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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

Page 53

by Ashley Stewart

  He smiled over at her with his next words.

  “Oh, I know you are good honey. I do my research. I would love to look at your portfolio although I don’t really need to. You are already hired.”

  Her eyes widened at his words. He took the large book from her and flipped through the pages. There were multiple weddings and birthday parties and a few art shows and such.

  “These are quite good. You both have a talent.”

  He sat down and looked over at her.

  “Ok. How about we start with the atmosphere. Is this going to be formal?”


  “Are there any things that you must have and any certain foods you would like to see?”

  “I’m thinking… candle light. It will be a sit-down dinner, with music and dancing afterwards. We are going to do an auction in the beginning with the proceeds going to the Autism Society and St. Jude’s. We will also send a portion to the local orphanages for school supplies and clothing and such.”

  “Wow! That is amazing.”

  She sat back in her chair and looked at him, a little star struck for a minute.

  He smiled.

  “Thank you. So the first thing is a candlelit dinner. The second thing is that we need to have h’ordeuvrves for the first part, while the auction is going on for the guests. My partner would almost die if we don’t have some kind of shrimp. Other than that my dear, you have free reign.”

  “Wow. Really?”


  “Ok. I will start this right away and let you know the progress.”

  “Yes, about that. Can you be here at 8:00 every morning?”

  “Yes. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “The pleasure I am sure will be mine.” His eyes roamed over her body before he led her to the door. “I wish I had more time to enjoy you but I can’t I have another meeting soon. Until tomorrow Trish.”

  This time instead of kissing her hand he leaned over and kissed her cheek. She sucked in a breath and held it as she felt the heat from his lips coast over her skin.

  Chapter 3

  The next few days flew by. She met with Alex every morning and then went to do her work on the decorations. Belinda was a ball of excitement as she planned the food. Not only did she get to do h’ordeuvres but she was preparing a full four course meal as well. She had gone to culinary school and had never been able to show her full talent. She had been cooking mainly for birthday parties and weddings. This time was the big time and she was so excited that Trish couldn’t be happier for her.

  It was the fourth morning and they were talking over the food again. He wanted to know what type of main course they would be having. She had found out that the people coming were paying $150 per plate and it needed to be excellent.

  “You said that silver would look good.”

  “Yeah I thought so at first.”

  His hand was scratching his chin and she sighed. He was becoming frustrating. Not only was he very picky but she found herself trying very hard not to throw herself at him. She turned from him and began packing up her things.

  “Fine. Whatever you need, sir.”

  She felt his hands on her shoulders as he turned her around to face him.

  “You should be careful what you say little one.”

  Her eyes widened as she looked at him.

  “I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

  She suddenly thought about losing the account and she grew fearful. This gala was their break. The one they so desperately needed at the moment.

  “I am talking about your words. Damn it, if you knew what I needed you would run for the hills.”

  She sucked in a breath and without thinking her mouth spoke the words she was thinking.

  “What would that be? Tell me what you want.”

  His eyes were dark as he regarded her with a passion unlike any she had ever known. His mouth swooped down to cover her own. It was not a sweet and nice kiss, which one would give a person they cared about. It was a kiss filled with passion and need. Throwing caution to the wind, she kissed him back winding her arms around his neck. He broke it off suddenly and looked down at her.

  “You don’t know what you are getting into. This is a dangerous game you are playing.”

  “I can take anything you have to dish out.” She whispered.

  Before she could blink he had her facing the desk with him behind her. He pulled her back against him and she felt him pressed into the small of her back. She moaned when she felt him. His hands slipped up to cover her breasts and he lightly pinched her nipple. His lips kissed along her neck and then up to suck on her earlobe. She heard his words as he whispered them to her.

  “I want to bend you over and fuck you into next week. I want to slip inside you and take you here and now. I want to tie you up and kiss every part of your body and fuck you until you are screaming with the pleasure. Can you see that little one?”


  She felt the cool air touch her skin as he pushed her skirt above her waist. She stood still as he removed her shirt and bra. He turned her to him and she deftly fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. His head lowered to suck a nipple into his mouth.

  “Oh dear God.” She panted.

  Her panties were pulled from her body and she wasn’t even aware as his pants and boxers slipped around his ankles. He kissed her again and turned her back around to the desk.

  “Hold the desk. Do not let go.”

  She couldn’t speak. All she could do was nod. Her whole body was on fire and she was shaking with need. She felt his hand slip between her legs and play with her clit. Her hand almost came off the table and he instantly stopped what he was doing. Groaning she gripped the desk until her knuckles turned white. His fingers slipped inside her and she stood there bent over the desk moaning deeply begging him to take her. She finally found him at her entrance and she sighed when she felt him start to slide inside her. He pushed completely inside and she gasped with the invasion. It was almost too much as she moaned and leaned her head against the desk.

  “I don’t know how long I can wait. You are so damn tight.”

  “Then don’t. Just take me.”

  He did as she asked as he slowly pulled out before slamming into her again. He did it slowly over and over until she was almost crying with need. When he finally started moving faster, she felt herself trying to push back against him. Her hand came off the desk for a second and she felt the slap on her ass. The sting seared through her and she felt herself wanting more. She moaned and he felt her squeeze him as he smacked her again and again until she screamed with her orgasm. He followed shortly after. She laid against the desk and then felt him slip out of her and from behind her.

  He walked into the bathroom and turning she realized what she had done. She had slept with her client. She quickly pulled on her clothes and made her escape. She heard his yell as she stepped onto the elevator. She watched as he came out of the door just as the elevator door shut. He was standing with his shirt completely open and his pants unbuttoned, hanging from his waist. She looked him over, and then came back to meet his eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  It was all she said as the doors shut.

  She feigned sickness for the next two days, staying in her little apartment. She was sitting on the couch in her pajamas when she heard the doorbell. Getting up she knew it was Belinda and opened the door, not even looking as she turned around to walk back to the living room. She knew Belinda would follow.

  “You should be careful, just opening the door and not knowing who’s behind it.”

  She gasped and turned to look up at Alex.

  “Sorry. I thought you were Belinda.”

  “I see that. I didn’t think you would open the door for me since you let the last one shut in front of my face without letting me say anything.”

  He looked angry as he said it.

  She turned to look at him and placed her hands on her hips.

  “Look. I can’t lose
this job. I need it. And if I spoke to you at that moment I would have told you it was a mistake. Then you would have gotten pissed.”

  “I would have gotten pissed you say?”

  “Yes, I know how you rich people are.”

  His jaw moved back and forth as he looked at her.

  “And just how is that?”

  “You think because you have money that you are entitled to everything you want. I am here to tell you that you are wrong.”

  She didn’t care at that point how mad she made him. She was pissed as well. How dare he come to her house?

  He quickly walked right up to her and looked down into her face.

  “No matter what you think little one, you don’t know me. I was coming by to check on you and make sure you were alright since Belinda said you were sick for two days in a row. But after coming I see that you are not sick but scared. What are you running from, good sex? Or is it the man, Trish? Regardless of what you think of me or what happened between us, you have a job to do. I have one week to get this done and I need you to fulfill your part. Even if I wanted someone else to do it, which I don’t, I don’t have time to find someone else. I expect you to be professional and help me. There are a lot of children depending on this event. If you would rather run and hide then I can let you meet with Duncan, or I can go through Belinda but either way it needs to be done.”

  She turned away from him. She knew he was right. There were a lot of kids who needed them to succeed and she needed to do her part. Taking a deep breath she turned to face him with a smile.

  “You are right. I am sorry. I was sick, but I am feeling better. If you like, I can show you what I have come up with for decorations while you’re here, or I can bring them with me in the morning.”

  His eyes looked over her. She stood in front of him in a tank top and yoga pants. Her stomach showed and when she moved you could see the twinkle from her belly button ring.

  “Please show me. I have canceled the rest of my day.”

  They spent the next few hours going over colors and designs and everything down to the tablecloths. Ordering Chinese they ate over the samples she had spread out everywhere in the spare room.

  Chapter 4

  The next two days flew by and she was amazed at how everything was coming together. It was one of the mornings that she met him at his office when she walked inside. Instead of Mr. Jacobs there was another man standing there, waiting for her. Like Alex, he had dark hair, except his complexion had a darker tone to it, and she knew that he had to have Puerto Rican are Latino in him. He could have easily been a model and the way his suit hugged his body, she knew he was just as good looking without clothes as he was with.



  “Hello. Follow me please.”

  She followed him to the elevator and looked at him strangely.

  “Is Mr. Jacobs alright?”

  “Oh, yes. I would assume he is at Starbucks right now. He was running late and I told Alex I would accompany you up. I have much to talk to you about.”


  She didn’t know who in the hell the man was, and grew a little suspicious. As they made it to the 17th floor he held the door open for her but instead of leaving her, he followed her. She was shocked that he would be so bold, as he just opened the door to Alex’s office and walked in.

  She followed tentatively behind him.

  “About damn time you got home don’t you think?”

  “Don’t get your panties in a ruffle. I am here now. And look in plenty of time for the gala.”

  She watched as Alex snickered before grabbing the other man and hugging him. She looked from one man to the other silently.

  “Damn you Duncan. You are always gone for the work and here for the party.”

  Realizing who the man was she gasped. It was Duncan McIntyre. The other half of the company.

  At her gasp they both turned to look at her. Seeing her look, Alex punched the other man in the shoulder.

  “You didn’t tell her who you were did you?”

  “No. I like the surprise factor.” He grinned.

  “You are such an ass man.”

  Finally coming to her senses she couldn’t help but take a jab at Alex.

  “As I remember, you didn’t tell me exactly who you were either. I found out when you called me later that day and you told my partner. What do they say? Oh yes, the pot calling the kettle black.”

  She grinned at him as she said it and cocked her head to the side and then instantly turned her attention to the other man in the room.

  “Oh, man. You have met your match brother.” The other man laughed out loud.

  “So it seems.” The other man grunted.

  Not paying any attention to him she smiled at Duncan.

  “It is good to meet you Mr. McIntyre.”

  “You as well Trish, but please call me Duncan. Anyone who can put my dear brother here in his place can at least use my first name.”

  “OK. I wouldn’t think you two were brothers?”

  She looked back and forth between the two. They both had dark hair, but that was where the similarities ended. He was dark and mysterious, where Alex was lighter in complexion and all “out in the open” with everything.

  “We are adopted brothers. Our mother adopted the both of us at the same time. You see we are best friends, ever since the time we were three we did everything together.” Duncan’s smile touched her heart.

  “You see my dear, we have not always been rich, and we have worked for what we have.”

  She looked over at Alex as he said it and instantly felt bad for what she had said to him until she saw the look of knowing in his eyes and smiled sarcastically at him.

  “I see that, but people are known to change with money.”

  “Why am I getting the feeling that I am interrupting something?”

  “You aren’t, don’t worry. There is nothing here.” She said the words as she stared straight at him.

  “OK, well… I wanted to come over today and see what you have done so far. You see Alex here plans all this kind of stuff. He’s good at it. Me on the other hand. I just want to know what we’re eating.”

  She laughed out loud as he wagged his eyebrows at her.

  “Well, let me tell you what we have.”

  She sat down with both men and started going over everything she had planned so far. Alex sat brooding in the corner while she talked with Duncan.

  She stood to leave and was surprised when Duncan kissed her on the cheek and lingered with her hand in his own.

  “I am sure I will see you soon.”

  “Yes. I am sure. You have a good one.”

  “You as well.”

  She began packing her stuff when she was spun around. She had a moment to gasp before she felt Alex’s lips on her own. She was finally able to push him off of her, and then the sound resounded off the walls as her hand connected with the side of his cheek. She watched as her hand print turned pink on his skin. He glared down at her.

  “That one was free. The next one will cost you.”

  “You don’t intimidate me. I just want to finish this job. Maybe I should start seeing Duncan over the affairs of the party.”

  She was shocked when he began laughing.

  “Go ahead my dear. He is as bad as me. Sometimes even worse. Not to mention when we are together.”

  His eyes twinkled at her in merriment.

  “You mean… you share?”

  “On occasion.”

  “That is wrong, in so many ways.”

  “You wouldn’t think so if you tried it little one. You might find that you enjoy it very much. Many women have come back for more.”

  “And how many women are we talking about here?”

  She suddenly felt pissed when she thought of him with another woman.

  “Are you jealous little one?”

  “No, why would I be?”

  He laughed again.

You keep telling yourself that. You will see soon enough. I think it would be good if you worked with Duncan for a while. You can see what he’s like. In that time I promise not to sleep with anyone else. Not until you come back and beg me for it.”

  “Don’t hold your breath then.”

  He laughed as she made her way out of the room.

  The next few days were spent with Duncan and she felt herself relax around him. He was a lot less serious than Alex was and she was glad to relax a little. They were in the office late one day when she dropped her booklet. Bending over she heard his words.

  “Dear Lord in heaven.”

  She looked behind her to see he was staring at her ass. She quickly stood up, but not before he saw her glance at his crotch. Before she knew what he was doing, he had her up against the wall and kissed her deeply. She moaned as she felt his hands glide over her body.

  “I want you Trish. I want you so bad. Has Alex told you about us?”

  “About how you share? Yes.”

  “Hmmmm. I would love to have you spread out for the both of us. That would be so amazing. But right now I want you to myself. Maybe later we will let Alex join us.”

  She didn’t know what the hell she was doing. She shouldn’t be sleeping with him. She shouldn’t have slept with Alex. She felt herself being lowered to the floor and she was thankful for the carpet as he slowly removed her clothes kissing her skin along the way. As each inch of skin was exposed he caressed it with his mouth and tongue. Her arms twined around his neck to bring him back to her. He kissed her again. Slowly he slipped inside her until he was completely inside. She gasped at the feeling of him in her, and her back arched on its own accord. He suddenly began to move faster and faster until they both screamed with their release. Her head was reeling with the pleasure of what he was doing. They laid beside each other for a few minutes before he turned to her.

  “You should smile more often. It’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah. I don’t think so. I need to get home. It’s late.”

  She felt his hand on her arm.

  “Don’t feel bad for what happened. It was amazing. I also think you should really think about what Alex proposed to you. I think you would enjoy it very much my dear.”


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