Rise to Love [Rise of the Changelings 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Rise to Love [Rise of the Changelings 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  “Get the hell away from them,” Mr. Marcelo said. “Get your damn seat belt on.”

  Turning, he struggled to get the belt away from the seat. It wasn’t easy since his hands were cuffed. Pulling the belt around him wasn’t hard. It was angling his body and trying to snap it into place that was proving difficult.

  The car jerked and the belt flew from Dorian’s hands.

  “Hang on.”

  Dorian grabbed at the seat belt, holding onto it. There was nothing more he could do. He just prayed they didn’t hit anything and send him flying through the front windshield. But they were driving in reverse, so would he go through the front windshield?

  The car swerved a bit and then Dorian saw a big red Yukon cut in front of them. It stopped, partially blocking the pursuing police cars.

  “Is that Nathaniel?” Although he had no clue who Nathaniel was.

  Mr. Marcelo took a second to look at where Dorian was pointing and then turned back around to see where he was driving. The man was pretty damn good at driving backward. Dorian would have crashed by now.

  “That’s him.”

  The next street they turned down, Mr. Marcelo took the time to get them turned around. They were driving forward instead of backward now. Sirens could still be heard, but Dorian didn’t see anyone behind them.

  “We need to get out of the city.”

  Dorian finally got the seat belt snapped into place. “Do you have a place to go?”

  “I have a few places in mind.” Mr. Marcelo shot to the freeway and raced quickly up the ramp, getting lost among the many commuters. If the cops found them now, they were in trouble. There was no way they could have a chase when the traffic was so thick that the speed had decreased to almost a crawl.

  “Do you think taking a congested freeway is the smartest thing to do, Mr. Marcelo?” Dorian knew there was a football game tonight at Shelton Field. The game must have just let out. The traffic was so thick that Dorian had time to look into the other cars as they crawled by at a snail’s pace.


  Dorian furrowed his brows. “What?”

  “My name is Rick.” Rick switched lanes. “And yes, it’s the smartest thing to do.” The man sounded a bit irritated as he eased into the lane to their left.

  Dorian checked the side mirror, but didn’t see any flashing lights. They weren’t going as fast as he would like them to go, but it seemed they weren’t being followed. “Isn’t Nathaniel going to get into trouble for blocking the cops?”

  “Nathaniel can take care of himself.” Rick eased past a brown sedan, getting into the farthest left lane.

  “You know, I’m not the one to get pissy with. It wasn’t my fault they came after me.” Dorian sat back, his anger simmering at the edges. Rick had no right getting angry with him. He didn’t ask to get arrested for a crime he didn’t commit. He didn’t ask the wererats to kidnap him. And he sure as hell didn’t ask Rick to come for him—although he was glad to be away from the wererats—and dodge the cops.

  He didn’t ask for any of this.

  They exited the freeway, Rick ignoring him. Dorian really wasn’t liking the guy right about now. The man may be helping him stay out of jail, but he didn’t have to be a prick about it.

  Rick turned onto a county road. Dorian played with the cuffs still wrapped around his wrists. He thought about what Rick had said. He knew for certain that Rick could get the cuffs off, but he wasn’t sure he wanted the man to try. The guy had said he would break something. Was the alpha that strong?

  Sometimes it sucked being in the dark. Dorian wished he knew more about changelings. It might help steady his nerves. He kept waiting for Rick to change into whatever creature he was and attack Dorian.

  Damn it. Working around Jayson was starting to make Dorian think like the man. If he was a nominee, then he should be safe. Right? Dorian stole a glance at the driver, his eyes roaming over Rick’s profile. He still thought Rick as yummy-looking. He had a headful of jet-black hair that was cut just below his ears, business style. The guy had a neatly trimmed goatee that called attention to the man’s sensual lips. But Dorian noticed the beard looked a little unkempt, as if a small part of Rick was rebelling. It looked nice, though. The unshaven look only lent to the man’s granite cheekbones and smoky bedroom eyes.

  Would it be so bad being the guy’s mate?

  “I was pissed because I’m not used to being questioned about my decisions.”

  Guess that answers my question. The man was going to be impossible. “And I’m not used to blindly following someone.”

  “Get used to it. We’re stuck together until this mess is cleared up.”

  “You know,” Dorian said as he turned fully around, “being nice never sent anyone to the hospital.” Not that he was aware of anyway.

  Rick grunted, but didn’t answer him. The man’s jaw clenched, and Dorian knew he would rather face the wererats then be around this arrogant bastard. I’m not used to being questioned about my decisions, Dorian mocked the man in his head. What a douche.

  They drove for hours before Rick turned off the main road. Dorian hoped they reached their destination soon. He was starving. He hadn’t eaten since lunch, and that was yesterday at work. His stomach grumbled loudly.

  “We’ll be at Derrick’s soon. You can eat there.”

  “Who’s Derrick?”

  “A friend.”

  Well that explained it all. Dorian turned to look out of his window. He had a feeling that he and Rick were going to have it out before things were cleared up. Hell, they just might have it out before the day was over. Dorian may be shorter than Rick, and the man may outweigh him by a good fifty pounds, but Dorian wasn’t going to be pushed around.

  He wasn’t changeling and didn’t have to bow to Rick’s every damn word.

  Rick finally pulled into a long driveway. It was paved and led to the back of a farmhouse. “Stay behind me, and let me do all of the talking.”

  “I thought he was your friend?”

  “He is, but he is an alpha, and there are protocols to follow.”

  Great. Just what Dorian needed right now, politics. He grabbed for the handle of the door and then got out. He met Rick on the other side of the car and stayed behind the guy. He really didn’t know the person who had come out onto the front porch, so listening to Rick didn’t seem like a bad idea—even if he didn’t like it.



  “Derrick,” Rick said as he walked forward, extending his hand. “Long time since I saw you last.”

  Derrick chuckled. “What trouble are you in?”

  “You know me too well,” Rick said.

  Apparently Dorian didn’t. The district manager had an air about him that had made Dorian steer clear of the guy, but he had no idea that Rick got into so much trouble. He was turning out to be such the rebel.

  “Come inside.”

  Dorian was irritated that Rick didn’t introduce him, but said nothing as he walked behind the man. This wasn’t his show. He was the stranger here. Rick held the screen door for him, allowing Dorian to pass through first.

  Standing just inside the door, Dorian waited.

  “And who do we have here?” Derrick asked as he turned toward Dorian.

  “One of my candidates.”

  Derrick just nodded as he showed them into a study. The room was lavish. The walls were oak paneled, and one whole side of the room was encased in bookshelves, running from floor-to-ceiling. The rug was a thick bloodred and forest green with block patterns. It was definitely a man’s study. The setup screamed masculinity. “Now, what brings you here?”

  Rick took a seat in a cushioned leather chair, leaving Dorian at the door. He wanted to smack the man. Not sure what to do, Dorian took a seat next to Rick. Damn, this chair was comfortable as hell.

  Dorian noticed one of Derrick’s brows raise, but the man didn’t say anything.

  “He’s human,” Rick replied to Derrick, as if being human explai
ned any bad manners that Dorian might display. He was getting really tired of changelings.

  “I knew that when he walked into my house,” Derrick said, staring at Dorian as if insulted, and then turned back to Rick.

  Okay, maybe it was Derrick that he was going to get into it with by the end of the day. The man was more arrogant than Rick. Dorian was starting to get the picture about changeling alphas and he didn’t like it. He figured they had to be dominating to rule whatever they ruled, but that didn’t mean he liked how superior they acted.

  He sat there and listened to Rick tell Derrick what was going on. From the way Rick was telling the story, Dorian had learned a few things he hadn’t known. Like how they had an inside man in the police department. Dorian thought that only happened in the movies.

  Dorian could hear the pain in Rick’s voice as he spoke of his dead nephew. He had an urge to give the man a hug, but he stayed seated. Dorian wasn’t sure a hug would be welcomed. They were too busy trying to prove who had the bigger dick at the moment while using their protocols. God forbid Dorian remind them that he had grown a dick of his own when he was in his mom’s womb.

  He was just a human, after all.

  “I’m not using the home in Wallington. You are more than welcome to stay there,” Derrick said as he leaned back in his chair. “I’ll make a few phone calls and try to find out more of what’s going on with the werehyenas.”

  Rick stood and shook Derrick’s hand. “Appreciate you helping us.”

  Dorian stayed seated. He knew the pompous alpha wasn’t going to shake his hand. But he did have manners. “Thank you.”

  Derrick ignored him.


  He was hungry as hell, but Dorian refused to ask if the man had something to eat. Fuck him. Dorian was ready to leave.

  “Take a room upstairs and leave out first thing in the morning.”

  Dorian groaned. He did not want to be here, but had no choice. As much as he hated working the deli department, he missed the place right about now. He didn’t like being on the run. He wanted the cuffs off. And Dorian wanted his life to return to normal.

  “Thanks,” Rick said.

  Dorian walked out of the office behind Rick, cursing under his breath with every step. He was ass deep in changeling life and didn’t know what to do about it. He was human, damn it. Dorian had read about vampires and changelings coming out a few years ago. That didn’t make him an expert and he sure as shit didn’t expect to be caught up in their bullshit.

  “Here.” Derrick tossed something at Rick. Rick caught it and then smiled.


  Dorian didn’t know what it was and Rick didn’t show him. They walked up the steps leading to the second floor and into the first bedroom on the right. Rick turned as soon as they cleared the doorway. “Give me your hands.”

  Raising them, Dorian watched as Rick slid a key into the small hole and twisted it, one cuff opening. Rick released the other cuff and Dorian immediately began to massage the abused skin. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Rick tossed the key onto the dresser. “I’ll go get us something to eat.”

  Dorian stood there in the room, alone. He spotted a phone by the bed. Sitting down on the mattress, he called his dad. He knew his dad had to have heard about his great escape by now and didn’t want the man to worry about him. His dad was the best, and Dorian knew the guy was probably pacing back and forth in the living room right now while his mother told him to sit down a hundred times.

  No one could ask for better parents.

  “Where are you, son?” his dad asked, trying to keep the worry out of his voice but failing.


  “What in the hell is going on? The police came back by here telling us you escaped. Is there more going on that I need to know about? You know I’ll cover for you no matter what you’ve done, but you have to keep me in the loop if I’m going to lie to the cops.”

  Dorian sighed. He wanted to tell his dad everything, but the less his father knew, the better. He didn’t want his family involved in this mess, even if his dad was willing to stick his neck out for Dorian. “I’m trying to work it all out, but just so you know, I didn’t escape.”

  His dad grunted. “I believe you, but I don’t like it. Keep your head down and stay safe. Your mother is worried sick.”

  In other words, his dad was worried sick. “I will. I’ll call you when I know more of what’s going on.”

  “You do that. I don’t like you on the run. But until this is all straightened out, keep hidden. I’m not visiting you behind bars. Call me if you need anything.”

  God he loved his dad. The man was the best freaking father any son could ask for. “I will.”

  Dorian hung up, wondering what in the hell he was going to do. He didn’t fit in Rick’s world. The thought alone scared the shit out of him. Miguel should have never chosen Dorian as a sacrificial lamb. What had the man been thinking?

  The door opened and Rick walked in, a tray of food in his hand. The smell hit Dorian hard, and his stomach began to growl loudly.

  “There’s plenty here to choose from.” Rick set the tray down, grabbing a plate and then crossing the room, sitting on the floor by the closet. “Eat up.”

  Dorian jumped up, going over to the dresser in a hurry. He was surprised to see such a wide selection. There were barbeque chicken tenders, half a meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and even a bologna sandwich. Dorian never thought he would be this freaking happy to see a damn bologna sandwich.

  Piling a plate high with food, Dorian decided to sit on the floor as well. He sat in front of the dresser, tearing into his food as if someone were going to snatch his plate away any second. After half his food was devoured, he glanced up at Rick. “Now what?”

  Rick chewed, and then swallowed. “We head out in the morning.”

  Dorian was glad they weren’t staying here. It must have shown on his face.

  “Two alphas shouldn’t occupy the same space for too long. Things tend to get hairy.”

  He wasn’t sure if Rick was saying it as the two would shift, or if he was saying it like things would get out of hand. Either way, Dorian didn’t want to find out. Wherever this Wallington place was, Dorian was more than happy to stay there instead. Two alphas in the same room was downright nerve-racking. Being on the run from the cops was enough for him right now. He didn’t want any more issues added into the mix.

  “So, Dorian, tell me about yourself.”

  Dorian stopped chewing. That had come out of nowhere. What in the hell did the man want him to say? “I like long walks, puppy dogs, and candlelit dinners.”

  Rick paused in chewing, studying him. He swallowed, a guarded expression on his face. “Are you serious?”

  For the second time since all of this happened, Dorian found himself laughing. “Hell no.”

  The relief coming from Rick could be felt in the room. It was that deep. “Thank fuck,” he murmured, but Dorian heard him.

  Maybe he should have said yes. That would help sway Rick into dumping him as a candidate. But, as much as Dorian wanted to throw Rick off of his trail, he knew he couldn’t lie.

  Sometimes it sucked being honest.

  Rick opened his eyes, noticing that it was still night. He wasn’t sure why he had awakened. He stilled when he felt a warm body next to his. There shouldn’t be anyone in his bed.

  Wait. This wasn’t his room. As he lay there, everything started coming back to him.


  Rick lay there staring at the man, hearing his breathing. It wasn’t even like it should be if Dorian were asleep. Slowly, the human opened his eyes and stared at Rick.

  Not sure if he was doing the right thing, Rick placed his hand around the back of Dorian’s neck and pulled him close. He thought the human would protest, but Dorian willingly came to him.

  Rick caressed Dorian’s lower lip with his thumb as he pulled the man to him, cursing under his breath before crushing their mouths toget

  Dorian stayed closedmouthed for a moment, and then he opened to Rick. Sweeping his tongue inside the warm, wet cavern, Rick could feel his cock thickening at the taste of Dorian.

  He could also feel Dorian quivering next to him.

  Rick wasn’t sure why he was doing this. He wasn’t looking for a mate. But in the dark shadows of the night, he was looking for a lover. And if Dorian wasn’t protesting, Rick was going to slate both their needs.

  Rick’s tongue slid over satiny inner cheeks, strong, even teeth and danced languidly with Dorian’s tongue.

  Reaching between them, Rick felt that Dorian only wore his boxers to bed. Good. It would make gaining access that much easier. He could feel how hard Dorian was and knew the man was just as horny as he was.

  Pulling the man’s cock from the slit of his boxers, Rick ran his thumb over the leaking slit as he continued to kiss the man. Their moans echoed through the room as their tongues dueled and tasted each other.

  Rick broke the kiss. “Take them off.”

  Dorian quickly slid his boxer’s off, Rick tossing his own aside and then positioned Dorian into the sixty-nine position, placing the human on top.

  Wrapping his lips around the head of Dorian’s cock, Rick began to suck, his tongue tracing the veins, his cheeks hollowed. Dorian took Rick’s dick to the back of his throat, making Rick moan around Dorian’s shaft.

  The wet slurping sounds of Dorian’s mouth sliding up and down Rick’s erection, sucking hard, made Rick almost come. The noise was erotic as hell to his ears.

  The man definitely knew how to suck dick and was damn good at it.

  Rick thrust his hips upward toward Dorian’s mouth, pumping furiously with short, even strokes. He wanted to get off. The building orgasm was driving Rick mad.

  Grabbing Dorian’s hips, Rick pushed and pulled on the man, sucking Dorian’s cock down before letting it slide back out. The human’s balls were drawn tight to his body, telling Rick that Dorian was just as close as he was.

  Pleasure pooled at the base of Rick’s spine and tingled along his nerves. He quickly swallowed Dorian down as he felt the man’s hot seed spilling down the back of his throat.


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