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Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)

Page 37

by Miller, Gracen

  Celeste was Micah’s demon, one of the first pureblood succubi forged in the thirteenth rung of Hell eons ago. He owned her. They were connected on a cellular level. One thought from her, and he’d have known what his twin planned and could’ve executed a defense. She knew this and had done nothing to assist her daughter, nothing to aid him in protecting Madison.

  An unforgivable sin.

  The traitorous bitch. She deserved torment without end. When she lost her sanity—and she would—he’d present her with the gift of her wisdom all over again. And watch while she lost her mind once more.

  Mercy would not be granted to the mother. She’d been the recipient of the only form of mercy he would ever grant her, when he discovered the abuse Madison received at Celeste and Bruce’s hands fifteen years ago. What a mistake he’d made then, to Madison’s detriment. The first of many offenses he’d committed against his wife since.

  If he were Madison, he would never forgive him for his atrocities.

  Acknowledging Celeste’s plea granted her a status she didn’t deserve. In a cool tone he instructed the Ataxia, “Again.”

  As the pleading and screaming began, Hielel—a.k.a Lucifer—the wisest among his siblings, squeezed his shoulder. “Brother, her misery fails to please you. Why do you prevail?”

  “She deserves worse.”

  “She’s a demon without the ability to alter the way the human soul can. The worst will come later when her sanity is stripped and you force it back inside her.” Hielel stepped toward Celeste and the Ataxia scurried several feet away. She wept in a huddled heap where the demons released her, a horror-movie inspired conglomeration of mismatched flesh and oozing muscles. “Look at me, succubus.”

  Tears shimmered in her eyes when she lifted her head. “My lord, please—”

  His brother lifted a halting hand. “Do not beseech clemency. It’s not mine to give.” Shifting through elusive personas, Hielel gazed upon her. “I pity you, creature. You had everything, including his respect, yet you purchased his hatred instead. For what reason?” He looked at Micah over his shoulder, the question to him and not Celeste.

  As Lucifer stepped away from her, the Ataxia resumed their torture and Beliel revealed Elias’s betrayal and disclosed Celeste’s complicity in his twin’s treachery.

  “Your anger is for Eliel, not your wife’s mother.”

  Blood splattered across the floor and Celeste’s top two teeth went flying as an Ataxia yanked them out.

  “No offense, Lucifer, but I’m presently not in the mood to be diagnosed.” Micah was pissed and hurt beyond anything his father could’ve done to him. “Elias is my twin. I cannot excuse his actions or fathom his hatred of Madison.”

  “Eliel is jealous of your relationship with her. Has been since you became enamored of a fifteen-year-old human girl.”

  He rubbed his temples. Lucifer’s logic traversed on the side of lunacy. “Why? It’s not like he competed for me with her.”

  A small woeful smile. “Think about it. He’s had you for millennia, shared a magical womb with you. You’re like yin to his yang, but Madison is the third wheel, producing an alternate loyalty in you, coming between your bond with Eliel. When you released her from your claim”—Micah knew Elias would tell his brothers of that transgression—“his impatience cultivated an unreasonable conviction that all would be damned. Since the covenant you had binding your life with hers is null and void after her death, Eliel had the ability to kill her without harming you. In a sense.”

  Jealous over Madison and impatient for an end to their common goal? He had trouble wrapping his brain around any of it. They’d been patient for so long, why ruin it all now with impulsiveness?

  “Elias seemed committed to Madison before he tried to kill her.”

  “He was.” His brother sounded so certain of that, while Micah doubted every action Eliel had ever made.

  “Madison makes Hell stronger.” Killing her after she was anchored to Hell hurt all of them. Again, he had no explanation for his twin’s actions.

  “Indeed, but only through the power she harnesses.” Lucifer’s shifting guises settled into one countenance, which seldom ever happened and was done only in the presence of those he trusted. “Beliel, allow me to divulge information.” With Celeste’s noisy misery as a background symphony, Micah crossed his arms over his chest, and peered at his brother. Lucifer did not make him wait long. “I’ve always known Madison would eventually claim her seat in Hell. Not as the active Queen you wanted or as part of a new trinity to a religion of your making. If the plan had of only succeeded in creating a new religion and breaching Heaven’s doors, I would’ve voted against it. You were losing yourself, growing volatile in your hatred against Father. After you presented your Genesis Children concept, I rolled my Azura stones. An image of Madison emerged, and I knew she’d be your salvation.” Lucifer expelled a heavy sigh. “I also knew this project would result in a division between you and Eliel. I rolled the stones again. If we rejected the Madison path, then we lost both you and Eliel to your hatred. This way we lost only one.”

  Fuck me. Hielel had always known? The outcome had never been as Micah originally planned, and Lucifer kept this knowledge to himself. “Why would you withhold this information?”

  “Some destinies are meant to be discovered in time or they’ll go awry. You’ll have your day of comeuppance with Eliel.”

  “I will never forgive him.”

  “The former you would have forgiven Eliel.” Former him? As if Lucifer understood his confusion, he explained, “Half a year ago, you’d have praised Eliel for conceiving this method to draw a conclusion to the end. You were impatient for your woman, as well. How are your actions any better than what he’s done?”

  “You’re coming dangerously close to getting your teeth knocked out.” His hands curled into fists in preparation to clock his brother.

  An iniquitous smile reminded Micah that Lucifer saw everything and never judged. “Ever the hothead. Glad some things never change. But…back on point. You’ve committed acts of violence against her, would’ve forced her to claim her destiny with your blood and seraph if possible. You killed two of her friends, while forcing her lover to covenant with you. All devised to maintain your end.”

  “I’m no saint.” Thank-fucking-Hell he wasn’t one of the prim and proper angels.

  “Thankfully those pious bastards remained with Father.”

  Lucifer could say that again. “You have a point?”

  “Of course, I do.” Hielel preened. “If you allow your brother to explain himself, you may discover his actions are as pure as yours are toward Madison. Even if you disagree with the way he went about it, the ultimate aim was to seal her fate to Hell.”

  “I failed to mention Elias tricked Madison into drinking from the casket.”

  Lucifer’s solid countenance slipped and channel-flipped through a dozen different appearances. Proof of his troubled thoughts.

  “For that alone, I will never forgive him.”

  His brother lifted his arm. In his open palm lay his Azura stones. One peek at them and Hielel said, “No, you won’t.” He quirked his lips and shook his head, eyes glazed as if he’d been unable to predict this disturbing turn of events.

  “That what the stones say?”

  “Yes. Eliel has committed an unpardonable act. Yet his power is tied to Hell and we cannot strip him of his status.” Lucifer stuffed his stones in the pocket of his slacks. “It grieves me to say this, but if Eliel will betray his twin, will Raguel or I be next? It is unfortunate Eliel can no longer be trusted. We should block him from tapping into and utilizing Hell’s influence.”

  Good idea. Otherwise, Elias would be able to exploit Madison’s battery power. Obstructing him from using Hell’s mojo wouldn’t diminish his natural God-given magic, but would just eliminate his ability to amp them up. All of them were capable of increasing the wattage of their magic by tapping into Hell’s core.

  “I’m weary, brother.” He
felt like one of those decrepit humans in the final months of their lives. Fighting back tears, he pinched the bridge of his nose until the sissy emotion abated. Even though he missed the connection with his brother, he would not cry for the loss.

  As if sensing his emotions were at the surface, Lucifer changed the subject. “Our new kingdom is rising, Beliel. How different do you imagine we will be when Amos join us?”

  Unstoppable. Harnessing both his and Madison’s powers to Hell’s realm would be a coup. But defeating Father was no longer his aim.

  “We continue to serve His purpose, don’t we?” The idea of aiding his father cramped his gut.

  “Haven’t you ever wondered why he allowed us to exit Heaven unscathed? Or why you were allowed to retain the Scepter? He’s omniscient, brother, sees all, knows all, and He knew exactly how we’d all react to His command. Our trials make humans stronger for His kingdom. Never doubt His hand in everything.”

  “I really fucking hate that idea. Next time, just lie to me. Hurts less.”

  Hielel grinned. “I’ve a question.” He waited until Micah faced him. “Why do you leave Madison in the arms of another man?”

  He exhaled a sigh. “It’s where she belongs.”

  “You believe he’s better for her than you?”

  Unequivocally, yes. “He’s who she wants. I won’t interfere. I owe her that.”

  He didn’t need to be an empath to recognize the surprise on Lucifer’s face. “Don’t give up on her yet. She remains undecided. She’s not wed to the conventional path.”

  What the fuck does that mean?


  Walking off steam, Micah took the scenic view back to his bedchamber. Thoughts of snuggling down with Madison in his arms were interrupted when Elias slithered into his mind with telepathy.

  zkihtak, we did it. Convinced our girl to claim her seat in Hell.

  Calling him brother wasn’t nearly as big an insult as referring to Madison as ‘our girl’.

  Where are you, Eliel? I want to thank you personally. Thank you by ramming the Scepter of Spirits through your black heart.

  A long pause dragged out before his twin replied. I think not. You’re still angry. And require time to cool off.

  Angry was a mild term for what he currently felt.

  At Micah’s silence, Eliel went on. We agreed at the beginning, anything to gain our victory.

  Rancid words Micah no longer felt. How could he have been so cold and distant toward the love of his life?

  He scraped his fingers through his hair and winced when they caught on a tangle. Where the fuck are you, Elias?

  I don’t understand your changes, zkihtak. We discussed forcing her when you covenanted Phoenix’s lineage. Anything to gain her submission. It’s what we decided and now you’re irritated because I held true to our agreement.

  Their plans had been very different when he covenanted Phoenix’s ancestry. Madison had died twice since then, and as he’d confessed, her death had changed him. Forced him to acknowledge the injustices he’d perpetuated against her.

  Gaining her submission is very different than trying to kill her. Why couldn’t his brother understand that? You know how I feel about her.

  You’re not ready to appreciate my sacrifice.

  His sacrifice? What the hell had Elias sacrificed? Micah had lost everything, his brother, his plans to infiltrate Heaven, and he would lose his wife, too. Maybe even his son. He would forfeit everything for his family, and Hell, while his brother surrendered nothing except their relationship.

  A weary mental sigh came from his twin. You’ll eventually come around. I can wait. But know every action I took was for your benefit, Beliel.

  Micah saw red. His claws pierced his palms. Her death served your purpose, not mine. Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy torturing her.

  Thinking of her suffering incited epic rage that he’d be forced to nourish against a soul before rejoining Madison and Phoenix, delaying his time with his wife.

  I’m wounded that is what you believe. Torturing her was…. A long pause. Be proud of her. She did not break until she believed she killed Phoenix and Amos. We will meet again, zkihtak, my beloved twin.

  Silence descended as his brother disconnected the mental call. When they met again, Micah would be prepared with the Scepter of Spirits. Hielel had been right. He and his brother had been traversing a dark path of bitterness. He found his salvation in Madison. The only escape in Elias’s future was Micah’s revenge.

  Retracting his claws, he punched the swishing wall.


  The one person he’d trusted above everyone had been disloyal to him. How could he depend on anyone in the future? But how could he not rely on Zennyo Ryuo or Phoenix? They’d both Fallen for Madison, proven their devotion to her.

  Unlike my brother, who said he was with me until the end.

  Micah exhaled raggedly. This betrayal hurt so much worse than Father’s, tripling his bitterness. His twin’s deception impaired his judgment. He’d once believed demons better simply because they were a loyal lot compared to humans.

  He hated his brother for proving their likeness to humanity. Despised him for washing away the good memories of their bond with one grave act of treason.

  He sniffled back the weakness of his human-like emotions. Teeth clenching, he vowed not to shed tears for his brother. He was unworthy of them. Maybe he’d cry for Madison when he let her go, but not for his twin.

  How he fucking hated his brother and doing the right thing by his woman.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Madison threw a blue fireball across the lawn and watched FiFi and Devlin scramble to retrieve the magical toy. Draped over her shoulder, Taz’s tail swished back and forth. Just as Devlin went to pounce, Madison twitched her finger and the fiery orb exploded into two pieces. Both Hellhounds captured their prizes and raced back to drop the supernatural balls at her feet. Distracted, she scratched both canines behind their ears, ignoring their pawing to toss the ball again.

  The hot summer day smoldered along her skin, but did nothing to thaw out the coldness that’d settled inside her. Since coming out of Hell, Micah and Nix were somber. Madison was more confused now than before her bout with Elias in Hell. Had no idea which man she should remain with.

  Sex with Micah blew her mind. No different than sex with Nix, other than she’d once despised climbing into bed with her husband.

  Something had happened when she made love with the King, and again when she showered in Hell, but she couldn’t quite figure out what. After waking from her husband’s sleep spell, she’d decided to bathe to loosen up her overused muscles. Both guys had joined her, taken turns bathing her. With her hands flat on the wall, Nix had fucked her from behind. On the heels of that mind-blowing climax, he’d handed her over to Micah, who’d fucked her face-to-face, standing up against the same wall until she orgasmed with him deep, deep inside her.

  She could’ve sworn a piece from inside her touched each man, a very vital and intangible part of herself connecting with both of them. She’d felt their love, their pride, their devotion…and she’d almost ruined the beauty of the moment by weeping.

  Neither could she pinpoint why she’d allowed them the privilege of sharing her.

  So we could see what it’s like to have two men adoring us at once.

  Yeah, maybe, but….

  We liked it.

  Madison snorted. Correction. We embraced it, Usha. And just because they’d enjoyed it, didn’t mean it was right.

  At least the Sterillium sickness had abated.

  Confused two days after their exit from the hellish domain, she wasn’t sure what to make of their time in Hell. The ramifications of her actions were still unknown. Claiming her seat as Queen felt like she’d come home after an extended travel abroad, with earth as the vacation. Not that she desired to commit the atrocities she knew the Kings were capable of, but…yeah, she couldn’t really explain why she felt this way.

  One thing
she knew with certainty: Nix did not belong in Hell.

  Madison rubbed her temples as FiFi issued a fearsome growl and chomped on Devlin’s ear. The two pups rolled around on the lawn, taking turns being the aggressor.

  Which man should she remain with? There were pros and cons for both of them. Not that she’d asked for Amos’s opinion; he’d given it anyway. He wanted her to keep both, because it’d be neat to have two daddies.

  With a sigh, she shook her head. She wished she could see the world as simply as her son.

  Madison was half-tempted to leave both men behind. That’s what would be fair to all involved.

  She caught the approach of Alessa before she descended the porch stairs. Turning her head, she asked, “Zen or the guys send you to check on me?”

  Alessa chuckled and pointed to the ground. “Mind if I sit?”

  “Of course not.”

  “They were all getting antsy.” The other woman sat beside her. “Micah especially dislikes you so openly exposed. I thought he’d come out here even though Zen and Nix insisted you needed some time to yourself.”

  Madison smiled. She could picture that scenario playing out with three dominant men, each determined to have his own way. If Nix hadn’t been on Zen’s side, there’d be no way Micah would’ve sent a human instead.

  “Do you think now’s a good time to say I told you so?”

  Madison whipped her head about to face Alessa. “About what?”

  “You and Nix.” Her friend waggled her dark eyebrows. “I told you he wasn’t interested in me.”

  “Yeah….” She tossed her hair over her shoulders. “So you did.” Too bad she faced a decision much harder than accepting her Lynx.

  “If you don’t come inside soon, Daddy’s going to have an aneurysm.” Model-perfect, Petra sat at an angle on the other side of Alessa, back ramrod straight, shoulders squared, wearing an ‘I want to fuck you’ expression. But the succubus always wore that appearance. “Phoenix got between Daddy and the door, and I thought they were going to go to blows for a second. It was tense and I got the hell out of there. That human has the biggest balls I’ve ever seen.”


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