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Delicious (Cooking Up A Storm)

Page 12

by Walker, Annie

  “Thanks. And hiring the extra help had been a big relief.” She wasn’t meeting his glance. Her voice sounded too perky. Something was definitely wrong.

  But Aiden was patient. He waited until they were seated in front of the fireplace drinking wine before asking her what he’d wanted to know since he’d walked into the house.

  “So, what’s this big news?” he asked causally, even though his fingers were trembling around the wine glass.

  She didn’t say a word for a while. But she looked even more nervous. “Wait here.” Cara came back carrying a thick, black binder, which she handed to him.

  “What’s this?” he managed while holding her gaze.

  “You’ve heard of Grandma Brady’s Wholesome Best, right? she asked and he nodded.

  “Sure, who hasn’t? They’re famous.”

  “They want to buy my cookie?” she blurted out, her eyes searching his expectantly.

  “They want to…what?”

  She dropped down beside him on the floor. “They’ve heard about ‘Delicious,’ and they want to buy the rights to it. Actually, they want to buy my store, lock, stock, and cookie, and turn it into a franchise. With Shelby and I basically running that end of the business. We would have free reign to make it just about anything we want.” She rushed through the details before adding, “We’d be traveling to the different stores and staying there for extended periods of time. The first would be in New York in February.”

  She looked at him expecting some response. For the life of him, Aiden couldn’t give her one. It felt as if someone had just punched him in the gut. Hard.

  What was she hoping for him to say? Aiden knew how hard Cara had worked for this moment. But traveling for extended periods didn’t sound anything like the future he was hoping for with her. Still, he tried to be supportive. He couldn’t keep her from her dreams.

  “This sounds, fantastic. This is what you’ve been working for, for a long time. Congratulations.” He forced the words out.

  “So you think that I should take the offer?” Her voice caught over the words. Her eyes broke from his. What was she thinking?

  “I think you have to do what you want to do here, Cara. This is an amazing opportunity for you. I wouldn’t want you to pass it up.”

  “I see,” she said as she stumbled to her feet and turned away. Was she crying? Aiden got to his feet and went after her, step by shaky step.

  “Cara, what do you want me to say? I can’t make this decision for you.”

  “I wasn’t expecting you to. I was hoping for a little more input though. Just forget it.” She headed for the door when he caught her.

  “Where are you going?” he added as his anger grew. They were arguing. He felt like begging her to refuse the offer. He couldn’t. She didn’t deserve that. They were arguing and he didn’t know why she was upset.

  “I’m leaving. Thanks for your help, Aiden.” She tried to pull away. He didn’t let her. “Dammit, Aiden. Let me go.”

  “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me why you’re crying? And why are we fighting?”

  He brought her closer, felt her body strain away from his. But her eyes couldn’t hide the truth. Sultry. She was just as turned on as he was.

  Aiden lifted her in his arms and went back to the fireplace. He laid her down in front of the fire, and undressed her. She was angry. She was crying. He didn’t understand either of those reactions.

  “Answer the damn question, Cara,” he told her as his lips moved over her body. Their anger brought an edge to their lovemaking that hadn’t been there before. It came quick. Hard. And in a rush of passion. It was over before he realized she still hadn’t answered his question.

  Aiden leaned over her. Saw her tears and felt his anger wash away.

  “Baby, what is it?”

  She only shook her head. Before she could answer, he heard the front doorbell chime. It sounded as if someone were resting their hand against it. She shook her head again. He wasn’t going to find out the answer now unless he pushed it. Aiden brushed away her tears and reached for her chin forcing her to look at him.

  “What is it?”

  The chime continued unceasing. She shook her head again. “They’re not going away.”

  “Screw them.”

  “Aiden, I know you’re in there.”

  “Shit.” His eyes closed for a moment, then locked with Cara’s. “Ally.”

  “Who’s Ally?” she asked.

  “My sister.”

  For a moment, neither moved. Aiden looked into her eyes and wished Ally away. But he knew his sister too well. She wasn’t going anywhere. She knew he was there. She’d stand on that doorbell all night if necessary.

  “Shit. You’re right. She won’t go away. She knows I’m here.” He tried to understand Cara’s expression. “I’m sorry, baby. Don’t leave. We can talk about this. Besides she’s here to meet you anyway.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough. But I think we’d better get dressed before Ally calls the cops.”

  He watched Cara gather her clothes and run to the bedroom. Then he dressed as quickly as possible with hands that shook. Damn, damn, damn. Of all the bad moments in the world, Ally had to pick this time to pay him a visit. He could only imagine the grilling she would give Cara.

  He heard Cara upstairs. She was showering. She would be trying to hide the tears. Aiden wanted to go to her. He wanted to find out what she was thinking. He hated that he couldn’t.

  “Ally, what the hell are you doing here?” he asked when he opened the door and his sister walked inside taking in the state of disarray from his shirt, which was half tucked in, to the evidence that something had been going on that she’d interrupted.

  “Good to see you too, Aiden. Where is she?” Ally asked while pointing to the two wine glasses. She cocked her head toward the shower running upstairs before smiling that ‘I told you so’ smile of hers.

  “Ally, this isn’t really a good time. Why are you here anyway?”

  Ally smirked. “Aiden what did you expect? Mom has been driving me crazy since you blew her off about Thanksgiving the other day. Why do you think we girls have been called in?”

  Aiden tried to control his annoyance with the Winter’s women. “Ally, I explained to Mom just the way I explained it to you. I’m just not sure. It’s going to be difficult this year. With the new job and traveling so much as it is…”

  “And the new girlfriend that you don’t want any of us to know about. Oh come on, Aiden. You’re not really fooling anyone. So who is she? Let me guess—the latest lingerie model?”

  Aiden was tempted to tell her yes simply because he knew that would send her storming out the door. Like Ally, his other sister Jenny hated the women Aiden dated in the past. She just usually wasn’t as vocal about it as Ally. Ally never missed an opportunity to tell him how she felt about the women he dated. Her favorite description was empty-headed woman who allowed men to objectify them. Ally would love Cara. They had a lot in common. Cara used to hate the women he dated as well.

  The only problem was Cara still didn’t consider herself his girlfriend even though they had been together longer than any of his other girlfriends. Including Miranda.

  “Ally, look can we do this some other time?”

  Upstairs Aiden heard the shower cut off. A few minutes later, the bedroom door closed. He and his sister both looked up as Cara came down the stairs.

  She stopped on the bottom stair looking from Aiden to Ally like a deer caught in the headlights of an approaching car. His heart went out to her. He wouldn’t wish this on his worst of enemies much less the woman he was in love with.


  “Aiden, aren’t you going to introduce us?” Clearly, Ally was shocked. She hadn’t expected Cara. He would almost have laughed at the comical expression on her face if he weren’t still wrestling with that last vivid realization.

  Love? He couldn’t believe he’d been so blind. H
e loved her. It all seemed so clear looking at Cara here with his sister. The reason why he’d been so afraid to tell anyone in his family about their relationship. He loved her. He’d been in love with her for a long time.

  “Obviously not.” Ally stepped forward took Cara’s hand and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Allison—Aiden’s sister. Well, one of them.” Ally was speechless for a second. She looked Cara up and down while she continued to babble. “I’m the youngest. I live the closest to Aiden. That’s why I’m here.” She stopped, turned back to Aiden and punched him in the ribs with her elbow. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Cara. This is Cara Bennett, Ally,” Aiden managed to say with the help of his sister’s elbow.

  “Cara? What a pretty name. It’s nice to meet you, Cara.” Ally smiled at Cara before turning back to Aiden. For the first time in longer than he could remember his sister was floored.

  “Nice to meet you too.” Cara looked extremely uncomfortable. Aiden could sympathize. His sister had that effect on him as well.

  “I’m impressed, brother. Not your typical.” He couldn’t believe his sister had actually said those things out loud.

  “Ally, for crying out loud.” He went to Cara and put his arm around her. “Would you lay off before she thinks we’re all freaks and runs away screaming?”

  He looked down at Cara who seemed about ready to bolt at any moment. “My big sister. She’s always sticking her nose into places that it doesn’t belong. Where’s Brad anyway? I can’t believe he let you make this trip.”

  “Brad doesn’t tell me what to do. And anyway, you’ve been so hush mouthed about your personal life lately that we knew something was up. Way to go, Aiden. You’ve finally found someone worthy of you.”

  Aiden closed his eyes tight. He didn’t dare look at Cara. That typical Ally statement had to be the worst one to end all relationship remarks he’d ever heard. He decided the best way to deal with it was to ignore it.

  “So now that you’ve seen her, I expect you’ll be leaving?”

  Ally looked slightly taken aback and Cara moved a little closer to him. At least she wasn’t still angry like before. But they definitely had unfinished business that he couldn’t begin to think about with Ally standing here in his living room.

  “Aiden, it’s the middle of the night. I can’t get a flight out until tomorrow. I was hoping to stay the weekend.”

  Aiden was hoping that she would leave but she was his sister and he couldn’t let her stay in a hotel.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry, where are my manners? Have you eaten?”

  “Yes, I ate on the plane. But I’ll take some wine,” Ally said before plopping down into the chair close to the fireplace. Close to where he and Cara had just made very angry and very passionate sex.

  “All right. Make yourself comfortable, Ally. We’ll be right back.”

  “Why don’t you get it? That way Cara and I can get better acquainted.”

  “Oh no, I’m not leaving her to your inquisition. You can just wait until we get back to start the questioning.”

  Ally looked disappointed but she didn’t argue. Aiden took Cara’s hand and walked into the kitchen before saying a word.

  “I’m sorry. I know this is terrible timing. I had no idea she would just show up like that. I thought she understood.”

  “It’s okay. Aiden, its okay, really. You’re right. I can’t expect you to make my decisions for me.”

  “Cara, it’s not that. Surely, you know that. It’s just that I don’t want to be the deciding factor in you making your dreams come true. I know how hard you’ve worked to accomplish this. This is a big moment for you.”

  “All right, I get it. Let’s just not talk about it okay?”

  “Cara that’s not what I meant. But you’re right, now is probably not the best time.”

  “Maybe I should just go. I can stay with Shelby for the weekend,” she said without looking at him.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Ally’s an adult.”

  “I wasn’t talking about your sister.”

  “Cara…” He drew her back into his arms.

  “Why are men so thick headed?”

  “You’ll stay in my room. Ally can stay in your room. We’ll get through this. It’s only one day—how bad can it be? I’ll send her on her way on Sunday. I want to have you to myself for a while.”

  * * * *

  “How bad can it be? It was horrible, Shelby. It was the longest weekend I’ve ever spent.”

  Cara was in before five and just finishing her third batch of when Shelby walked in. She’d left the house before Aiden, who was still in the shower. He’d called. Twice. She’d ignored both calls.

  The second Shelby dropped her purse and jacket on the sofa she’d asked her what happened.

  “I took your advice and talked to Aiden.”

  “You did?” Shelby was smiling from ear to ear before she spotted Cara’s expression. “What happened? Did he tell you that he doesn’t love you? Because if he did that’s an out and out lie.”

  “No, I didn’t tell him how I felt about him…wait, why would you say that?” Cara watched Shelby who was studying her nails, which she normally could care less about, and it clicked. “Have you been talking to Aiden about me?” The guilty expression on Shelby’s face said it all. “Shelby, no. How could you? What did you tell him? No wait, I don’t want to know.”

  “Good because I’m not going to tell you. What Aiden and I talk about is our business. So, if you didn’t tell him how you feel like I told you to, then what did you talk about that’s got you so upset?”

  “I told him about the offer from Brady’s people. He said it was great. Wonderful in fact. A dream come true.” Cara paced the small waiting area of the store. “He couldn’t have been more excited for me and less concerned when I told him it meant I’d be traveling for long periods of time. That means he can’t wait to get rid of me.”

  “Cara, that’s not what it means at all?”

  Cara turned back to Shelby. “Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?”

  “Because you’ve been together for a while now. Longer than any other woman has lasted, including the models. And Aiden certainly doesn’t show any signs of wanting out.”

  “Shelby, you’re just being optimistic. But come on. We both know Aiden’s MO. It’s only a matter of time. In fact, I think it’s about time that I start considering another place to live. I mean…it’s only a matter of time.”


  “Look, Shelby, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. We’re swamped this week with the online orders and the customers who have called in. Let’s just get busy, okay?”

  For most of the day, Cara was able to keep her mind off Aiden by filling the orders for . But she couldn’t hide from the inevitable. She knew that it was only a matter of time before she and Aiden were going to have to discuss their future.

  She had successfully avoided Aiden’s calls for most of the day that by the time she got home she figured he’d probably given up on her anyway.

  So when the phone rang at almost midnight she figured it had to be Aiden, no doubt telling her it was over. Instead, she recognized the Pineville ID. It was her mother.

  “Cara? I was beginning to think you were never home. I’ve been trying for days to reach you at home, but I always get the answering machine. You know how much I hate those answering machine things.”

  “Hi Mom. I’m sorry, I’ve been busy. Did you need something?” Cara asked while kicking the sofa really hard. She hated the strained moments of silence between her family and herself. But for as long as she could remember, she never really felt as if she belonged in the Bennett household. She was the odd one out. The one that no one understood.

  “I know you’re busy honey. But we were hoping you were coming home for Thanksgiving this year. Your father and I have been clipping every single one of your articles in the paper. You’re quite the celebrity here in Pineville. Everyone’s so proud of you.”<
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  Her mom tried, but the truth was Cara knew her dad hadn’t read even one of those articles. Mom was the one that encouraged Cara to go to college, fulfill her dreams. In a way, she was living her own dreams through her daughter. She and Cara’s father had to get married when her mother became pregnant with their first child Raymond in high school. Mom had to drop out to have the baby because in those days, a woman just didn’t get pregnant without being married first. Most folks around town suspected the truth, even though no one ever pointed it out. Her Mom managed to get her GED in between babies. Seth was born two years later and Savannah five more years. Then came Cara, the baby, another ten years later. Her mother had been raising babies for most of her adult life.

  “Thanks, Mom. You know I’ll try to come home but I’m not so sure that I can, with things being so busy and all.” Cara hated that she was lying to her mother.

  “Well, I know you’ll try. Everyone’s going to be there. Both your brothers and their families. And Savannah.”

  “That sounds great. I’ll let you know something soon. And I’ll try, I promise.”

  As Cara lay in bed that night, she wondered if maybe going home wasn’t the best thing for her. Aiden would be with his family. Shelby was having all of her relatives over and even though she had invited Cara to come, the thought of being amongst all the Evan’s clan was a little intimidating. Shelby’s family was huge. There were seven siblings in all and a handful of foster kids, not to mention grandparents. But Shelby had a good relationship with all her family. She couldn’t understand why Cara dreaded going home so much.

  By Tuesday, most of the orders were finished and ready to be shipped. The store was closed from Wednesday through the weekend.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come over to my place?”

  Cara smiled at her friend but shook her head. She couldn’t even imagine how Shelby was planning to fit all those relatives into her tiny one bedroom apartment much less preparing the traditional Thanksgiving meal for them all.

  “No thanks. I’m still not sure what I’m going to do. You just have fun with all that cooking, you hear?” she said as they walked to their cars that night.


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