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Dark Desires - Love That's Out of This World (Xcite Bestselling Collections)

Page 15

by K D Grace

  ‘As usual Madame Linda you run an exemplary house. I swear that you have the most buxom and willing whores in Leeds. It’s always a pleasure to do business with you,’ I answer.

  ‘And it’s a pleasure to be of service to you, my Lordship,’ Madame Linda replies.

  I have indeed had an exceptional time as I emerge dishevelled with my wig askew after satiating my carnal desires on Madame Linda’s young girls. The whores eagerly comply with any lewd suggestion I make. They have no qualms about taking a gentleman’s cock in their mouth and sucking it, having their arses penetrated or having a gentleman come over their faces or over their delectable breasts. To see one’s come all over a buxom whore’s tits is certainly a delight to a gentleman. My God, these sluts are paid well enough for it! My guineas will provide them with a supply of gin and opium for several weeks. A voice calls out to me from across the tavern.

  ‘Lord Nano, come and join me for a game of dice.’

  It is Sir Douglas Baron, a friend of mine, who also frequents Madame Linda’s establishment. He is an important cloth merchant, who has made his money making up uniforms for local militia troops. He has companions with him at the table; two foppish young rakes. I suspect that Sir Douglas has a fancy for such men but I am not one to judge a gentleman for taking whatever indulgences he pleases.

  ‘Well met, sir. We are of the same mind, my friend. We both like to indulge in whoring and gambling after some successful business,’ I exclaim.

  ‘How long are you staying in Leeds?’ asks Sir Douglas.

  ‘As soon as I’ve fleeced you and these young rakes at dice. My private carriage is ready to take me back to my country estate. I hope to be at home before nightfall,’ I reply.

  ‘My Lord Nano, you must be careful. There are many highwaymen on the roads these days and the risk is greater if you travel outside of daylight hours.’

  ‘Sir Douglas, I do believe you worry needlessly,’ I reply.

  ‘Lord, I have word of a new threat on our roads. I have reports from constables of a female highwayman who targets wealthy gentlemen of good stock like ourselves. She comes silently out of the trees dressed in black like some kind of demon. Yes, a highwaywoman, I know that it’s hard to credit. She goes by the name Nemesis. And it is not only golden guineas and jewellery that she is after. Apparently, she is on some kind of mission to humiliate men, especially wealthy ones who enjoy their pleasures. I do hear reports that on one occasion she left a gentleman hanging upside down with his balls tied to the branch of a tree!’

  I must admit I find this tale enormously amusing. Then one of the young rakes speaks up.

  ‘Yes, I’ve heard another story about this female devil. I heard it reported that, because one gentleman angered her, she actually bit his manhood off, spat it out on the ground and then nailed it to his carriage door!’

  I have never heard anything so absurd. I laugh out loud at the bizarre stories of the two men.

  ‘Sir Douglas, I can understand a young wretch like your friend here believing such tittle tattle but a man of substance and breeding like yourself, sir, I am most surprised that you indulge in such fanciful tales. I do believe you must have the pox, sir, and that it has addled your brain,’ I laugh.

  ‘Sir, I am a Justice of the Peace; I assure you that these strange accounts are true and that constables all over Yorkshire have been on alert to find this highwaywoman but she has eluded them for many months now. There are even those that say she is not human at all but some kind of phantom. Heed my advice, Lord Nano, and proceed cautiously on your journey home.’

  ‘Pah! I do not believe I will be waylaid. It is no matter. I have tarried long enough on my pleasures and must be on my way. My man and my carriage will be awaiting me at the coaching inn.’

  It was dusk by the time my carriage left the turnpike road and entered the country lanes that wind their way through the woods to my country estate. I am half asleep from my exertions in the boudoir of Madame Linda’s brothel when I am jolted out of my daze by the sudden movement of my carriage as it veers off the lane into a clearing in the woods. I lean out of the window of my carriage to reprimand my man for such reckless driving only to see that he has left the reins of the horses and is running into the woods. The imbecile. I will not tolerate such insubordination in my servants. I am still some way from home and consider that my only option will be to remove the harness from one of my horses, leave the carriage, and ride bare back to my residence.

  I am contemplating this course of action when I sense movement of a horse at the edge of the clearing. I look out of the window of my carriage and in the hazy light of the dusk as it shines through the canopy of the trees, I see her. At first the features are indistinct, all I can see is a female figure dressed entirely in black on a white horse. She is indeed a ghostly and phantom-like presence framed by the trees in the waning evening light. So, were Sir Douglas’s tales true after all? Is this the mysterious highwaywoman who calls herself Nemesis?

  As they approach and the horse and its rider come out of the dusky mist their figures become more distinct. I notice that the woman is riding with one hand and in the other is carrying a pistol, which is aimed at the window of my carriage. I have my sword stick with me, but I am no expert at using it, and it is no match for firearms. My man carries a pistol with him but he has run off into the woods like a coward, obviously scared by the ghostly rider in black.

  By now the horse is close to the carriage door and the female rider dismounts with effortless grace. I can see her clearly now through the window of my carriage. She is a marvellous figure of a woman; tall, statuesque and commanding. My eyes are drawn first to her legs and her magnificent black riding boots reaching up to her thighs with silver spurs at their heel. She is wearing a long black dress coat, tailored to display her shapely figure and her ample bosom perfectly, its collar decorated with a delicate gold braid. Underneath her jacket she wears a crisp white shirt and ruff visible at her elegant neckline. On her head she wears a tri-corner hat decorated with gold braid matching the pattern on her coat and a long brown pheasant’s feather. Her dark hair is swept back into a pony tail that trails down her back. She wears a red neckerchief that is raised to cover her mouth so that my attention is drawn to her piercing blue eyes that fix their gaze on me.

  Her horse is a magnificent creature too; a pure white mare, perfectly proportioned. On her nose there is a black marking that looks to be in the shape of an “N”. Whoever this woman is, she is no ruffian. Her whole demeanour exudes class and distinction. Despite my predicament I cannot help but feel aroused.

  I am now mindful of the stories I heard earlier today and start to feel an anxiety mixed with my feelings of sexual arousal at this splendid figure of a woman. I know I should be seeking some means of escape from my plight but I am transfixed into inaction by the sight in front of me. The door of my carriage is flung open and the highwaywoman, Nemesis, stands before me. She gestures at me with her pistol to alight from my carriage. Finally, she speaks in a clear icy voice that sends a chill down my spine but yet commands my full attention.

  ‘Well, what have we here? Lord Nano I believe, yet another rich, idle, whoremonger who needs teaching a lesson. My name is Nemesis. You may have heard of it, my reputation is spreading wide; tales abound of the mysterious dark woman who appears out of the mist to divest men of their wealth ... and their dignity. My mission is to expose men, to have them humiliated and submit to me. My motto is not “Stand and Deliver”, but “Prostrate and Submit”. Obey my commands and you may survive your ordeal. Disobey, and you have heard my name, retribution will be swift and complete.’

  My good reader, having heard the tales recounted in the Black Bull and now having cast my eyes on this formidable woman, I dare not disagree or resist.

  I merely say, ‘I understand you entirely, Madame.’

  ‘Good, first of all, pass over all of your money and valuables.’

  I meekly hand over two bags of guineas, remove my jewel encrusted sig
net rings from my fingers and then my gold pocket watch.

  ‘Of course, there would have been more money if you had not spent so much in the brothels in Leeds. Yes, don’t look surprised. I see everything. I know who you are and what you have been doing; misusing young girls for your pleasure. Now you will undress and stand naked and exposed in front of me.’

  I feel compelled to obey her command without a murmur of protest. I remove my white dress coat embroidered with delicate patterns of coloured silk thread, my fine linen shirt with ruffed collar and cuffs, my Italian leather buckled shoes and then my breeches and knickerbockers. Finally, I remove my wig to expose my shaved head. I stand before her, naked. The act of undressing in front of this magnificent specimen of a woman has given me a huge erection. If I expect this to impress her then I have sorely deceived myself.

  ‘So I arouse you, do I?’ she asks.

  ‘Madame, you have a wonderful body, such an ample bosom and you look so splendid in your magnificent leather boots,’ I say, believing that I am passing her a compliment.

  From the expression in her eyes I immediately realise that I have made a grave error. There is indignation and anger in her voice.

  ‘Lord Nano, I am not one of your tavern whores who you can have for your own pleasure. Your erection is an insult to me and needs to be corrected.’

  She pulls a riding crop out from her saddle bag and with one skilful accurate motion lashes its tip across my erect cock. I flinch with the pain but she does not stop. She gives me another five swift strokes until my penis is throbbing and no longer erect.

  ‘Get down on your knees and worship me. Lick my boots.’

  I get down on to the ground obediently and, as she holds the pistol to my head, I work my way up her thigh high boots with my tongue. The feeling of kneeling before this powerful woman is both humiliating and erotic. After my tongue has licked all of the leather clean the highwaywoman is satisfied and orders me to sit against a nearby tree.

  With rope gathered from her saddle bag Nemesis works quickly to tie me securely to the tree. Her skill with the ropes means I am soon so tightly bound that I am unable to move and I realise I am entirely at her mercy. My body is tingling with a mixture of fear and a strange kind of excitement at what she might do to me.

  She presses the barrel of her pistol tightly against my chest. I feel my heart racing at the tension. Will her retribution be as extreme as she has said, and as I have heard? She runs the end of her pistol up and down my chest, then against my forehead and, finally, across my face. I can feel the cold metal against my skin.

  ‘Take it in your mouth and suck it like you are sucking on a young rake’s cock for my pleasure,’ she orders.

  The pistol slides into my mouth and I nod my head forward to take more of its shaft in. There is a cold metallic taste in my mouth, but I daren’t stop and risk invoking her displeasure. She pushes the pistol slowly in and out, each time going deeper.

  She leans over and whispers in my ear, ‘Now you see how I have complete control over you, that your life is in my hands. One gentle squeeze of the trigger and I can take your life away. That is how close you are to death if you displease me. Don’t doubt that I am capable of doing this.’

  I have no doubt of this at all and keep sucking energetically on the pistol until eventually she is satisfied that I understand my predicament and that her control over me is absolute.

  Nemesis goes back to where my clothes are lying in a pile on the ground and takes up my knickerbockers and holds them up gingerly by her fingers.

  ‘I expect these are fresh with stains of piss and come from your earlier debauchery. Open wide.’

  I open my mouth, she rolls the knickerbockers tightly in her hand and then pushes them firmly into my mouth. I can feel the bitter taste of dried piss in my mouth. Then she takes off her neckerchief and ties it tightly around my head so that my knickers are pressed firmly into my mouth. I have been looking up and watching her intently as she works to secure and gag me. Suddenly I jump with the sensation of being pricked but my body can only force itself against the ropes holding me to the tree. The spurs from her boots are being run up and down my thigh.

  ‘You don’t think I wear these for riding do you? I know that my fine white mare can ride as swift as the wind when needs must. Why would I need spurs to dig into her flesh? No, these are to inflict pain on the likes of you. These are to teach you not to have a hard cock in my presence and to ensure you know what your place is. Lord Nano. That title means nothing now. You might as well be the commonest knave whilst you are in my presence.’

  All of the time that she is making this speech she is digging her spurs deeply into my cock and pressing down, putting the weight of her body down on it. The pain is excruciating. I try to scream out to relieve my suffering but my voice is muffled by my gag. The sharp silver spurs dig into my flesh. I can feel the surface of the skin on my cock and balls being pierced and drops of warm blood on my skin. After some minutes the pressure is eased and the spurs are withdrawn.

  I am still tied to the tree and await whatever terrors this Nemesis still has in store for me. The reports of my friends that this woman is a cruel demon have proved very true but what is about to pass will amaze and shock you my good reader. The highwaywoman has retrieved some lengths of thin rope from her saddle bag. She takes one piece and secures it around the sac of my balls, the knot pulled as tightly as her strength will allow. She takes a second length and ties it around the shaft of my now flaccid cock. Once again the knot is tightened. She takes both ropes in her hand and jerks them vigorously. I let out a muffled yelp as my cock and balls are stretched to their breaking point. The cruel woman laughs in my face.

  ‘Tell me, my Lord Nano, you must have many horses on your estate, do you consider yourself a skilled a horseman?’ she asks.

  I nod my head to indicate yes

  ‘Tell me, would you consider yourself to be more skilled with horses than I?’

  I nod my head from side to side. I dare not claim to be more proficient at horsemanship than her for fear of severe consequences. Nemesis pulls sharply again on the ropes and a shot of pain surges through my balls.

  ‘Yes, you had better trust that I am indeed the most skilled horsewoman in the county. Do you see my splendid horse? She is a magnificent creature and my most faithful companion. Her coat is as white as my soul is dark. Wonder at her sleek white coat. Admire the powerful muscles on her hind legs. She can gallop with a force that would tear limbs off a man’s body yet, when treated skilfully, her movements are gentle and graceful.’

  I can only grunt in acknowledgement. My mouth is dry and I am dreading what her speech is hinting at. She crouches down in front of me with her icy cold eyes fixed on me, the flicker of a cruel smile on her scarlet lips.

  ‘Shall we see how skilful a horsewoman I am and how well trained my lovely mare is?’

  Nemesis stands up and takes the two strands of rope; she deftly ties both pieces on to the mare’s bridle, one either side of her head. She swiftly mounts her white mare. As she does the horse takes one or two small steps forward. It is only a gentle movement but the ropes tug on my cock and balls with a strength that no man could muster. I feel my manhood being stretched. I feel the sweat of fear running down my brow. She leans forward and whispers into the mare’s ear and then turns her head around to call out to me.

  ‘What does it feel like now, my Lord, for a woman to have complete control over your pathetic manhood. Shall I call on my mare to gallop as swift as the wind as if pursued by constables and rip your worthless cock from your body? Or shall I get her to take a few playful steps forward to make you suffer, but leave your cock intact? Are you scared? You should be, because you will understand now what I am capable of and that I will wreak my vengeance for all the women you have abused for your own pleasure.’

  My body is shaking with terror. I believe this female demon is capable of what she boasts and that I am powerless to stop her. I brace myself for the very wors
t. I hear the command, ‘Ride on!’ The white mare takes a few slow steps forward, the ropes pull taught and then the pain starts. The pressure is stretching my cock and balls to the limit of endurance. I know the horse is taking only a gentle trot but the agony is extreme. I feel that at any moment, or with each new step the mare takes, my balls will be ripped from their sac. It may only have been a few moments but the agony seems to last an age before at last, and to my immense relief, I feel the pressure ease as Nemesis pulls the reins to stop her mare. My head is reeling and I feel I am at the point of passing out but all I can hear is her laughing at me, laughing at the pain she can inflict.

  Nemesis dismounts and stands towering over me, the tops of her leather boots level with my eyes as I lean gagged and tied against the tree, my whole body aching with the strain of having my cock and balls stretched. She gazes down on me with contempt and a satisfaction that I have been truly humiliated.

  ‘You have been lucky today, you have caught me in a generous mood. You will at least return with your life and your worthless piece of manhood intact. You will have learned a lesson that my feminine power can control you and that I can exact the most savage vengeance on behalf of my sex..’

  I raise my head to look up at her and admire her awesome presence.

  ‘You will not forget this day. The day you were exposed as a whoremonger. You have had your worldly wealth and dignity taken from you. Know that my presence is everywhere and that I am watching you and, if you do not mend your ways, you have had a taste of what the retribution of Nemesis tastes like. I have one last act to carry out on you.’

  She pulls out a playing card from her coat pocket and holds it up to my eyes.

  ‘The Queen of Spades, my calling card, a symbol of my dominance over you and all men.’

  She leans down, pulls the tip of my penis apart and inserts the edge of the card firmly into the end of my cock. At that, she stands up, takes the reins of her white mare, mounts her and trots slowly towards the edge of the clearing, a wondrous vision in black and white that becomes enveloped in the misty night air and disappears from sight.


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