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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

Page 26

by Ashley Stewart

  That is, if his fate was anything but death come morning.

  Chapter 4

  Daybreak brought with it its own set of fears, as Seth was awoken by the beating of drums and arms roughly pulling him from the bed he had comfortably fallen asleep on. He was dragged before a fire, burning bright with the rage of the guards who surrounded him. He got the distinctive feeling that he was not about to have an easy day, and they did not want him there, the outsider.

  Children peered at him from between the safety of their mother’s legs, and as he stared back at them with nothing but hope, he prayed to the heavens that today would not be the day he died.

  The drums stopped with a loud boom as Xavier entered from behind him with a second alpha, walking tall with authoritative indignation. The second alpha walked up to where Seth stood surrounded by the guards, and he could hear the entire crowd hold their breath. He waited for the sentence of death to be handed down. He knew from experience that for an outsider to be accepted into a pack, both alphas had to accept him. In some packs there was an initiation ceremony that included surviving battle and a hunt, but that was reserved for men who would be sent to the warrior barracks. One look at him and it would have automatically been assumed that he could not contribute much to a hunt.

  It was not that he was scrawny, but that his features were delicate and pristine. He had passed the selection to become an Omega rather easily in his pack, because though his last twenty-four hours were a testament that he could hold his own if the need arose for him to do so, his features made him seem too delicate to exact aggression.

  The second alpha walked away to take his seat beside Xavier, and Seth felt a pang of jealousy as Xavier immediately interlaced his fingers with those of the other alpha.

  “How did you come to be here?” asked a man who must have sat on the pack council, due to the dignitary pendant he wore around his neck.

  Seth thought for a moment about telling the truth, but then decided against it. “I come from a pack in the far East, where our camping grounds were raided and most of my pack killed. I escaped with my life and chose to run south as fast as I could.”

  A murmur went up among the gathered crowd, and he nervously glanced around as a man from the crowd stepped forward to ask him a question.

  “How did you get those wounds?”

  “I had to battle my way out, and those wounds are from the fight to get to freedom.”

  The man did not seem convinced, but was nudged back to his place in the crowd by the councilman.

  “Are you sure that’s how you got those wounds?” Asked the general, who had been anything but pleased about Seth’s presence in his compound.

  “I am sure,” Seth answered curtly, but the man did not seem convinced.

  “We have two missing warriors,” the general continued. “This stray showed up here the same night they went missing, with wounds from a battle with wolves. I say his reasons are lies,” The general said with a dramatic sweep of his hands.

  “We have sent a hunting party out to find the missing hunters,” Xavier spoke up. “If he has something to do with their disappearance then he will pay with his life.”

  Seth stared in surprise at Xavier, and saw the man looking back at him with sorrowful eyes. He felt comforted knowing the decision would clearly not be an easy one for the alpha. The exchange of looks was not missed by the second alpha, who in turn glared at Seth.

  “In the meantime,” began the second alpha, stepping up beside Xavier, “he will be used as an interim Omega, and will spend his limited days under guard at all times.”

  The general gave a scoff and strutted off in anger towards the woods, and Xerion stepped closer to Seth.

  “Xerion, my son,” Xavier said, confirming what Seth had thought from the very first time he saw the wolf, “you will choose two men and guard him at every turn. He is now your responsibility.”

  With that, the crowd dispersed in anticipation of what the next few days would hold. Seth was simply overjoyed to be able to live another day. He worried about the general who had run off into the woods, but there was nothing he could do beyond hope that he found nothing out there.

  The rest of the day passed by with Seth helping where he was allowed to and shadowing Xerion’s every move. He found the company of the young wolf refreshing. He never once assumed that the wolf was a docile one; he was gentle, but his black eyes belied the devil he kept under strict control.

  At the moment, they were fishing for dinner, and Seth took a moment to admire the way the sun reflected off the wolf’s bronze skin. He longed to run his fingers along the contours of the muscles that tempted him, but he knew that, should he indulge his desires in broad daylight, he would be killed. He even felt somewhat guilty for having given himself to Xavier to then have this much desire for his son. If he was to be the Omega, it was a mistake he would not repeat.

  “Need help with that?” Xerion asked, as Seth’s attention was brought back to the rod that was being tugged on by a huge salmon trying to make its escape. His face flushed bright red, and Xerion smiled at the realization that he had been admiring his body.

  “Don’t worry,” Xerion chuckled, “I fancy you too.”

  The rest of the afternoon passed in relaxed calm with flirtatious looks between them both, and as night fell and Xerion helped him to wash for his night with the alphas, they stole a few kisses. Then Xerion left him on the trail that took him to the hut in the center of the camp.

  “Enjoy your one night of importance, because come morning, you will be dead,” The general said from the shadows, and Seth had to train his eyes to see the man beneath the white willow tree beneath which the alphas’ hut stood.

  He hurried up the path and made his presence known. Xavier’s soft response bid him enter, and the strong hallucinogenic smell of burning cannabis greeted his nostrils. In the center of the sprawling hut stood a four-post canopied bed covered in the softest fur he had ever felt, and atop it laid the second alpha, slowly stroking his cock.

  “This is Zane,” Xavier made the introduction, and gently nudged Seth forward.

  Zane pulled the boy to him for a kiss, and Seth could not mistake the taste of wild apples, his favorite. For the moment Xavier stood to the side, just watching, but as Zane pushed Seth’s head towards his cock and the boy’s warm mouth quickly enveloped it, Xavier joined in.

  Seth tried as best as he could to fit both cocks in his mouth at the same time, but could only manage the heads, and as he sucked on them both the alphas leaned in to kiss each other. As they broke apart Seth was placed on his back, and for the first time in his life another wolf mounted his cock. He nearly went unconscious with the sheer pleasure of his foreskin rolling back as his pulsating cock disappeared into Zane.

  “This is your first time, little wolf?” Zane asked, and Seth could only manage a small nod as he tried with all his might not to climax.

  “They say you never forget your first time,” Xavier said with a smile.

  “If you die tomorrow, at least you will die a man,” Zane added, and began riding Seth’s cock in earnest. Xavier once again buried his cock in Seth’s mouth, and gently thrust in and out of his mouth. As Seth came moments later, he sucked on Xavier’s cock, pushing the alpha over the edge, and Zane shot his load all over Seth’s chest.

  They did not stop there, the cannabis burning in the tent taking them to a place where they could feel nothing but blind lust for each other.

  Zane dismounted Seth and lifted both the boy’s legs to his shoulders, and slowly buried his cock inside him. Seth had never felt that full before, and the pleasure that came with the sensation, coupled with Xavier’s hand furiously stroking his cock, was enough to push him over the edge once again. As he spasmed in complete ecstasy, Xavier moved behind Zane and buried his cock in the other alpha. All that could be heard was the grunting, moaning and groaning of three men enjoying each other.

  Seth was not sure how long this went on, nor how many times he climaxed, bu
t he knew that by the time they finally all cuddled up to sleep, Xavier’s cock once again comfortably lodged in his ass, he was not just spent but completely satisfied. If he died in that moment, it would have been from nothing but sheer bliss.

  Chapter 5

  The following morning as he was once again brought before the pack, with Xerion at his side. All thoughts of comfort, pleasure, and the possibility of living among them disappeared.

  Before him stood the general, with a smug look across his face, and at his side stood Evan.

  Seth’s breath caught in his throat as he wondered if he was seeing a ghost. He had watched Evan’s lifeless body slip away with the current three nights before; there was no way he could be there now. He again looked at the face of his first love and saw the telltale signs of pure unadulterated fury.

  “Do you know this man?” the general asked him as the alphas took their seats. Seth could tell he did not want to delay his demise, but could not find the words to answer him. All he could do was search for some respite in Evan’s eyes, but as he did the yellow turned to red, and he knew that retribution was to be his only gift for the day.

  “Yes, he knows him!” the general proudly stated in lieu of Seth’s failure to respond.

  “Speak,” Zane said to Evan, who stepped to the center and told of the night Seth had disappeared.

  Even as Evan lied to them that he had killed his alphas and Xavier’s face registered the shock, Seth knew there was nothing he could do in his own defense. He had learned at a young age that defending himself in the eyes of others just made him seem guiltier, so he kept quiet and resigned himself to his death.

  He was grateful that when asked why he would have done such a thing Evan was honest enough to explain the horrors of being an Omega in his pack. Seth could have sworn he heard a hint of tenderness in Evan’s voice, but when he looked up, the eyes that stared back at him were nothing but loveless. They might be telling of his plight, but they were in no way sorry for what was to be done to him. When Evan had finished recounting the horrors of the night Seth ran away, Seth thought he was done.

  Evan still had a lot more to tell.

  “I followed him at a distance that night and saw him commit two unspeakable acts,” Evan continued.

  Seth’s head shot up, begging Evan not to say what he thought he was about to, but even that would not have helped him. A wail went up from somewhere to the back of the crowd and then spread to the front as the crowd parted to make way for the two broken and barely recognizable bodies of the Margois hunters he had killed.

  Evan’s voice rang out above the crowd like a narrator of great tragedy, and the alphas stepped forward with looks full of sorrow and sadness.

  “Why?” Xavier asked Seth, and he could see the hurt and anger in the eyes of the gentle alpha that had made love to his body in a way no other man could.

  “I was just trying to survive,” Seth answered as Xerion took a step away from him.

  In one final effort to escape, he took his wolf form and tried to make a dash for it, but Zane grabbed him by his neck. Even as a wolf, Seth was no match for the brutal strength of the alpha, and as Zane’s claws broke through his skin he changed back to his human form to find a satisfied grin on Evan’s face.

  “There is only one way this ends,” the general shouted and the crowd answered him in cries for death.

  “So shall it be!” Xavier pronounced moments later, and Seth hung his head, too afraid to look at the sheer disappointment in the eyes of the alpha.

  The customary hour for death sentences was in the evening, as the moon made its ascent.

  Zane was next to speak, much to Seth’s surprise. “You get one wish before you die. Choose wisely,” He said to Seth.

  With that, the crowds dispersed to prepare for his burning at the stake, and the celebrations that would come later.

  “I choose you,” Seth said to Xerion, who was taken aback by the boy’s request. Xavier and Zane simply nodded and made their way back to their hut. Seth could have sworn Xavier’s shoulder hung a little lower than it did moments before, but as much as he was grateful for the kindness of his alpha, he was not about to waste his time longing for a man that would no doubt find another young and eager wolf to replace him.

  Evan was taken away, and Seth did not much care what they would do with him.

  He spent the day under heavy guard, but in the company of Xerion. They fished and took a walk through the green meadows that were on the other side of the river, taking time out to lie in each other’s arms and bask in the sun. The Sun, the warm sun Seth would not be awake to enjoy the following day.

  “I am sorry,” Xerion whispered in his hair as he lay with his head over the heart of the black wolf. A silent tear escaped, and Xerion lifted his face to kiss it away.

  Their lips met, and their hands explored each other, eagerly ripping away the loin clothes that barred them from the ultimate treasure. Xerion eased Seth onto his back and trailed kisses down his navel and ended by taking Seth’s cock in his mouth.

  Seth groaned at the feeling of the warm and wet mouth sucking his cock, making love to his shaft and licking his balls, which were drawn tight, anticipating sweet release. They made love to each other’s body for what seemed like hours, and as the sun made its final descent, Xerion buried his cock into Seth. They looked into each other eyes, both swimming with tears as Xerion moved slowly and sweetly in and out of Seth.

  When the moon made its ascent, they walked arm in arm to the where the guards waited with rope to tie him to his the stake.

  “I will never forget you,” Xerion whispered to Seth as fire was set to the pyre.

  “And I will forever watch over you from the heavens,” Seth responded, as he felt the heat of hell beckoning him to his death.

  Born To Serve

  Gay Shifter Romance

  Chapter 1

  As the leaders of the pack, Jeremy and Daniel were considered the bravest warriors that had ever changed into a wolf. They enjoyed the furtive glances from their subjects. There were no females; females were used solely for procreation, and even then, only when it was absolutely necessary. It was those times that they would have to bite the bullet and sire a human into the fold. After said procreation and birth, the woman would either be killed or set free to go about her own business.

  “I’m sorry, but the rules state that you have to bring in an Omega, or risk the rest of the tribe feeling like they are being betrayed. Both of you knew this going in, and you accepted that responsibility. You’re to train and give this man his birthright. He is a warrior in the making, but he needs a firm hand to show him the difference between right and wrong. It has always been that way and it will always be that way.”

  Stephen was a good friend of both young men and he was considered a wise counsel when it was needed. They rarely argued, but when they did have a difference of opinion, it was always Stephen who ended up sorting things out.

  “I don’t know about Jeremy,” Daniel replied, though of course he knew—they had no secrets between them. “But I’m not at all comfortable with these current living arrangements,” he continued. “We don’t even know who this guy is, and he was chosen at random to serve our needs. I don’t want a slave, and I think this law is an antiquated notion that should be abolished anyway. Nobody should feel like they are owned by anyone.”

  “This is where Daniel and I differ,” Jeremy explained, laying a hand on Daniel’s arm. “Even though I don’t condone the use of Omega’s, that doesn’t mean that I don’t see the merit in following tradition. My father had one, and his father had one, and it is only by the rite of passage that we have one as well. Besides,” he added, turning to Daniel, “we don’t have to treat him like he is some sort of slave. We can treat him as an equal, but he is going to have to know from the very beginning that he is on the low end of the totem pole. He has no power, and he’s not truly an equal, except behind these doors. If we can’t break tradition, then we can bend tradition.”
  Jeremy had the sense that things were changing in the pack and that people were becoming more accepting about their charges becoming their own men.

  “I guess I can go along with it,” Daniel replied hesitantly, “but only because it will be the right thing to do in the eyes of those that follow us. I think that we should bring him in and start this as soon as possible. It’s the only reason he is living, and it is those families that have the crest of the ones that need guidance that must abide by those rules.”

  Jeremy watched as Stephen left the room, leaving him and Daniel to speak in relative privacy.

  They both had white shirts on, but they were both undone and showing the muscular formation of their physique. They kissed briefly, tasting the remnants of the hot cream that had been deposited in both of their mouths during a 69 session the previous night. They loved the act of lovemaking, but there was always time for a spontaneous moment that came over them in a wave of heat. “Daniel, you have no idea what you did to me last night. I can barely walk straight after the fucking you gave me. Your cock should be registered as a lethal weapon. There’s no way that you could possibly have that much stamina.”

  “Jeremy, I’ve always had it, and I don’t know where it comes from, but I’m grateful for it nonetheless. It’s not every day that wolves can keep up with each other or even go past the expectations of their lovers.” They hugged and their bodies were perfectly suited for each other. They didn’t even know each other a few months ago, and they were only thrown together because this was the way that things were done. Their names were chosen from a random list of royal family bloodlines, their mates chosen by fate, to be together for eternity.

  It didn’t always work out so well, but instead of regretting being thrown together, they had gravitated towards each other like a moth to a flame. “I don’t know what it is, but this natural chemistry of ours has certainly shown us that we can be lovers and friends. I can’t explain it, I never thought that I would have this kind of connection to anyone, but we were strangers that didn’t even know each other, and now here we are.”


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