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Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance

Page 11

by Pixie Moon

  Hallie nods her agreement. “You get used to it. At least they can’t read our minds.”

  As they start talking about the guys, my thoughts go wild. How much have I given away? I don’t want Tairin to know I’m falling for him. Desperate people always get left behind.

  No, he shouldn’t know. I’m pretty good at burying my feelings. He can’t know. Well fuck, the way they have us address them makes more sense. Their stare evokes emotions. Emotions they can read. I’ll have to be more careful. Show no weakness.

  Some gruff growling from the guys travels all the way into the bedroom. Skyla and Hallie look at each other. Worry fills their eyes.

  Hallie bites her lip and then says, “I don’t like the sound of that. I hope the guys don’t start acting ugly and gruff all the time. I like Zar when he’s more laidback.”

  Skyla is quick to agree. “Me too. But you know, Ryk has seemed more distracted lately.”

  “Yeah, so has Zar. I hope things go back to normal soon.”

  More growling voices float into the room.

  “I don’t like how mean and scary they sound,” Skyla admits.

  “Yeah, their easygoing version is much better,” Hallie says. Her eyes glaze over. “Not that I could stop loving him anyway.”

  Skyla’s eyes turn dreamy. “Me too. I love Ryk so much it hurts sometimes.”

  I long for a love like that. Is my warrior capable of loving me that deeply? Was Tairin more laidback before? He has been distracted since I came here. I’d love to see him smile more. These rebel groups could be the reason he’s so serious. What will happen if the grounfos don’t stop causing trouble?

  “I’m sure things will go back to normal real soon. Our guys are good at what they do.” The confidence in Hallie’s tone eases some of my worries.

  They know the warriors better than I do. When they start talking about food, I relax even more. Things will be fine.

  More snarls float over to us. A spear of pain shoots through my heart. Nothing bad is going to happen. People fight all the time. This planet is still better than Earth.

  Plus, Din Tairin is here. I remember how he hugged me to him just a bit ago. Even if he doesn’t say he likes me, his actions say he does. At least for now.

  I’ll cherish every moment I have with him.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  The darkened glass and metal building vibrates with life.

  No wonder the warriors love it. As soon as we walk inside I feel the vibrant pulse. I breathe in the energy and relish the rush it gives me.

  The rush is hindered a bit at the sight of two badass looking warriors guarding the entrance into the club.

  Din Tairin greets them as Din Dran and Din Noleb. Both are scary and menacing but Din Dran is the spookiest by far. His gold and silver eyes gleam in an indescribable way. A shiver slides down my back when he looks me over. His collar length hair should soften his appearance but it doesn't.

  I look over at Din Noleb. His collar length hair does soften his rough edges. His dark and light blue eyes are a touch friendlier than the other bouncer’s.

  I glance back as I'm led into the club. The door opens and a maroon skinned male enters. All of the sudden I realize that the bouncers need to look scary. I should have figured that one out sooner, but fuck, that's hard to do when they are looking at you.

  The fluttering of wings snares my attention. Birds. "You didn't tell me you have birds in your club."

  Laughter pours from him. It's a rich sound that warms my heart.

  "We don't."

  My eyebrows dart up at the beautiful sight that rises above the crowd. I clutch Din Tairin's arm.

  "What is she?" The tiny thing flies toward a bar and then stops midflight. I watch in wonder as she flies our way and then circles over my head.

  "This is Tlo. She’s a brewmar.”

  Tlo winks at me and then flies toward the bar. I watch as the light purple skinned female users her beautiful wings to carry her away.

  "She's amazing." I can't stop staring at her. "Her tiny clothes are adorable."

  Din Tairin starts guiding me to the bar. "Yes, they all are amazing. We have ten brewmars working here. They are stronger than they look and loyal in a way few are."

  I look at all the zaphinians and several other intriguing species that are in the club. They are all tall and strong.

  "Are the brewmars ever in danger? They are so tiny."

  "We don't allow people to touch them. It's in their club contract." The growl in his voice makes me feel better. The winged beauties are safe.

  We reach the bar and my eyebrows hike up again.

  Two bartenders are putting on a show as they gracefully mix drinks. They toss glasses, bottles, and fruit as they move about like dancers.

  The one with blue and gold eyes has me jumping when he tosses a full glass higher than usual. A brewmar flies by and catches the glass with practiced ease.

  Purple and silver eyes zero in on me. I suck in a loud breath when he winks. His chuckle carries over the music.

  He gives me a dimpled smile before turning to Din Tairin. "What can we get you and your lovely female?"

  "The regular," Din Tairin replies and then looks out at the crowd.

  Questions bombard my mind but I can't take my eyes off the bartenders. I'll have to ask about the other species who are milling around when we reach a quieter place. I watch another brewmar catch a drink and then fly off. That one was a male. His tiny pants and lack of a shirt gave him away.

  The lively beat vibrates the floor and fills me with energy. I may not want to leave this club.

  A male pushes through the crowd and makes a disapproving sound. Who is this guy? I look over at the male. Sharp green and silver eyes are staring daggers through the energetic bartenders. I smile when the two bartenders don't seem to be phased by the guy at all.

  A minute later the guy clears his throat, his eyes sharp enough to cut stone. "If you two didn't prance about you could fill drink orders faster." He gestures around. "The members are important. Treat them that way and they'll be happy."

  Purple and silver eyes gleam. The winking bartender tosses a glass and then spins three times before catching it and filling it with purple liquid. He tosses it again and a brewmar catches it and flies off.

  Sharp Eyes stiffens. "You must stop that. You two are wasting time."

  Both bartenders look at Din Tairin.

  He cuts the guy a bored look. "Tin WorMoc, look around you. The club members love a show. Din Lok and Din Soja make the place more lively—more fun. Most of the crowd are warriors seeking a break. They are here to release tension not to guzzle drinks and get wasted." He stares pointedly at Sharp Eyes…Tin WorMoc. "Do you understand now?"

  Tin’s shoulders sag. "Yes, Din Tairin. I just have to point out wasteful behavior. I can't help myself. I’ll try though."

  That was a terrible apology. Sharp Eyes needs to take lessons. The humans in my past could teach him.

  Din Tairin raises a dark brow. "Try harder."

  Lights flash and strobe over the partiers, masking the tension. Nostrils flared, Tin gives a jerky nod and then turns and heads away from the bar.

  I watch him disappear into the happy crowd. It strikes me that he wasn't called Din. Sharp Eyes must not be a warrior. I look around at all the tough males in the club. Tin WorMoc is a fish out of water. I wonder how many more work here. I can relate to being an outsider. It's not a good feeling.

  Flipping fuck, I am not a warrior either. On this planet I think that's a bad thing.

  I tug at my short skirt and long for some pants and a large T-shirt. At least my dress is not totally see-through. My feminine bits are concealed. Looking like prey is never good. I look over and up into a blue/grey face. A scan of his body proves he is just as powerful as a zaphinian warrior. He gives me a knowing smile and the blue ring around his gold eyes sparkles. His gaze sweeps over my body. I step closer to Din Tairin.
I swear I hear the golden eyed male chuckle.

  Fuck, I’m prey.

  Din Tairin inhales sharply. "What's wrong, Kinsey Lea?"

  Not wanting to appear weak, I saying, "Nothing. What species is the blue/grey male?" I’m relieved to see that the male is talking to a zaphinian warrior and no longer messing with me.

  "He’s a sparkgrofian. They are mostly good. The males enjoy flirting with females. Since we don't have any sparkgrofians living here that means he's here on business. Pleasure at the moment."

  Pleasure. Din Tairin knows all about that. When a male draws Tairin's attention I tug on my skirt again. Through the crush of the males, a female makes her way to my side. Her tiny sheer black top and skirt is even smaller and shorter than mine but the confident way she wears it is beautiful.

  Her pink skin glows under the strobing lights. Her white eyes flash as she looks me over. Her gaze settles on the hand I'm tugging my skirt down with.

  She smiles and shakes her finger. "Never be ashamed of your body." She looks me over again. "Especially with one like yours. You are lovely."

  Heat flushes my cheeks. It's a strange mix of embarrassment and pleasure. "Hi, I'm Kinsey Lea."

  "I’m Tling By. Are you from Earth, Bluemoon, or another planet humans come from?"

  Bluemoon? What other planets are humans on? Is she kidding me?

  "I'm from Earth."

  "That explains your surprised look." Tling By gestures around. "This is a good place to be. You can find happiness here."

  Happiness. The conviction in her words eases something within me. There could be a lot of truth in what she said. Even though there are lots of the massive people around me, I don't feel threatened. Nobody is truly looking at me in a viciously predatory way. Most are engaging in conversation. Nobody is fighting.

  A warrior walks up to Tling By and whispers in her ear. Her white eyes gleam as she smiles up at him and then nods her agreement before looking my way. "See you later, Kinsey Lea. Have fun."

  Fun. What types of fun goes on here? I watch her slip off into the crowd. A crowd that now has a few more females. They are all dressed to capture attention and they are owning it. The multitude of species is flipping amazing. They are all unique and pretty in their own way. I can't wait to find out about them.

  A strong hand grips my arm. A shiver runs through me. I know that grip. Warmth coils in my core. Only Din Tairin can draw this powerful response from me with only a touch.

  I look up into his pretty eyes. "Here's your drink, seema. It's time for us to move on."

  I take a drink before he starts leading me through the throng of people. A blast of heat stings a trail down to my stomach. This is not regular stros. I'll have to drink it slowly.

  Each step deeper into the club is more interesting than the last. I catch sight of a packed dance floor and gape when I see a zaphinian male lift a maroon female up and slide his length into her. Bliss transforms their faces.

  A tug on my arm has me dragging my gaze away from the couple. At Din Tairin's tsk, heat fires my cheeks. I’m a peeping pervert. A busted peeping pervert.

  He inhales deeply and then leans down and growls softly as he nuzzles my ear. Desire thrums through my blood. Flipping fuck, I'm wicked. Damn, I didn't even know.

  A little growl comes from Din Tairin. "Sex is natural, good, and extremely relaxing. In this club we have sex anywhere we want. You will get used to it, seema. Now let's keep going."

  To him I'm not wicked at all. I'm normal. Relief floats through me. Maybe I do fit in here. Excited energy fills me. I can let loose. Everyone is.

  I barely make it down a set of stone steps without falling because I can't take my gaze off the people swimming naked in a pool with a flipping waterfall. A waterfall. It's so beautiful. When we reach the bottom of the steps I stop and stare. "The side is see-through," I mumble.

  In awe, I watch females swim. Scratch that, I watch them tease several males standing close to the glass. My definition of wicked just changed. At the looks on the warriors’ faces I know wicked is good, real good.

  "Are you ready to move on, seema?” The humor in Din Tairin's voice lets me know I'm acting like the surprised alien I am. To fit in I have to act like the others. When the two females rub their tits against one another and the guys’ growl encouragingly, heat flushes through me. I look up into knowing gold and purple eyes. Busted again. I glance around at all the sensual acts. No, I’m not busted, I’m normal. This fitting in thing could take time to get used to.

  I’m led to a table and smile when I see Din Von and Din Zairin. At a nudge from Din Tairin, I jerk and then remember how I'm supposed to address his friends. "Sorry."

  I address them and find that the soul search didn't bother me much this time. Guess I’m fitting in more than I realized. Happiness slides through me.

  Green catches my attention. I look over and see a mystical female approach the guys. Her fluid moves are dance perfect. Her demeanor and lush curves are pure sex. Even her dancing tail screams pleasure. When she is drawn to Din Tairin first, I frown. Why didn't she address one of the others first?

  When Din Tairin gives her a dimpled smile something ugly rises up within me. What if he likes her more than me? I cringe when another female waltzes over and gives my alien a lustful look. I don't like this maroon female any more than I like the green one.

  They are too sensual and too close to him. He addresses them for far too long. Pain flares through my heart. Now that he's seen them will he want them? Will he want me out of his life? Flipping fuck, it has happened before. The happy beat continues to roll through the club. I don't like it anymore.

  Tsking has me looking up. Din Tairin's gold and purple eyes have darkened. He leans down and nuzzles my neck. "Relax, you know I can make you."

  The gentle growl in his words has my clit perking up. Yes, my huge warrior can make me melt. "I'll try."

  "Good. Now it's time for you to meet a couple of our playthings." He growls a bit roughly. "Be nice."

  Flipping fuck, he knows I'm jealous. Why do I have to be with a guy who can scent feelings? Now I want to sink into a whole. A deep one. With a scent barrier.

  He flips a hand toward the sexy green creature. She tosses a shining bundle of dark blue strands from her eyes. Black eyes that are fun as well as flirty. No, she can't be nice too.

  Din Tairin says, "This is Kresma. She is a tasrocian." The female winks at me. Din Tairin chuckles. "She's a flirt." He points toward the lovely maroon female with the full pink lips and light blue eyes. "She is Babshi, a mewmosian."

  Both females greet me with genuine smiles. I feel dirty for being jealous of them before I even met them. I should have realized that this was not the first time Tairin has seen them. They work here. I'm around them just long enough to see how fun and sweet they are before two warriors come over and whisk them away.

  Din Tairin sits and pulls me down onto his lap. As he talks to Din Von and Din Zairin I look around at all the unique people. They all look happy and relaxed. A brewmar flies over and circles in the air above me. She smiles and then flies off. I like this club a lot.

  Pride softens my heart. Din Tairin is one of the people responsible for this extraordinary place. When his hand strokes my thigh, I think about how patient and good he's been. Even when duty calls, he remembers my needs. The birdhouse is proof of that. If I’m not careful, he'll steal my heart a piece at a time.

  Deep down I know he already has too much of it. When he growls softly against my ear, my pulse quickens and I no longer worry about where my heart is.

  I sink deeper into his embrace and drink in his sensual touch. As my body heats I notice a huge male who doesn't look friendly walking down the steps near the pool. He is guiding a female into our area. She is practically glowing. The purple in her hair matches the purple ropes coming from the nipple area of her pink top. As soon as the couple gets to a lounge the male whips off her top. My jaw drops. Those aren’t ropes of string, they are ropes of braided hair. The
large male is not surprised by this at all. He tugs the ropes and the female glides into his embrace. The way their bodies melt into each other is telling. They have done this before. She is intriguing and fearless.

  I lean in closer to Din Tairin’s ear. "What is the female with the braided nipple hair?"

  "She's a hiropian. Her name is Day Ping Pet. We have three hiropians working for us."

  His large hand moves up my leg and to the apex of my thighs. He spreads his fingers silently ordering me to open for him. Since I love his touch there is no way I can refuse him.

  I moan when he slips a finger through my damp feminine folds. He inhales and growls softly into my ear. Tingles wash over my skin. Looking at the unique couple, I see her slap his ass hard. He growls loud enough for me to hear the warning sound. Day Ping Pet stares into his eyes and does it again. He stiffens and then takes her ropes of nipple hair into his hand and slowly starts to raise them. He doesn't stop until she is on her tiptoes.


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