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Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)

Page 12

by Miller, Gracen

  Phoenix leaned his head against the back of the chair. Closing his eyes, he rubbed them with his fingertips.

  “Madison may want you, Phoenix, but she needs me and my seraph to keep her balanced.” Micah watched the other man. Against his better judgment he liked the mortal, even if he held the unfortunate distinction of Ark of Heaven. Evidence even the most likeable human couldn’t be perfect.

  “Why do you think Petra and Kur cannot kill Madison?”

  “I don’t think it, I know it.” Phoenix removed his hand from his face and Beliel explained. “She’s become as unkillable as I am.”

  “Your lives continue to be linked? You die, she dies, and vice versa?”

  “Yes. And in case you haven’t put the puzzle pieces together, after going demonic, she’s also as immortal as I am.”

  Panic flashed across Phoenix’s features. Did the Ark just realize he’d lost Madison before she was ever really his? Good. Delusions were for the weak and Phoenix had never possessed a feeble mind.

  “You’ve got sixty years left at best, Phoenix.” If he’s lucky. “I’m forever. I would be remiss if I neglected to remind you I’ve been there for every important moment of Madison’s life. I gave her existence. I was there when she was conceived. I delivered her and held her first. Her primary feeding was from my fingertip. Madison has always been mine and only death will alter that. When you pass into death, I will remain the constant in her life.”

  “The choice will be hers.” But the woebegone creases that marred the edges of Phoenix’s eyes hinted he realized Madison’s choices were limited.

  “I was her first sexual awakening in her father’s church on Christmas morning at the age of fifteen. I witnessed her first kiss and then killed the motherfucker for the offense an hour later. I am her first hero. I am her first love. I married her. I took her virginity. I gave her a child.” He shoved a hand into his pocket. “I have always been there for her, Phoenix. Where have you been all of her life? What have you done for her? And how can you manage to protect her when you’re feeble with age?”

  “I love her, Micah. And she loves me.”

  “Don’t delude yourself into believing an insignificant fuck from you will alter her place in my life. Or that your mortal love will be enough for her.” He allowed his eyes to flash orange, to remind Phoenix of his high-ranking status in Hell. “She is the Queen of Hell. And while that title is presently in name only, she will eventually accept her position. No amount of wishful thinking or running can alter that rank.” Micah swiped his wind-tossed hair out of his face. “I am here to protect her, first and foremost. But I promise you before the ordeal is over, both of you will realize I am the one she cannot exist without.” In the literal sense.

  “I won’t allow you to destroy her.”

  Beliel scoffed. “That has never been my goal for her.”

  “Is this a subtle challenge from you?”

  “No. I’m telling you like it is.”

  Phoenix glared at him. There was just enough frown on his face to let him know the Ark worried.

  “Next time you’re thrusting inside her, remember that without my interference, Madison wouldn’t be incarnate. As you kiss and stroke her soft flesh, keep in mind she is mine. You’re playing second fiddle to the King of Hell.”

  “I pity you.”


  Phoenix pushed out of the chair and tucked the Azura stones in his pocket. “I pity you because it’s going to hurt like hell when she denies not just you, but Hell, too.”

  A smile twitched at the corners of his mouth. “Never happen.” On either account.

  “I’ve had enough of this bullshit.” Nix walked away, hands curled into fists at his sides.

  Probably wants to bloody my nose.

  Micah snatched Phoenix around with a hand on his arm. He restrained the other man with a hand on his nape. Just yesterday he would’ve kissed the Ark.

  “Release. Me. Beliel.”

  He licked his lips. “Did Madison enjoy sex with you?”

  “She climaxed more than once, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Not until that moment did he realize he’d been holding his breath. He exhaled and released his grip on Phoenix.

  “She’s mine now, Micah. Mine. I will die to keep her from you.”

  “You’re adorable when you’re self-righteous. Like Jesus in some behaviors, but unlike him in other, more erotic habits.”

  The Ark of Heaven glared and clenched his teeth until a vein ticked in his jaw.

  “I won’t play fair when it comes to winning her back.”

  Phoenix offered a smile filled with sarcasm. “Please make the mistake of expecting me to.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nix had forgotten how smug of a bastard Micah could be. The King poked doubts in his misgivings. Suffering vulnerability over the woman he loved wasn’t how he’d envisioned the relationship. To make matters worse, Mads doubted herself.

  Fuck, his chest ached and his head pounded worse than a crack addict in withdrawals clenching the trigger of a rapid-fire Uzi.

  If he believed the fallen—and he had no reason not to—then Mads was immortal. Christ! Had Zen contemplated that possibility? Could the immortal be the betrayer, as Mads’s husband suggested? Instinct said no, but he couldn’t discount the crystal genie in good conscience. And wouldn’t, for Mads and Amos’s safety, since they’d become his top priority.

  Letting himself into their bedroom, he came to a dead halt in the doorway upon spying Mads. Red silk hugged her curves. The thigh-high nightgown covered every tantalizing millimeter of her torso. Nothing indecent about the lingerie…except the way her nipples protruded against the thin fabric. And the erotic images flashing through his head where he fantasized peeling the garment off her.

  Mads turned his way, with her cell phone pressed against her ear. A slow sweep of her gaze across his body left him in cinders.

  “Mmhmm….” She licked her lips.

  Taking a deep breath, he held in the oxygen until his lungs burned. With a backward thrust of his leg, he kicked the door closed.

  “I’ll do my best, Georgie, but you know how hardheaded Nix can be,” she said into the receiver as he moved to the love seat across the room near the windows.

  Aunt Georgie was on the other side of the house, ensconced in the panic room—just to be safe in case anything attacked in the evening—and she was checking on him? He shook his head. Amusing that his aunt gave Mads instructions on handling him, when she failed at censoring him more often than not. Good thing Mads wasn’t the micromanaging type.

  Sitting, he toed his shoes off and yanked at his socks. He collapsed against the back of the sofa. The lights created a glare against the glass windows. He could not see through them to the lawn, but if Micah remained outside, the King could see inside. And anything they did.

  I won’t think about her husband right now.

  Closing his eyes, he focused on the cadence of Mads’s voice. Her Southern accent rising and falling as she talked, laughing with his aunt, all while promising to keep him safe through the night. The irony. He’d rather guarantee her well-being above his.

  “You asleep, Nix?”

  He jerked at the sound of his name. His eyelids swept up and then his body followed in a fiery boom. Mads stood next to him in that racy silk.

  “Just thinking.” Fingering the hem of the nightgown, he inched the material upward.

  Mads slapped his hand aside. His gaze flashed to hers. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Trying to see what you have on beneath.”

  “Uh-uh.” She waggled her finger at him. “That’s a view you get only if you’re planning to stay awake.”

  “You’re a mean woman, baby.” Using his fingertips, he traced random designs on her thigh, captivated when he heard her breath catch. “You wear this for me?”


  Gaze lingering on the swell of her hips and her breasts, he took his time me
eting her eyes. “I like. A lot.”

  Had she tempted her King of Hell wearing something like this during their marriage? He would not ask. Could not expose his insecurity in such a candid manner. His emotions for Mads were raw and he questioned if hers were genuine.

  Mads pushed his legs apart and knelt between them. “Talk to me, Nix. What’s wrong?”

  Blunt honesty would be the secret to their relationship. “Micah is outside.” Didn’t mean he needed to confess his lack of self-confidence.

  Tension jerked her straight. “I know. I can…feel him.”

  Feel him? He didn’t like the sound of that. “What exactly does that mean?”

  “Any time one of Hell’s residents is near, I can sense their presence. They make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.”

  Good talent to have.

  He hated to ask his next question, but he had to know. “Did you plan to seduce me for his benefit?”

  A hitch to her breath and she sat back on her heels, putting distance between them. “No.”

  The solitary word was issued so bluntly, the blaze of pink in her eyes was unnecessary to express her dislike of being accused of such wicked behavior.

  “He can see us through the windows. Has hearing good enough to listen through the walls and windows.”

  “If he moves in like you insist, he’ll be able to hear us then, too.” Mads rose to her feet. “I wanted you because I want you. I’m not interested in seducing you now.”

  Nix prevented her from walking away by catching her hand. A testy glance in the direction of their connected palms, before the wall over his head became her focal point.

  Cold shoulder. Ouch.

  “I’m sorry.” And he meant it. A stiff nod came from her. “I wouldn’t have minded if that was your reason.”

  “I mind!” She tugged free of his hold. “I never want there to be any other reason to be with you. Making him jealous never entered my head.”

  Deep down, he knew that. Pitting men against one another wasn’t her way. “Forgive me, baby. I’m jealous.”

  “You have no reason to be jealous of Micah.”

  “I have several.” He grimaced. “And I’m not proud of them.”

  Mads settled into his lap, straddling his hips. He could feel the heat from her pussy snuggled against his jean-clad crotch.

  “He should be jealous of you.”

  He snorted. Nix bet Micah wasn’t just green with envy, but gnashed his teeth over him having the King’s girl. “You have history with him, Mads. History I cannot compete against.” Valid points the fallen had just enumerated for him, and so had Mads earlier that day.

  He brushed his fingers through her hair, fascinated with the long, golden strands that slipped through his digits. Cool silk against his senses, he’d held her down with the mass last night as he entered her body. Regardless what happened in their future, he would never forget that moment.

  “I’m not asking you to compete. Micah is who he is, and I cannot alter any of my past mistakes. I wouldn’t change a single one of them, either—not even the bad stuff—because he gave me Amos. Not being a parent, Nix, you cannot understand the depth of my love for him.”

  I have a vague idea. Mads’s first priority was Amos. He respected her single-minded focus to do what was best for her son. Everyone and everything else fell into stages of importance after him. He did not begrudge her that stance but respected her more because of her dedication. Thought her sexier for the devotion. Never would he ask her to choose between them. I know who would win. Amos, as he should.

  “I have no wish to be the handmaiden of Hell’s King. Not even if he was once very important in my life.” He grew less certain every day that she could escape her destiny as Queen of Hell. He bit his honesty back and allowed her to talk. “I’m choosing to be with you, Nix. Not because you’re a better man than him—even though you are—but because I’m in love with you.”

  If she knew all the things he’d participated in after his Fall in Hell, she’d know he wasn’t the better man at all. Given the right provocation, he could be just as demonic as her very demon spouse. And he wasn’t convinced she wasn’t still just a little bit in love with her husband.

  “Are you certain of that, Mads? You told me today you feared you would fall into his bed if we allowed him to help us protect you.”

  “You said you’d strip me for his bed if you thought it’d save me.”

  I would. His love ran that deep for her. That dilemma bothered him the most: would he enjoy watching her with Micah or abhor their intimacy? “You’ll allow him to help. Tomorrow will be soon enough. We deserve one more night.”

  “You know I’d rather be dead than his play-toy.”

  Nix knew exactly what it meant to be the fallen angel’s play-toy. To his regret, he’d enjoyed the King’s bed. “I won’t object if you want to be my play-toy.”

  Mads pressed her breasts against his chest and scraped her nail across his jaw. “Maybe you could be mine?”

  “Baby, play away. I will object to nothing you want to do to me.” He cupped the back of her neck. “Allow me to make love to you with the curtains open so Micah can watch.”


  “To establish to your husband”—and prove to you—“that you’re now mine…and I’m yours.”

  “You are mine, Nix.” She pulled his head back by his hair. His dick jerked in his jeans at her aggression. She licked a line from the base of his neck to his earlobe. “Mine, Nix Birmingham. Unlike you, I don’t share. Ever.”

  He yanked her forward and slammed his mouth on hers. Their tongues connected and his body ignited. No one had ever made him this crazy this fast. Goddamn, he loved kissing her. Loved petting her. Loved sinking into her moist heat.

  With that in mind, he dragged his hands down her silk-clad figure, and she sighed into his mouth. His palms clamped on her hips, and he wrenched her pelvis snug against his crotch. Her breath hitched, and he broke free of her mouth. Leaning his head back against the sofa, he watched her as he shifted his touch. Fingertips traipsed to the inside of her thigh. She bit her lip as he cupped her pussy.

  “Panties.” Surprised, he elevated his eyebrows. He’d expected to discover her naked beneath. These undies felt like lace, not silk. Would her pussy peek through the flimsy framework? God, the very idea had him breaking out in a sweat.

  “I was thinking of you when I bought them.”

  Dressed herself as a gift for him to unwrap. Fuck, she’d be the death of him.

  Curiosity spiked…. “When did you buy them, baby?”

  “A month ago.”

  Nix grinned. That confession inflated his ego, and he wanted to hug her. While he’d partied in Hell like a pureblood demon, she’d bought panties with him in mind. He leaned forward to lick a nipple through the fabric. “Let me see them.”

  Mads wiggled off his lap to stand between his legs. Sliding forward, he kissed her belly through the nightgown and pushed the silk upward to take a gander at her underwear. “Jesus Christ.”

  Red thong. It shrieked, “Fuck me now. Hard.”

  His cock felt obliged to honor the request.

  Two gem-encrusted hearts held the strings over her hips. As he’d suspected, her blonde curls peeked from beneath the heart-design lace. Capturing her hips, he turned her and held his breath.

  Another heart fed a thread down into the crack of her ass. He traversed the path of that string with a finger and heard her breath catch as the digit trailed through her intimate crevice. He kissed one butt cheek and nipped the other, before turning her again.

  “Y—you like them?”

  His gaze flashed to hers. Her uncertainty surprised him. “No.” He circled her clitoris with a fingertip through the sexy fabric. “I love them.”

  He bent forward and licked where his finger had been. As she palmed his head, she stiffened.

  “What?” he asked, looking up at her.

  Mads shook her head. “I don’t wish to ruin the

  Whatever it was had already spoiled the moment for her. “Mads….”

  “Micah spoke in my head.” Nix’s teeth snapped together. She either didn’t notice or chose to ignore his response. “Told me to remain faithful and back away from you.”

  If the King wasn’t tied to Mads’s life, he’d seek a way to kill him. Permanently. “Do you want me to stop?”


  “Then push him out of your head, Mads, like you did in Hell.” Impatient to have the panties gone and his head between her thighs, he licked the lace again. “Permit him to watch.”

  With her force-field blocking the fallen’s entry into the house, he’d be unable to stop their lovemaking.

  “He’ll be envious of you.”

  More like resentful. “It’ll do him some good to be humbled.” The fucking truth.

  A tug on his hair pulled his head back to meet her gaze. “Nix…shock him with our behavior. Do things to me I’ve never consented to let him perform.”

  So naïve. It wouldn’t take much to shock Mads, but the King of Hell would be difficult to stun. Making love to her—giving her orgasms—would be more than she’d allowed Micah. That would suffice in Nix’s book.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nix stood abruptly, crowding her personal space. The intensity of his gaze held Madison rooted to the floor. She bit back a groan when she took a breath and her nipples scrubbed against his chest.

  “Baby, you’ll be shocked long before Micah will.” His voice had altered. Reminded her of the gruff tone when he’d been inside her last night.

  Must be his sex voice.

  Ditch your clothes and ditch his. Immediately! Then get this man inside us. Madison ignored Lynx’s suggestion. “Then shock me, Nix.”


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