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Blake: A Romantic Suspense (V Mafia Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Karice Bolton

  “It’s not a question of being a barbarian,” he barked, nostrils blazing. “You don’t realize what I can do for you.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Alfred’s very close to making you one of his trophies.” A spark of delight darted through Mercury’s gaze. “You know what those are, don’t you? His taxidermy skills have improved immensely.”

  “How would you know?”

  “He’s sent pictures, of course.” Mercury shook his head as if my question was asinine.

  All mail was opened before it was delivered. Anything deemed inappropriate would never get through. It would go straight to the Wardens. He was calling my bluff.

  But contraband always got in, even in the tightest maximum-security prison.

  “He promises to send photos of you once he’s finished.”

  “You’ll have to wait a very long time for that pleasure.” I moved my shoulders back and glanced at Charlie, who looked horrified, almost ill.

  “I don’t think so.” He shook his head. “He promised that for my Christmas present. He’s willing to risk coming back just to make sure he succeeds.”

  “How do I know what you’re saying is true? You have a habit of delusional behavior and—”

  “Alfred was a bit thrown off by the men you have protecting you. He’s especially displeased with a man named Blake. He plans on making him watch.” Mercury laughed, but he silenced it almost immediately. “Before he kills him.”

  My blood chilled, and my heart was pounding as I stared at the man through the Lexan window. He wasn’t bluffing.

  “Why would you tell me any of this? Why would you want to ruin your Christmas present?”

  “It will be far more pleasurable to know I had a hand in it. I helped to make your darkest nightmare come to life.”

  “Too bad for you, but it’s all a fictional account from a man who can’t even tie his own shoe.”

  “Is not.”

  I stood up and nodded at Charlie, who began unlocking Mercury from the table once again.

  “He’s at my old house. My parents’ place.”

  “Let me guess. He’ll be waiting for me?”

  “You got it, doll.” He wriggled his brows as Charlie jerked him up from the chair. “He promised he wouldn’t leave too much of a mess, but what does it matter, really? I’ll never be back there to see it.”

  “Take him to room seven. Don’t return him to his room,” I told Charlie as he nearly pushed Mercury out the door.

  “You got it.”

  I stood still for a few minutes, trying to get my bearings. It felt like all my blood had drained from my body. There wasn’t a word for this kind of terror. Whether what Mercury said was true or not, he knew too much about me to ignore anything he said.

  I’d already known what Alfred did to the women he murdered, but hearing it come out of Mercury’s mouth as if it was an event this wing was looking forward to, created a deep-seated fear unlike any other.

  I spun around and opened the door. Nina was sitting in the chair going over patient notes, and the other correction officers went into the room to remove the chair and secure the room.

  “Ava, what happened?” Nina jumped up from her chair the moment her gaze landed on mine.

  I shook my head. “We need to do a search of Mercury’s room. He’s been getting correspondence from Alfred.”

  “Oh, no.”

  The correction officers came back into the room and Nina explained next steps as I walked back to my office. Of all the things I thought today could be filled with, this was not one of them.

  I reached for the phone and called the Warden. This was going to be a long rest of the day. He answered quickly and I filled him in. It would only take about ten minutes for him to get to this part of the facility. I wanted him to be here for the search and possible seizure in case anything needed to be admitted for evidence. By the time I hung up, I was exhausted and we hadn’t even done anything. I wanted to reach out to Blake, but here we were, officially starting something, and I come up with this? I shook my head and stood up to leave, but my chest was tight with fear. Rather than leave my office, I closed my door and tears pricked the back of my eyelids as I sat back down and tried to talk myself off the ledge.

  Everything was going to be fine. Someday, this would all be over, and Alfred would be nothing more than a distant memory. I quickly unlocked the drawer and pulled out my phone.

  I needed Blake.

  Alfred has been in contact with one of the patients here. We’re about to search his room.

  I hit Send and drew in a slow breath. It was less than a minute and he was already replying.

  You need to tell your father. This might be the break he’s needed. God, I wish I could be there for you. Do you have to be there for the search?

  I wanted him here too, and for the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel like I was facing the world alone.

  I think I should be. Dr. Silian’s coming in on his day off to oversee the search. I can’t wait to come home.

  Not even a second went by before another text came over.

  I’ll be waiting for you the moment you get home.

  My throat began to swell around the lump threatening to take over, and I quickly texted back.

  Sometimes, it feels like the only safe place I have is in your arms.

  I grabbed a tissue and wiped away a few stray tears and took in a deep breath. I needed to do this. I needed to see what Alfred had sent him, how it had gotten through to a patient. As I stood up, a sick feeling washed through me.

  What if it hadn’t been sent?

  What if it had been smuggled into the facility?

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Holding Ava in my arms had calmed her down enough so that she could fall asleep, and she’d desperately needed to sleep. She refused to call in sick to work, but I couldn’t blame her.

  She was determined not to let Alfred think he was succeeding in altering her life. She was a strong woman. I knew that the moment I met her, but I had no idea how strong.

  It killed me to think he was out there tormenting and taunting Ava and the other women . . .

  The other women.

  I hadn’t heard the details, but from what Ava explained, and if Mercury could be counted as reliable, Alfred hadn’t gotten over any of his problems.

  I shook my head and looked out the window, the morning sun barely peeking through the clouds. Luke’s security team was still stationed downstairs. They’d traded out the team last night and gotten familiar with the property.

  I looked back at Ava, who was sleeping soundly on her bed, and every muscle pulled at me to hold her, but I didn’t want to disturb her. So far, she’d gotten about five hours of sleep, and I knew she’d be waking up any minute to get ready for work. I wanted to make sure I was here when she did. I wanted her to understand I’d do anything for her. I’d be here for her, no matter what.

  She rustled under the comforter and stretched her arms, keeping her eyes closed as she turned over. Her hand slid to the empty part of the bed and her eyes flashed open.

  “I’m right here, baby,” I said, walking over to the bed.

  “You stayed the night,” she said, her voice sexy from morning voice.

  “I wouldn’t leave you.” I smoothed a few wisps of hair and she smiled.

  “How much sleep did I get?” she asked, sitting up in bed and glancing out the window.

  “About five hours.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? I never sleep through five hours. I usually wake up every hour, or at least that’s what it feels like.”

  Her words did something funny to me. I wanted to believe she slept because of me, but I didn’t know. I’d like to think it was that easy.

  “Maybe you’re exactly what I needed all this time.” Her shoulders relaxed and she pulled her knees to her chest. Her camisole strap slid down her shoulder and I shut my eyes, drawing in a deep breath. It was so difficult not to
cage her underneath me and feel her wrap around my body.

  It was impossible to be around this woman and not get turned on.

  “What?” she asked, moving her strap back to her shoulder.

  “Nothing at all.” I smiled, opening my eyes.

  “I don’t believe it.” Her eyes slid along my body and her smile grew. “Is that so?”

  “Very much so.” I nodded and walked into her bathroom, turning on the faucet to splash cold water on my face.

  Ava came up behind me and ran her fingers along my back.

  “I’m looking forward to tonight when I get home.” She leaned in and placed a kiss along the stubble on my cheek.

  I stood up and wound my arms around her waist, pulling her in.

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  “I know.” She winked and wiggled out of my grasp to brush her teeth.

  When she was done, she turned around and smiled.

  “But until then, you’ll just have to remember this.”

  Ava stripped her white cotton camisole over her head to expose her full breasts, and I shook my head, barely able to breathe as I thought about what I wanted to do to her. As she stood in front of me in nothing more than a pair of pink cotton panties, an angelic smile spread across her lips. I tried to keep my eyes on hers, but it was nearly impossible with so much of her exposed.

  It wasn’t until she slowly rolled down her panties that my eyes betrayed me.

  “It’s not like you haven’t seen me before, Blake.” Her voice wrapped around me, making me hard and unable to control my desire.

  “I could never get tired of it, Ava.”

  She turned on the shower and glanced over her shoulder.

  “Well?” she asked.

  Every part of me ached for her, but I didn’t want her to think our relationship was all about sex. We’d started that way, but it had never been my intention, only hers.

  I brought in a breath that was far shakier than I expected as I stood only inches from her. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her left breast, and I immediately ran my thumb over her nipple, feeling it pucker with the slightest touch.

  She let out a little gasp and my mouth crashed down to hers. It was like every emotion from the last twenty-four hours raced between us both as my fingers traced along her bare skin to the V between her thighs. Ava pulled my shirt over my head and unbuttoned my jeans. I kicked them off, and her fingers moved under the elastic, teasing me into a world of pleasure.

  She tugged on my underwear and I kicked them off before lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist as I moved her into the shower, the running water beading along our bodies. Her breath caught as the cold of the tile touched her bare skin and I moved deeper into her. Feeling her tighten around me with every movement was heaven on earth. Her kisses were soft and leading as our worlds tangled deeper into one another’s. It wasn’t until her body arched into mine that I let myself go and felt every bit of Ava in my arms as I released to her ragged breathing.

  She rested her head on my bare chest and I kept her in my arms as I tried to catch my breath.

  “It’s a good thing you’re so strong,” she teased, sliding her legs down, and I suddenly felt empty. I wanted her back.

  She turned around and let the water wash over her body while I just took her in.

  “I thought we could do teriyaki for dinner,” she said, scrubbing suds all over her body.

  “Anything you want.” I smiled, moving the bar of soap along my body.

  “It’ll be a busy day today, no doubt about that.” She rinsed the shampoo out of her hair as I stood mesmerized by Ava Dalton.

  She’d been through more in the last twenty-four hours than most ever would in a lifetime, yet she was able to leave it behind her and focus on the future.

  I smiled, scooting next to her under the hot water to rinse off.

  “What’s got you smiling?” she asked.


  She wiggled her ass into me a little before giggling and stepping out of the shower.

  “Don’t forget me while I’m at work.”

  “That would be impossible.”

  She toweled off and left the bathroom while I finished rinsing off. Just thinking about her got me ready to go again, and I shook my head, turned off the water, dried off, and quickly dressed.

  I found her in the closet, zipping up the back of an ivory pencil skirt.

  “I was thinking it would be best if they drove you to the facility.” I pointed out the window and she scowled. “I think it’s for the best.”

  “No need.”

  “Just do it for me. For my peace of mind.” I tried a different tactic. “I’ll stay here until they get back.”

  “Don’t you think that’s overdoing it? We don’t need to be quite that cautious.”

  “What’s the harm in it?”

  “Do you really think it’s wise for you to be alone at my home with what Alfred said?” she asked.

  “First, why bother being so cautious?” I teased and she rolled her eyes. “I’m not scared of that guy. In fact, I kind of welcome it. I’d like to meet him face-to-face.”

  “And that kind of worries me,” she mumbled under her breath.

  I caught her wrist and her gaze fastened on mine.

  “I don’t want to think thoughts like that,” she said softly.

  I nodded and placed a soft kiss on her lips, my body already responding to her once more.

  “You’d better get going,” I said, more for my benefit than hers.

  “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  I nodded and followed her downstairs. I’d only planned on staying here until the team got back to keep an eye on the place. I wanted to check out the place Mercury mentioned. It was probably crawling with police, but I wanted to see it for myself.

  My hope had been that Ava would have been woken up this morning by a call from her father, telling her they’d caught Alfred, but that was a ridiculous fantasy based on information from a criminal psych patient. Just because their worlds weren’t based in reality, it didn’t make mine that fragile.

  Ava reached for her bag and turned around, placing another kiss on my cheek.

  “I’ll see you in a bit. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she warned.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” I laughed, watching her make her way out of the house.

  Within minutes, the black SUV was on its way with the love of my life tucked inside.

  The love of my life.

  I let out a sigh at the realization that I loved Ava Dalton, and I was suddenly suffocated by crushing fear that I could lose her.

  The next two hours were excruciating as I waited for the team to get back to the house, but I made the most of my time looking up anything I could about Alfred and looking over the information I had sent over using the dark web.

  I spent every waking second combing over the details, trying to interpret Alfred’s patterns, Mercury’s allegations, and any information my family had dug up since last night. My gut said Mercury and Alfred were sending Ava and the police on a wild goose chase, and judging by the lack of a phone call this morning, I’d say my hunch was right.

  By the time the SUV pulled up to the house, I was itching to get out of here to start looking at things myself. I locked up behind me and jogged over to the men sitting in the SUV.

  “Everything go okay?” I asked as the man on the passenger side rolled down his window.

  He nodded. “I don’t think she was thrilled with the escort.”

  “Well, I’m not willing to take the chance, and I doubt her father would be either. I’ll be back before you guys leave to pick her up. I’m going to run a few errands.”

  He nodded and rolled up his window. I took in a deep breath and scanned the street before crossing over to my car. I opened the door and saw an envelope addressed to me on the passenger seat. Anger bolted through me as I ripped open the envelope to read a message from Alfred.

  She’s mi

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  We’d figured out how Alfred was sending Mercury letters. Thankfully, it wasn’t a breach of conduct, but rather an oversight in the mailroom. Alfred used two very thin pieces of paper, glued them together, and then tucked a smaller square, where the note was actually written, in between the two sheets of paper. By all appearances, what was snuck into the jail looked like nothing more than someone mindlessly describing the outside world to Mercury. Unfortunately, the notes tucked inside were far more chilling.

  I’d appreciated that no one brought it up during our Thanksgiving dinner, but I knew it weighed heavily on my father. All the leads we thought we might have picked up from Mercury were dead ends, just more of their game strewn about leading to nowhere but exhaustion.

  It was the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and I had boxes open with Christmas decorations tossed around in every direction the eye could see. I wasn’t going to let the turn of events brought on by Mercury destroy the one peaceful season I always looked forward to.

  Blake was going to be over any second to help me decorate the tree, and I couldn’t wait. My father was also going to be coming over, and that had me on edge. I didn’t know if my father could be cordial to Blake.

  We’d spoken briefly about Blake at Thanksgiving, but there wasn’t much to say. We held opposite opinions that would never meet in the middle. I pushed away the thought as I heard Blake’s key enter my front door lock. Within seconds, he pushed open the door carrying three Starbucks Christmas cups tucked in a carrier in one hand and a turquoise bag in the other.

  I put down the red velvet bow I was attempting to make and dashed over to take away the drinks and give him a quick kiss, but before I could get away with my gingerbread latte, Blake linked his free arm around my waist and pulled me in for a longer kiss.

  “You can’t get away that easily,” he murmured.


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