracks started looking at each other and questioned why the pilot had not come forward. The volume grew louder as twenty minutes passed without anyone stepping forward. Suddenly, the front door flew open and Shelia stormed into the barracks. Many of the pilots weren’t dressed for female company and all of them scrambled to throw something around them. Shelia was wearing a revealing pair of pajamas and she pushed her way through the pilots gathered between the rows of bunks until she arrived at the last one. Omny was sitting on the bunk with his head down.

  Shelia yelled, “This goes beyond your silly pride! This involves all of us and what we’ve tried to stand for!” Omny took a deep breath and turned around. “You’re not dressed appropriately, Captain.”


  Everyone in the barracks was silent as they watched Omny stand up, look at the clock, and lift his wrist unit. He looked at Shelia and then pressed a button. Admiral Greenwall appeared on his unit’s display and he said, “Sir, I’m the one you’re looking for.”

  “Report to my office immediately!”

  Everyone saw Omny was dressed in his flight uniform. He lowered his arm and glanced at Shelia as he walked past her. He lowered his head and everyone moved out of his way as he exited the barracks. The pilots all watched him leave and then turned to Shelia. She looked at them with an expression of rage. “I landed next to his ship after we arrived from the battle! His ship was being put on a gravity sled to be hauled away and I saw the silver coating on his hull was melted and hundreds of pieces of shrapnel sticking out of the rear of his ship. Do any of you morons happen to know how a ship can get shrapnel blown through its force field hard enough to embed in the silver coated hull? Let me help you. It would have to
have been extremely close to a massive explosion. His ship had to be scrapped and his computer moved to a new vessel. The investigators accused him of cowardice and you bunch of worthless human beings only added to the torment you’ve given him since the first day he showed up on the job. He saved most of your worthless hides by what he did and look at you. You’re disgusting!” Shelia stormed out of the building and everyone scrambled to get out of her way. The Pilots all looked at each other and finally the silence was broken by one saying, “We’re actually worse than what she said.”

  • • •

  Omny reported to Katy’s office and came to attention. Katy stared at him and said, “Lieutenant, I’m profoundly sorry that we couldn’t get your family off Earth in time. I know what heartache you’ve endured for that. I understand why you didn’t come forward?”

  Omny looked at her and said, “DO YOU, SIR!”

  “You didn’t do it for yourself or us. You did it for them.” Omny tried to fight his tears but was unsuccessful. He stood at attention as Katy came around the desk and took him in her arms. She hugged him tightly and cried with him, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my sailors. Thousands more would have died but for you.” She held him tight until his tears stopped.

  • • •

  Michael arrived at Katy’s office and the door wouldn’t open. He pressed the chime again and almost contacted her on his wrist unit. He stared at the door and thought, “Averel, what’s going on?”

  “You need to give them some time, Michael.”

  Michael felt a vibration as Omny’s personnel file appeared on his wrist unit. He walked up to hall to a bench and started reading. He remembered the day he lost his mother and lowered his head into his hands. So many had scars from this war that never seemed to end.

  • • •

  Omni walked through the door to the barracks and saw it was empty. Thank God for that! He walked to his bunk and saw the orderlies had packed all of his belongings and he lifted the duffle bag, threw it over his shoulder and then picked up his satchel. He looked at his bunk and sighed. “Take care of the next one!” He walked up to the front of the long barracks and looked back. He took a deep breath and went through the door.


  Omny saw every Pilot in Eighth Squadron was formed up in ranks in their dress uniforms. The Commander stepped forward and saluted Omny. He returned the salute without thinking and the Commander said, “One of the pilots would like to speak.”

  Omny almost walked away but Lilly Southerland stepped out of ranks and he stopped. Lilly smiled, “I was chosen to speak because most of us are of the opinion that you wouldn’t walk away from someone that has always treated you with respect.” Omny stared at her and, after a long moment, he put his bags down. “We all know that asking you to forgive us for all that has been said and done to you just isn’t possible. We’ve done far too much to ever expect forgiveness. However, all of us here are less than we thought we were before you saved us. We are here to honor you for saving our lives. We were called away from the battle, while you remained on that Legend Ship and fought to save us. Your bravery is beyond the word hero and every pilot here wants you to know that you are the image they intend to use to be considered courageous. We will be less in your absence and we will always remember you as Scott Jacobs instead of the Omny we used instead. We all pray your life will be better than how we made it here.”

  The Commander shouted, “PREEEESEENNNT ARMS!” Every pilot in the ranks lifted a heavy blaster and the Commander saluted. Suddenly he heard a band start playing the Alliance Anthem and he saw the First Squadron in Fifth Fleet parade pass by and give ‘EYES RIGHT’ as they passed. Admiral Greenwall and her Senior Staff led them. All hundred squadrons passed in review and the pilots in formation in front of him kept their heavy blasters at ‘present arms’ the entire time.”

  Finally, the last squadron passed and Fifth Fleet formed up behind Eighth Squadron and Katy walked forward. She saluted Scott and he returned it. Katy yelled where all could hear, “ORRRRDERRR ARMS!” Eighth Squadron finally lowered the heavy blasters and Scott knew the effort it had taken to hold them at present arms that long. Scott looked at Katy and said, “Sir!”

  “Yes, Lieutenant!”

  “I wish to make two requests.”

  “What are they?!”

  “My first request is that you call me by the name I earned, Omny.”

  Katy smiled, “Consider it done.”

  “Second, I wish to withdraw my request for transfer from Firth Fleet. This is home.”

  Katy’s eyes turned moist and she yelled, “Done!!”

  Eight Squadron was the first to reach him and they were followed by the rest of Fifth Fleet. He was lifted on their shoulders and carried off into the swarming cheering thousands. Katy watched him disappear and Michael walked up, “You really go to a lot of effort to prevent losing one of your pilots. When you said you wanted to honor him before he left, I had no idea you meant this.”

  Katy looked at Michael for the first time in a long time without fear, “Every one of them is important to me, Commander. I did this for what he did for us.”

  Michael nodded and smiled, “Thank you, Admiral. He belongs here.”

  • • •

  It was a very long day and, finally around eleven that evening, Omny was allowed to sit down. He waited on his bunk and quietly got up and left the barracks. He walked out to the landing field and went to his ship, “It’s about time!”

  “I’m sorry, Granny. I couldn’t break away.”

  “I was talking about you getting the respect you deserve.”

  Omny sighed and leaned back in his chair and heard, “Do you mind if I come in?”

  Omny looked at the port and saw Shelia looking in at him. Granny said, “Come on in.”

  Shelia walked in and shook her head, “I’m so sorry for violating your privacy.”

  “How long have you been waiting out there?”

  “I knew you would come to the ship that fought with you. I didn’t want to wait to offer an apology.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, Shelia. I had already gotten dressed; I was going to tell the Admiral it was me.”

  “You mean I came in half naked and didn’t need to do it!”

  Omny smiled, “That was the only thing that made it worth doing.”

  Shelia’s face turned red and she smiled, “You deserve the honor you received today. I’m really proud of you, Scott.”

  “Shelia, call me Omny. Scott died with his family. What was left behind wasn’t worth much. It’s taken this long to find myself again.” Shelia nodded and turned to go. “Uhhh, Shelia.”


  “I struggled with what to do this morning.”

  “You mean about transferring to another fleet or staying?”

  “Yes. It finally dawned on me that seeing you in those pajamas is what made the difference. I just wanted to let you know.”

  Shelia’s smile was huge as she ran across the bridge and lept into his lap. She kissed him hard and he wrapped her up in his arms. She broke the kiss and she said, “I’ve been watching you for so long hoping you would speak to me when we landed our ships.”

  Omny smiled, “You no longer have to worry about that.” Shelia jumped up and headed toward the port. “Hey, where are you going?”

  Shelia turned and smiled before she disappeared, “I need to get some PJs.”

  Omny smiled and shook his head as he heard. “Should I be blushing?”

  “You’re not capable of doing it, Granny. I think I can do it enough for both of us.”

  • • •

  Averel rolled over and woke Hengel up. She knew she shouldn’t be so nosey but she liked this pilot and his ship. She also liked the woman that had cared about him from a distance for so long; she had never told him. She wrapped her arms around Hengel and he said, “What?” That was the last word he was able to say for a while.

  • • •

  Omny sat in the conference room at Fleet Operations on Earth. This was the first time he had returned to Earth since his family was killed by the invaders. Shelia sat beside him holding his hand. He requested that she be allowed to go with him and Admiral Greenwall approved it.

  “Omny, are you all right?”

  “I guess. It seems like centuries ago…I lost most of the memory that year I spent in the hospital.”

  “That had to be tough on you.”

  Omny shrugged, “Actually, what the pilots did wasn’t anywhere near what I endured in that place. However, I don’t remember most of it. My mind was gone.”

  “What brought you back?”

  “One day I was sitting outside and heard a construction converter operating outside the walls. I’ve always been a builder and that sound led me out of the fog. Within a few weeks, I was normal enough to go to work.” He looked at Shelia, “But I was not the same person that went in. I’m serious when I say that Scott died with his family. This life I’m living now started after the insane asylum.”

  Shelia slowly nodded and softly said, “I’m thankful you’ve let me be a part of it.”

  “Shelia, I really don’t deserve you. I mean look at you! You’re so beautiful and…young.”

  “Omny, beauty is highly overrated. At best it’s transient and age robs everyone of it eventually. It’s what’s inside the person that makes them worth being with. You are more than I could ever hope for, Omny.”

  Omny nodded as Michael and the Leadership Team entered the conference room. Omny and Shelia came to attention and Michael said, “AS YOU WERE! We want to keep this meeting informal as possible so sit down and relax.” Omny and Shelia sat down and Michael said, “I think you already know Luke Axel, Earth’s chosen leader and Admiral Greenwall. This is Admiral Audrey Stone, my half-sister, and Admiral Joshua Stone, my half-brother. I believe you also know Laney.”

  “Sir, I think we know about everyone in this room. All of Earth’s Warriors know about your team.”


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