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The Black Onyx Pact

Page 2

by Baroque, Morgana D.

  «You need to stop calling me and then remain silent, it's immature and it bothers me. I don't care if you had a fight with that asshole again.»

  «Dad, I'm sorry», she can say this time, surprising him, «p—please, dad, I need you.»

  «You need me? But how can you need a dead person? Because I remember well what you said last time we met. You said I was dead for you; you said that you wished that I were dead instead of your mother. And now that you need me I mysteriously resuscitate? You know, Sisi, is not this that hurts me, I'm mad because you are still with that bastard! You are his consensual victim. Isn't in this way that I raised you, is it? Tell me, is this what I taught you? Did I teach you to depend on someone? That man treats you bad, Sisi, and I cannot conceive my child subjected to that son of a bitch! Do you understand that? That idiot treats you like you don't deserve, but you prefer to be with him rather than staying alone! In the day of today of 29 years ago, you came into the life of your mother and me, making us the happiest people in the world. You were our precious pearl, you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, you were a wonderful creature. And you still are, Sibylle. You are a wonderful person, you are a diamond that has been soiled by the pitch. Well, call me back when you get rid of the stuff that keeps you from shining, because I want my loving daughter back, I don't recognize this spineless being that you have become.»

  The man hangs up and she continues to cry for long. Then she looks out of the glass doors, staring at the luminous city. She gets up and goes to look out the windows. She stares at the majestic Eiffel Tower lit up and then all the buildings around it.

  «Please, give me the strength I need to shine again, you that are the soul of the inspiration.» she whispers to the city. «Within you, in your memory, are kept the thoughts of the greatest artists who ever lived. In your streets walked many mystical dreamers, inspired by the smell of your eternity. I know you can hear me.» She puts her hands on the glass, her eyes filled with tears. «You that are capable of touching our vibrating souls and kiss away our fears: please, save me from this darkness.»

  - Chapter I

  “Stop leaving and you will arrive. Stop searching and you will see. Stop running away and you will be found.”

  — Lao Tzu


  7 months later

  It's a beautiful Spring morning and Sibylle is sitting on a meadow of the Luxembourg Gardens, in Paris. She has a lovely smile on her face, while watching the children playing and laughing happily. She closes her eyes, and lays down on her back with her arms wide open, taking a deep breath. She is wearing an elegant black suit because she is just returning from divorce court.

  Sibylle sighs thinking back to that morning. And thinking back to Claude, and how fine he looked, how self confident, as always; and can still smell his scent. She looks at her wedding ring, which she still wears, and her eyes fill with tears. He doesn't wear it anymore. She remembers when some months before she had generously told him he could keep the Trocadéro apartment, which was hers — she had purchased it before meeting him —, since she wouldn't be able to stay and live in that house filled with memories.

  “I don't need your charity!”, were the words that the man hissed contemptuously.

  Sibylle has then decided to sell the apartment and with the money she bought a penthouse apartment in Rue de Rome, and put the rest into the coffers of Le Chat Sibylle, an animal rights association founded by her years before.

  She sits up, gathers her things and heads home.

  An hour later she is preparing lunch barefoot in the bright kitchen while humming cheerfully. She changed her clothes, now she is wearing a long colorful tunic and has a narrow white ribbon on her head. The penthouse has a terrace on two levels, united by a wrought iron staircase. It seems an enchanted place, suspended in time and from which one can admire a fantastic view of Paris. The upper terrace is a bit smaller, but equally beautiful. Both terraces have stone floor and red brick walls; there are lots of flower pots and herbs too. In the top terrace there is also a long wooden bench on which a black cat is sleeping, while few crows fight on the black marble balustrade. In the lower terrace there is a circular table with chairs, all made in wrought iron. There is also a wooden easel with a large canvas on which Sibylle is in the middle of her new artwork: a naked woman who emerges from a dark ocean, with the arms outstretched to the shiny sky, where a large open hand is ready to grab her. It represents her rebirth as artist.

  Sibylle is singing, dancing and talking with a ginger cat lying in the sink, whom is watching her. And just like the black cat he was rescued from the street.

  Suddenly she hears the crows fussing and fighting with each other, so she goes out to see what's going on. They are all on the balustrade and one of them is holding a green caterpillar in its beak. Sibylle runs to take a chocolate croissant and return to them. She knows they do love chocolate croissants. When she sets the table for eating on the terrace, they always steal that, and that only.

  «There you go, Edgard, that's all for you. That's for you all, guys.»

  She divides it into three pieces and throws them on the floor, next to the crows. The three birds glide from the balustrade to the floor, and the one with the worm leaves it immediately to eat voraciously the croissant. Sibylle pick the caterpillar and returns inside, where she prepares a glass case with some lettuce, laying it gently on the inside. She looks at it eating with pleasure, and smiles.

  «What a bad hair day, uh? Don't worry, honey, you are safe now. Gosh, you are really cute, and your color is lovely, so bright green! I think I'll call you Verdâtre.»

  Her three closest friends enter the house laughing hard: they have the key. She always gave her house's keys to her friends, but after marrying Claude he had forbidden her to give to her best friends the keys of the house, and this made her very sad.

  Sibylle awaits them in the kitchen with a big smile and open arms. Alma, Virginie and Nora enter the room and they greet each other with friendly insults and hug as if they didn't see each other for years, when in fact they met the day before to have breakfast together not far from Notre Dame.

  Alma is dressed in an orange dress. Some colorful wires adorn her long dark hair while her black eyes express all the love that she keeps inside.

  Nora is wearing a little black dress open in the back, which allows to see her many tattoos on her arms and back. She has piercings all over the body: on the lower lip and eyebrows, and hidden, in her nipples and labia.

  Virginie is wearing a red sequin sheath dress, and a pair of lovely electric blue high heeled shoes. As always her make-up is simply perfect.

  Sibylle invites them to sit around the table on the terrace. Her face is radiant, it's clear that she feels serene again. Her friends nod and smile at each other, happy to see her joyful as they know her.

  «I had that usual dream last night.» says Sibylle referring to the dream of the anti-riot man. «But for the first time it has been different.»

  «He didn't own you, honey?» asks Virginie sipping her white wine.

  «That's right. For the first time I said “no” and he went away. I don't know what it means.»

  «It means that you are avoiding men even in dreams.» explains Nora. «It means that you are losing the desire to be with someone. It means that you need to fall in love again.»

  Virginie shakes her head.

  «Forget the love, darling, you need to have sex. Listen to your Virginie, dear: there is an exclusive Club where people meet anonymously to share sensual adventures. It is exclusive not because it is reserved only for those with money, but because you have to pass many tests to be accepted, and you must abide by the strict rules. No matter how rich or powerful you are, if they don't think you are suited for the Club, you won't be accepted. I know that the selection is hard, but why don't you give a try?»

  Sibylle shrugs.

  «I don't think any man could be interested in me. I don't feel desirable since long time—»

  «Of cou
rse you don't, honey, look at you!» says Virginie with her funny way of talking, gesturing excessively with her hands. «You are shabby, dear, you're plain. You don't care about your femininity anymore. No man wants a potato like that, sweetie, they want a woman. I don't remember when was the last time I saw you with a nice dress that would highlight your body. Not to mention your neglected hair and the absence of makeup! You're a beautiful woman, Sille, but you must express your femininity. Your skin is dry and you eyes are so puppy eyes! Nobody wants to fuck a puppy eyed girl! — Well, that's not true, many men would like to have sex with a docile girl like you — but still you must find a bit more confidence! You must take care of your beauty and then you'll be ready to find love.»

  Nora looks at Virginie with an accusing gaze.

  «Will you please shut up? You're the last person on Earth that can give advice about love.»

  «For sure I know more than you about men, stupid lesbian.»

  «About cocks you mean, half wit queer.»



  «Idiots, please.» says Alma admonishing them. Then, directed to Sibylle: «Virginie is right, you need to take care of your body, first of all for yourself, because a woman who doesn't feel desired cannot conquer anyone. You have a wonderful body and a beautiful face, dear, you need to find your hidden sensuality.»

  Sibylle nods in agreement and says:

  «Tell me more about the Club, Virginie.»

  «Gladly. It's a place coveted by many, where you can meet men and women who have the desire to transgress. It is protected by a circle of trusted people and experts who care to ensure that the meetings are absolutely safe. They are ready to listen to your needs, your sexual desires, even the most bizarre, and then they find a person fitted for you, with your own desires. The people inside are all real, there is no prostitution. Lately I learned that the Club is divided into several levels. You cannot imagine how much organization and knowledge there is behind it.»

  Sibylle feels her heart beating very fast now. Why?

  «Will you accompany me?» she ask.

  «We all come with you.» affirms Nora.

  «Girls», starts to say Alma, «we shouldn't push her to find the interior peace in something material.»

  Virginie raises her eyes to the sky.

  «Before to feed the soul, honey, you first need to feed the body. You need to linger in a good fuck, and only then you can think clearly. Now let's go choose a nice dress, Sille, presentation is everything. It's like going to a job interview.»

  Sibylle is gently pushed inside by her friends. She knows them well: they will spend the next two hours to take care of her in every detail, from the bathroom to the dress.

  Virginie e Nora already begin to argue on what is best to wear. Sibylle is meditatively watching outside the glass doors of her huge bedroom, admiring the city shining under the sun of that lovely Spring. That new adventure makes her shiver, she has the feeling that something beautiful and unexpected will happen.


  A week later, Sibylle is sitting in front of a glass desk in a office on the top floor of the Club, of which she hasn't been told the name yet. That will probably have to do with the spiral, since in every place of the Club is the omnipresent symbol.

  She is admiring the luxury of that place: the floor seems a mosaic of Lapis lazuli, and the walls are covered with blue glass slabs, on which water flows. In the corridors there are men and women in suits, talking politely with the members.

  For the past week she underwent to many different examination in the lower offices of that building, and she had to pass even some medical and psychological tests too. That is really a strict selection to decide whether she was appropriate to join the Club or not. Her request was accepted that afternoon.

  The elegant middle-aged woman in front of her is dressed in a classy red suit, and she is reading carefully her profile, nodding often. The woman has blue eyes and dark hair, tied tightly in a bun. She looks at her and smiles, and Sibylle likes that smile, is sincere.

  «Before we begin let me congratulate with you on the choice of your secret name, madame Améthyste. We at the Club D love the precious stones. And now you know the name of our Club too. My name is Saphir and I will manage personally all your meetings, I'll be the legal and ethical person in charge. If anything happens I'll be personally responsible. You'll have to sign some paper about it. As you will have noticed these days visiting our offices, the spiral is the symbol of our Club. We chose it because it is an archaic symbol, it exists on this planet from time immemorial just as the natural instincts of man, which we care to let express with the utmost respect.»

  She pulls out a drawer and takes out an elegant black velvet box, with a silver spiral on it.

  «The Club has four levels: Pearl, Jade, Ruby and Diamond. So, welcome to the Pearl level, here is your membership ring.»

  Sibylle takes the elegant black velvet box and opens it: inside there is a delicate silver ring, with a half pearl at the center.

  «For the first two levels, those of men haven't the stone, but only a hint of the layer color: white or green. Ruby and Diamond levels, however, have the precious stone, though it's smaller than those of women. This ring will allow you to recognize other members out of here, with whom you can talk, if you want. You are free not to wear it at all, if you prefer. But it is mandatory to wear it in the places of the Club, so that you understand to which level belong those with whom you interact. Now, back to us. As you certainly have already been told, we have at heart the anonymity: for us it is something inviolable. The same thing applies to the respect for the human beings and all their eccentricities. Obviously we are absolutely against any form of violence and abuse, and we are ready to denounce without hesitation whoever shows that attitudes. Now, take this, madame Améthyste.» she says, handing a black folder to her. «In here you'll find questionnaires and blank pages. Please, fill as much as you can, it will help us to understand what are your sexual preferences. In the blank pages you can describe in detail your intimate fantasies. Thanks to it we can create a personal database that will allow us to find the right person for you, your perfect playmate. I would like to point out that our Club is definitely not a cult. We are interested in letting people enjoy and express sexuality in a natural way, we want to realize their fantasies, nothing else. Any questions?»

  «How a person, er, levels up?»

  «I depends on many factors. More rendezvous you'll have and a better chance you have to get on the shortlist for the selection of the higher levels. But also on the basis of the response: a sheet in which a member reports the personal evaluations, after each meeting with a playmate.»

  «And what is the difference between the levels? Higher the level, higher the lasciviousness?»

  Saphir giggles.

  «In some way, yes. But above all, leveling up means to have access to the most exclusive parties, situations, role playing and places. You can experience the most imaginative and intriguing situations.»

  «Oh. So at higher levels you have places and costumes in order to recreate the orgies of ancient Rome, or the masquerades as the court of the roi soleil?»

  Saphir smiles.


  «Fascinating. I look forward to reach all four levels to snoop in each of them!»

  «Actually there is also a fifth level, the sublime, as they call it in the Club. It's a selected group of people and one can enter only if introduced by a privileged whom belongs to it. It is called the Black Onyx Pact. Inside the Club D you will recognize its members from the white gold ring with the black onyx on it. If you see a person with that ring, well, you are in front of a person of some importance in the Club. The Black Onyx Pact it's a separate category. It can be reached only after many years in the Club; only if you never had a negative response; only if you prove to have an higher self-control and — above all — a proper attitude.»

  «Interesting. So, if you reach those requirements you can be par
t of it?»

  «Absolutely not. In fact there are very few chosen among those with the requirements. The Order cares to choose the best among them.»

  «The Order?»

  «Sorry, madame Améthyste, I'm not allowed to tell anything about this.»

  «I see. But you can tell me what happens inside the Black Onyx Pact, unlike the other levels, right?»

  Saphir smiles again.

  «I'm not allowed to reveal much either. But I can say that in the Black Onyx Pact the events are different and much more... intense. The fact is that everyone in there knows each other, well, maybe they don't know their real names, they just know each other by their secret names, but that creates a deeper relationship. More, in there, the allegiance to the etiquette is absolute. For example, during a Maledom evening, where every Dominant participates with his submissive, you can be sure that the behavior of all, by both parts, will be flawless. You won't see a submissive raising her eyes to a Dominant, just like you won't see a Dominant touching another submissive without the consent of her owner. Yes, even in the other levels there are the same events, but the difference is that those of the Black Onyx are... perfect. Also, the members are not allowed to make mistakes, and who doesn't adhere to the strict etiquette is instantly expelled from the Club. But, on the other hand, they also have many privileges. They have access to any event of the Club D, including those reserved for a specific level. If there is a party just for the level of Jade or Diamond, the Black Onyx members can join without even an invitation. And they will be more than welcome, since they give prestige with their presence.»

  «Fascinating. And the “D” of the Club stands for—?»

  Saphir smiles graciously.

  «You will be told after you'll reach the Ruby.»

  «But I want to know now!» she exclaims, curious like a child.

  «Let's make a deal: if you guess it I'll give you one hundred crystals, okay?»


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