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Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance

Page 4

by Pixie Moon

  I grab the sheets when the spacecraft suddenly shudders. My heart races a mile a minute when it does it again. What is happening? Are we going to die? Are other aliens going to board the craft and sell us all? Or kill us all? If our attackers are small, I might be able to kill a few of them. I go over some moves in my head.

  With every tremble of the craft, my worry builds and builds. My stomach hurts. Time seems to drag by. After what feels like forever, I notice that the trembling of the craft has stopped.

  Joy fills my soul. We didn’t get boarded by mean aliens!

  I quickly remember my luck. Listening closely, I sit still for a long while. When I don’t hear any sounds of fighting I release a pent up breath. It’s going to be okay. I wait and wait. Nothing bad happens.

  A squeak flies past my lips when I feel like I’m sinking. The bed is fine. It hasn’t moved. I take a breath and hold it. The sinking feeling comes over me again.

  When I feel a light tremble of the craft, my heart starts racing again. “Shit, we just landed.”

  I squeak again when the door opens. Din Tairin smiles as he walks in. My heart pounds at the sight of his dimples.

  He picks of the bag and looks inside. “You did well, seema.”

  His praise causes warmth to fill my chest. I look down at the wrinkled sheets on the bed and quickly straighten them. I’m suddenly hit by my vulnerable position. Before, I just wanted to get away from the barpolians and all the scary aliens in the crowd, now I don’t know what to do. I tug on the sheet again.

  “Don’t worry about that. One of the port crew will clean the craft.”

  I remember why the sheets got so wrinkled. My death grip. “What happened? Why was the ship shaking?”

  “We ran into some space debris. Nothing too serious. Now it’s time to go. You have to be checked out by our doctor and then I can take you home.”

  “Doctor?” I like the sound of home, but not doctor. They experiment on people. I shake my head. “I don’t need one. I’m fine.” I give him a smile that I hope is convincing.

  His gaze hardens as he reaches for my hand. “He won’t hurt you. Now let’s go.”

  I don’t like his tone at all. But the current that flows between us when our skin touches has all of my nerve endings heating up.

  I look up in time to see the little vents along his nose flutter. He growls lightly and for the first time I realize that he has short fangs.

  My safe haven doesn’t look so safe anymore.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  Din Tairin leads me out of the room and down the corridor. My stomach lurches when I see a male I haven’t seen before.

  Din Treia is talking to him. My nerves jitter when I realize how short I am compared to the others. Flipping fuck. Even the female zaphinian has to be seven feet tall. The closer we get to the other two giants, the smaller I feel.

  They are dangerous.

  Din Tairin tightens his hand around mine for a second. My heart leaps like an excited puppy. My nerve endings tingle. No, this is not good. Nobody can be loved or trusted. Especially, powerful people. Flipping motherfuckers.

  Din Treia looks down and smiles at me before all three of them start talking in a language I don’t understand. Light coming in from the spacecraft door opening reveals blue strands in her black hair. Is that natural? Would a warrior dye their hair? I can’t imagine it. Her gaze captures mine. There is kindness in her three toned eyes. I’m startled to realize that Din Tairin has three tones in his eyes as well. I look at the new male. So does he. This one’s eyes have two shades of silver and a shade of teal.

  Din Treia’s eyes are three different tones of blue. I look at Din Tairin and see that his have two shades of gold and one shade of dark purple. My heart sinks. They are all pretty eyed. I’m so plain. There is no way I can fit in with them. I’m just an average human. They are a cut above.

  My male doesn’t even have any scars. He’s a pretty boy for sure. I peek up at the other male. I do notice that he has a scar on his right cheek but with the short beard along his strong jaw and masculine lips, he’s ruggedly handsome.

  Even the female is good looking in a rough and tough way. I wouldn’t want her mad at me.

  Din Tairin gently squeezes my hand. I look up into his mesmerizing eyes. He nods toward the male. “Kinsey Lea, this is Din Von TocGar. He is a friend of mine and like Din Treia, he can be trusted.”

  I stare up at the male and get caught in his gaze. I feel like he’s reading my mind. I don’t like it. I feel naked. When he nods and looks back a Din Tairin, I sag in relief. These people are intense.

  As they talk, I’m led down the ramp and out of the spacecraft. A twinge of doubt assails me. I quickly grew accustomed to the small craft. It turned out to be safe. I have no idea what to expect now.

  Metal walls box us in. The floor is stone. Hard and smooth. Just like the zaphinian warriors. I look around and see a few other crafts in the massive area. My heart starts hammering. How many people are on this planet? Are there multiple beings or will I be the only alien here?

  Flipping fuck, I’m an alien! This can’t be good.

  Din Tairin GyRol inhales and then leans down and whispers, “Calm yourself, seema. You are safe.”

  A shiver runs down my spine at the sound of his masculine voice so close to my ear. My clit starts pulsing. No. This can’t be good at all. I’m way too attracted to him.

  That’s bad. If I stay and let him get under my skin, it will kill me when he tosses me aside for another. David’s deception would be nothing in comparison because I didn’t have any feelings for him. I didn’t even know I could be so drawn to anybody.

  Din Von TocGar opens a huge door and I’m ushered through it.

  More metal walls and stone flooring. But that’s not all. There are beings all along the massive corridor. Most are zaphinian, but not all of them. There are maroon beings and tan ones with purple hair. I spot a scary green being and am glad when it goes into one of the doors lining the corridor.

  Laughter has me looking up and to my right. Fangs. The zaphinian male’s fangs remind me of how different I am. I’m the freak here. I stiffen and then hear a tsking sound. I look up at Din Tairin. He makes that tsking sound. It was him.

  He leans down and whispers, “Calm yourself, seema.”

  A shiver runs up my spine when his breath blows across my ear. My heart races now for a whole different reason. He has too much power over me. I have to get away.

  I watch the crowd and search for a way out. Up ahead I see a wide door that looks like it could lead outside. When someone enters it, I see light pour in. Sunlight. Yes. Now I have a place to go, I just need to get away from Din Tairin.

  A shout to my left has me looking that way. A fist flies as a maroon being and a pink being start fighting. Their shouts blast through the corridor. When another maroon being steps in to help his friend, a rush of zaphinians come over.

  In the mayhem, I’m knocked out of Din Tairin’s grip. I duck and dodge through the heavy crowd. I hear him yell but I don’t stop. I have to make it to those doors and out of here.

  Since I’m smaller, I’m easily able to slip through the massive beings swarming the corridor. My heart is pounding as I push my target door open and burst through it. Looking over my shoulder, I lunge for freedom. My heart is heavy and light at the same time. I really liked Din Tairin. But I know I won’t do well when he gets rid of me.

  I take another huge step and the air whooshes from my lungs. Massive arms surround me. I yelp in shock. I should have been looking where I’m going, not behind me.

  I struggle and the arms tighten a bit more. Masculine air fills my lungs. He smells good but not the same as my male.

  No. I don’t have a male. Din Tairin is not mine.

  “I’m sorry for running into you,” I say into his wide chest. I look up planning on pleading with him to let me go. I’m a survivor. I can make it on my own.

When my gaze locks onto his I gasp in confusion. “How did you? You were behind me.”

  I hear the door open but I don’t look around. I’m already caught. Now I’m going to a doctor who could probe me. I shudder and squirm in his arms.

  I hear two inhales.

  The arms around me loosen but don’t let me go. “Did you lose someone, brother?”

  “What?” I look behind me. Shock has my jaw dropping. I look back up at the male holding me.

  A familiar tsking comes from behind me. I sag into the male holding me. “Twins.” That’s why this one smells different.

  A chuckle comes from the one holding me.

  “Yes, I’m Din Zairin GyRol. And you belong to my brother.” He turns me around and pushes me toward his twin. In a heartbeat, the metal cuff is securely placed around my wrist and then Din Tairin’s.

  I mentally prepare myself for whatever punishment he is going to dole out. From Din Tairin’s weapon covered clothes and those of his friends, I know he is a warrior. Warriors can’t let disobedience go. And he bought me to be his submissive. Flipping fuck. I doubt calculating and attempting an escape is deemed submissive here.

  “I’m so flipping screwed,” I whisper.

  I hear him tsk right before he nuzzles my ear. A shiver runs through me. Flipping fucking fudge. I hate how attracted I am to him.

  “You have nothing to fear.” His gaze captures mine. “As long as you stay with me. For the most part, Zaphin is safe.” He pauses and I stare at him until the intensity gets to me. A touch to my chin has me looking back up into his beautiful eyes. “Don’t run off again. Like every planet, there are dangers here. Always do as I say, seema.”

  I nod and he looks away and starts talking to his twin in that language I don’t understand. As we go back inside, dread fills my stomach. He’s taking me to see his doctor.

  With each step I take, the dread in my stomach grows. This is torture. I stop and look up at him. “Can we get my punishment over with?” I silently beg him for mercy.

  He makes a softer tsking sound. “You will not be punished for trying to escape. I would have done the same thing.” His gaze hardens. “But don’t try it again. You are safe with me. But if you disobey me again, you will be punished.”

  His deep and disturbing tone lets me know he means what he says. As he starts leading me down the corridor, I wonder what kind of punishment he doles out.

  I’m still shocked that he didn’t beat me for running. A spark of hope flares in my heart. No, I can’t be so gullible. The second he gets me to his house he could turn into a true monster. If he lives far enough away from others there will be no witnesses when he gets me alone.

  I have to stay on alert. I blow out a harsh breath. The old trusting, Kinsey Lea Walker can never come back. She was a fool. I’m not that gullible girl anymore. I’m a grown woman. One who needs to watch her own back. People can’t be trusted.

  I’m ushered through a door and into an all white room. I blink as I’m quickly moved into another room. This one has the same white walls and floor but it also has black and silver machines.

  I look up into Din Tairin’s eyes. “I’ll be good. Don’t let me be probed.” Hell, I’ll drop to my knees if I have to. I start bending my knees but he quickly pulls me up.

  Movement to my right has me looking past Din Zairin and into three-tone green eyes. Shit, this male is a touch taller than the twins and they are a good seven feet tall. I sink into Din Tairin’s embrace. I try to make myself as small as possible.

  The new male points to a corner and before I can blink I’m being placed on a black and silver machine.

  “Flipping fuck, you’re fast.”

  A chuckle comes from Din Zairin.

  Din Tairin looks down at me. “Stay still. This machine is going to scan you but it won’t hurt you. Just be calm, Kinsey Lea.”

  I love the way my name rolls off his tongue. His scent is filling my lungs and strangely making me feel better. I jerk when I hear a humming sound.

  “Don’t worry. Dr. Lar ResTa just started the scanner. Just breathe and it will all be over before you know it.” His tone and scent are soothing.

  I let him ground me and then silently berate myself because people can’t be trusted. A blue light comes from the machine and a short time later a clicking sound echoes through the door.

  Din Tairin helps me off the machine. I sigh with relief but it doesn’t last long.

  The doctor had been a safe distance away but in a blur of motion he is near me. I feel a tug on my shirt and then a sting in my arm.

  Before I can rub it, he’s back and I feel a sting in my neck.

  “What the flipping fuck?” I reach up to touch my neck.

  Din Tairin tsks. “Don’t touch your neck just yet.”

  “What did he do to me? Can we go?” I want to get away from that fast fucker.

  “He gave you a shot to make sure you stay healthy and then he put a communicator chip in your neck so you can understand many languages. You will hear a lot of them on Zaphin so it’s important for you to have the chip.”

  I cringe as a surge of heat ripples through my neck. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

  The doctor comes over and looks down at me. “I’ve learned that humans need a fast touch.” His gaze moves to Din Tairin. “She’s clear. Let me know if any problems arise with the chip.”

  The way the doctor talks about me makes me feel less than human.

  Wait a minute. I realize that he wasn’t speaking English. I listen to them say their goodbyes in another language. This is cool.

  As I’m led down the corridor and to the door leading outside, I realize that Din Tairin GyRol had told me the truth.

  The doctor didn’t hurt me.

  Hope once again surges through my chest. I know I shouldn’t hold onto it. But I’m going to—just for a little while.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  A war is going on inside me.

  Each step makes me wonder if I am being led to my doom. I look at my alien. He’s so handsome. Could he be leading me to a better life? I inhale his scent and hold it deep in my lungs. Friendly laughter from nearby quickly reminds me that looks can be deceptive. People are almost never really what they appear on the outside.

  Din Zairin calls out to a warrior and then bids his twin goodbye. I flinch when Din Zairin tells Din Tairin not to lose me. The tsking my warrior makes has me flinching again. I watch Din Zairin head toward another badass looking male. Badasses seem to grow on trees around here. Flourishing trees.

  My eyebrows jump up as Din Tairin is opening the door. Lush tan, blue, and green plants can be seen at a distance. I've never seen anything so beautiful. As soon as we are out the door I stop and just stare around me. Everything is so amazing.

  The flapping of wings has me looking up. I can't help but smile when I see a flock of large birds. They are loud but beautiful to me. As soon as they are gone I notice the circular sun is riding low in the sky. I am amazed at the pretty color of their sun. The blue ring around it is another reminder that I'm not on earth anymore.

  My stomach knots at that reminder. When Din Tairin nudges me forward, I glance down and see that I'm on a massive stone landing. The tan, rust, and black stones form a piece of art. I take a step to the side and stare at it in wonder. My eyes taking in the constellation of stars and planets. It's the perfect landing for a spaceport.

  "It's getting late. Let's get you home," Din Tairin says as he starts leading me down the stairs and toward one of several huge stone paths.

  A little way down the path a gust of wind comes from nowhere. It pushes me into Din Tairin. Instead of getting mad, he studies me and keeps on walking. I'm glad to know that he doesn't seem to anger quickly.

  A few steps farther down the path, I hear the flutter of wings. I look up and see a beautiful bird. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. It flies around us and comes in close for a look at me. I smile at it.
Its long thick purple beak opens and chirps a little song.

  Its yellow feathers flap loudly as it flies up higher in circles around us. Maybe this planet won't be so bad. I'm already making friends.

  As the pretty purple and yellow bird flies around us, I look up at Din Tairin. "What kind of bird is that?"

  "It's an ardop."

  "It's beautiful." I smile as I watch it start to fly higher and higher. Yes, this planet is looking good.

  A loud squawk comes from the ardop. I look up and shriek in surprise. In horror I watch as a massive dark blue bird with a purple belly opens its huge ridged beak and then snaps it shut on my little friend.


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