Book Read Free

Unfinished Business

Page 23

by Savannah Maris

  As he sat them down she said, “I’m sorry. I let our pasts in my head.”

  “Why? I told you before I won’t apologize for my past, but it’s in the past. If it helps you, draw a line in the sand so to speak, and name the line Ginger Monroe. You don’t get to judge me for the things I did before I got to that line, only what I’ve done since I crossed it.” He played with her hair as he gazed into her eyes. “Darlin’, you’re the game changer. Don’t you understand that?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “No buts. That’s a yes or no question.”

  “Yes, I understand especially after my talk with Kayla.”

  “What did she say?”

  Ginger told Evan what she and Kayla discussed and he listened to every word. When she admitted in her heart she knew he wouldn’t do the things she’d lived through, he seemed less angry. Then she said, “Sometimes my brain remembers things it shouldn’t. I’m sorry, but I can’t promise it won’t happen again. I know you aren’t David.”

  Evan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m trying really hard to calm down, but a part of me really wants to spank your ass for the worry you put me through today. I told you I’m gonna be a part of this and any other pregnancy, so when I can’t be with you I’m gonna check on you. When you don’t answer my texts or calls, I will worry. If I’m worried, I will get other people involved even if it means sending an officer out here. Do you understand that?”

  She nodded as she said, “Yes, especially after today.”

  “Good.” He rubbed his hand up and down her back. “It just so happens I had a reason to worry today. So unless you want me misusing town resources to check on you, I suggest you make it a point to answer me. Remember, I wanted to lock you in this room so I’d know y’all were safe. The thought still occurs to me from time to time and today was one of those times, so help me not act on it.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Why would you need to worry? Why wouldn’t we be safe?”

  He brought the envelope from around her back. “This was on my desk today.”

  Her eyes went from his to the envelope back to his. “Do I want to know what’s in there?”

  He shook his head but moved to open it anyway. “You don’t, but I’m gonna show you. You can’t touch this one. I’m giving it to Ben to see if they can find any fingerprints other than mine,” he said as he pulled out the picture.

  She gasped. “Why would someone draw on my face?”

  “It’s supposed to be a scope.”

  “A scope? Like for a gun?” Her voice rose to a high pitch. “Oh my God!” Her hand was shaking when it covered her mouth.

  “Yes, do you remember this?”

  With a shaky voice she said, “It’s the day I went to lunch with Kayla and Cat. That’s Chief Taylor’s shoulder. There’s Cat. He must be blocking Kayla.” She reached out to touch the picture, but Evan pulled it away.

  “Anything else you remember?”

  She stared at the picture for a few minutes with her hands clenched in her lap. “Nothing more than I told you that day. That Deputy Smith was standing…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes met Evan’s.

  “He was standing where?”

  “Right there. Even though I watched the chief, the Deputy’s movements caught my eye, and I turned to look. The picture was taken from the same angle I saw the Deputy.”

  “What about the other man?”

  “I hadn’t seen him at this point. I didn’t see him until we were outside.”

  “Do you remember him having a phone or camera?”

  She shook her head. “Only the Deputy.”

  “I’ll let Ben know.” Evan put the picture away and brought his hands to her hips. “Don’t do this shit again.”

  “So do you want me to call you every time I go to the bathroom, too?”

  He patted her ass. “You’re being a smartass?”

  “You know the bigger this baby gets, the more often I’ll have to pee, just sayin’.”

  “Then take your phone with you. Problem solved.”

  She rolled her eyes in exasperation. “You’re going to be impossible in nine months.”

  “Probably.” He had her full attention before he continued, “I told you about the gossip and was planning to tell you about going to Ruby’s tonight. I took another officer with me, but I should’ve told you earlier.”

  She thought about it for a few minutes. “Even though you prepared me for the gossip, I didn’t know what to expect. I wasn’t prepared for all of the phone calls and texts, and I don’t think Kayla was either. I don’t know how people got my number or why they thought they had the right to use it. That angered me as much as what they said.”

  “What did they say?”

  “That you were with Ruby, that you were a cheater, and for me to leave,” she spoke the last words softly because she had thought about it.

  “Dammit,” he said under his breath.

  “They used the one thing that’d flood my head with insecurities. None of them even mentioned another officer.” She shook her head for emphasis.

  “Officer Rodney Parker was with me. Tell me, do you want to know in advance or not?”

  She looked at him then the wall over his shoulder then to his chest. She started rubbing his shirt between her fingers before she responded, “Part wants to know and part doesn’t.” She searched his eyes for reassurance, but he wasn’t giving anything away.

  “What part wants to know?”

  “The part that wants you home every night and worries about you.”

  “What part doesn’t?”

  “The part that makes me jealous because I see my past repeating itself.” Her eyes dropped back to his shirt.

  He rubbed his hands up and down her back. “I don’t want you worrying, but I’m glad you’re concerned. I’ve never had that from a woman before. I’ll gladly reassure you that you’re the only woman for me, but at some point you’re the only one who can make yourself believe it. So tell me what you want, darlin’.”

  She took a deep breath for strength. “I want to know everything you’re allowed to tell me. I think not knowing would be worse than knowing, even if you’re telling me you’re with another woman or two.”

  He tilted her head for her to look at him. “If I’m with another woman, it’s for business not pleasure. You’re my pleasure. I promised you in the beginning I wouldn’t cheat. I won’t. You’re my haven, my world. This little one,” he said as he put his hand on her belly, “is becoming the second most important person to me. I won’t give him an example of infidelity. That’s not part of the heritage you said I get to pass down to him. I’ll always do my best for you to hold your head up and be proud of me, of us.”

  Tears ran down her face. Her chin quivered when she said, “I am proud of you. I trust you more than I ever thought possible.”

  “Is there anything else I need to know Kayla said before we make-up? I hear that’s the best part of arguing,” he said with a sexy grin.

  With the first words out of her mouth, he slid his hand up the back of her T-shirt to unfasten her bra as he kissed her neck. She moaned as his lips touched just under her ear, and her eyes rolled back as his other hand cupped her breast under her loosened bra.

  “Focus. What else did she say?”

  “Mmm.” She licked her lips trying to regain her thoughts. “She said to communicate and not to take you saying I’m the love of your life lightly,” she said as her breathing quickened.

  He grabbed the backs of her thighs as he walked them to the bed. “She’s exactly right. You only get one of those, and you’re mine,” he said as he sat her on the bed. He ran his hands up her sides and took her T-shirt and bra with them. His eyes watched her breasts as he licked his lips and brought his hands back to massage them as he sucked a nipple into his mouth.


  “Still sensitive?”


  “It’s so erect. I’ll be gentle, but I’m s
till gonna love them,” he said as he stroked his thumb over the pebbled nipple. He helped her slide back while she lifted her behind off the bed to help him remove her panties. As he crawled over her, he kissed her still flat tummy. “Darlin’, I still need to work off some of today’s frustrations, you up for that?”


  He thoroughly kissed her, swirling his tongue around hers. She sucked his tongue as he tried to withdraw so he pushed back in with renewed fervor. This time when he pulled out, she didn’t protest. “Turn over–forearms and knees.” When she was in position, he pushed in with one swift thrust to the hilt.

  “Oh!” He set a punishing pace that wouldn’t take her long. When she felt her inner muscles tighten, he swatted her ass hard. “Ow!”

  She tried to pull away, but his other hand tightened its grip on her hip. He didn’t speak as he shifted his hands so he could hold her shoulder pulling her toward him. This hold restricted her movements, but freed him to swat her other cheek. “Evan!” With her movements restrained, she couldn’t pull away, but his thrusts slowed and he pulled out. “What’s wrong?”

  “On your back. I wanna see your face.”

  She changed positions, and he was breathing just as hard as she was. He positioned himself between her legs and easily slid inside while he kissed his spot. He finally rose to his hands to look her in the eyes, and showed her the love he had for her.

  His movements became more tender as he leaned in to kiss her while he rolled his hips, which hit the right spot and caused her head to tilt back as she tried to ward off the impending orgasm. “Aaaah.”

  Ginger wanted this to last longer but apparently he was close since he moved a hand between them to rub her clit. Her breathing picked up to a pant as her hips tried to meet his, but his hand held her down. Her orgasm was his to control, and she realized that was what he needed after all the anxiety of the day. He needed to remind her she’d agreed to be his, and that he’d take care of her in all areas of their lives. She gave in and let him take her where he wanted them to go. Within seconds, she called his name for a different reason. Her orgasm shook her to the core as his release stilled him in place. His muscles quivered, and he relaxed his body on hers before he kissed from her neck to her lips. When he’d kissed his fill he whispered, “I like make-up sex.” He rolled and pulled her with him as he kept her wrapped tightly in his arms.

  “You spanked me,” she said as she lazily moved her finger on his chest.

  “Yes, but it was a sensual swat. You tightened on my cock so hard I almost lost it then.”

  “But you did it twice.”

  “It felt that good.”

  “It stung.”

  “Then you wouldn’t like a punishment spanking,” he said in matter of fact tone.

  “I thought you weren’t into pain.”

  “Until today, I wasn’t. I never understood why people got off on it, but I do think a reddened ass is beautiful.”

  “So why now?”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “It’s not that I’m into pain, it’s just all afternoon I tried to come up with the words to let you know how I felt, but every time they fell short. I was worried when you didn’t answer and scared when you didn’t text me, but mad when all you said was fine.

  “You didn’t know about the picture so I knew something else happened. I didn’t know if a package was delivered here, if something had happened to you, if you were sick, I didn’t know anything.” He tilted his head to look at her. “I thought we’d moved past the insecurities. I didn’t know about the gossip, but I just knew the insecurities were the reason and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.” He entwined their fingers and lifted their hands above his head so her full weight was on him.

  “I was angry you put me in that position today of all days. God, then when we talked and you put me in the same category as your ex. That’s when I really thought of spanking you because it’d be physical for both of us. You’d remember it long after it was over, and I’d get to put my handprint on your ass. A win-win.” He brought a hand down and pinched the bridge of his nose while her lips pursed. “The idea got me through the last couple of hours until I could get to you. The drive home seemed to take longer than normal, so by the time I got here I was ready to tie you to this bed for the next nine months.” He stopped to take a deep breath, and she hoped it was a calming one. “I hope you meant what you said earlier and anytime you need reassurance, I’ll give it to you. Just please don’t do this again, especially when you’re pregnant.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about the picture?”

  “I didn’t wanna tell you over the phone. I just wanted to make sure y’all were safe.”

  “I thought you could access the new security system on your phone. Why didn’t you check?”

  He grabbed her ass. “Why do you think?”

  “You needed to hear my words,” she quietly said. A pang of regret shot through her chest. “Oh Evan, I truly am sorry. You’re the first man to worry about me other than my father. You actually care if I’m upset with you. I’m not used to that, and I promise to tell you from now on.” She kissed his chest and squeezed him hard as she sheepishly admitted, “Even though the spanking stung, it heightened my arousal.”

  “I could tell. The flush moved further down your back, and you got wetter.”

  “But don’t think that spanking at any other time is on the table, ‘cause it’s not.”

  “Agreed.” Her stomach rumbled as the worries of the day subsided. “Did you eat before I got home?”

  “No, I was working on my apology.”

  “Then let’s go remedy that,” he said as he started to move.

  She pressed her arm against him, “Do you accept my apology?”

  “Yes, darlin’, you’re forgiven.” He kissed her gently on the lips.


  The next few days consisted of long hours with Evan making appearances on each shift. He’d sent the picture to Ben and relayed what Ginger remembered. For the most part he seemed to have his feet under him with Rita keeping him on schedule for his meetings. Today was the first shift change for a few men so Evan knew adjustments would be necessary. Rodney had done a good job spreading his conversation with Ruby, but apparently some of the men hadn’t heard it yet.

  Evan stood around the corner from the breakroom reviewing a report from Rita when he heard, “I came into town last night to see Ruby. I knocked and waited five minutes before she walked toward her back door. When she saw me, she turned around and headed for the front of her house. I knocked again and called her name, but she wouldn’t come to the damn door.”

  “Maybe she was sick, dude.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I’ll check on her later.”

  It was good to know Ruby took his mandate seriously. Now, Evan had to decide if he wanted to bust balls or let Rodney tell them more gently. When he turned the corner, they knew he’d heard them and didn’t seem to care. They would.

  “Gentlemen, be in my office in three minutes,” Evan said as he walked toward his office. He passed Rita and informed her to send Rodney to his office immediately. He was sitting behind his desk when he heard a tap on the door. “Come in.”

  “Chief, you wanted to see us.”

  “Yes, come in and have a seat.”

  He let them fidget for a few minutes then finally asked, “What are your names?”

  “Jasper Clark.”

  “Lawrence Phillips.”

  Evan looked up their information on the spreadsheet Rita provided him. These men were close to his age. Hell, Clark was even married, and Evan wanted to throttle him right there. Lucky for them, Rodney tapped on the door before he opened it. “You looking for me, Chief?”

  “Come in.” Evan straightened in his chair before he addressed Rodney. “I asked you to let the officers know what happened on Monday.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ve spoken with all the officers that were on first shift Monday and Tuesday, and quite a few on
the other shifts but not all of them.”

  “Well, I don’t believe Officers Clark and Phillips have heard what happened. Would you please inform them now.” Evan sat back and watched their faces as Rodney retold what Evan said to Ruby. Both officers continually cut their eyes at Evan, but Clark seemed a little pale. Evan assumed he wouldn’t be checking on Ruby later. “Thank you.”

  “Yes, sir.” Rodney let himself out and closed the door.

  “In light of what I heard this morning, I’m assuming Ruby no longer has time for y’all in her dating schedule. Since Rodney hasn’t been able to spread my news to all of the officers, I’m looking for you two to help him. I’m assuming that won’t be a problem with you fellas?”

  “No, sir,” they said in unison.

  “Glad to hear it. You’re dismissed.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Oh, Clark, hold up.” Evan waited for him to retake his seat. “Do you think your wife knows you’re seeing the town prostitute?”

  “No, sir,” he said with a red face.

  “Take it from someone who grew up here, she knows. She just isn’t telling you she knows. If I were you, I’d make sure I knew where every sharp knife is in the house.” Clark’s eyes widened. “You can leave my office now.”

  “Y-yes, sir.”

  Just like Ginger, Officer Clark’s wife received a call or was told the first time she went to the grocery store. Why the woman stayed with him was beyond explanation, but Evan was positive she’d make him pay, one way or another.

  His phone rang just as he picked it up to text Ginger. “Riverton.”

  “Hey. Do you have some time to meet with the Sheriff and me today?”

  “I think so.” Evan left his office and verified his schedule with Rita. “How about eleven?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Here or the Sheriff’s office?”

  “Let’s make it the Sheriff’s office. No offense, dude, but he’s got more room than you.” Ben laughed as he disconnected the call.

  Evan’s morning included addressing the officers who were rotating onto first shift with Clark and Phillips in the back of the room trying not to be seen. Evan told the officers he expected them to keep the laws they swore to uphold when they graduated the academy. He finished by letting them know if they couldn’t abide by the laws of their town, county, state, and country he’d be in his office until ten-thirty to accept resignations. If they needed more time to think about it, he’d be back after two.


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