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Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin

Page 2

by Tiece

  Candy sat there, and continued to ask herself who this chick could be that Rico had gotten pregnant and why Monty had never mentioned that Rico had a baby on the way. The only reason that she could figure was that Monty still didn’t know and what was even more puzzling was that Mona hadn’t mentioned it to him either. One thing was for sure, it sure wasn’t her place to say anything about it. Strange, she thought. She quickly looked down at MJ, hearing the air being sucked from his bottle. He was finally asleep and as she gently put him up on her shoulder he let out a big burp. She smiled and laid him down right next to her. All she wanted to do was put her thoughts to rest as she was yet again attempting to fall back asleep.

  Chapter Two

  Monty pulled up to the two-story building that he owned. Over the past few months he had already started making deals and selling the property that Monica had given him. He didn’t want any ties to her after the trick that she’d pulled to try to hook him, thinking that he’d stay with her if she was pregnant by him. He did gain a lot from her over the period of time that they were sleeping together. Those moments made him grateful to her for the many things she taught him about Real Estate, how to make strategic moves, and invest his money wisely.

  Monica was a very savvy business woman with a lot of pull and she could definitely get what she wanted, when she wanted it, but getting him was out of the equation. Following in her father’s footsteps, she had become a wealthy, young business woman. She was generous in sharing a lot of her money with Monty, while handing over a few deeds and titles to some of the properties that she owned. Even that wouldn’t make Monty stay with her. He did love her back in his high school days and if she hadn’t moved away they would probably still be together.

  Time had changed and so had Monica. Plus, Monty had surely moved on by the time she returned. He hated the fact that she tried to pin a baby on him, but still was a little confused about that whole situation. In his heart he knew deep down inside that the baby was not his. He wasn’t about to lose Candy to a major screw up like that one, but he couldn’t help but wonder who really fathered Monica’s baby if he didn’t. He looked over at the building that would soon house his business and decided to leave the thoughts about Monica alone. He hoped that she had really left town and would never try to come between him and Candy’s relationship.

  He sat in his car and smiled approvingly as he watched the remodeling crew finish up their duties and the landscapers making the outside of the building look more inviting with the shrubs and flowers that they’d planted. He looked on, admiring the three-tiered outdoor fountain that sat in front of the building. He could almost hear the soothing sound of water flowing from it, which gave him a sense of knowing that the place was almost ready for business. He looked around at the other businesses around his. To be honest, the name, Banks Realty, stood out on the building and brought life to its surroundings.

  It was still early morning and there were very few people around. Reynolds Street was still asleep, but it was sure to awake momentarily. He looked in his rear view mirror just in time to see Rico pull up behind him. He grabbed his phone and a folder off of his passenger seat and got out of the car.

  Rico looked at the progress that had been made as well and smiled. He checked his face in the rearview mirror and got out of his car. Monty stood there waiting for him.

  “Hey what’s up, man?” Rico asked and gave Monty dap.

  “Ain’t too much, just waiting for us to get settled in this place and begin doing some real work.” Monty and Rico smiled and walked toward the double doors of the building.

  “Where is your mama? Isn’t she meeting us here this morning?”

  “Yeah, trust me she’ll be here on time. She loves her career and she loves getting paid even more.” Rico looked down at his watch. “It’s only eight twenty-eight man. She said she’ll be here by nine.”

  “Yeah, I just got up early so that I could make my way here and take this all in. I’m so excited about getting things started. I mean look at this place. It’s come a long way.” Rico smiled. “We’re actually starting up our own business.” Monty said.

  “Yeah and I’m glad you allowed me to be a part it. I know I’ve done some crazy things, but-”

  Monty cut in. “Hey man, don’t sweat it. We’re bigger than anything that may have happened in the past. I’m just glad to see you up and moving around so well. I wanna hug you every time I see you, but you know. A brotha can’t be doing all that.” They laughed. “How have you been doing with the classes?”

  “I’ve been focused. That’s all I can say. It’s interesting and it’s definitely something that I never thought I’d really want to do. That is until I realized how much money that can be made. I’m digging this. I can’t say thank you enough.”

  “Man, I done told you about that.” Monty nonchalantly responded.

  “I know, but I owe you in a big way and it’s still something very important that I need to talk with you about.”

  “Alright then talk,” Monty said. He and Rico walked inside of the two story building. They were both looking around in amazement. Rico had lost his train of thought as he stood there admiring the view.

  “Damn, man I love the hardwood floors throughout the place.” Rico smiled, he couldn’t believe how beautiful the place was.

  “Yeah, it’s just what we asked for. They are still remodeling the restrooms, but things are definitely on schedule. Now all we have to do is furnish the place to our taste.” Monty anxiously looked around with his pearly whites showing the excitement he felt.

  “We are scheduled to have our initial meet and greet next week.”

  “I know, man. I can’t wait for that either. It’s good that we’ll have other people working here with us to help expand the business. That’s definitely going to help the business grow.

  “Is Bren still coming down?” Rico asked as he continued to look around.

  “Cuz ain’t coming down until after the first of the year. He said that he has a few things to tie up before he moves here.” Monty stated.

  “I’ll be glad to see him. I haven’t seen that man since we were teenagers.”

  “That was the last time I saw him too. Mama was glad that I called him to see if he wanted a positive change in his life. I know Aunt Lynn was glad that I called, too. She’s been so worried about him lately, because she don’t want him to end up dead or in jail.” Monty said.

  “Damn man, how long Bren been in the game?” Rico asked.

  “Bren has been in the game since he was about seventeen. I’m a couple of months older than him, so that means that he’s been selling dope for six years are better.” Monty replied.

  “Damn, Bren should have it going on in that case.”

  “That’s the problem. He is doing too much. Between money, drugs, and women his life is wide open, and it’s plenty of niggas that hate on him. Man, Bren round there driving a brand new Chevrolet Silverado Dually. Aunt Lynn emailed Mama some pictures of it. I gotta say it’s sweet as hell, but Cuz need to be more careful. The folks are watching his ass; they know this nigga ain’t got no job.” Monty explained. “I want him to move here and start an honest living. I don’t wanna see nothing happen to him. That shit would kill my Mama and Aunt Lynn. Mama been saying lately that she don’t know if she could handle another funeral and I wouldn’t want her to go through that again.”

  “I wouldn’t wanna see that shit happen to him, either. Trust me, I know how that shit feels and I’ve put my Mama through so much as is. That’s why I’m glad I left that shit alone.” Rico said.

  “I know because that shit scared the hell outta me when I’d realized that you’d been shot. That shit wasn’t no joke. Hell, Bren already had gotten into some shit with these niggas from Houston over some money that was stolen from him. So there is some ongoing beef between them. I just hope when Bren leaves Texas that he’ll bring Aunt Lynn and the rest of the family with him. I know that’s home for them, but I think that Aunt Lynn and Mama nee
d to be closer with each other like they were when they were growing up.” Monty said. “One thing about it, Bren’s a hustler and will do whatever it takes to make that money. The business needs that.”

  “I see.” Rico said. “I can’t wait to see that nigga. I’m sure we’ll have this place jumping off in no time.”

  “Maurice is also coming aboard. He’ll be here next week when we meet up. He is someone who I met through a mutual friend who worked at another realty company. Now, this dude is talented and knows how to handle his business. He’s twenty-eight years old and previously worked at Lewis Realty. I had lunch with him about a month ago and was very impressed with his resume and his accomplishments. The brother is at the top of his game and I’m glad to have him working here with us. I mean, we can learn some things from this guy. He’s serious about making that money. The cool thing is that he can already see how business is going to be here and he wants to be a part of it. He could’ve gone anywhere and did his own thang, but he chose to work here with us. I feel that this was one of the best business moves that I could’ve made.

  “You’re right. I’m glad he decided to come here. I can’t wait to learn some things from him.”

  “We do need an Executive Assistant. I’m only going to hire one for now, and maybe another one when business picks up. I’m going to put an ad in the Augusta Chronicle and see what or who we come up with. I’m looking for someone who is edgy, professional and a well rounded person. They have to have a great sense of humor and are already familiar with the business. Whoever he or she is must be qualified to go above and beyond for us and our clients.”

  “I feel ya. You know I’m cool with it.” Rico said. “I trust any decisions that you make and things will work out.”

  Monty started up the stairs as Rico stood there thinking about the word trust and decided to come clean with his homeboy.

  “Aye man, before you go upstairs I need to tell you something.” Monty turned as he walked back towards Rico.

  “What’s up, Rico. Why you acting like you’ve gotten yourself caught up in some more shit?” Monty looked at Rico strangely. “What now man? I’ve noticed that you’ve been itching to get something off of your chest.”

  Rico looked at Monty with guilt as he blurted out… “I slept with Monica and the baby she is having is supposed to be mine.”

  Monty stood there as he was trying to gather his thoughts.

  “I’m sorry that I wasn’t upfront with you man. I tried telling you a few times, but things kept popping up every time I tried to tell you. It just didn’t seem like the time was ever right.” Monty looked at Rico strangely as he scratched his head.

  “Damn, dawg,” Monty said with a confused look on his face. “I mean, damn. Did you say that you and Monica were fucking around?” He stood there completely caught off guard. “Wow, you have got to be fucking kidding me. Damn.” Monty paused as Rico cut in.

  “I know, man. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that day when Monica showed up to your crib claiming to be pregnant by you. To be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure if the baby was mine until she verified it later. That is why I believed you when you said that the baby wasn’t yours. She used me as a pawn to get next to you, but I didn’t know what kind of game she was really playing. I was just enjoying the moment.”

  “How in the hell did that hook up come about?” Monty asked continuing to scratch his head in disbelief.

  “Remember when I was in the hospital? I told you then that I’d slept with two of your pawns, but you cut me off because Candy called. I hate to say this man, but when you left your phone to my crib that day I decided to go through it. You were talking all that shit about passing on the torch and I wanted to see how easy it would be for me to jump in and take over. You’d informed me that Monica was back in town and that the two of you had hooked up. I got her number when you asked me to read the message that she’d sent you that day.” Rico continued.

  “Long story short, I called her about a week later just to holla and before I knew it she was inviting me over. She supposedly wanted to discuss her relationship with you, but when I got there it was apparent what she really wanted. That shit was real crazy and honestly, when I walked through her front door she immediately jumped in my arms. She was all over me and well you already know that my flesh is weak so I fucked her. I should’ve known something wasn’t right, but I was only thinking with one head; the one that always gets me into trouble.”

  Rico sighed. “I know you shocked man, but I didn’t mean for this shit to turn out like that. I also knew that you didn’t care for her like that anymore or I wouldn’t have gotten with her. I did call to tell you the whole thing after that pregnant with your baby stunt. The only reason why I didn’t was because Candy had just come back home and I didn’t want to interfere with y’all reunion.” Monty shook his head. “Please man, don’t be upset with me.”

  “Upset with you?” Monty asked. He stared Rico down. “You’d been doing some shiesty shit behind my back with my pawns. You knew what Monica and I had going on and you was fucking the bitch too, huh?” Monty shook his head again in disappointment. “I wish you would have told me sooner, because I knew that baby wasn’t mine. I was just trying to figure out who the father could have been. And all along it was you? He questioned. “Well, at least that’s what she got you thinking, because with Monica you never know.”

  “I’m sorry man and even though she confirmed it, I’m still having a DNA test. She won’t get me like that.” Rico stood there as he looked at the disappointing look on Monty’s face. “Man, I knew you didn’t care for her like that anymore. That’s why I kept fucking her. But, I gotta keep it real. I got caught up in the whole game of pawns, pussy, and money. I’m sorry man. I promise not to keep anything else from you. I love you like a brother and I know I made some foolish mistakes back then. Please forgive me.” Rico stood there with a sincere look on his face.

  “I already did, man. I didn’t want Monica like that anymore. My feelings for her were over with a long time ago. I just wish you would have told me, so I could have been prepared for the bitch when she showed up at my crib that day. I’m just glad that baby ain’t mine.” I hope, anyway. Monty grinned with a half way sigh of relief. “I knew it because I fucked her with a condom every time and the night when I didn’t I bust one in the shower afterwards. That lying bitch turned out to be a trifling whore, but I can see that in her now. She’s very devious in getting what she wants. That’s how she’s made so much money over the years. Scheming, lying, sexing, and making deals to further her career and line her pockets. She got both of us man, but you’re the one that’s got to deal with her if she comes back this way if that baby proves to be yours. You’re gonna be tied to that fine ass, crazy bitch.” Monty laughed and gave Rico dap. “Thanks man, for bailing me out.” Monty retorted.

  Rico stood there with a blank look on his face as his mama walked through the front double doors of the lobby holding a big binder and a few books. “We’ll finish this discussion later, man. Come on and help your mama.” Monty said with a smile on his face. He and Rico walked over to greet Mama Mack.

  Chapter Three

  Candy was awakened by the phone ringing. She sat up and reached over on the nightstand to quickly pick it up.

  “Hello,” she said, yawning.

  “Get your butt up, gurl. I know you ain’t still sleeping?” Mona asked while she grinned.

  “Oh yes I am, because this lil, fat nephew of yours won’t let me sleep. He’s spoiled and wants all the attention. He’s too scared to close those lil’ slanted eyes thinking he’s gonna miss something.” They both laughed.

  “What have you been up too? We haven’t seen you in a couple of days. I didn’t call you because I knew you were taking your exams.”

  “Yeah, but that is all over with and I’m glad. I can have a little freedom now. I’ve taken my braids out and I want you to cut my hair in a shoulder length bob.” Mona said.

  “What? Did you say that y
ou want me to cut your hair in a shoulder length bob? Wow, I can’t believe you’re leaving the braids alone. What’s gotten into you?”

  “Nothing really, I just need a change.” Mona said, very sure of that.

  “I feel you, gurl. So when are you coming over?” Candy asked, making herself get out of bed.

  “Right now, because I miss y’all. Plus, you need to wash, set, and cut my hair too.”

  “Well damn Mo, just tell me what I’m gonna do today.” Candy began laughing because she missed Mona’s company as well. “Hurry up and get your ass over here. We miss you too.”

  “Well that’s good because I’m on the way.” Mona and Candy hung up. Candy leaned down and checked on MJ. He was still sound asleep. Then, she opened up her dresser drawer, grabbed a matching pink Victoria’s Secret panty and bra set and walked into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and after taking off her nighties she quickly got inside. She washed her body, then, brushed her teeth. She knew that she couldn’t stay in there too long because, MJ was liable to wake up crying and possibly roll his lil, fat butt right off the side of the bed.

  She got out of the shower and sat on the leather ottoman in the middle of her bathroom floor and began to lotion up with her Cocoa Butter. She put on her panties and bra and went into her big walk-in closet to find her red sundress. She pulled out her Old Navy red flip flops so she could be comfortable and went back to the bed to check on MJ. She was surprised that he hadn’t awakened when he didn’t feel her beside him. He still slept peacefully. She decided to take advantage of this quiet time and began setting up the hair dryer in the dining room, as well as, getting out her supplies to do Mona’s hair.


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