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The Black Onyx Pact

Page 28

by Baroque, Morgana D.

  «How can you know her real name?»

  «Romain, she is the woman I'm divorcing! She is my wife!»

  Drakkar feels a strange uneasiness hearing those words. He feels dizzy, as if a bullet struck him right in the heart.

  Claude is Sibylle's husband? That asshole is the husband of her sweet Sibylle? That bastard?

  Nathan realizes something is upsetting the man, since his massive body froze. Drakkar moves away from him, going to sit on the couch.

  «Ah.» he is only able to says.

  «Romain, after I saw her I realized I still desire her. I thought she was a boring self-righteous woman, but then I saw her playing kinkily with another woman and in front of seven strangers! Oh dear, I never felt so... horny! That woman is amazing!»

  «Yes, yes she is. She has always been and you never realized that.»

  «I do now. And I can have her back when I want: she loves me, she still wears our wedding ring! She is mine, Romain, I just have to push the ajar door of her heart and I'll be back home. But you must help me, you must organize something extremely sophisticated, something that will make her jaw drop. And then I want to have sex with her as I never had! Now that I know she likes sex I want to have fun with her! So, can I count on you?»



  «It's Saphir the one that organizes, and you know it.»

  «Yes, but since I've seen that you know Sibylle, I thought you could talk to her. You could praise my strengths?»

  «What strengths?»

  «I don't know, make something up. Maybe you can tell her I am a powerful member within the Club.»

  «You really don't know your wife, do you? Because if you knew her you would have known that these kind of things don't impress her at all.»

  «You are an asshole, Romain!»

  «Yeah, whatever. If you'll excuse me now, I am deadly tired.»

  Drakkar hangs up while Claude is shouting an insult. The man stays still for long time, staring in front of him. Nathan goes to sit next to him.


  «Go to sleep, Nat.»

  «But it doesn't seem you are—»

  «Go to sleep!» yells Drakkar.

  «No! I can yell too, see?»

  Drakkar leans back and smiles.

  «Not bad for one that five minutes ago was crouched and shaking in fear for being in front of me.»

  Nathan smiles too.

  «You are used to see people frightened by you, aren't you? It happen often to you at work, doesn't it?»

  Drakkar closes his eyes.

  «More than I'd want.»

  «This day didn't begin well for you, did it? First, me cracking your glass door, then this phone call that clearly upset you. Who was it, anyway?»

  Drakkar sighs, feeling wretched, exhausted, sorrowful.

  «It was someone who wants at all costs something he doesn't deserve.»

  Nathan leans back too, staring at Drakkar's profile.

  «What do you care?» asks the boy, and a moment after he adds: «Oh, I got it. It is something that you want too, otherwise you wouldn't be so upset. Why don't you try to get it, then?»

  «Because deep down I feel I don't deserve it too.»

  Nathan shakes his head.

  «You know what, Romain? If there is an idiot here, that is you.»

  Drakkar smiles and nods, in complete agreement.


  Late that morning Sibylle is back home with her three friends. They have been shopping together and now they are carrying various bags: in some there are playful toys from a sexy shop, in some others fine essences from a perfumery and in others refined lingerie from a underwear shop. They giggle and joke while going up the stairs till the last floor. When they arrive at the top floor's landing, they stop: the four ladies of the apartments next door are whispering to each other, but as soon as they see them they shut. Sibylle looks at what there is in front of her apartment's door and opens her lips in astonishment; the bags she is holding fall on the floor while the four ladies go near her. In front of her door there is a tall wrought iron arch wrapped by dozens of flowers of any kind and color. Sibylle stares at it for a long time. Virginie raises one of her drawn eyebrow.

  «Well, or the florist is doing liquidation sales or there is someone madly in love with you, Sille.»

  Sibylle softly touches those beautiful flowers, smells them and finally sees a note among the petals of a rose. She opens it and all the seven women run near her like curious meerkats. Sibylle turns slowly to look at them and they all step back at the same time. Sibylle reads attentively the paper.

  «Is it from Drakkar?» asks Alma.

  «No...», answers Sibylle.

  «From the florist?» asks Virginie.

  «No, it's from Caligula.» says Sibylle turning around again.

  All the seven women frown.

  «Who the hell is Caligula?» asks the lady who lives under Sibylle's.

  «Is a man in front of whom I had sex with another woman.» explains Sibylle candidly.

  «Oh.» is all the lady can say looking at her own friends with a shocked expression.

  «So he was one of those spectators at your sapphic rendezvous?» asks Nora.

  «Exactly. He was the most discreet; he never talked, but he kept gazing upon me for almost all the time. He made me shiver with his piercing eyes.»

  «What does the note says?» asks a lady in her forties, the one who lives in front of Sibylle's.

  Sibylle reads:

  «“Like the amethyst shines under the sun rays,

  so you shone under my eyes,

  and I admired you for the first time,

  realizing your preciousness.

  Please, give me the chance to show you

  how much I desire to admire you

  one more time”.»

  All the women move a hand to their heart sighing in a dreamy way. Sibylle sighs too and goes to take her bags; she looks at the four ladies and says:

  «There will be a party tonight at my place, a sex party. I mean, we'll talk about sex, we won't do anything kinky. It's a all girls night. Would you like to join us? It will be fun!»

  The four ladies look at each other hesitating, and then — incredibly — they accept.


  Claude is sitting at his huge durmast crescent desk table in his office. He picks up the phone and calls Saphir, whom answers after many rings.


  «Saphir, it's Caligula.»

  «Oh, monsieur Caligula, good morning. I was going to call you this morning, I need to take an appointment to talk to you.»

  «About what?»

  «It's better if we talk in person.»

  «Saphir, I want to know now!»

  «As you wish, then: you have been suspended from the Diamond.»

  Claude smiles incredulously.

  «What?! You cannot do this!»

  «Of course we can.»

  «Well, you don't have any reason to do it!»

  «Our choices are always thoughtful, monsieur Caligula. If we did it means we have our reasons.»

  Claude closes his fist.

  «May I know what the hell did I do wrong?!»

  «You referred to another member, a woman, with the term: “whore”.»

  «We were in role! It has been said to play!»

  «Don't lie to me, monsieur Caligula! You know how we hate lies! That rendezvous wasn't in role and you didn't say it to her, you said in front of another member! And it was a member of the Black Onyx Pact, how clever from you!»

  «I knew it! It's all fault of that asshole of Tarasque! You cannot suspend me just because I have differences of opinion with another member!»

  «You know it isn't a matter of differences of opinion. We are for the freedom of thought before anything else. You have been suspended because you didn't comply with our policies, monsieur Caligula. We don't tolerate any kind of disrespect to other members, especially women. Save your vulgar talking for when you
go to other places, here we don't tolerate this squalor and ignorance. We select our members according to their way of speaking, their way to conceive sexuality, their way to enjoy the eroticism without prejudice and with refined elegance. Of course our members are free to do and to say the most obscene things during their private rendezvous in the Club, but not in public events, not in front of other people, unless it's a specific in-role situation.»

  «I'm gonna ruin that bastard of Tarasque as soon as I discover his identity!»

  «Are you threatening one of our members, monsieur Caligula?» Saphir smiles. «I highly recommend you to watch what you say. I'd like to remind you that before you can ruin someone the Order will ruin you. And those are not persons you should upset, believe me. By the way: in the morning a person of the Club will come to take your ring.»

  Claude remains silent for a long time before to say:

  «I see. So you are suspending a member just taking the word of that bastard of Tarasque as true?»

  «Tarasque is an influential person within the Black Onyx Pact, monsieur Caligula. And he is one of the most powerful members of the Club. So, if I were you, next time I would be more careful on what I say and what I do in front of him. It's a matter of intelligence, monsieur Caligula. It would me more clever to keep some people as friends, or at least is better to avoid or ignore them. But never - ever! - go against them. “There are armies that must not be attacked”, you know better than I do, don't you?»

  Claude's lips are pale with rage.

  «Tarasque slapped that girl! He hit her hard on the face then pushed her down against the floor! It wasn't a BDSM rendezvous, he didn't have the right to do that!»

  «Are you talking about Nymphe?»


  Saphir giggles politely.

  «I see. Unfortunately for you I didn't received any complaint from others. And in the response for that evening, Tarasque has been praised by Nymphe with so many adjectives that impressed me deeply.»

  Claude slams a fist on the desk, cursing loudly. Saphir looks up.

  «Please, calm down, monsieur Caligula. Listen: a suspension isn't an expulsion. You may be part of the Diamond again when the members deem it appropriate. For now you are demoted to the level Pearl. I suggest you to think about your position. You might also request to be removed from our database, if you want to leave permanently our Club; or you can continue to use the services of the level Pearl if you wish.»

  Claude takes a deep breath, calming down. He surely doesn't want to leave the Club.

  «I want to stay in the Club because I want to have a rendezvous with Améthyste as soon as possible. That's why I called.»

  «Very well, then. Tell me more, did you read her black personal folder and you found any affinity with—»

  «I don't want anything sexual, I want a romantic rendezvous with her.»


  «I want to invite her for a romantic dinner, without revealing my identity, with my face covered and without talking.»

  The woman sighs: another anonymity freak.

  «As you wish. I'll explain it to madame Améthyste and I'll let you know. But tell me more, please.»

  «I want a romantic place, extremely romantic. I want a perfect dinner, an unforgettable evening.»

  «I'll do my best, monsieur Caligula, but you do realize that a evening without talking will restrict your acquaintance.»

  Claude giggles.

  «We already know each other, that's why I want to be anonymous.»

  «You know each other?»

  «Yes. She is my wife.»

  Saphir stays silent for a long time.


  «You are madame Améthyste's husband?»


  “This explains many things”, Saphir thinks

  «My intention is to conquer her. So, can I count on you?»

  «Obviously. That's my job. I'll plan a lovely evening, as madame Améthyste deserves. But, if may I say something, monsieur Caligula: even if madame Améthyste is in the Club D for a short time, she has proved to be a polite, sweet and intelligent person, a person easy to love. I do hope that you understand how special that woman is.»

  «Of course I do, I married her!»

  «You also left her, didn't you?»

  «We all make mistakes, Saphir, but the important thing is to understand what one did wrong and try to make up for it. Believe me, I am a man that realizes what he got and takes care of it.»

  «Good. I'll meet madame Améthyste tonight, I'll tell her about the dinner. Have a nice day, monsieur Caligula.»

  When Claude hangs up, he lowers his eyes on his secretary kneeled in front of him under the desk, satisfying him with her mouth. The man smiles complacently, pulling roughly her hair.

  «Oh yes, I am one that do takes care of what he got. Isn't true, my little slut?»

  The girl nods and he smiles again. He picks up the phone and this time calls a man: Yves, the first chauffeur of the Club.

  «Club D car service, Yves speaking. How may I help you?»

  «Hi Yves, it's Caligula.»

  «Monsieur, how are you?»

  «I'm fine, thanks. Tell me: did you deliver the flowers?»

  «Yes, sir. I decided to make something better than a boring bouquet, so I delivered a tall wrought iron arch covered with various flowers.»

  «Well done. And what about the note? Did you write something touching?»

  «Yes, sir, something romantic and profound. He he, I'm used to write notes, and madame Améthyste deserves it, she is — if I may say it, sir — an amazing woman.»

  «It seems she charmed everyone in the Club. I thank you, Yves, let me know how much I own you for all this.»

  «Please, you don't need to pay me, sir, I'm happy to help a man in love. I perfectly understand your feelings. I must go now.»

  Claude hangs up and leans back on the chair, enjoying the sight of her secretary staring at him while sucking him.

  He lets out a long sigh. A part the suspension from the Diamond, everything is going just like he wants. As always.


  Later, Saphir arrives to the business meeting room of the Club D. The room is large and well-lit by the sun; there is a big rectangular table where there are seven people sitting. They are four men and three women — some of whom are younger than one expects — and all are dressed in elegant suits. Saphir is wearing a lovely sheath emerald dress. She looks wonderful, she is naturally classy and sophisticated.

  When she enters the room everyone gets up to show respect; she makes a polite gesture inviting them to sit back as she takes her place at the head of the table.

  «Good morning.» she says opening some folders. «So, let's start with the usual ‘event assignments’ for the week at the Palace. We have the Sapphic evening for starting. I'd say to do the same thing we did three months ago and reserve the Indian Room for the female members of the event. Girls love to play among colorful veils, rugs and cushions.»

  «I'll take care of everything.» says a blonde girl with blue sweet eyes.

  Everyone nod and take note.

  «Good.» says Saphir writing something on a folder, then she adds: «About the gay event I'd say to prepare the mechanical workshop, the boys loved it. I suppose engines and sex match perfectly for men. Will you work on it?» asks Saphir to a distinguished man, who nods elegantly.

  Saphir writes down again.

  «Very good. Now, we have the orgy evening reserved to the couples. I'd say to organize something in Medieval style, this time. Can you take care of everything, Carmen?»

  Carmen is a beautiful black haired girl with pink tips on the hair.

  «I'll be happy to, madame Saphir.» says with a Spanish accent.

  «When we could organize events for the Black Onyx's evenings?» asks another girl.

  «Never.» replies Saphir. «You know there is a specific trained group just for that.»

  «Yes, we know, but I mean to say: when we can be par
t of that group?»

  «When I'll consider you ready to join it. The Black Onyx Pact's events must be perfect down to the smallest detail. Our members at that level are people who demands excellence, flawlessness. They are people of superb taste and they are also incredibly volitive, they won't tolerate anything else other than perfection. And we never disappointed their expectations. The trained group which organizes the events, is made by people who have a refined taste and also a certain sensibility and experience to assure the divine results. But let's get back to us: which of you want to summarize the individual rendezvous we have to plan?»

  «I will. We have to arrange two rendezvous: between Tarasque and Nymphe, then between Asterix, Obelix and Silk.» recaps Carmen, the girl with the Spanish accent.

  «Good. What are the requests?» asks Saphir.

  A young man with light green eyes explains:

  «Nymphe requested an outdoor rendezvous and Silk gave us carte blanche to realize her latest secret fantasy.»

  «Interesting. Give me more details.» says Saphir.

  A beautiful Black woman with short hair and long silver earrings says:

  «From Nymphe's folder it appears that the girl's erotic fantasies are primary about submissions, so we can recreate a particular situation in which she must be punished or captured.»

  Saphir nods and then writes something on a paper.

  «I like it. What do you say about this: Nymphe escapes from the cells of her Master and runs away in the wood — and by ‘wood’ I mean the private park we'll reserve to them — but then her Master captures her? We can make Tarasque chases her on a horse, do you agree?»

  Everybody agree and Saphir takes note.

  «So, who will take care of reserving the private park among the people who gave us permission to use their private properties? I want a big one, it must seem a real wood where Tarasque and Nymphe must be free to do whatever they want.»

  A young man raises his hand. He has a strong German accent.

  «I'll do it. We have a long list of people and members that owns villas and private parks.» he says.

  «Thank you, Kaspar. Now I need someone who will take care of the dresses, I want Medieval-like dresses and a horse for Tarasque.»

  «I can think of the dresses.» says another man, taking note.


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