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Searing Ecstasy

Page 19

by Setta Jay

  “Shh, I’ve got you,” Drake growled as he rubbed her neck. His palm on her skin did something to soothe the pull on her muscles. Smoke huffed from her lips as she panted for air. She felt the animal’s rumbling growl of pleasure at Drake’s touch; he was sending her soothing energies. The sensation of having this beast was both incredibly perfect and chilling all at once.

  “It won’t be the same, Delia. Just breathe.” He sent more calming energies through the bond and that coupled with his voice helped. Her ears were ringing as he lifted her into his arms. She let go, knowing Drake would ground her just as he had with her other beast.

  She looked up into his beautiful face and saw the emerald of his eyes before her gaze caught on the tattoo on his chest.

  It was moving, writhing over his skin, and she couldn’t stop looking at it, knowing hers was doing the same thing. It felt like a caress. The dragon reaching out for freedom?

  “They just want to meet, love. Give him his female. I’ll be with you.”

  She sucked in a breath and more smoke filtered around her. She shook her head to clear it and latched onto her mental connection with him. She’d never shifted; she wasn’t sure if it was because the shadow had backed the wolf into submission or if she just hadn’t been capable of a shift into the wolf.

  Now she knew it was because that had been wrong. This was what she’d been meant to have, this was her true animal, from her true mate. It wouldn’t be the same as before. Drake wouldn’t allow her to be taken over.

  “Are you ready, temptress?” His gaze was so tender even though his shoulders were tight. His wings slipped from his back and she let out a small sigh at their beauty. They’d come out when he’d claimed her the first time, but now the scales held flecks of shining gold she hadn’t seen in the cavern.

  She slid her fingers over them as he moved with her in his arms. The tattoos were still moving, adding a different wildness to the animal inside her while even more smoke slipped from her lips. The balcony door flew open as he carried her into the cool mountain air.

  The soft white clouds and brisk winds called to her with a sense of freedom and peace so profound it nearly choked her.

  Drake watched her every expression as he held onto their bond, easing away the fear, leaving her with pure anticipation.

  She wanted to finally see him in all his dragon glory. She wanted to fly.

  “Let go, Delia. She’ll know what to do.” His tone was deep and encouraging. “And I’ll be there to make sure you get back.”

  The last of her fear was pushed aside as her muscles shifted and rolled when the beast slipped free. It whipped out of her body with a roar of excitement that shook the balcony floor. Her dragon paced in front of Drake, and Delia watched from inside, holding onto her link with him.

  She felt how much her dragon wanted to meet his, but she was also excited to see the man. Delia watched as Drake took in every aspect of her animal with a pleased curve of his lips. The beast’s snout ran over his head and rubbed his hair, getting to know him. This was nothing like the shadow or the wolf.

  The longer she was inside, the more she felt a part of the beast. They were bonding, which was how she knew it was supposed to be. Her nerves eased as the animal continued to learn Drake’s human form. She sighed while the dragon stalked around him, her tail flicking and then curling around his waist and hip. Marking the male with her scent.

  Delia felt Drake’s pleasure at the beast’s reaction as he ran his hand over the scales of her back.

  Gorgeous. He slipped into her mind and she felt the beast preen. Delia smiled inside and then the beast grew demanding and snapped at his wing. Not hard but enough to make her desires known.

  Drake grinned. “Be careful what you wish for, beautiful,” he warned the beast.

  A moment later his own dragon flashed into being. It was twice the size of hers and Delia gasped as her beast roared with pleasure.

  Drake’s dragon was the exact image of the brand on her chest. She just stared at the beauty of him. There were magnificent glittering green scales with shimmering gold mixed in. He was right, she’d somehow marked both man and beast. Her heart stuttered at the thought. They were both all hers. Brilliant emerald eyes glittered at her and she swore she could see pleasure and pride shining back. The beasts entered into a kind of dance guided by instinct. They were learning each other as Drake’s dragon exerted its dominance over hers, forcing her animal to its back as it sniffed her belly and roared wildly as her beast moved and began taunting him all over again.

  Her dragon was in pure bliss. Each and every time she nipped or roared, she was slammed back down by her male.

  Delia was aroused and wasn’t sure she should be.

  She felt Drake’s amusement in the link. He needs to show her he’s strong enough to mate her.

  Wow. She felt like she was melding closer to the animal and it was odd and uncomfortable. She groaned to Drake and heard him chuckle. She hadn’t imagined anything more animalistic than the two fighting back and forth, but then her beast launched into the air. The intensity and the beauty of flight sent her heartbeat on a wild ride. It wanted him to chase.

  She’s fast. Drake sounded utterly pleased.

  The clouds slid around her face and over her wings, cradling her as Drake’s beast finally caught her. It gripped her tail and then pulled her to take a bite at her neck as they rolled in the air. The wild spinning left Delia breathless. Her dragon completely adored his.

  The animals mated and flew for hours as Delia relaxed into the bond more and more with each passing moment. This was what a shifting relationship was meant to be.

  Finally the dragons found a large lake and soared into it, diving and swimming as they scared away the lake serpents with their roars and fierce wrestling. At some point the dragons finally settled on the beach. Drake’s curled around hers as they slipped into a peaceful sleep.

  I’m going to shift you back this first time, Drake growled as she felt his mind alongside hers, manipulating her essence to the forefront while her muscles contracted and she worried about a fight for control that never came. She shifted without even waking her animal and it felt like she’d won some huge victory. It felt easy, more natural than she’d ever imagined.

  She sighed as she stared into the darkening sky while lying over Drake’s naked chest.

  “You were perfect.” His deep voice rumbled as his lips met her hair gently. She lifted her head and claimed a beautiful but fleeting kiss. She wanted him, but without the crazed urgency that had constantly filled her before the bond was set.

  “It was incredible,” she admitted as she laid her head back down and savored the moment of calm after so much.

  “He’ll want to meet you,” Drake growled and she knew he meant the dragon.

  “Hopefully not in the same way he met my beast.” She was still unsure how to feel about being there while the dragons mated.

  “No.” He laughed and it was a hearty roar that shot her gaze to his. It struck her that in all of his memories, she’d never seen any laughter. Centuries had passed him by with nothing but duty and responsibility, though right now her beautiful male was laughing and relaxed as they lay naked on the banks of a lake. She touched his face and smiled.

  He was perfect.

  She hated the constant tightening in her chest, waiting for the next obstacle to hit. It was getting better, not worse, she had to remind herself, but she would rain hell down if anything ever tried to take him away.

  She rested her head against his heart, letting the strong beat ease her. Delia felt completely warm cuddled against her male as they enjoyed the night air.

  Chapter 25

  Tetartos Realm

  Drake stared into the darkening skies and felt free for the first time in his long life. His beast was sated and sleeping peacefully after having loved its own mate.

  At peace, that was what he was feeling. He and the beast were both happy as he lay there enjoying the sound of Delia’s heartbeat an
d soft breath against his chest.

  Her dragon had been more than he could have imagined. She was sleek and just as unique in coloring as his mate, her golden eyes were just as intelligent and fierce in her beast form, and fuck if she hadn’t been magnificent in every way. His own beast was thrilled and content on a level he’d never felt.

  Delia popped up with a look of panic on her face. “Did Sirena ever tell you what happened with the blood samples?”

  “The pheromones are gone,” he assured her.

  She looked down at him, scanning his nude body as if looking for anomalies. His lips curved in amusement until her hand started roving over his chest and down to his stomach. Healing warmth slid from her palm to move inside his body, wrenching a groan from his lips as she spoke again. “But are all the effects of my blood gone. We didn’t wait,” she growled. “We didn’t know it was safe to complete the bond. I can’t believe I’m only thinking about it now.”

  He understood her worry as he grasped her hand and pulled it to rest on his chest while taking in a calming breath. It had been a whirlwind since taking her out of the stasis unit, first her power spiking wildly and then the blood bonding and mating before she woke to her first transformation. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”

  She searched his eyes and then he felt her access the telepathic link to Sirena. What did the blood samples indicate?

  Delia? Sirena said.

  Yes, his mate growled. How did Drake’s blood react to mine?

  Is Drake okay?

  I’m fine. But my mate is worried. What were the results? he asked while pulling her back down to his chest. Her breathing was harsh and he still felt the warmth of her power checking each and every organ as his cock rose for some fucking attention of its own.

  Everything’s okay. The pheromones are gone from your blood. Drake’s sample reacted to yours in the same way any mated male’s would when going through the frenzy. There was a hint of a smile in Sirena’s tone.

  He’d already assumed it was fine if Sirena hadn’t interrupted their mating in a panic. That or the healer would have known it was too late once he’d finished the blood bond. Either way it was done.

  He sent soothing energy to his female as his cousin added, I should take more samples to see what it looks like now.

  He’d known that was coming, but Delia answered, Definitely. Will you leave blood kits in the same place as you left my clothes?

  He looked down curiously at his female.

  She looked up and her eyes flashed as she answered his unspoken question, “You’re not going to the manor naked and I want the kits now.”

  On my way, Sirena said a second later.


  Delia was furious with herself for not thinking. She couldn’t stop checking his body, his cells for any indication that something was happening to him. She hadn’t been in stasis long; there was a chance it hadn’t removed all of the drug from her system.

  They’d already gone and left blood samples, so the only thing she could do was wait, and it was making her insane. He belonged to her. Finally, after being no more than a fantasy, and she could have infected him with her tainted blood. Her stomach twisted as she paced. He pulled her back into his arms again and she calmed as she sank into his warm body.

  “It will be fine.” She was lulled by his deep voice and the way he held her. His fingers toyed with her hair and caressed her back and shoulders as they waited.

  Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, Sirena’s voice came through. The only difference is the sheer power, but the dragon signatures and blood combination matches that of a mated pair.

  What about the impurities in my blood?

  Gone, Sirena assured her.

  She breathed out in relief, holding him tight. It seemed the healer wasn’t done.

  Were you aware while the stasis unit?

  Delia considered it for a second. It was like I was relaxing in the clouds. It felt like a dream, but I knew where I was. It was odd, no negative thoughts or worries seemed to come. I just lay there in a kind of relaxed state of bliss.

  Drake growled. It was not the type of prison he’d hoped for Apollo or the other asshole Gods. But at least his mate hadn’t been suffering in stasis and it seemed neither were his mother and father. That at least eased some of the guilt at not allowing them out instead of Hades.

  Did you feel anything leaving your system? Or the mud dissipating from your skin?

  No. Just the peaceful setting, Delia informed her. But when I woke up, my power was completely unstable. I couldn’t control the bursts. I don’t know why.

  You were able to get them under control after? There was worry in Sirena’s tone.

  Drake had to help, Delia explained.

  Once we completed the bond, I didn’t have to contain it, Drake offered.

  So I guess it was wishful thinking that I could use the unit to somehow purge the poison from Sacha, Sirena murmured almost to herself, but Delia assumed it was more to Drake than her as the healer continued. I need to research how the units are made. We’ve never had any real reason to, but there could be uses in healing.

  I agree. And, no, Sacha is not going in there until we understand it better, Drake bit out. How is she doing? her mate asked and she knew from his memories that he was worried about the downed Guardian. Knowing just how he felt about the Guardians actually calmed any jealousy she may have felt. They were a family of sorts.


  You missed Sander and Nastia’s mating ceremony, Sirena practically growled. P had Vane and Brianne watch Hades so he could oversee their vows, Sirena added and Drake could definitely hear annoyance. Be grateful you missed it.

  He felt a hint of guilt at not having overseen the ceremony. He’d been there for all but Jax, who’d done a private mating with his female. He guessed it was good that P was there for Sander. The two had been partners as Guardians and for decades before the Creators had come back.

  What happened?

  It was Sander and Nastia. Think on it for a minute, the female bit out sarcastically.

  He groaned, but felt a hint of a smile as well as a pang of sadness for Sirena. Immortal females didn’t mate males who were less powerful than them, and the only ones more powerful than Sirena, as the daughter of Apollo, were related by blood or of a different Immortal race. With only three unmated Guardians left, it hit him that Sirena was likely to be alone in the end. He growled. His cousin deserved more.

  Delia rubbed his chest and he felt the offering of comfort in the sweet gesture.

  Did you hear my thoughts, temptress?

  You sent them to me. And I understand your worry for her. I get that she’s always been more like a sister to you. I agree that she deserves more. Her small hand slipped up to his neck as she kissed his chest. That alone eased him like nothing ever had. He truly understood the need to blood bond with a mate; Delia now knew him better than maybe even P. It was a completely foreign and peaceful experience.

  He lifted her up and carried her to their bed. He’d never spent much time languishing, but he enjoyed having her draped over his chest and comfortable as Sirena explained what they’d missed.

  Sirena’s harassed voice came through again. Nastia had his mating mark placed on his dick.

  Delia barked with laughter and he smiled down at her, amused as well.

  Sirena wasn’t done, though. So Sander returned the favor, Sirena snapped. The healer generally oversaw all mating ceremonies so that she could use her healing ability to help with the traditional marking of a mated male. It seemed their mates were all getting tattoos of their own as Delia had. He ran his hand over the dragon marking on her skin, pleased with the beauty of it. Sirena’s power made the markings permanent. A normal tattoo wasn’t necessarily a forever brand on an Immortal. If the skin ever needed to regenerate, a real tattoo would be replaced with new skin, but Sirena’s mark would grow back intact. Delia had her own healing power, which made their dragons just as permanent.

  Do yo
u need me to do yours? the healer asked.

  No, they’ve been done.

  Okay, I’m checking Alyssa again, Sirena acknowledged.

  He stilled. Is she okay?

  Yes, I just keep checking her because Gregoire is Gregoire, she bit out and Drake eased. The male was worried about his pregnant mate. Drake couldn’t imagine what he was feeling. Have you taken time to rest? he growled at Sirena.

  She sighed. Yes.

  Good. Make sure it continues, he demanded before ending his connection with Sirena; he needed to check on P next. It had been an entire day and night.

  Is there anything new with Hades?

  No. No hint of what he’s hiding. How is your mate? I’m glad the stasis worked.

  Not without side effects, but everything is fine now.

  So you’re officially mated and okay? P asked with a smile in his voice.

  Yes, he said as he snuggled Delia closer.

  I’m glad to hear it, man. P’s relief was palpable. You heard Sander and Nastia finished the bond?


  Now that you’re back, you should know that Sander and I spoke about having Nastia take a trip through Hades’ mind.

  You never shared her ability with him? Drake knew his cousin had shared his memories of the last centuries with his father.

  No, I didn’t share things like special abilities.

  Thank fuck P had been thinking clearly because Drake hadn’t considered using Nastia’s skill.

  Having Nastia check his thoughts is good. I want to know the second she finds out what he’s hiding. The fact that Drake hadn’t considered that was a testament to how far gone he’d been.

  They’re already on their way.

  Drake was pleased P was already on it. That didn’t mean it wasn’t odd and uncomfortable having someone doing his job.

  “What’s happening?” Delia asked him, looking curious.

  He explained a little about the twins, unsure what she’d learned about in his memories. “They can transform into a mist that’s invisible and without scent, which makes them good spies. The twins each have one different strength. Tasha can form the mist into sharp blades to cut down enemies.” He eyed her for a moment. “I’m guessing you saw the battle and Apollo being taken by the unknown warriors when you were in my memories?”


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