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Unfinished Business

Page 5

by Savannah Maris

  “And you think you’re ready to settle down?”

  “I know I am.”

  “With me?”

  “Only with you. I like kink when we’re alone. I like control, I want your trust, and I thrive on the power exchange. Other than that, I don’t want people knowing what we do behind closed doors.”

  “You like the control, the power.”

  Her words triggered something he hadn’t thought about in years, “I like the power it gives me over men.” Maybe he was more like her than he thought.

  A blank expression crossed his face. “What’s wrong? I didn’t mean to piss you off. I’m just trying to wrap my head around it. You’ve practiced that with us, but I didn’t feel violated in any way. I felt important, protected, even loved,” she whispered the last words.

  He kissed her head. “I’m not pissed. I just hope I’m building enough trust that you’ll try things when I ask. That you know I’m not gonna hurt you. Your heart, body, and soul are safe with me.”

  “I know, so why the look?”

  “Darlin, we both have trust issues. I know about yours, but you need to know where mine stem from. With the events of the morning, I think it’d be smart to wait to discuss that one.”

  “Are you going back to work?”

  “I’m staying here, but I need to call Nathan. That picture concerns him too, so he needs to know it’s been breached.”

  “Is he still here?”

  “He and Sam are still on the East Coast. It’ll take them a while to debrief the whole operation.”

  “Are you going to do that, too?”

  “I gave mine when I got out and brought Nathan in. Do you want me to go somewhere else?”

  “No, I want to stay like this.”

  He kissed her head again as he picked up his phone. From experience, Evan knew they’d have the weekend off so he pressed Nathan’s speed dial number. After the third ring, Evan heard, “Cox.”

  “Hey, man. Enjoying the waves?”

  “Of course. After spending the last two days getting grilled, I need some sunshine.”

  “How long you gonna be here?”

  “I’m staying in Charleston another week then heading up to Myrtle Beach. I heard there’s more to do there.”

  “There is. Sam still with you?”

  “Yeah, what’s up with the twenty questions? I’ve had enough of that shit to last a while.”

  “Listen, I know neither of you should be around here, but I need y’all to come to the ranch. Tonight, if possible, but wait until after nine.”

  Nathan chuckled. “Are you going to be busy before then?”

  “Yeah, I’m taking my girl to dinner, but y’all don’t need to be seen.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Probably. Just something you need to know about.”

  “Okay man. See you tonight.”


  “What? I didn’t know we were going out.” She wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but Evan looked confident.

  “Well, I wanna take you out. There’s a nice restaurant down river closer to where it flows into the ocean called The Overlook. I thought you’d like it. If you wanna go, I need to make reservations, plus it may give you an idea for an article.”

  “Will it be safe?”

  “Yes, darlin’. I’ll be with you the whole time.”


  “I left the number in the office. I’ll go—” Evan’s phone rang before he could finish the sentence. “Riverton.”

  “Mr. Riverton, I’m done. I’m headin’ to the house like you asked.”

  “I’ll meet you at the back door.” When he disconnected the call, he turned toward Ginger and reached for her hand. “Daniel’s on his way up. You may wanna put on some pants so I don’t have to kick his ass for looking at your legs. Remember, this is all mine and I don’t share.” He pulled her up as she cocked a brow at him so he added, “Anymore.”

  She kissed him as she walked past. “Not that it was ever an option with me, but I’m glad you’ve had a change of heart.”

  He swatted her ass. “Go.”

  “Ow!” She rubbed her ass as she left the room, but the look she gave him over her shoulder told him it didn’t hurt. The smile he gave her in return told her that was information she may not have wanted him to know.

  Evan was waiting for Daniel when he arrived. “See anything?”

  “Yessir. Down close to where that Challenger flipped a couple weeks ago.”

  “Come on. Show me on the map,” Evan said as he led Daniel toward the office. As they entered, Evan pointed to the aerial map on the wall.

  “Right here in this corner. A man was lookin’ at the property through binoculars. When I got close, he jumped on a motorcycle headin’ toward town.”

  “A motorcycle,” Evan mumbled. “Did you get a good look at him?”

  “No, sir. I mean, I saw his beard and sunglasses. Oh, he had on a hat.”

  “Could you recognize him if you saw him again?”

  “I don’t know. If he wore the same clothes, I guess.” Daniel shrugged a shoulder.

  “Have you ever seen those clothes around town before?”

  Daniel chuckled. “Yessir, every day. Blue jeans and T-shirt. Hell Mr. Riverton, other than the color you’re dressed just like him.”

  “So his clothes blend in. What about his beard? Is it a few days growth like mine or longer?”

  “Longer, like down to here,” Daniel said as he held his hand a couple inches away from his face.

  “So a full beard, not a goatee or a manicured beard?” Evan showed him what he meant with his hands.

  “Yessir. Full beard.”

  “Did you get close enough to tell his size? Was he like me or Mitchell?”

  Daniel shook his head. “By the time I got that close he was already on his bike.”

  “Have you seen the bike around town? Was it a serious bike like a Harley or a sports bike like a crotch rocket?”

  “It wasn’t a crotch rocket, but I don’t know if it was a Harley, either.”

  “What else can you tell me about it? Was it loud? Did you see the color?”

  “It wasn’t loud enough to spook the horse, but it was loud.” A smile spread across Daniel’s face when he said, “It sounded sweet. Kinda like the motorcycle version of Mitchell’s Mustang, Shelby. I was behind him, but it appeared to be black.”

  “All right, Daniel. You did good. Was there anything else?”

  “No, sir. Everything else looked like it was s’posed to.”

  “Ginger and I are about to eat some lunch. You wanna join us?”

  “No, sir. If you don’t need me anymore, I’m gonna go see Elizabeth.”

  As Evan and Daniel walked down the hall Evan asked, “Elizabeth?”

  Daniel’s face turned red. “Yessir, Elizabeth Hamilton, next door.”

  As they entered the kitchen, Evan leveled Daniel with a hard stare. “Well, y’all be careful. I don’t wanna hear gun shots this afternoon. I don’t have time to hire someone new because Mr. Hamilton shot you or put you in the hospital. Got me?”

  “Yessir,” he said with a smile. “Need me to come back tomorrow?”

  “That’d be great. I can’t keep an eye on Ginger and ride the ranch, too.”

  “Yessir,” Daniel said as he walked out the side door.

  “Does he need lunch before he leaves?” Ginger asked as she walked into the kitchen.

  With a chuckle in his voice Evan said, “No darlin’. He’s going to see a young girl. At that age, boys don’t think about food. There’s only one thing on their minds.”

  “Uh huh. And when do said boys grow out of that? Cause you haven’t, and I’d say you’ve got more than ten years on him.” Evan laughed and lunged for her, but when Ginger noticed his sudden move, she ran toward his bedroom. He was hot on her heels. He caught her at the door and threw her on the bed.

  “Maybe at seventy,” he said as he straddled and tickled her.

  She s
quirmed and giggled like a school girl. “Stop! Please stop! You’re gonna make me pee my pants!”

  Evan moved off to lie beside her as she caught her breath. “Seven good with you for dinner?”

  “Yes, what do I need to wear?”

  “Did you bring a cocktail dress?”


  “That’ll work.”

  They ate lunch then worked separately. Ginger worked on the sofa in the living room while Evan was in the office. By the time Ginger finished her article it was mid-afternoon, and she decided to take a relaxing bubble bath before getting ready for their dinner date.

  She had dozed off and woke to music playing through the house speakers. “Already Callin’ You Mine” by Parmalee was on and reminded her of the night she and Evan danced in the living room. It was the night before she met Nathan at the bar for Evan.

  When Ginger was finished in the bathroom, she decided it’d be fun for them to dress separately. She was moving her make-up and hair items to the guest room when she came face-to-face with Evan. “Where have you been? I was looking for you.” Before she could answer he noticed what was in her hands. “What are you doing?”

  The look of confusion on his face was priceless as Ginger stifled a giggle. “I was in the bathroom. Now, I’m moving my stuff to the guest room.”

  “Why would you do that?” Evan massaged his forehead, confusion was etched across it. “Did I miss something? I thought things were going good. I mean, I know this weekend has taken some unexpected turns, but I thought we were working through that together.”

  Ginger smiled at him warmly. “We are. I just thought it’d be fun to dress separately. That way when you pick me up at my door, you’ll be surprised. You know, like a real date?” Her smile grew wide by the time she’d said the last words.

  Evan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, darlin’. When I couldn’t find you, I thought something else had happened. Then, I see you moving stuff and thought I’d somehow fucked this up and we haven’t even got started good, yet.”

  “I know. I saw the concern all over your face. I shouldn’t have let that brain of yours go down that path.” She rose on her tiptoes with her face tilted up while he bowed his head for her to kiss him. “I know you’ll keep me safe. We didn’t start out like most couples do, so I thought tonight we could treat it like a date where you pick me up at my door.”

  “So, you’re into role play? Ms. Monroe, you keep surprising me,” he said with a mischievous grin and a twinkle in his eye. When Ginger’s mouth fell open he said, “I like the way you’re thinking. I can get into role play.”

  Through her giggle she asked, “What time can I expect you, Mr. Riverton?”

  “I’ll knock on your door in an hour. See you soon.” He moved past her toward his room.

  Ginger shut herself in the room Kayla made up for her, but never used. In the closet she found the black cocktail dress that a young designer custom made for her. The sheath matched her skin tone perfectly and fit her like a glove with an overlay of black lace. The front dipped low at the neckline with scalloped edges, while the back was open to the waist. The strappy black high-heeled shoes were the perfect complement. She knew how much Evan liked her neck so she put her hair in a French twist to give him access, and she added pearl earrings and a choker. Her make-up was flawless with a wine red lipstick to draw his attention. Her final touch was editable vanilla scented body glitter she dusted just between her breasts and across her chest.

  This weekend he’d seemed to have the upper hand in their seduction games. Tonight, she hoped to take some of it back. She was making a final assessment in the mirror when she heard the tap on the door so she grabbed her clutch and opened it.

  As the door opened, Ginger couldn’t believe the man standing in front of her. She’d only ever saw him in jeans or naked, but here he stood in a tailored charcoal grey suit with a back shirt opened at the collar and his black boots. She slowly scanned him from his dark hair to his blue eyes and his wide-receiver body as he did the same to her.

  His smile was wide as he stood there with his hands in his pockets. “Turn around, darlin’. I want the whole picture before we leave.” She did as he requested. When her back was to him, she felt his finger at the lowest point of exposed skin before she felt his body. “You look absolutely stunning. It took me a second to see the material under the lace.” He moved to kiss her neck when he whispered, “Tell me, Gin, stockings with garters?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “You aren’t wearing a bra, so what about panties?” He kissed across the back of her neck while he waited on her answer. The goosebumps spread across her skin when she shivered and her breathing had picked up. “Well?”

  She took a steadying breath before she said, “I think you should have to think about that through dinner. Then maybe you can find out for yourself later.” She felt his smile against her skin and hoped he was enjoying this game, too.

  “Does this mean you’re inviting me in for a night cap when we get home?” He pulled her close and she felt his erection against her ass. “This is the state I’ll be in through dinner while I imagine peeling that dress off you. Fantasizing about what’s underneath. Please tell me the garter is black lace to match the dress.”

  Ginger moaned and rolled her head to the side for him to kiss her neck as she licked her lips. “Yes, it’s black lace.” What little she’d gained in this round of seduction slowly slipped away, and she didn’t care. He looked sexy as hell and made her feel irresistible.

  When he loosened his grip on her hips and stepped back, she felt cheated out of his touch. As she turned back to face him, she was flushed, but he looked just as hungry. “As much as I’d like to say fuck it, I’m taking you out for a nice dinner. Before the sun rises, I’ll have ravaged your body several times. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve got the keys to your car. We’re not getting in Mitchell’s dirty truck dressed like this.”

  “I was going to suggest that.”


  Evan held out his hand for Ginger to take it as they made their way to the door. With the house secured, they headed toward the restaurant that was nice enough and kept them from driving into Charleston. As they drove, he noticed a vehicle behind them. It wasn’t coming up fast, but it was staying at the same distance back. Evan knew that wasn’t normal, but didn’t try to lose them. When he turned into the restaurant, it went straight, but he didn’t see what it was. Maybe he was being paranoid. In his gut, he didn’t think so.

  The valet helped Ginger out of the car, and Evan saw the look of appreciation on the young man’s face. A sense of pride came over him, but he still wanted to gouge the boy’s eyes out for looking. When she walked around the car, he put his arm around her as they made their way to the restaurant. The hostess was waiting as he opened the door to escort them to the intimate table he requested with a view of the river. As they followed the young lady, he kept his hand at the small of her back and noticed several heads turned as they walked by. Yeah he was with the most gorgeous woman in the room. He was grateful it wasn’t dark at seven this time of year so they’d get to enjoy the sunset with their dinner. Between courses, he held out his hand and she placed hers in it. He stroked his thumb across her hand and held her gaze. “Are you gonna answer my question from earlier?”

  “Which question is that, Mr. Riverton?”

  “You know which question.”

  “I told you it was black lace,” she said with an innocent smile.

  “That’s not the one I’m referring to and you know it.”

  “I do know. What about you?”

  “Darlin’, if I didn’t have on something, everyone in this restaurant would know how hard I am.”

  “And are you hard, Mr. Riverton?”

  “Yes. Just thinking about those little strips of lace caressing your ass cheeks is making me painfully so.”

  “So I take it we’re not ordering dessert?”

  “I’m having desser
t at home.”

  “I see. Then I better go to the ladies room before we leave.”

  “We should be ready by the time you get back.”

  While Ginger was gone, Evan sent Nathan a quick text.

  Evan: Don’t show up before 10.

  Nathan: Seriously? It doesn’t have to take that long if you know what you’re doing. I’ll be happy to demonstrate.

  Evan: That explains why your women can’t wait to leave and mine never want to. I know how to take care of a woman.

  Nathan: You better take care of that one.

  Evan: Always. See you in a few.

  Nathan: Yeah.

  Evan was reading the last of Nathan’s texts when she returned to the table. “Ready to go?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said with a demure smile.

  When the valet brought the car to Evan, he gave Evan a note at the same time Evan gave him a tip. “What’s this?”

  “I don’t know, sir. Right after y’all walked in a man asked me to give that to ya when y’all came back out.”

  “Did you know the man?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Did you see what he was driving?”

  The boy shook his head. “He walked in the driveway.”

  “Thank you.”

  As soon as he got in the car Ginger asked, “What’s that?”

  “I don’t know yet. Someone gave it to the valet right after we walked in.”

  “Are you going to open it?”

  “I’d rather wait until later. I don’t want anything to derail my plans.”

  They rode in silence for several miles, but Ginger was drawing on Evan’s arm with her finger. Eventually, she drew a shape and asked, “What did I draw?”

  Ginger’s voice brought Evan out of his thoughts. “What?”

  “On your arm, what did I draw?”

  “I don’t know. Do it again.”

  Ginger drew the shape and a smile crept across his face.


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