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Rise to Love [Rise of the Changelings 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

Page 16

by Lynn Hagen

  He shut it and then put the truck in drive, pulling away from the truck stop and wondering where he would head to next.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dorian winced. “That hurts.”

  Rick tossed the bandage aside. “Sorry, hon, but it seems I wasn’t as vigilant as I should have been. The gauze is sticking to the wound.”

  Gritting his teeth, Dorian sat there as Rick cleaned his shoulder. It hurt like a bitch. He just wished the guy would hurry up so Dorian could whimper in peace. The poking and prodding was the worst. Every time Rick’s fingers grazed over the stitches, Dorian had an urge to punch the man.

  “It looks like the antibiotics are doing the trick, but it still has a long way to go before it’s completely healed.” Rick set the wet washcloth on the nightstand and then picked up the antiseptic cream, smearing a healthy dose over Dorian’s wound on his front shoulder and on his back where the bullet exited. The cool cream felt good on Dorian’s skin. It also helped with the tightness of the stitches. He couldn’t scratch, and it drove him nuts, but the cream was helping.

  As Rick’s fingers glided over Dorian’s skin, he felt a part of him stir. It was that part that was very interested in getting to know Rick better. The man was as complex as anyone Dorian had ever met. Rick definitely had a bite to him. He was as dominant as they came and expected everyone to bow to his every wish.

  But Dorian was starting to see that it wasn’t Rick’s ego, but who he was that made him that way. He knew now that Rick couldn’t lead a pack of werewolf changelings and not be leader material. Not being changeling, Dorian didn’t know what Rick had to go through to be an alpha, but he was very glad it wasn’t him in charge.

  Rick had also openly invited Dorian to sex. The man didn’t hide his desire or hold back his tongue. He had told Dorian he wanted in his pants, never being coy with his words.

  Then, on the other hand, he was standing in this shitty hotel playing nursemaid to Dorian’s wound, being as gentle as possible. Just how many levels of complexity did this man own? He wasn’t sure which façade Rick hid behind and which personality was the real Rick. Maybe they all were.

  Oddly, that pleased Dorian. He liked seeing the hard side to Rick when it counted—like when they were running from the Death Squad—and he liked seeing the softer side of Rick. It showed him the man wasn’t a cold prick who cared for nothing but his own needs.

  But right now, with Rick’s hands smoothing over his skin, Dorian was hoping to see the sexual Rick, and then again, praying he didn’t. The thought of Rick taking him thrilled and scared him at the same time.

  He’d never been with someone this powerful or this masculine before. Dorian knew the man would consume him.

  “All done,” Rick announced as he grabbed the roll of gauze. “Now all I need to do is bandage you back up.”

  Dorian sat statue still as Rick pressed the gauze into his shoulder. The guy was concentrating on what he was doing, unaware of the effect he had on Dorian’s body. With every touch, every light press of his fingers, Dorian’s cock thickened.

  “You know, if you don’t calm down, I’m afraid I won’t be able to ignore your lust much longer.” Rick taped the gauze in place. “And we both know you can’t handle me.”

  Rough. Harsh. To the point.

  It was a challenge.

  Rick was baiting him.

  Rick intrigued him to the depths of his being, but Dorian wasn’t so sure Rick wasn’t right. The man was an alpha changeling, dominating, self-assured, and—Dorian swallowed hard when Rick tilted his head back and closed the distance, pressing his lips to Dorian’s.

  Dorian felt himself being slowly lowered to the bed, his back pressing into the mattress. Rick wasn’t rushing him. His kiss was slow and drugging. It was the sweetest taste Dorian had ever encountered.

  He was drowning, going under and losing himself in Rick and what he was doing to Dorian’s mouth, to his mind. Dorian’s flesh became so sensitive that he could feel Rick’s body brushing over him like a heated fire, burning with every movement.

  “Rick,” Dorian said, trying his best to come out of the haze Rick had placed around his mind. For the life of him, Dorian couldn’t remember why he had protested this before. It felt right being in Rick’s arms. It felt good.

  Dorian gasped when Rick inserted a powerful thigh between his legs, pushing up into Dorian’s balls, making him whimper into Rick’s mouth.

  “Then again, I think you can handle me, Dorian.” Rick pulled away, but didn’t go far. His tongue licked a long path from Dorian’s jaw to his collarbone. “I know you are strong enough to take me on.” Rick’s voice had gone to a growl. It vibrated, making Dorian whimper as he tilted his head back.

  Rick laid kisses along Dorian’s neck and then placed a gentle one on his wounded shoulder.

  Dorian shuddered. To feel the powerful man’s soft lips on his skin made Dorian’s heart quicken.

  Rick moved his arm lower, and Dorian knew the man was undoing his pants. He reached for Dorian’s hand. “Touch me, Dorian. See how hard I am for you.”

  Rick’s cock felt like silk over muscle as he curled his fingers around the thick shaft. The skin, it was warm, like water left out in the sun being poured over his skin, as Dorian gave the man what he wanted.

  No, what they both wanted, because Dorian was just as hard, just as needy as Rick.

  The man’s eyes closed, his expression morphing into pleasure so strong, so raw, that Dorian lay there fascinated that he could do that to such a primal being.

  Keeping his eyes closed, but his jaw clenched, Rick spoke. “If you are going to back out, do it now, Dorian. I won’t be able to stop if you let this continue.”

  Dorian didn’t want it to stop. He didn’t want Rick to pull away. Being under the man, having so much muscle and raw power hovering over him was a heady sensation that Dorian didn’t want to give up.

  He squeezed his fingers harder around Rick’s shaft.

  Rick groaned.

  Dorian was aching, wanting to be touched, too. His skin was burning with want as his heart lay in his throat. The man looked amazing and so damn gorgeous, so wild, like a beast that lived in the forest as he allowed Dorian to hold him in his hand.

  Rick’s eyes flew open and Dorian saw the wolf in the man’s eyes. They were glowing, flecks of yellow bursting inside the grey. Never before had he seen such beautiful eyes. “You’re stunning.”

  Rick licked his bottom lip, staring down at Dorian with such hunger that Dorian feared he wouldn’t be able to handle Rick. “Do you fear me, Dorian?”

  Dorian knew Rick could smell his emotions. There was no way he could lie. “Yes.”

  “Do you fear me or what you are feeling for me?” Rick pressed his leg harder into Dorian’s balls as he thrust his hips forward, making Dorian hold on tighter to the man’s cock.

  “What I feel for you,” he admitted out loud.

  Rick lowered his head, his lips pressing to Dorian’s ear. “I don’t have gentleness in me right now. I want you too badly. I’m demanding, possessive, and so damn hungry for you.”

  Dorian wasn’t sure if Rick was talking about sex or mating Dorian. “Show me,” he said in a breathless whisper, pushing aside his fears and giving in to the desire ripping him apart. Rick was pulling him under, barely giving him room to breathe and Dorian wasn’t sure Rick was right when he said he could handle the man.

  Rick had Dorian’s boxers shredded before he could even blink. He had just showered, only donning the boxers, knowing Rick was going to look at his wound. Maybe it was a subconscious decision on his part, hoping Rick would do exactly what he was doing now—taking Dorian in the most primitive way.

  He had been fighting his attraction to Rick and it seemed that battle had been futile as the man hovered over him, his honed muscles telling Dorian that Rick was a very strong lover. He could feel his heart struggling to keep up with the demands his arousal was placing on it.

  Pure sensuality spread across Rick’s fe
atures as he stared down at Dorian’s naked body. “So perfect.” The hunger blazed in Rick’s yellow-grey eyes.

  Dorian gripped Rick’s cock tighter, reminding the man that he still held his shaft in his hand. Rick smiled at him in a way that had Dorian’s stomach feeling all tight and hot.

  “Suck it, Dorian.” Rick began to crawl up Dorian’s body, giving Dorian a glimpse of tanned flesh and tight, flawless muscles.

  And then he finally saw what he held in his hand. Rick’s cock was long, perfect, and just as he remembered from so many days ago. Ten inches. It hadn’t been a boast. The man had stated a fact.

  Dorian moved his hand to the base of Rick’s cock, detracting inches so it was possible for him to take Rick into his mouth. The feel of Rick in his hand was exquisite, but the feel of Rick in his mouth was explosive. The sensations roared through him, making Dorian open wider as the tip of Rick’s cock slid into his mouth.

  “More, Dorian, take me in.” There was a roughness to Rick’s demand, his voice raspy. The man was losing control. But so was Dorian. Madness was taking over as he licked and sucked at Rick’s steel rod. The flesh was salty, and the feel of him was as smooth as silk on Dorian’s tongue.

  “God, yes.” Rick curled his hips, pressing his cock a little further into Dorian’s mouth. “I want to fuck your mouth so damn badly.”

  Dorian kept his grip on the base of Rick’s cock super tight. If Rick started thrusting, Dorian wanted to make sure he didn’t gag. He was tempted to use two hands and detract even more from Rick’s length.

  “Dorian.” Rick moaned as his hips started thrusting in long, even strokes. “Oh, hell, Dorian.”

  He kept his mouth wide open, his tongue sliding over vein-riddled flesh as Rick did exactly what he said, fucked Dorian’s mouth.

  “Tighter, gatito.”

  Dorian formed a seal around Rick’s cock, sucking in when Rick’s shaft came forward, and clamping down when he pulled back. Dorian never had anyone fuck his mouth before. The rough brand of sex was setting his skin on fire. He knew he was now hopelessly addicted to Rick’s way of foreplay.

  Encouraged by Rick’s moans, Dorian sucked harder, moving his head back and forth—as much as his wounded shoulder would allow. Dorian swallowed greedily, savoring the taste of Rick in his mouth.

  “There, gatito, I’m there.” With one last thrust, Rick howled, his seed flooding Dorian’s mouth. Dorian drank it down, squeezing Rick’s cock harder, and pulling every last drop from the man that he could. Rick shooting off into his mouth made Dorian rock hard.

  Rick shuddered. “That was just to knock the edge off.”

  Dorian wasn’t sure what Rick meant until he noticed that the man hadn’t softened. His cock was still as hard as before. Dorian released Rick and the man moved from the bed, pulling his jeans all the way off. His shirt was next, falling to the floor.

  Dorian drank in the olive tone to the man’s skin. Rick was stunning when he was naked. He even had some chest hair that Dorian was dying to play in. The hair wasn’t enough to run his hands through, but enough to show he was all man. The thick smattering was erotic as hell. Dorian was anticipating the feel of the silky roughness against his own chest, but he knew the hair wasn’t going to stop him from feeling Rick’s skin against his. He could envision himself lying night after night in bed, running his hands over Rick’s chest memorizing each dip and hard lines. The man’s pecs were muscularly pronounced, the dark nipples begging Dorian to bite them.

  His teeth ached at the thought.

  “Nate thought of everything,” Rick said, reaching into one of the duffle bags and pulling out a brand new bottle of lube. Dorian’s heart began to speed up, seeing the hunger still swimming in Rick’s eyes. They were still wolf eyes, still holding flecks of yellow as the man crawled back onto the bed.

  Tossing the bottle aside, Rick began to lazily stroke Dorian’s body. The man’s hands felt wonderful on his skin. They were strong, powerful, and were massaging Dorian until he felt like warm butter. He was starting to see just how skillful in bed Rick truly was.

  As the man’s fingers played over Dorian’s skin, he found himself being slowly turned over onto his belly. Rick was good. Dorian hadn’t even paid attention to what the man was doing, so lost in Rick’s touch.

  “Mmm, you have a very nice ass,” Rick said and then slid between Dorian’s legs, licking a long path up the crease between Dorian’s cheeks. “Very nice indeed.”

  Dorian lay there, enjoying the feel of Rick touching him, licking him and nipping at his skin. He arched into Rick’s touch, his body drowning in desire as Dorian melted under the man. His breath stuttered when Rick ran his teeth over Dorian’s sensitive flesh.

  “I want to eat you up.” He slid his hands into the crease, his fingers probing at Dorian’s back entrance. “And then I want to fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

  Dorian’s cock pulsed at the sensual threat. He knew Rick was going to be an intense lover. He just hadn’t anticipated how intense. Dorian heard the snip of the cap, and knew Rick was lubing his fingers. His body tensed with expectation.

  “Relax, gatito.” Rick’s voice was soothing, his fingers probing. “I promise not to break you.”

  Dorian chuckled nervously. “But will I be able to walk after this?”

  Rick speared a single finger into Dorian’s body and then blanketed his body over Dorian’s, careful of the wound. He could feel the hair on Rick’s chest as it glided over his back. Dorian wanted to turn and run his fingers over the smattering, but didn’t want to move. Rick’s finger felt too damn good as the digit probed his ass. “If not, I’ll carry you.”

  Dorian’s legs spread apart, his lower body trying to impale itself on Rick’s finger. As good as it felt, Dorian wanted more. The ache in his groin wasn’t satisfied with just one finger. Dorian wanted to feel all ten inches inside of him, splitting him apart and making him shatter into a thousand pieces.

  “Careful of your wound,” Rick said as he slid his tongue over Dorian’s nape. The gentle caress caused a surge of heat to rise within him. Dorian gasped, his hands curling into the thin blanket he was lying on.

  “I am.” Dorian swallowed hard, trying to focus, but finding it a hard task when Rick was bringing him so much pleasure. He could feel Rick’s erection sliding over his leg, and it made him shudder. He wanted that cock buried inside of him. He twisted in the grip of an erotic heat that was burning him alive, but Rick held him in place, his hand strong on Dorian’s back.

  Another finger slipped in beside the first, Rick’s fingers curling, finding the one spot in Dorian’s body that made him cry out when touched. Rick growled behind him, his hand moving faster, his fingers separating as they speared into him harder.

  Dorian’s head swam as his balls tightened close to his body. Rick grabbed his hair, pulling hard as a third finger joined the others. “I told you, Dorian, I don’t have gentleness in me right now,” his rough whisper sounded tortured.

  Driving his hips down, Dorian matched Rick’s thrust, feeling his body ready to explode as his orgasm drew closer. “Oh, god, Rick. Fuck me,” Dorian moaned, shaking, desperate to feel Rick take him.

  The hand was gone, replaced seconds later by the blunt head of Rick’s cock. He held his breath and then shouted when Rick buried the thick, steel-hard erection into Dorian’s body to the hilt. The man didn’t stop there. Rick grabbed Dorian’s hips, pulled him onto his hands and knees, and then slammed into Dorian’s body like a wild animal, growling and snarling as he took Dorian.

  Dorian felt Rick’s scrotum slap against his ass. He glanced over his shoulder and watched Rick’s face twist into a grimace of sublime pleasure, his eyes closed, his body arched, tight, tense.

  Rick pounded his cock harder and harder into Dorian, rocking the bed with the force of his thrusts. He was fucking Dorian with passion, ramming his cock hard and deep into Dorian’s ass.

  His ass was jutted shamelessly in the air, taking what Rick was giving. Dorian reached up and grab
bed a pillow, curling his fingers into the fabric, needing desperately to hold on to something. His body was coming apart, feeling as if he was shattering into a thousand fragments as Rick placed one hand on Dorian’s good shoulder, using the leverage to pull Dorian down onto his steel shaft.

  Rick grabbed Dorian’s hips and pistoned up, meeting each downward shove by Dorian. He yelled as Rick nailed his gland with each thrust.

  Dorian began to squirm under Rick, fighting for breath, his body damp with perspiration. He was bucking against Rick, his head twisting against the sheets of the bed, aching desperately, begging now for release.

  “Rick—” Dorian’s plea was a hard gasp, a breathless moan as his hands dug into the bed. His throbbing cock bobbed gracefully, the cool air sweeping around its heat, teasing Dorian further.

  Before Dorian could even reach between his legs to grab his own cock and relieve the blinding buildup, his cock exploded, seed shooting out as he screamed Rick’s name. He could feel Rick still pounding inside of him as his release covered the bedding below him.

  The edges of his vision blurred.

  He wasn’t sure, but it felt like Rick had sped up, moving at an impossible rate of speed, and then the man bit into Dorian’s good shoulder, growling savagely as Dorian felt Rick’s seed pulsing into his ass.

  Dorian shouted as the pain of Rick’s teeth tore through his shoulder. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before—but not as intense as being shot. He wasn’t sure if he could take another second of the agony when it morphed into pleasure. Dorian’s eyes rolled back, his head thrashed and he screamed Rick’s name as he came hard.

  Another explosion blasted inside of Dorian, sending him once more over the edge, only this time, when his vision blurred, Dorian passed out.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Rick grabbed the duffle bags and loaded them into the SUV, leaving a T-shirt, jeans, socks, and underwear in the motel room for Dorian. The man was currently soaking in the tub, cursing Rick’s name under his breath.


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