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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

Page 121

by Ashley Stewart

  After looking around the house to make sure that the person that left it was well and truly gone, she pulled the letter off of the door and took it inside. She thought she heard Kaitlyn moving around further inside the house but paid it no mind as she walked around to the kitchen and pulled the folded letter open. There, in bold red ink, the letter read: You seem to like sticking your nose where it does not belong. Stop now. This will be your only warning. It was not signed.

  Though fear gripped her throat tightly, she pulled her phone out and snapped a picture of it before phoning the police explaining what had happened. She wasn't even aware she was shaking until she felt Kaitlyn lay a soothing hand on her arm.

  “Oh, honey,” she said sympathetically, rubbing her arm in a comforting gesture. “It's alright, it's alright, we'll figure this out, okay?”

  Angela forced herself to nod her head but remained silent as they waited for the police to come. Kaitlyn guided her over to her couch and sat her down.

  “I'm going to make us some tea, and we'll wait together, okay?”

  Angela nodded again, but let her mind wander.

  It was no coincidence that this letter would come today, after she got done questioning both Darla and David about what had happened. David had been far more candid and open about what was happening then Darla was, and it was clear that Darla still felt very passionately about what had happened between her and David, but was that enough to warrant suspecting her of leaving such a heinous note?

  She felt a warm mug of tea being pressed into her hands, and she sipped at the hot liquid with little thought to what was going on. She was vaguely aware of Kaitlyn taking a seat next to her, but paid attention to very little else until the sharp sound of a firm knock at the door pulled her out of her thoughts. Kaitlyn wordlessly rose to answer the door and let the police come in.

  “Ms. Parker,” the officer addressed her, forcing her out of her own head and lifting her eyes to meet his gaze. “I'm Officer Brady, this is my partner, Officer Bauburn, we just have a few questions about what happened.”

  “I don't know that I'll be of any help,” Angela said quietly with a shrug of her shoulders. “I came home, found this note on the door,” she handed them the slip of paper with the threat written on it. “And then I came in and called the police.”

  “Did you notice anything out of the ordinary in the area?” Officer Bauburn asked gently. She shook her head.

  “I even looked around the house and everything, but I didn't see anything that stood out to me.” The officers nodded and took the paper, slipping it inside an evidence bag.

  “We're going to take a look around, ask your neighbors if they saw anyone coming through here or up to your door that looked suspicious.”

  “Thank you,” she said as Officer Brady handed her a business card with his department's info printed on it.

  “If anything else comes up, don't hesitate to give us a call and let us know. We'll keep you posted on anything that we find out.”

  With that, the two men left the house and went off to complete their investigation on their own, leaving the two women alone once more. The silence was deafening, and all Angela could hear was the roaring in her ears until Kaitlyn put a hand on her shoulder, silencing her thoughts.

  “If you want to talk about it, I'm here to listen,” she said, easily slipping onto her favorite chair catty-corner to where Angela was seated. “But if you just need me to be here for you, I can do that, too.”

  “I can't just leave it at this, Kait,” Angela whispered with a shake of her head. “I need to find out the truth.” Kaitlyn sighed and rubbed her arm again.

  “I know.”

  “But I can't just pretend that this is safe anymore. I can't be so direct in my investigations.”

  “Do you have to investigate at all?” Kaitlyn pressed as gently she possibly could. “Couldn't you just find out things as they come, and not press too far into it to keep yourself safe?”

  “What good would it do me to half ass it now?” Angela answered her question with a question. “I'm clearly already a target. Even if I didn't actively look for answers, then whoever this is would just assume that I was, and I would be in just as much danger for doing nothing more than I already have.” She smiled wryly. “Might as well make it worth the trouble, yeah?” After a few moments of silent deliberation, Kaitlyn sighed again.

  “Alright,” she said, standing and taking their mugs to refill them with tea. “Where do we start, then?”

  * * * *

  If there was one thing that Angela hated, it was the feeling of being on edge.

  The strain of not getting a restful night's sleep, in addition to not being able to figure out who was targeting her, and what she was going to do in the event that they made a move against her, she was all but snarling with built up agitation by the time that she walked into work the next day, her usual two cups of coffee in hand as she made her way to the elevator, just like always.

  But it wasn't like always now, not anymore. Now, as she was checking in on the other workers to see how their prospective projects were running, she was seeing shadows in everyone's smile as she went about her business on the other floors. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape the feeling that every pair of eyes was on her as she went about her business. She could swear that she felt everyone staring at her, watching her every move as she went about the cubicles and asked everyone about their progress. The longer she lingered to finish her tasks, the more she felt the staring, be it real or imagined.

  Her irritability was at an all-time high by the time she had finished checking on the last of her coworkers, and she all but sprinted to the elevator in an effort to get away from prying eyes. Blindly, she hit the button for David's floor before she began to pace in the confined area of the elevator like a caged animal. It was absolutely ridiculous, she knew, to feel this way less than a full day after finding that damned letter on her door, but it was as though she couldn't help her anxiety and fear getting the better of her.

  She needed to unwind, she knew; far better for her to find some way to release some tension than to just let it consume her. She also knew that David would be anything but opposed to helping her in that endeavor, the eager man that he was. So, she set her shoulders firmly, straightened her back, and practically marched out of the elevator when the doors slid open.

  * * * *

  “Angela?” David asked, not bothering to hide his surprise when she emerged from the elevator and took measured, decisive steps toward his desk.

  She must have had a starkly grim look on her face, if the way that he stood and walked around his desk to meet her was any indication. She watched his brows furrow in concern for her, but in that moment, all she was concerned about was pressing herself into him so tightly that she wouldn't be able to tell where she ended and he began. To push her mouth against his until she could steal the breath from his lungs the way that he did to her.

  “Is something wrong? Did something happen?” His frown deepened as she stopped just in front of him.

  She swallowed, acutely aware of the way that her body seemed to absolutely buzz with the intensity of her want, her need for him in that moment, and it clogged her throat. She swallowed again in an effort to find her voice through the roiling arousal that gripped her. When she found that she couldn't grasp the words that she wanted to say to tell him what she was feeling, the need to feel him, to feel the way that his hands mapped her body out, and didn't know how to voice that those touches were the heaviest anchor that tethered her to this world at the moment that she had access to, she decided to show him rather than try to find the right words for it.

  Before she understood what she was doing, she grabbed the lapels of his jacket and pulled him to her, pressing her lips against his. The stiffness in his body told her that he wasn't expecting it, and that, above all else, he had no idea that she had needed him this much. She couldn't blame him; she didn't quite know how much she needed him herself, and the t
hought sent a strangely invigorating thrill up her spine as her tongue glided along his lower lip, all but demanding that he let it slip inside of his mouth. After a heartbeat he recovered from his shock and smoothly responded to her ravenous kiss, parting his lips and letting her tongue plunder his mouth as though she were searching for buried treasure in it. Her sudden dominance surprised him, she could tell, and, frankly, it surprised her, too; she was so accustomed to David taking the reins and leading her to ecstasy that she found herself a little lost and unsure of how to continue.

  David chuckled into the kiss and pulled back just enough to break away from her, his arms winding around her to secure her right where she was.

  “My little minx seems more eager than I've ever seen her before,” he commented with a sly grin. Angela felt her face grow hot under his heated gaze but she didn't look away, opting instead to bite her lip. “I can't help but wonder what on Earth spurred you into being so bold,” he said, a fraction of his previous frown making its way back onto his face for the briefest of moments before smoothing out almost as quickly as it appeared. Angela almost wasn't sure whether she really saw it or not. “But if pleasure is what you're looking for…” his hands drifted to the bow on the belt of her dress, long, dexterous fingers already slipping the knot of the bow free. “I'll gladly indulge you.” Angela let out a breath that she hadn't realized that she was holding. “On one condition,” he added absentmindedly, his fingers lazily playing with the buttons on the front of her dress without actually undoing them.

  “And that is?” Angela said, not entirely surprised that her voice came out in a harsh whisper.

  “After I'm through with you, you'll tell me what's on your mind, to make you come in here like you were marching to your own execution,” he said with a pointed look that seemed to pierce right through her.

  What few words she had dying on her tongue, she nodded her assent – it was a fair deal, after all, and gasped when he slammed his lips back into hers.

  “What, oh what, shall I do to you?” he hummed thoughtfully, his fingers undoing her buttons one by one at an agonizingly slow pace. “Shall I settle for tasting you until you can't walk properly?” He grinned like the cat that got the cream when the blush on her face reddened. Funny, he hadn't gotten any cream at all yet.

  “I want more than that,” the words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them, and the frankness of them surprised them both, if the way that he blinked owlishly at her for a moment was any indication. He grinned widely, as if he had just won something.

  “It'll cost you extra,” he said, his smugness dripping out of his mouth.

  She nodded again, and it seemed that the pact was sealed, if the way that he guided her over to the couch and gently pushed her down into it was any giveaway. Once she had settled on the plush couch's cushions and had made herself comfortable, David draped himself over her, the Cheshire cat-like grin never leaving his face even as he brought his mouth against hers once more.

  Angela hummed low in her throat, breathing in his heady scent, a combination of his arousal and his usual scent of cinnamon wrapping around her as he finished undoing the buttons of her dress, eager to expose more of her body to him now that they had agreed that he was going to be taking more from her than just a taste. He slowly pushed the dress open, revealing the soft skin underneath. His eager fingers skimmed along her supple, flawless skin, making her mewl into their kiss.

  Pulling his lips from hers, he locked his heated gaze upon her face, watching the way that her expressions flitted across her face as he continued to taunt and tease her. His breath caught in his throat as the desire that spread through him spiked at the sight of her, just as disheveled as her dress as she writhed under him. A sudden wave of impatience hit him, and he nearly ripped her dress off of her form and sunk his teeth into her neck, his lips sucking on her flesh while his tongue ran along the marks he left behind. His fingers quickly slid around her, lifting her up just enough off of the couch to unhook her bra and slide it off of her shoulders, carelessly tossing the undergarment away.

  His lips immediately went to work on the newly exposed flesh of her bosom, pressing tender kisses to the skin there before teasingly licking her rosy, pebbled nipples, taunting her as she breathed out his name again of its own accord. His hands groped her waist, giving her slender curves a slight squeeze before he moved downward toward her newly exposed thighs. Angela gasped in anticipation, her legs already trembling in excitement.

  His fingers hooked into the sides of her panties and tugged them down in one smooth yank, exposing her heated, already throbbing sex to his intense gaze. He coaxed her legs into hooking around his shoulders to better give him the angle that he knew would drive her wild, smirking triumphantly up at her when he knew that he had her right where he wanted her. Her immediate reaction was to thread her hands through his hair and hold him there, but she knew that doing so would just end this before it had even begun, so she settled for lifting her arms and running her fingers through her own hair to keep them occupied as she waited for him to move.

  David's long, thick finders were resting on the tender skin of her parted thighs, the sensation of the pads of his fingers lightly stroking the flesh there, in conjunction with the way that his hot, smooth tongue running circles against her sensitive nub made an incredible, indescribable pleasure course through her entire body. Her lover was merciless, chuckling sadistically at her thoroughly disheveled state as he withdrew his mouth just enough to nip and suck at the flesh of her inner thigh.

  “You're positively lewd, Angela, making me do this to you in the middle of the day, in my office of all places, where anyone could walk in at any time and see me taking you as mine,” his deep voice rumbled, his breath lightly caressing her womanly petals, making them flutter in anticipation for more of his touch. He brought a thumb to her clit, circling it roughly, sending pleasurable vibrations through her and causing her to writhe against the couch.

  “It's not, ah…” Angela swallowed. “It's not the first time that we've done this here,” she managed to sputter out through the waves of pleasure cresting over her form. Part of her was impressed that she had managed that much, given the heightened state of arousal that she was in.

  “True,” he conceded absentmindedly before giving her slit a long, deep stroke of his tongue, causing her to cry out. His teasing touch caused her to writhe even more than she already had been, her body pressing into the leather of the couch even harder than when they started this game. “But it’s been a long time since we actually used the couch for this.” He emphasized his point by letting one of her legs go in favor of gripping her hip and pushing it deeper in to the couch to allow him better access to her nectar. “Something that should be celebrated, don't you think?” His hot breath caressed her glistening flower, causing its petals to flutter. She swallowed again.

  “I, I, ah,” she swallowed and tried to find her voice again. “I suppose,” she managed to pant out before he began to plunder her cavern with his tongue in earnest. She brought her hand up to her mouth and bit into her knuckles so hard that she was sure that there were going to be indents.

  Grunting sexily, he suddenly thrust his tongue as deep into her core as he could, his nose pressing incessantly against her clit as his heated gaze bore into hers. She was positive that her entire body was flushed, her swollen lips parted to allow her breathy pants to escape her with mighty heaves of her chest. In that moment, she was far too distracted, too invested in the way that his tongue swirled around her abused bundle of nerves for her to care that her body was betraying just now much enjoyment she was getting out of it, and how much that enjoyment was borderline embarrassing for her.

  “Beg me,” he said, his demand punctuated by another long, dragged out swirl of his tongue around her clitoris. “Beg me to make you come, Angela.” He deliberately slowed his actions, his tongue only giving passing strokes to her outer folds as his eyes twinkled mischievously up at her. “Beg for it,” he asked aga
in when she had been silent for a heartbeat longer than normal.

  “Please, David,” she panted. “I, ah, I'm begging you.” She arched her back until it wasn't touching the couch any longer. “Please, please let me come, ah, please!”

  “As much as I know you are enjoying this,” he said with a smug grin, his hands roving over her curves, her skin feeling oversensitive and practically thrumming under his attentions. “I think you’re ready for more.” With that, he crashed his mouth into hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth almost as eagerly as it had swept past her nether lips, and she moaned at the way that she so thoroughly tasted herself on his lips, as though drinking of her juices marked him as hers in a way that made her insides warm.

  She felt his cock, long, thick, and throbbing, readying to drive into her, and she knew that he was just as eager to feel the slide of his cock into her as she was..

  “I'm going to make you feel so good, Angela,” he promised the same way that he always did when he was about to make her see stars, and she swallowed, squirming in anticipation for what was to come, knowing full well that he had never gone against his word when it came to making her feel wonderful. His lips continued to hungrily taste hers as his tongue engaged into a sensual rhythm of passion, nearly mimicking his earlier movements when he tasted her essence almost exactly.

  He took in the image of her panting, watching the way that her chest heaved with every breath, and felt a sense of smug satisfaction in the fact that it was only him that made her feel this way. His whole body burned for her, and that need spurned him on. That and the way that Angela took in his pulsing, thick manhood and licked her lips, fantasies of it plunging deep within her flitting blatantly across her face.


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