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Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)

Page 28

by Miller, Gracen

  “No.” Zenny smirked.

  “Bullshit. You’re mind-bending those motherfuckers somehow.”

  “No. Right-side pocket.” He took aim; the tip of the stick struck the cue ball, and it ricocheted off three walls before lining up and bee-lining diagonally across the table straight for the right-side pocket.


  “I’m exceptional,” Zenny said as the black ball continued to rotate closer and closer to its resting spot. He wouldn’t have been surprised if the immortal blew on his nails and buffed them on his shirt, he preened so fucking much. The globe plunked in its intended receptacle and a half-grin tilted the side of Zen’s mouth. “I win. Again.”

  Won eight games in a row. Unbelievable. “Does Mads know you’re a trickster?”

  “Would you fancy I went easy on you? Would your pride suffer less?”

  “Rematch.” He slammed the rack on the table.

  “Beating you is becoming tedious, Phoenix.” Mads’s crystal genie plucked the balls from their pockets and shot them down the felt-lined slab toward Nix. “I anticipated you’d be a better loser than this.”

  Better loser? Better loser! That was it. He threw the ball down, determined on flattening the uptight, self-assured egomaniac.

  “You do not want to act on those thoughts, Phoenix.” The crystal genie scraped the tip of the pool stick with blue chalk, reminding him of a lazy cat that could go feral in point-zero-one seconds.

  “Get the fuck out of my head.”

  “You’re angry at your circumstances.” Dead calm from the immortal swindler. Thank God they hadn’t been betting on each game. “Aggression against me will encompass dreadful results for you.”

  Warning noted. He’d take his chances. One step toward the immortal and a squawk halted his stride. Lucky for Zenny, Mads stood in the doorway with a…is that a miniature dragon?

  “Care to explain that dragon on your shoulder, Madison?”

  Yep, apparently it was a dragon.

  Zenny came up to stand beside Nix, and he noted the feral had just ignited beneath Zen’s skin.

  Mads lifted a hand to rub her fingers along the creature’s head. Its distraught screeching shifted into a soothing purr that’d browbeat a mountain lion into immediate submission. How the hell did she tolerate the racket so close to her ear?

  “I gave it life by accident.” Her voice shook as she rushed through the rest of the details, including how she’d discovered she could manipulate nature. “I couldn’t bring anything dead back to life. Thank God, only Nix and Micah are capable of that feat. I don’t want that type of responsibility.”

  Neither did he, but as of yet, none of the higher players inquired about his preferences.

  “What was Micah’s reaction?” Zen asked as Nix went to her and gripped her hand in silent support. He’d prefer to put his arm around her, but the newly acquired pet hogged that prime location.

  “He was impressed.” Bland words, but something in the slight shiver of her body suggested her husband had been highly aroused by her talent.

  “Knew I shouldn’t have left you alone with him.” He released her hand and slid his arm around her waist. The dragon hissed. “Too bad, buddy. You’ll have to share her.”

  A slight twitch to her lips, but she made no comment about his quarrel to the animal reclining on her shoulders.

  “Amos was impressed, too, but he thinks everything is cool.” Mads grimaced.

  The child was smart and knew not everything was exciting. But getting a chance to finagle his power, Nix understood the clout that could hold over a person. He’d been there and loved every fucking minute of discovering the limits of his monster.

  “It’s Lynx magic.” Zenny hip-reclined against the pool table. “Not to be used frivolously.”

  “You think I don’t know that? I’d get rid of this ability if I could.” A minute pause. “Can you freeze it or something, Zen?”

  “That is not one of my gifts.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that.” Mads shifted against Nix’s side and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  The dragon emitted a low growl that sounded a lot like thunder. Its yellow, blue and purple eyes locked on Nix. Possessive little monster, but with teeth like that, the fiend could back up the threat.

  “Hush it.” Mads snapped and flicked a finger against the animal’s neck. “He’s mine. Just like you. Deal with it or find a new…mommy.”

  Thinking she’d recently become the ‘mommy’ of Hellhounds and now this, the comment creeped him out a smidge. He contemplated the foot-long neck-roll Mads sported. “Zenny, Amos has an affinity with animals. Maybe Mads has something similar, but with the supernatural variety instead.”

  “Possible.” Not a direct answer, but like that was new where the crystal genie was involved. “Like all of us, you’ll cope with your gifts.”

  “Right. What do you cope with that you hate?”

  “Losing my connection with the Word.”

  Ouch. Nix winced. That union had been severed for Mads. She flinched against him as if Zenny’d struck her. She’d confessed to Nix how guilty she felt for Zen’s loss.

  Her crystal genie approached in a blur of speed akin to superhero flamboyance.

  Showboat. Not that Mads looked all that impressed.

  The immortal pinched her chin between his thumb and index finger. “Do not blame yourself. You dishonor my sacrifice if you insist on assuming the culpability.”

  “Somehow, it feels like I’ve ruined a saint.”

  Intense silver eyes bored into Mads. “I do not belong on that pedestal. Although I’m humbled you feel so highly for me. You are my destiny or I wouldn’t have been given the choice to renounce Him. Sometimes the silence is nice. Fate cannot be denied. It’s what you do with it that matters.” Zen kissed her forehead. “Now give me this new creature. Does it speak to you?”


  “That’s good.” The dragon let loose a wicked hiss when Zenny reached to collect it, a clear warning for the immortal to back off.

  “Go with him.” Mads plucked him from her shoulder. “Gawd, you’re as bad-tempered as the Tasmanian Devil.” She brought the thing to eye-level. “You go Dahmer on anyone, and I’ll skin you and wear you for boots. Got it? ”

  Nix chuckled as the misfit settled down and was handed off to the crystal genie. Although if he was a betting man, he’d say that dragon went begrudgingly into Zen’s care.

  Cupping the monster beneath the belly, Zenny used his other hand to stretch out a wing. A slight grin. “Skulls? Amos’s imagination is unique.”

  “What do you think Kur is going to think of this?” He asked as the dragon’s tail flicked back and forth like a cantankerous cat’s.

  Oh, yeah, he is very grumpy.

  “Why should I care?”

  The immortal’s dry tone hit him as humorous and he burst out laughing. “Indeed. Why should we care?”

  “He doesn’t have the ability to shift into human form like Kur and his dragons. But he is rather remarkable, Madison.” Zen draped the dragon on her shoulder and it curled back up into its former position with a low-grade purr of what could only be construed as delight. God, Nix knew the feeling.

  He cupped Mads’s face and kissed her. “I love you, baby, but Taz—”


  “Yeah, I just named him. Hope you don’t mind?” He flashed a grin. “We could name him Grumpy instead if you don’t like Taz.”

  She shook her head.

  “As I was saying, Taz is not sharing our bed.”

  Taz hissed at him and showcased his level of intelligence.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Zen reclined in a chair in Madison’s bedroom, while she danced to a song. Earbuds kept most of the beat at a tolerable level. Aside from cooking and killing monsters, this was Madison’s other form of stress relief.

  Micah tended to Hell’s duties, doling out new torture for his angel army he’d sent to Hell a month ago. Swift, ex
acting justice Zen could live with. It pleased him to know those who’d dared to lift a hand against his family would regret their actions.

  Although the Birminghams had been reluctant to stay with Madison’s husband in the home, they’d ultimately agreed to remain. Thankfully, Beliel tended to avoid them unless he slavered over Madison’s meals. Couldn’t fault the King for that delight.

  Alessandra’s response upon learning she would be nesting with the King of Hell a little longer: “However will I control myself around angel-jelly?”

  That human’s sarcasm confused him when it was obvious the King made her nervous.

  Asleep on the bed, Phoenix lay on his stomach. Taz was curled up on the pillow, his jaw resting on Phoenix’s head like a beloved pet. He shook his head.

  He’d put the Ark of Heaven to sleep without his permission an hour ago. As soon as he’d conked Phoenix out, Taz had sprinted across the room, like a raptor chasing food, in order to snuggle down with the man. Weird, just weird, how the dynamics of the house had changed since the animal had been created.

  Messiah’s heir would wake from his magic only in an all-hands-on-deck emergency kind of situation. He knew Taz wouldn’t budge before then, either.

  Troubled by unfolding events, Zen had difficulty meditating. Of late, it seemed the more they resisted Madison’s affiliation with Hell, the more the charm of the fiery locale dug its claws into her. He began to wonder if she could escape destiny’s design. Everyone had access to free will but in his experience no one made a clean break from their providence. How one handled their fate was their free will.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. He still hadn’t told Madison the angels had visited him before they’d attacked. That he had been commanded to kill her and Amos. Or why they wanted her dead. He’d held out hope other events would lead to the truth. So far, no revelations.

  Resisting the lure of Hell as long as Madison had, had to have given her enough character to alter the direction Beliel would navigate. Zen felt certain Madison would deny any participation in any plan that would bring about Heaven’s downfall or hell on earth.

  Then there was the matter of which man would she choose? Could she even decide? She was vested in both, loved them both even though he knew she’d deny that at the moment. Not that he liked either man, but he tried to understand her attraction to them.

  Phoenix kept Madison grounded, honest, a huge asset in the war against Hell’s minions. Micah offered her a future Zen predicted was hers whether Zen wanted it for her or not. Both men lent her security, both loved her unconditionally—at least the best he could judge by Micah’s actions, he did; each would pursue her safety above his own. Phoenix had already sacrificed his most valued asset—his lineage, which meant Heaven’s safety—to Hell, for Madison. Would the King of Hell sacrifice anything for Madison if faced with such a choice?

  Zen wasn’t even sure how he should proceed in his counsel. It’d become evident Madison needed Beliel to survive her Lynx, but he knew she wanted Phoenix because she unconditionally loved the man. After all the King of Hell had done to her, why couldn’t she hate him?

  He’d spent almost five years helping her avoid the future her husband mapped for her, only to discover the King may be her salvation. What if he disapproved of the decision she made?

  I will not abandon her.

  No, he would not. They were friends—family—and he would remain steadfast to her.

  He would prefer she pick Phoenix, but if she picked Micah, then he’d suck it up like any brother who disliked his sister’s selection in men. They’d been friends once, worked well together eons ago. The dragons were their accidental creation and then the archangel had Fallen. He and his brothers had corrupted the humans, mortals his father had wanted them to worship. How would Zen have reacted if he’d been told humans were placed above him? All he’d ever been charged with after his family’s death was keeping the balance between good and evil on earth. First Atlantis, then with the humans after the fallen made the planet their home. He’d never objected, just done as bidden even when he’d disagreed with his creator.

  Micah had made a stand, his principles strong against the humans. He’d been right, mortals were weak and not in just body, but in spirit. Easily led astray, as the Kings had proven. God must’ve known this since he’d instructed the angels and the Zennyo Ryuo to protect them. There’d been too many fallen for the Zennyo Ryuo to defeat. Instead, over time, his race had dwindled until he was all that remained.

  He’d never understood why Micah hadn’t killed him that day in the Cave of Crystal Giants. Why trap me when he could’ve killed me? Then all the balancers would’ve been defeated.

  Even if she chooses him and Hell, I will support her. And be damned right along with her.

  Zen leaned his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes, trying to force mediation. The story of Crow lingered in his subconscious.

  Madison wanted to use the feather Crow had left behind. He would prefer a different direction to follow. This Crow had detailed Phoenix’s death and submission to Hell. Crow had disagreed with the Ark of Heaven, stating she was a sign of life. Crows were always an omen of death. No exceptions. So why the trickery?

  Meeting her was probably the best choice to take at this crossroad. Not that he liked it much. Going solo to congregate with Crow was possibly the best option.

  It felt odd not having the Word in his head, constantly whispering. Even before Pandora massacred the Zennyo Ryuo race, the voice of his creator had been steady. He’d never felt so alone. Or so free. Not a man to rehash his actions, he wouldn’t waste a single moment on reflections now. He’d made the right choice falling for his family. No regrets. No exceptions. Given the same set of circumstances, he would make the same decision again.

  He felt Micah’s arrival moments before the other man stepped through the portal. It seemed meditation wouldn’t be his escape this evening.

  Zen studied him as the King glanced about, his gaze skimming over Phoenix and lingering on Madison, where she danced in the corner to music blasting from the earbuds in her ears.

  The fallen had changed tremendously from the days when he’d been in Heaven’s grace. The skilled tactician remained. Bitterness ruled him after his Fall, even if Madison had softened him a little.

  Micah rubbed his jaw. “She dance often?”


  The King gaped. No question he liked what he saw.

  “You sleep-spelled Phoenix?” Beliel rubbed his nape, his gaze missile-locked on Madison.


  “I’m surprised he agreed to it.”

  “I didn’t ask.” The Ark of Heaven required rest and since his exit from Hell, his sleep pattern was terrible.

  Micah’s attention whiplashed to Zen. A slow grin spread across the King’s lips. “You always were ballsy, Zennyo Ryuo. One of the few things I admired about you.”

  “Compliments from the King of Hell?” Was there an endgame to the fallen’s accolades? “Has the apocalypse started without my knowing?”

  The other man snorted.

  Zen ran his fingertip along the arm of the chair. The King’s hungry mien stuck on Madison.

  “I require a word in private with Madison.”

  “No.” He waited until Madison’s husband turned a feral frown in his direction. “She specifically asked me not to leave.”

  “You know I’d fuck her while you watch if it’s the only way I can claim her.”

  He knew. “She hasn’t figured that out yet.” Neither of them had figured out he would put a halt to anything so sordid before he’d be forced to watch.

  The gleam in Micah’s eyes suggested he’d dismissed Zen as he took a step toward Madison.

  “Tread carefully.” Why he offered that advice confounded him.

  The King dispatched a cagey perusal in his direction. “Or what, immortal?”

  “You’ll lose ground with her.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

/>   Astonishing that the immortal offered him counsel when they’d spent more than five thousand years trying to kill each other. Wisely, Zennyo Ryuo executed no attempt to stop Micah from interrupting Madison’s dancing. And the way she moved…rolling her hips like she participated in sex. He’d never seen her dance this way. Desire to have her in his arms moving like that was so strong, it tasted bitter.

  “In the light, you see in me, all that I should be.” Madison surprised him when she crooned the lyrics to a hard rock band he knew well…Devideus. “In the dark, you cannot see what I really want to be.”

  Words that mirrored Madison’s life.

  His stride halted and he admired the sway of her body. Dancing was one of many things he’d enjoyed teaching the mortals after his Fall.

  The lead singer of the band, Sassy, had sold her soul for stardom. They were a mega-hit, platinum seller, and on their second world tour, all thanks to him. The band phonetically named ‘divide us’ because they’d diverged from their Christian upbringing for fame.

  “Choices, sacrifices, how do I choose?” Her hips swayed to the high-powered beat. “In this fucked up life, what am I willing to lose?”

  Micah shivered at the word ‘fuck’ coming from her lips. One day—soon, he hoped—she’d ask him to fuck her.

  He stepped in front of her and faced her. Madison’s eyes were closed as she continued to sing along to the music and dance her pretty ass off. “Will you be there, can you see, that I will die, with or without you by my side—”

  He tugged the cord out of the iPod and all dancing and singing ceased. Music blared through the speakers as her eyes snapped open.

  As she tugged the earbuds out of her ears, she peeked at Nix. The Ark of Heaven remained undisturbed. He thought she slid a glance at Zen. Verifying the immortal hadn’t ditched her?

  “I like the way you move, kitten.”

  She took a deep breath, like she needed the extra oxygen to deal with him. “Did you square away the angels in Hell?”


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