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The Quiet World: Saving Alaska's Wilderness Kingdom, 1879-1960

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by Douglas Brinkley

  bald eagle, 224–30, 292n

  Bald Eagle Protection Act, 230

  Baldwin, Roger, 227

  Ball, Witt, 3

  Ballinger, Richard

  feud with Pinchot over development of Alaska, 75–80, 110, 314

  after Pinchot’s firing, 82

  Taft appoints as secretary of the interior, 74–75

  Bambi: A Life in the Woods (film), 347–48, 356

  Barefooters, 417–21, 424

  Barnette, E. T., 265

  Bartlett, E. L. “Bob,” 476, 477, 489, 490–91

  Bartsch, Paul, 88

  Basho, 135

  Bass, Rick, 456

  Bates, Claude. See Asaiah, Brother

  Baxter State Park, 146

  Beach, Rex, 34–35

  Bear Glacier, Kent’s paintings of, 186–88

  Beard, Daniel, 101–2, 146

  bears, 123–24, 160–61, 210, 281–82

  beat generation, in Alaska, 415–21. See also Ginsberg, Allen; Kerouac, Jack

  Beebe, Frank, 391

  Beebe, William, 204

  Bella Bellas, 31

  Bellows, George, 188

  Benchley, Robert, 198

  Benedict, Ruth, 250

  Berg, Andrew, 129

  Bergere, Estella, 214

  Bering Sea, 14–15, 26–27, 30

  Bering Strait Land Bridge National Preserve, 27, 33

  “Berry Feast, A” (Snyder), 392, 402, 407

  Bierstadt, Albert, 185–86

  Big Burn, The (Eagan), 73

  Big Sur (Kerouac), 424

  bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), 164

  “Billy Possums,” 100–101

  Bird, Isabella, 450

  birds, 28, 36, 132, 151

  bird-banding movement, 88

  Duck Stamp Act and, 317–18

  Hornaday on loss of species, 149

  refuges and reservations for, 52, 62–64, 158–59, 173, 214

  T. Roosevelt and, 62–64, 87–88, 156–58

  bison, 151

  black bear (Ursus americanus), 161

  black-billed magpie (Pica hudsonia), 197

  black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), 88

  Black Mountain, 12

  black turnstones (Arenaria melanocephala), 63

  Blatchley, Willis Stanley, 106–7

  blue bear (Ursus arctos pruinosus), 161

  Bob Marshall Wilderness, 262, 262n

  Bogoslof Island, 159

  Book-Lover’s Holidays in the Open, A (Roosevelt), 165, 173

  Book of the American Woodcock, The (Sheldon), 209

  Boone and Crocket Club, 77, 102, 158, 459

  brown bears and, 156

  data collection on Alaska’s game animals, 176–77

  Hornaday and, 95–96, 150

  membership of, 210

  Mount McKinley National Park and, 140, 142, 143

  Sheldon and, 129, 132

  T. Roosevelt and, 39, 41, 205

  Borglum, Gutzon, 222

  Boy Scouts of America, 101–3, 144

  Brady, John G., 42–44, 48, 57

  Branson, Jim, 439

  Breaking New Ground (Pinchot), 84, 158

  Brewer, William, 16

  Brinton, Christian, Kent’s letter to, 196

  bristle-thighed curlew (Numenius tahitiensis), 63

  Bristol Bay, 145

  Bronx Zoo, 96, 149, 151. See also New York Zoological Society

  Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 143

  Brooks, Alfred Hulse, 36, 239

  Brooks, Paul, 36

  Brooks Range, Marshall in, 239–42, 245–47, 260–61

  Brower, David, 207, 366, 383–84, 394, 458

  Brown, Nelson, 251–52

  Brown, Raymond J., 347

  brown bears, 123–24, 135–36, 141, 156

  Browne, Belmore, 141–42

  Bryce Canyon National Park, 222

  Buckner, Simon, 342


  Douglas and, 302

  Ginsberg and, 415

  Kent and, 192, 196

  Matthiessen and, 438

  Snyder and, 392–93, 395, 399

  buffalo, 96

  Buffalo Bill, 172

  bull moose (Alces alces), 39, 108–9, 134

  Bull Moose Party, 116–20, 207

  Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, 64

  Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 111

  Bulloch, Seth, 106

  Burns, Ken, 326

  Burroughs, John, 44, 417

  death of, 208, 211

  Harriman Expedition and, 16–17, 53

  T. Roosevelt and, 40, 207–8

  Busch, Briton Cooper, 97–98

  Call of the Wild, The (London), 51, 58, 141, 293

  Camp Denali, 338, 340–41, 481, 483, 484

  Camp Fire Club of America (CFCA), 37, 95–97, 151–52, 174, 316, 459

  fishing and, 147, 153

  Macnab and Vreeland in Lake Clark area and, 180–82

  membership of, 144

  Mount McKinley National Park, 140, 142

  Sheldon and, 129, 132, 143

  Canada goose (Branta canadensis leucopareia), 88, 198

  canneries. See fish and fishing

  Cannon, Joseph, 115

  Canoeing Up Carbarga Creek: Buddhist Poems 1955–1986 (Whalen), 397

  Capra, Doug, 200

  Captive Wild (L. Crisler), 354

  caribou (Rangifer tarandus), 39, 122, 134, 316, 352, 371

  A. Murie’s study of, 281

  Arctic NWR and, 456, 459–61, 469, 471

  in Arctic Range, 374, 375

  Gwich’in people and, 130–31, 369–70

  O. Murie’s study of, 273–79, 281

  Project Chariot and, 405–6

  at Sheenjek River, 359–60

  T. Roosevelt and Hornaday’s work to protect, 153

  Caribou Rising (Bass), 456

  Carithers, J. F., 476

  Carolina parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis), 153

  Carson, Rachel, 300, 351–52, 353, 421, 436, 448–50, 452, 459–60, 499

  Carson National Forest, New Mexico, 163, 166

  Carter, Jimmy, 263, 496n

  Cassady, Neal, 400

  Catlin, George, 437

  Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger (Garland), 90–91

  Century, 12

  Cerf, Bennett, 200

  Chambers, Whitaker, 347

  Chapman, Frank M., 37, 227

  Charles Sheldon Antelope Refuge, 222–23

  Chase, William Merritt, 188

  cheechakos (miners), 52

  Cheechakos, The (film), 228

  Chicago Post, 198

  Chigmit Mountains, 145

  Chilkat Tlingit. See Tlingit

  Chugach National Forest, 38, 107, 162

  Alaskans’ opinion of, 30, 111

  size of, 56, 60

  T. Roosevelt and creation of, 61, 62

  threats to, 72, 76, 78, 79, 81, 91–92, 104, 166, 206

  World War II and, 294, 322

  Chukchi Sea, 25–27, 30, 154, 409

  City Light Books, 402, 407, 408, 411, 413

  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 252, 256, 315

  Clark, John C. W., 178–79

  Clark, Walter Eli, 156

  clear cutting. See forest preservation

  Cleveland Press, 110–11

  coal mining, 105, 109–11, 219

  Coal Party, 109

  Coast Range, 134

  Coates, Peter A., 79, 105

  Cole, Leon J., 40

  College Fjord, 17, 18

  Collier’s, 78, 81

  Collins, George L., 364, 382

  Arctic NWR and, 455, 458, 462–64

  Arctic Range and, 360–62, 364, 366–67, 369–70, 385

  background, 365–66

  on Douglas, 385

  on Rhode, 467

  Colp, Douglas, 474

  Colvin, Verplank, 234

  common loon (Gavia immer), 62

  Connell, Wi
lliam, 49

  Conquest of Mount McKinley, The (Browne), 141–42

  “conservation colonialism,” 110

  Conservation Fund, 373, 470

  Cook Inlet, 145

  Coolidge, Calvin, 221–22

  Cooper, William Skinner, 210, 222, 316

  Copper Mountain, 105

  Copper River Delta, 57

  Copper River and Northern Railway, 76, 104, 109, 220

  Cordova Daily Alaskan, 80

  Cougar of Olympic National Park, The (A. Murie), 299

  coyote (Canis latrans), 406–7

  Craighead, Charles, 265

  Crick, Francis, 408

  “Crisis in Conservation: Serious Danger of Extinction of Many North American Birds, A” (Van Name, Miller, and Quinn), 226–27

  Crisler, Herb, 343, 348–54, 356, 372

  Arctic NWR and, 466, 467

  Disney films and, 445–47

  Crisler, Lois, 343, 348–54, 356, 371, 372

  Arctic NWR and, 458–61, 466, 467, 496

  Arctic Wild memoir, 350–51, 353, 445–47, 448, 451

  Carson and, 448, 450

  Disney films and, 445–47

  wolves and, 446–47, 458–59

  Crow, F. L., 157

  Cruise of the Corwin, The (Muir), 15, 29, 178, 429

  Culmer, Henry, 193

  Cummings, Jesse, 164

  Curtis, Edward S., 16, 30–31, 45–47, 147, 324, 439

  Curwood, James Oliver, 92–93

  Dall, William Healey, 16, 33–34, 39, 64, 278

  Dall limpet, 39

  Dall sheep (Ovis dalli), 30, 34, 39, 127–28, 153

  Sheldon’s study of, 129–30, 133, 138

  wolves and, 285–86, 292–93, 297, 298–99

  Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli), 34, 39

  Dalton, Kathleen, 101

  dams, 357, 378–79

  Dinosaur National Monument, 283, 383–84, 454, 472

  Glen Canyon, 365–66

  Hetch Hetchy and, 93–94, 166–67, 303, 384

  Ross, 391

  Darling, F. Fraser, 360, 363

  Darling, Jay Norwood “Ding,” 315, 317–18

  Darwin, Charles, 106, 113, 153, 280–81

  Davidson, Mercedes Hester, 375, 376

  Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (film), 444–45

  DDT, 225, 230, 300, 304, 448–50, 452

  Debs, Eugene, 118, 120

  deer, Bambi and effect on sport hunting, 347–48, 356

  Denali. See Camp Denali; Mount McKinley; Mount McKinley National Park

  Denmark, 88

  Desert Solitaire (Abbey), 282

  De Voto, Bernard, 327–28, 332

  DeWeese, Dall, 39

  Dewey, Melvil, 232

  Dharma Bums, The (Kerouac), 387, 396, 402, 414, 422–23

  Dice, Lee R., 289–90, 291, 300

  Dinosaur National Monument, 283, 383–84, 454, 472

  Disney, Roy, 346

  Disney, Walt

  Alaskan seals and, 343–47, 356

  Arctic NWR and, 496

  Bambi and deer hunting, 347–48, 356

  Crislers’ films and, 348–54, 356, 371

  proposed Mineral King resort and, 305–7

  ramblers’ rights and, 444–45

  White Wilderness, 228, 354, 363, 445–47

  World War II and, 339, 342–43

  Disney Version, The (Schickel), 346

  dogsledding, 268–69

  Dos Passos, John, 422

  Douglas, Julia Fisk, 307–8

  Douglas, Mildred Riddle, 312

  Douglas, Reverend William, 307–8

  Douglas, William O., 282–83, 353, 354, 363, 388, 447, 473

  on Alaska Wilderness, 355–56

  Arctic NWR and, 479–82, 491–92, 496–99, 496n

  on Arctic Wild, 350–51

  background and education, 303, 307–13

  Carson and, 448–49

  character and Supreme Court service, 376–80

  conservation and, 302–7, 319–22

  Ginsberg and, 403

  on science, 496

  Sheenjek Expedition and, 381–86

  Dragon and the Unicorn, The (Rexroth), 398

  Duck Island, 159

  Duck Stamp Act, 317–18

  Dufresne, Frank, 29, 215–16, 367

  Dulles, John Foster, 313

  Duncan, Dayton, 326

  Dunlap, Thomas R., 301

  Durbin, Kathie, 59

  Dutcher, William, 149

  Eagan, Timothy, 73

  Eagan, William A., 490, 494

  eagles. See bald eagle

  Earth House Hold (Snyder), 392, 455

  Ecologists Union, 300–301

  Ecology of the Coyote in Yellowstone, The (A. Murie), 281, 285, 288, 290

  Edge, Rosalie, 225–29

  Edge of the Sea (Carson), 451

  Edward VII, king of England, 86

  Eicholz, Mercedes, 481, 491

  Einstein, Albert, 404

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., and administration

  Alaskan development and, 362–63

  Alaskan statehood issues, 471, 474–75, 476

  appointments, 383

  Arctic NWR and, 472–73, 490, 493–96

  Arctic Range and, 374, 385, 451

  Disney and, 356

  Glen Canyon Dam, 366

  Project Chariot, 406

  Saint Lawrence Seaway, 362

  Seaton and, 465–66

  election of 1910, 103, 106

  election of 1912

  Alaskans unable to vote in, 117

  T. Roosevelt and, 98, 107, 111–12, 115–20

  election of 1960, 490–91

  Eliot, Charles W., 77, 235–36

  elk, 39, 122n, 127, 280–81, 348–49

  Elk of North America (O. Murie), 454

  Elliot, Henry Wood, 36, 152

  Emergency Conservation Committee (ECC), 227

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1–2, 479

  Emmons, George T., 54–56

  Endangered Species Acts, 150

  “Energy Is Eternal Twilight” (Snyder), 357–58, 409

  Engberg, Robert, 20

  Erigeron muirii (Muir’s fleabane), 15

  eskimo dogs (malamutes), 141–42

  Eskimo people, 26, 46. See also specific groups

  ethology, 300–301

  Études sur les glaciers (Agassiz), 2

  Evergreen (journal), 380

  Examples: The Making of 40 Photographs (Adams), 333

  Eyak people, 26

  Fairbanks, Alaska, 45, 79, 104–5, 265–68

  Fairbanks, Charles Warren, 265–66

  Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, 219, 466, 467, 469, 471, 472, 473–74, 486, 493

  Fairbanks Garden Club, 487

  Fairweather Mountains, 134

  Fall, Albert, 218

  Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier, 1776–1890, The (Slotkin), 140

  Federal Water Power Act, 174

  Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs, 361, 383

  Ferber, Edna, 204–5, 451

  Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 407–8, 413

  Fernow, B. E., 18

  Fidalgo, Salvador, 28

  Field and Stream, 89, 146

  Field Guide to Animal Tracks, A (O. Murie), 470

  Fight for Conservation, The (Pinchot), 84–85

  Finley, William L., 272

  Fire Island National Game Reservation, 109, 159, 218, 221, 253

  firn, defined, 8

  First Summer (Muir), 7–8

  fish and fishing, 117, 224

  Camp Fire Club of America and limits on, 147

  canneries and, 16, 17, 98, 178–79, 467

  Emmons and regulation of, 55

  hatcheries and, 54

  M. Murie and, 269–71

  overfishing and, 42, 46, 52, 147, 153

  salmon, 7, 49, 178–83, 467

  Taft administration and, 78

  Flemming, Thomas, 218

  Flory, Charles, 315

/>   Flying Strong Eagle, 230

  Following Fox Trails (A. Murie), 291

  Fong, Hiram, 476

  Ford, Corey, 28

  Ford, Henry, 151

  For Earth’s Sake (Brower), 366

  Forest, The (White), 144

  Forest and Stream, 39, 89

  forest fires, 237

  forest preservation

  clear cutting in Adirondacks, 96–97

  clear cutting in Alaska, 243, 307

  fostered by T. Roosevelt, 48–62

  preserves established by Congress, 50

  Forrestal, James, 295

  “For the Death of 100 Whales” (McClure), 401, 402, 441

  Fouke Fur Company, 344

  Fountain of the World contingent. See Barefooters

  foxes, 197–98, 290–91

  Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper Expedition (1891), 179

  Franklin, Benjamin, 224, 229

  Frederick, Karl T., 225

  Frederickson, Stanley, 475–76

  Friedrich, Caspar David, 188

  Friendly Arctic, The (Stefansson), 272

  Frome, Michael, 379

  frontier, defined by Webster, 140

  Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, 16, 18

  Fur Commission Board, 151

  Fur Seal Board, 97–98

  fur seals, 97–98

  Furmansky, Dyana Z., 227–28

  Gabler, Neal, 346, 356

  Gabrielson, Ira N., 159, 253, 319, 344, 345, 477

  game management, 173–78. See also hunting issues

  Game Management (Leopold), 65, 96, 163–64, 288

  game preserves, T. Roosevelt and, 52

  Gannett, Henry, 18, 47

  Garfield, James R., 74–77, 108, 111, 217

  Garland, Hamlin, 72, 89–91, 92, 205

  Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, 231, 242, 255

  General Geography (Gannett), 18

  General Land Office (GLO), 77–79

  Giddings, J. Louis, 356, 361

  Gifford, Robert Swain, 40

  Gifford Pinchot Award, of Boy Scouts of America, 102

  Gifford Pinchot: Forester-Politician (McGeary), 78

  Gila National Forest, 213, 214

  Gilbert, Grove Karl, 17, 18

  Gilbert, Trimble, 361–62

  Gillette, Louis B., 264–65, 271

  Gillette, Louise, 290

  Gillette, Minnie Thomas, 264, 274, 278

  Ginsberg, Allen, 399–400

  with Merchant Marines in Alaska, 410–15

  poetry of, 401–3, 406, 407, 417

  Glacier Bay, 5–6, 9, 12

  Glacier Bay National Monument, 210

  Glacier Bay National Park, 19, 38, 139, 158, 316, 370, 462

  Adams’s photographs of, 324, 325, 327, 329, 334–36


  Adams’s photograph of, 334–36

  in Alaska, 17, 19–20, 57

  Ballinger’s lack of knowledge, 76

  colors and features of, 2–3, 8, 10

  Curtis’s photographs of, 45–46

  Kent’s paintings of, 186–88

  in lower 48 states, 14

  main parts of, 19

  Muir on, 169–70


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