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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

Page 143

by Ashley Stewart

  Chapter 2

  I was torn. Seth was such a sweet, patient and caring guy. He wasn't trying to pressure me into anything; he was simply being himself. I didn't mind him holding my hand in the movie theater or walking down the sidewalk. It felt, well, natural. After our surprise encounter with Ashton, he kept his cool. He didn't seem jealous or worried. Instead, he talked me down with maturity beyond his years.

  "Alexis, I understand that you're trying to figure life out right now. I don't want to pressure you in any way. I know you have feelings for Ashton and yearn for a normal relationship with him. He's older, successful and exciting. One day, it will make sense to you, and you will be able to make a clear decision." Seth's words hit me hard. They were unexpected. Unfortunately, it didn't help my seesawing confusion about my feelings for the two men in my life, but in time, I knew that it would.

  "I don't deserve your friendship, Seth," I smiled. "You're always so patient with me. How do you do it?"

  He chuckled. "Isn't a matter of how I do it. It's just a matter of understanding that we all have paths to walk. We each have to find our way." He walked me home but didn't hug me this time. I could sense that he was pulling away slightly. It was almost as if he knew what I was going to do.

  I wasn't surprised that Ashton was trying to fight for me. It would have meant a lot to me in the days before I learned about the extent of his lies. He lied to me about his marital situation, and I struggled to get past that. When I received his text message earlier, I was livid. How dare he try to seem like he was detached and mature when he had deliberately tried to provoke Seth and me? Disgust flooded my soul.

  Jessica wasn't home, so I took the opportunity to mull over things and spend some time staring at my phone. For an embarrassingly long time, I would start to reply to Ashton’s message and then erase it. I would type a long text lecturing him on common decency, but couldn't send it. Feeling irritable, I took a gamble and called him. Some things were better handled over the phone.

  "This is Ashton," he answered gruffly.

  "Hey," I said.

  "Hey," he uttered. I wasn't expecting him to let me drive the conversation. It made me uncomfortable.

  "What was the deal with you today?" I didn't know how to start.

  "What do you mean?" he asked.

  He knew exactly what I meant! Anger started to swell within me. "You know what I'm talking about, Ashton."

  He coughed. "Are you referring to earlier?"

  "Yes, Ashton, and you know it." I shook my head in disgust. "Look, I don't appreciate you driving around and spying on me. Quite frankly, It's rather disturbing."

  "I wasn't spying on you."

  I angrily scoffed. "Oh, so a billionaire like you always hangs out in downtown Hillsboro? There isn't anything in Hillsboro that has a high enough price tag for you. What other reason would you have to be there?"

  He took a deep breath and released it heavily into the phone. "A rich man has earned his right to go wherever he pleases. I wasn't cruising through town to spy on you. I hadn't heard from you, anyway. How would I know where you were or what you were doing?" His tone was smooth and calm. It only angered me more.

  "Oh, you have your ways. You didn't become a billionaire by being stupid." My calm was not as practiced as his; it sounded like I could growl at any second.

  "No, I'm not stupid. Only someone stupid would follow their assistant around like a freak. I was enjoying the sunshine in my convertible. Hillsboro is a quaint area that soothes my nerves. I've been stressed lately." His subtle rebuff was beginning to work on me. I recognized it but didn't like it. ,To my dismay, I couldn't seem to do anything about it.

  "Fine," I snapped, "but I didn't appreciate your little mind game in front of Seth."

  "There wasn't any mind games going on. Although, I must admit, I was confused to see you holding his hand after begging me to go public with our relationship."

  "Oh, I see. You're calling it a relationship now."

  "Well, whatever you want to call it. It's something, and it means a lot to me," he softened his tone.

  "You should've thought of that before you lied to me, Ashton." The firmness in my tone surprised even me.

  "How do you always manage to turn me on? Even in the steamiest fight, I can’t help but think you’re the sexiest woman I have ever known."

  "You've got to be kidding me," I sneered. His words were gaining an uncontrollable power over me. They were breaking down the wall I had constructed only days prior. My dreams of Seth were slowly fading as the addiction to Ashton took over again.

  "Can I see you?" His low, sexy tone turned me on. I tried desperately to hide it.

  "Absolutely not. You disgust me to my core, Ashton!" I knew if I reacted to him in the way I was tempted to, I was a fool. I had to keep my emotions in check even if, I couldn't understand the lack of self-control I chronically felt around him.

  "Oh, I can hear it in your voice. You want me."

  The only way I knew to resist him was to hang up on him. I threw it across the living room and released my frustration in a scream that surprised me.! It helped to release the endorphins, but damn it, he was right. He turned me on. What was wrong with me?

  Chapter 3

  Come outside.

  Ashton's text annoyed me. I hung up on him in hopes that he would leave me alone. Apparently, he hadn’t taken the hint.

  You shouldn't have come. I messaged him back. Nothing bothered me more than for someone to infringe on my privacy. His charm was also more than I could handle, and I knew that. He had perfected the art of seducing me and offering me every pleasure known to man.

  No, I shouldn’t have, but I wanted to. His reply was powerful. Perhaps that was why he was so successful. I rolled my eyes at my own stupidity even as I slipped on my flip flops, grabbed my keys and phone and walked out the door.

  What am I doing? I thought to myself. Although my brain was screaming at me to stop, my legs refused to stop walking. His black limo was parked sideways in the parking lot. I shook my head in disbelief. Mostly, I was ashamed of myself, but I was also confused. I felt torn between Seth and Ashton. I reminded myself that Seth was merely my friend. He knew about the situation with Ashton.

  The tinted window slowly rolled down. "I'm glad you came," Ashton’s satisfied grin irritated me even more. "Please, come inside. We aren't going anywhere."

  I rolled my eyes with frustration but opened the door anyway. "What do you want, Ashton?" My voice was cold and firm.

  He took a sip of his champagne. "I want to make amends with you. Please, have a seat." I didn't want to join him inside the limo because I knew it would be nearly impossible for me to endure the temptation. I feared that all of my arguments against our relationship would be rendered null and void.

  "There really isn't anything that needs to be mended," I forced a grin. Perhaps it was wrong of me to lie, but I wasn’t interested in backsliding.

  "Of course there is. I have feelings for you, and I don't want to lose you. How is that not a situation that needs to be addressed?" His delivery was perfectly smooth. The five o'clock shadow around his cheekbones and chin enhanced his lips, tempting even more. I stared those same dreamy eyes many times over the course of our affair. I wanted to believe that he really did care about me, but how many times would I let myself get hurt?

  "We are fine on a professional level, Ashton. We are friends. Amends have been made. Please excuse me." As I turned away from the car, he grabbed my hand.

  "Please! Alexis!" He sounded desperate for the first time since I met him. "Join me for a real chat. I can tell that you are uncomfortable. Let's fix things."

  I didn't like how he grabbed my hand. I stared long and deep into his yearning eyes, trying to hide my anger. "Things are fixed. I think you are unhappy that they aren't fixed the way you want them to be. Thus, until you get your way, it is not fixed."

  He placed both of his hands on mine. "Well, I won't beg you, Alexis. So be it." He released my hand, and scoot
ed back into the limo. "I will see you at the office," he said, shutting the door. Anxious energy flushed through my body while I watched the window start to roll up.

  "Wait!" I held out my hand in hopes that he would not completely shut me out. He paused, looking perplexed. "I guess I can sit down and listen to what you have to say."

  He paused the window movement. "The door is unlocked," he said.

  His low voice was charming regardless of his mood. My attraction to him couldn't be completely ignored. It was there regardless of the toxicity in our relationship. I opened the door and sat by him. Closing the door, I waited for him to continue speaking but silence roared louder than words. We locked eyes, but neither of us uttered a sound. I was trapped in his spell, caught in a trance of ultimate attraction. From the corner of my eye, I saw his hand inch closer to my knee. Some unseen force propelled me closer to him. Suddenly, I didn't care what I was doing—all logic flew out the window. We met like two opposing magnets. His heavy breath heated my lips. "I need to roll the window up," he whispered. Although our faces were an inch apart, the chemistry was incredibly strong. I knew that we were about to form a bond so strong that no chemical equation could calculate it. Our attraction was off the charts. Pulling his arm behind his back, he hit the window button without moving his face from mine. Sitting there, trembling, we remained frozen, both waiting. "If I were to kiss you, would you slap me?

  His question fueled my desire like gasoline on fire. I grabbed his shirt and pulled myself into him. "Shut up and kiss me," I breathed, studying his lips.

  "Oh my...have we had a change of mind?" He teased. When our noses touched, the tension was nearly unbearable. We were unstoppable. Kissing wasn't enough. It didn't satisfy the unresolved tension that had stretched between us over the last several days. Thankfully, the driver had already rolled up the divider separating us. I couldn't have expressed such impossible passion in front of any bystander. One by one, inch by inch, we shed our clothing. We were like two wild beasts, totally consumed by our passion.

  In the middle of action, I paused. "Ashton? The limo is swaying..."

  "So?" He muttered, kissing my neck some more.

  "The driver?" I spoke.

  He shifted underneath me. "He won't notice a thing. I will calm it down some, how about that?"

  "Thank you," I whispered, kissing his glistening skin. We fit together like two puzzle pieces, and it was pleasure at its best. With every movement, I knew I was close to soaring into the sky. It was, by far, the most amazing sex I had ever had.

  Chapter 4

  Monday came quickly. The closer I got to Alexis, the more potential I continued to see in her. I was certain that she could successfully market my brand. Sitting at my desk, I browsed through the calendar and searched for the next Yoga DVD production date. I decided that I would ask her to perform as my sidekick. Not only would it benefit her on a professional level, but it would also ensure that she would stick around. I pressed the intercom button so I could speak.

  "Alexis, come to my office please. Thank you," I said. It was imperative that I remain as professional as possible while in the office. I didn't care for how indiscrete my motives were behind the closed office door; however, I knew Janet would stir controversy in any way that she could. She knew too much about my personal life as it was.

  "Yes?" Alexis asked as she opened the door.

  "Please, come in and shut the door behind you." She seemed nervous. "No, it isn't a limo moment," I chuckled. She cracked a smile. Although I had broken the barrier the other evening in the limo, I still wasn't fully sure as to where she stood with me emotionally. I knew that I had amazing charm, but I wasn't sure that I had earned her trust again.

  "I didn't say that it was a limo moment," she finally responded. "What's going on?"

  I sat back in my chair, tapping my fingers together like a thinking man. "I would like for you to join me in the next DVD production as my sidekick."

  "Okay," she replied simply. It was clear that she assumed it would be like the last time.

  "When I say sidekick, I mean, you will be joining my on camera, front and center. You will be teaching and speaking just as much as I will. It will be partly your class." Her eyes widened. "I will have a script written for you so that you can become familiar with some of the lines. Otherwise, you can share your thoughts however you feel is best. It's just crucial that you stay within the parameters of the script. Do you understand?"

  She cleared her throat. "I do," she managed to utter. "I-I just don't know why you're doing this. I'm a simple person. I don't want you to think I’m trying to sleep my way to the top. If anything, you are pressuring me to cave to your whims. I'm not saying none of it is my fault, but you're very persuasive."

  I shook my head in disbelief. "This has nothing to do with our romantic involvement. I don't want you to feel awkward at work. When you told me to keep our relationship professional, I took that seriously. Besides, now that you know my situation with the former Mrs. Jackson, you understand the importance of keeping our relationship under wraps as much as possible until that matter is resolved."

  "Yes, I do remember your situation. You know my thoughts on that," she turned her head away from me. Her emotions about my long-held secret were still somewhat volatile. "I don't like that I've fooled around with a married man and continued to do so even after learning the truth." She was getting angry again.

  "I didn't intend to stir up negative emotions again, Alexis. Please don't go back to that. Legally, we may still be married, but in our hearts, we’ve been divorced for a long time." My words didn't prompt any further thoughts on the subject. I took the opportunity to delve back into the professional side of our conversation. "So, the taping will be on Wednesday. There is no travel involved since it will be at the YMCA. Isn't that wonderful?"

  Obviously still brewing over the previous discussion, she forced a reply through pursed lips. "It's fantastic. Thank you for the opportunity." Her reaction struck me as so unprofessional that, if I didn't have my own reasons for wanting her involvement in the DVD, I would have immediately retracted my invitation. Her lack of enthusiasm was enough to turn off any eager employer. I kept these thoughts to myself so that my personal intentions wouldn't be revealed.

  "Thank you, Alexis. I know that things are up and down between us, but please think back to our time in the limo. You were all smiles when you came through the door. We've moved past our troubles. Let it go." I kept my voice carefully neutral.

  "I will do my best. What are you going to cover with this DVD?" she asked. "So that I can prepare for it."

  "The script will help you with much of that, but I'm going to focus on the different elements and techniques of the Yoga breath. I believe that many Yoga practitioners forget to emphasize in the importance of breathing. Yes, there are many poses, but the poses are really null and void without the movement of the breath." I studied her body language and waited for her eyes to light up with interest. I knew that Yoga was her truest passion.

  "Breath is the evidence of life. Without breath, life would cease," she replied.

  Her statement excited me. "Yes! That's why I firmly believe you will be great for this DVD! Your passion is strong and easily communicated to novices. I will have the script to you by the end of the day."

  "Thanks," she grinned, turning toward the door.

  Looking at the calendar, I saw there was a gala dinner on Friday night. "Oh! Alexis, I have one more question. There is a gala dinner on Friday night in the old part of town. Would you mind joining me as my assistant?"

  She hesitated but answered promptly. "Sure, I don't mind at all." As she left my office, I sat back in pure satisfaction. In fact, I twirled a complete circle in my chair. It was a great day at the office.

  Chapter 5

  I wore a dark red sequenced dress that perfectly fitted my hourglass figure before cascading to the floor in an elegant train. Jessica helped me twirl my hair into a fancy French twist and decorated it with sparkli
ng rhinestones. No one at the gala would be able to discern the difference between real diamonds and least I hoped not. Ashton wore a black tuxedo with a black bow tie. I never knew that such a prestigious event could take place in the old part of Hillsboro. I almost felt guilty for accusing Ashton of joy riding through the streets of Hillsboro on the day that I was with Seth. Perhaps he was being truthful about the wealthy entertaining themselves in the mid-sized Southern town. Asheville wasn't far away, so it didn't make much sense to me, but then again, many things didn't make sense to me.

  Ashton escorted me with my arm resting on his inner elbow. It was like something you would see on the movie, Titanic. To my surprise, this gala was fancier than the previous one I attended with him in Asheville. There weren’t any peaceful gardens at this event. Large, diamond-encrusted chandeliers hung from the ceiling and cast a candlelight glow throughout the room. I was grateful for the carpeted floors because they actually helped stabilize my high-heeled pumps.

  "Are the same people here that were at the last gala?" I asked Ashton quietly.

  "No," he replied. "These people are the richest in the country and invest in some of the most successful startups the world." I was amazed at his statement and then I wondered how a middle-class girl was going to blend in with the richest of the rich. I held my head high and tried to tell myself that I was just as beautiful as any of the women here!

  One by one, Ashton introduced me to each successful entrepreneur. Each of them grinned, shook my hand and, after a little small talk, went on their merry way. In many ways, Ashton seemed proud to show me off as his trophy, but with each greeting, he would say, "Let me introduce you to my assistant, Miss Alexis King." I felt out of place. I had been to many extravagant events throughout my young life but had never felt as rejected as I did there. It seemed as if I were in high school and trying to fit in with the popular crowd. I pressed through the awkwardness and carried myself with confidence and poise. An hour into the event, I left Ashton temporarily to find the restroom. Before I exited the main entryway, I couldn't help but overhear a group of men that were huddled in the corner and discussing Ashton. I did not intend to eavesdrop until I heard my name.


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