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Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance

Page 9

by Pixie Moon

  After I’ve got all the filled glasses set on the table, I sit down and covertly watch Din Tairin and his warrior friends. A few of them toss off their shirts and then all of them pair off and start blocking and throwing punches. It’s easy to see that this is not their first training session.

  I get caught up in watching their muscles bunch and flex as they go through some drills. In no time, taunts start flying. They progressively get faster and their punches get harder.

  One whistles and they all stop. I release a harsh breath as they head toward the table. I step back and watch as they gulp their stros down. A blast of wind raises my sheer uniform. Heat circle through my cheeks. I don’t like being dressed like this in front of so many large males. I hold my breath and hope they don’t notice me. Human males would be all over me. Not in a good way.

  My worry is for nothing. They talk about business for a few moments without even looking my way. I’m a little relieved and insulted at the same time. Their break doesn’t last long. I watch them practice for a moment and then start refilling their glasses.

  The sun beams down on them and soon they are sweating. I try not to think of how much I like Din Tairin sweating as he takes me. His heat and passion are like nothing I’ve felt before. I blow out a breath and shake the memories off. No need in getting all horny right now. It’s not like I can tease Din Tairin while his friends are over. Although that might be interesting. Seeing him struggle to control himself could be payback for the times he’s frustrated me. A wicked side of me wonders what he’d do.

  I look his friends over and know I won’t torture him. When Lor turns to block a blow, I see the outline of his family crest on his chest. The zaphinians are intruding people. Strong willed and relatively nice. As more taunts fly, I see how caring they can be to the people closest to them.

  An ache stabs through my heart. I push through the pain. I don’t need loving friends and family. They always go away.

  The sound of wings whispers through the air. I look up and smile when a blue camleon flies around me and then lands on my arm. It looks right at me as it starts chirping away. My heart melts. My feathered friends are the best. They are all I need.

  No, whispers through my heart. I glance at Din Tairin. If only.

  A loud chattering green camleon lands on my head, roots around in my hair, and then lands on the table. I laugh at it as I straighten my hair. The two camleons look between me and each other as they chirp and fly around crazily from place to place.

  “What kind of nectar have you two been sipping?” I watch their antics and welcome the warmth they bring to my heart.

  The sound of metal has me jumping and darting a look toward the guys. Fuck they are now doing drills with their weapons. When my pretty boy almost gets sliced by Ryk’s glowing sword, I cringe and am thankful that my feathered friends don’t do weapons.

  I silently chuckle when I think of Din Tairin as a pretty boy. The twins are definitely prettier than the others. I look them all over. Each male is handsome in his own way. I just don’t feel anything for the ruggedly handsome ones. Not even for Din Zairin. I look away in disgust. I’ve got it bad and I better get over it fast. Love has no place in my life.

  A whistle fills the air once again. I watch them come over and gulp their stros. They get into a discussion about thieves and the air around them changes. It becomes more determined and tougher.

  What is that all about? Aren’t they used to that kind of crime? Why are they more aggressive? Don’t they have thieves here all the time just like Earth does? Or are they this way all the time when it comes to criminals. That’s probably it. Good warriors don’t like criminals.

  They aren’t back at it for long when Tairin barely dodges a vicious blow from Dax’s glowing ax. Cringing, I switch my gaze and watch the camleons fly around me. They are safer to watch. I have to smile when a blue bird flies close to me.

  Big dark green eyes blink at me. The bird’s bushy unibrow raises comically as it chirps at me. “I wish I could speak your language, little friend.” My words cause the bird’s unibrow to drop down. “Maybe you wish you could understand me as well.” When the bird lands on my arm, I ruffle one of the tuffs of hair that sticks out on each side of its head. “We can still be friends.”

  It chirps and its unibrow raises again. Another camleon comes over and the two start chirping at each other and then fly off. The three sections of their long tails seem to dance as they fly up to their home. I like their birdhouse. Five have moved in so far. Maybe some babies will come along soon.

  Din Tairin showed how nice he can be when he’s not distracted with his job. I understand how important his job is though. Dangerous too. A shiver runs along my spine. I can’t think about what could happen to him. It’s too painful.

  The clanging of metal and loud cussing of gruff voices draws my attention back to the guys. Din Ryk is slashing at Din Ash who is holding his ground with unnatural strength. The tattoos on Din Ash’s arms seem to ripple and pulse with life. But that can’t be, can it?

  Din Lor shifts into my view as he sends his cord out and whips Din Zairin’s sword aside long before the thick metal can cut him. The cord slowly comes back to Din Lor only to be whipped out and around Din Dax’s leg. One tug and the warrior goes down. How the hell does Din Lor have such control over the cord?

  Taunts are flying as Din Tairin steps in and fights Din Lor off while Din Dax jumps to his feet. They are amazing to watch. So beautiful—in a sleek deadly animal sort of way.

  They are a badass team.

  My foolish heart longs to be a part of their team forever. Even if it’s only filling their glasses so they can practice longer. I want to be part of this world, their world, Tairin’s world. An awful ache spears through my chest. My heart longs for Tairin’s love. A foolish longing, that one.

  A blur of tan, low to the ground, catches my attention. The guys yell and Din Tairin doges just in time to avoid something hitting him. What was it? And what is that creature? From the guys reaction it is something dangerous.

  I’m glad Din Tairin is able to dodge so well. The twins seem to have an uncanny sense of movement around them before it even happens. Looks like that ability just saved my lover. My heart seizes at the thought of Tairin getting killed. Pain shoots through my chest. I can’t do that again. I have to harden my dumbass heart.

  Life is too uncertain to get attached to anyone. My gaze drifts over Tairin. If I can just make myself believe that, I’ll be all right.

  The guys are talking fast as they surround the slender creature. I openly stare at them. Why are they so concerned about the small bundle of fur? It’s funny to watch such tall stout men get so stirred up over a two foot tall fluffy animal.

  “Yeah, why is that?” I ask one of the green camleons that is chattering up a storm right in my face. The bird’s unibrow is going up and down and the tuffs of hair on its head are bobbing more than usual. “What is it?” The bird flaps its wings and flies high over the guys heads.

  Din Tairin calls me over. What the hell? I look up and see that all five of the camleons are chirping and watching the guys. Something is up. I cautiously move over to Din Tairin.

  He has the slender tan creature in his hands. It is squirming and hissing. “I don’t think it likes you holding it.”

  I hear a chuckle come from one of the guys.

  “It doesn’t,” my lover agrees. “This is a dagstab. Stay far away from them. When they feel threatened or get startled they shoot poisonous quills from their tail.”

  Fuck. “That’s what you dodged? Poisonous quills.”

  “Yes, seema. They usually don’t kill zaphinians but the poison does make us very sick. With your skin being so soft, you’d get a full dose of poison.”

  I look closely at the creature. It looks a little like a ferret. I think of the quills and shiver. The dagstab’s tail is about two feet long. I’ll have to remember to avoid it like the plague.

  One of the camleons flies over my head and chatte
rs loudly. Fear for my friend has me pointing to the birdhouse. To my relief the bird actually does fly home.

  “How come it’s not shooting more quills?”

  “Because it can’t. It used them all up when it tried to get me and then Din Dax when we surrounded it. Now it’ll be half a day before new quills have grown in enough to make it dangerous again.” I watch Din Tairin walk a little ways into the lush jungle and release the dagstab. A blur of tan shoots through the undergrowth and is gone in a heartbeat.

  Blue and green surround me. Four of the camleons living in our birdhouse are flying wildly around me. The tuffs of hair on their heads is dancing wildly as they chirp and chatter like crazy. They seem to be trying to tell me something.

  “What’s got you guys all riled up?”

  “The dagstab,” Din Ryk says.


  Din Tairin looks at our birds and then back at me. “Because dagstabs eat camleons.”

  “Backflipping fuck.” A camleon flies over and lands on my shoulder. I ruffle the hair on its head. I can barely contain myself. My friends need me. I turn narrowed eyes on Din Tairin. “Why didn’t you kill it?”

  The camleon chatters something toward Din Tairin and flies off.

  My pulse kicks up and my hands tremble. “Did you just murder my friends? Is that little bastard coming back tonight to kill them all? Flipping fuck! Was he casing the place?”

  “Calm down, Kinsey Lea. Dagstabs cannot climb poles like the one attached to your birdhouse. That’s why it’s so slick and smooth. Birds who live in houses like that are protected.”

  I feel some of the rage pulsing in me slip away.

  Din Tairin strokes back a few strands of my hair that my friends messed up. The gesture is gentle and his gold and purple gaze is soft. I feel even more of my rage ease away.

  “That’s why I bought the birdhouse for you. To protect your pets.”

  Now I feel bad for yelling at him.

  I hear a few sniffs and then see the guys walk off in my peripheral vision. I must look like a loon to them. A short human loon.

  “I’m sorry for yelling at you.” A blue camleon chirps as it flies over my head. “I just can’t stand the thought of my friends getting killed.”

  “It’s all right, little seema. I know how it feels to want to protect those you love.” The wind blows a few strands of hair in my face. Before I can brush them aside, he does. “Go inside. You did well today.”

  I glance at the table and see that most of the glasses are empty. “Don’t you all need more stros?”

  “No, we are going to talk business for just a little longer and then they are going home. You can clean up after they leave. Go on inside, seema.”

  “Okay, but I will refill the glasses if needed.” He gives me a curt nod and then heads over to his friends. Badass friends. I could kick myself for getting mad in front of them. Showing anger could get me taken into the jungle and left there to rot. I have to start doing better.

  I don’t want to lose Din Tairin. Ugh, when am I going to learn? Nothing in life lasts forever.

  As I pass the guys I hear them talking about the increase in crime. Their growly tones cause a shiver of fear to slither through me.

  Is this planet more dangerous than Earth?

  ~ Din Tairin ~

  As the guys talk about the strange increase of crime on Zaphin, I watch Kinsey Lea walk into the house. She did well today. The tiny warrior defended her pets with honor.

  Ash slaps his hand down on my shoulder. “Your seema handled her training well. Her submission and loyalty are good signs.”

  Ryk dips his chin knowingly. “Yes, that loyalty will easily transfer over to you, Tairin.”

  “Her scent makes me believe that to be true. But it also tells me that she’s holding back. Just when she’s starting to relax and enjoy her life here, she closes up and mentally distances herself from me. Her past is not a pleasant one so I understand her actions. But it’s still painful to watch.” She’s too precious to have suffered so much.

  “Give her time. She’ll come around. Earth is a bad place. Only time will teach her that Zaphin is a good place to live,” Ryk says.

  Since Ryk has a human female himself, his words make me feel better. Kinsey Lea Walker will come around. She’ll be fine.

  Now if I could just figure out why she draws me like no other, I’d be fine.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  Butterflies are rioting in my stomach.

  We just pulled up to Din Tairin’s friend, Din Zar TocGar’s, home. From the amount of vehicles in the yard, we must be the last ones to show up. My fingers twist in the soft material of my short dress. It’s the prettiest one I’ve ever seen but with it’s open back I’m wondering if it’s too sensual for a house party.

  Din Tairin inhales deeply. “Don’t worry, seema. You will enjoy yourself.”

  I shrug and the thin strap falls off my shoulder. I shiver when Tairin’s rough fingers slid the material back into place.

  “Don’t you think I look too slutty? I love this dress but I don’t want to leave a bad impression on your friends.” If he doesn’t get rid of me soon, that is.

  He looks so handsome in his snug jeans and fitted shirt. The short tight sleeves allow me to see just how buff he is. I can’t believe he’s mine. At least for the moment. It’s paramount that I remember that last part.

  That tsking sound comes from him. “You look fine, seema. Here on Zaphin we appreciate our bodies. All manner of dress is acceptable. Let’s go in. There are a few more people you need to meet. Remember how you are to greet them.”

  Maybe this pretty dress will be fine. “I won’t let you down.” As he gets out of the vehicle, I release a pent up breath. I sounded much more confident than I feel. Meeting more of his severe friends is scary.

  The second he helps me out of the vehicle, I hear music. My heart lightens. Maybe everything will be okay, fun even.

  I just need to remember that I’m his seema. I’m here to please Din Tairin GyRol. I glance over at him and shiver. Pleasing him in bed is extremely satisfying. Desire pools in my belly. No, no, no. Don’t think about sex. I don’t need flushed cheeks to give my infatuation with my boss away.

  We don’t even make it a foot into the house when Din Zairin inhales and his gaze captures mine. I endure his probing gaze like a champ. At his nod I move on to greet Din Dax and then the rest of the guys I know. By the time the soul probing is over I don’t feel as confident. They are just too intense.

  Din Tairin gestures toward three males that are staring me down. Oh flipping fuck. They are just as tall and menacing at the rest of them.

  “Kinsey Lea, these are my friends and fellow Din warriors, Zar TocGar, Hauk QuanLo, and Fane OcanTi. Greet them.”

  I straighten my spine and look into Din Zar’s eyes. They are teal and silver and super intimidating. I fidget even though I don’t want to. Din Tairin’s hand lands on my hip. His warmth is comforting. I sink into it.

  At Din Zar’s nod, I look up into Din Hauk’s blue and silver eyes. His gaze probes into my soul just like the others. Damn, they are good at this. When he dips his chin, I notice the scar through his left eyebrow. These guys are tough and all of them are handsome in a rugged masculine way.

  At the clearing of Din Tairin’s throat, I remember what’s expected of me. And it’s not to stare at his friends. “Sorry.”

  I look over into amused blue and silver eyes. Din Fane’s are a different shade than Din Hauk’s but they are just as pretty and intense. My shoulders drop when he nods.

  The sound of feminine voices carry over to us. I look over and see two human females heading our way. Both females look at me and smile before they each greet Din Tairin.

  As they stare into his eyes, I realize how intimate the greeting is. Those butterflies in my stomach go on a rampage. Will he like them better than me? Will they want him? Din Tairin does have a draw that the other
males don’t have.

  Flipping fuck. I’m about to get kicked to the jungle. I hear a few loud inhales and some soft growls. The others must know I’m about to be booted. I think of my friends. Maybe it won’t be so bad. But I am going to miss my lover terribly. Fuck, I shouldn’t have gotten so attached to him.

  Din Tairin inhales and his vents flutter. “Calm yourself, seema. You have nothing to fear. These people are my friends and business partners. You can trust them.” He looks the females over. “Now it’s time for you to meet Hallie and Skyla. They are taken by Din Zar and Din Ryk.”

  Relief whooshes through me and makes my knees weak. If they are taken their males most likely won’t let them go after Din Tairin.


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