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Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance

Page 15

by Pixie Moon

  “Because this is a dangerous world and it’s getting worse. You were warned not to go out alone. You three can’t do this again,” Din Zar says.

  Skyla growls. “Nothing bad happened. We even saw a cute fluffy creature. I took a picture of it. We want to know what it is.”

  Din Ryk grits his teeth and then looks at Skyla’s rounded belly. His gaze softens a bit. Skyla hands him the com screen.

  At a growl from Din Ryk the other warriors crowd him to look at the screen. The silence is heavy. They look at each other and then at us. Their gazes are fiery.

  Din Tairin points a thick finger at all of us. “You will not go on anymore explorations or trips of any sort without us. Is that understood, little humans?”

  We all nod and then Hallie asks, “What is the cute animal?”

  Zar brushes some long strands of Hallie’s hair behind her ear. “We don’t know. That is another reason not to go out alone. It could have been dangerous and still might be. You three might have gotten lucky today. We’ll know more when we find out what it is.”

  Tairin steps closer to me. I look up into his fierce eyes. “The grounfos are stirring up trouble. It’s not safe to travel unattended.” His gaze moves over my friends/travel buddies and then returns to mine. “You three can’t go out…without a warrior, that is. Don’t make us tell you a third time.”

  When regret fills Tairin’s eyes my stomach crawls up my throat and chokes me. I don’t like that look at all. He’s right though, we were warned. We just didn’t take the warriors seriously. It’s daylight. What could have happened?

  “Strip,” Din Zar orders.

  I jump and look at Tairin. He tsks and motions for me to do as I was told.

  Skyla growls and grumbles but she does strip. I pull off my pants, top, and sandals. Since I’m not allowed to wear underwear, I’m now bare. Heat swamps my neck and cheeks but each male is solely focused on his female.

  Din Tairin’s thick arms wrap around me. He could easily snap me in half if he wanted to. I hold still and stiff for a long while. Only when I relax and sink into his warm embrace does he start stroking my back and shoulders. A part of me knows he’s patiently gentling me so he can pounce like a powerful panther but his touch is so warm and his scent so mesmerizing that I find myself leaning into him.

  A soft growl vibrates through his broad chest. My clit lights up. Oh yes, that sound means pleasure is coming. I push my hips against his. His shaft is hard and ready.

  I hear Hallie moan. Maybe the guys changed their minds about the punishment. When Tairin’s rough hands glide over my hips and belly, a sweet shiver runs through me. I ease back so he can cup my heavy breasts. My nipples harden the second his big hands cup my soft needy flesh. I arch into his hands and moan when his fingers lightly roll my nipples.

  Lust arrows to my sex and darts around wildly. Moisture builds in my lower core and dampens my folds. Din Tairin inhales deeply and growls against my neck. His fangs rake promisingly over my shoulder. I whimper in need, silently begging him to sink into me. A deep masculine sound rumbles through his chest. Another whimper escapes my lips. Relief ribbons through me when his hand slowly glides lower. A shudder races down my spine when his rough fingers gently slide through my wet folds. I step out, widening my stance for him.

  The others are starting to moan loudly. Sexual tension builds in the warm air. My breath hitches when he slides two fingers inside me. His tongue laps my neck between kisses and love bites. Need flares like wildfire through me. Every nerve is heightened and ready. All he has to do his push me over the peak.

  “Please,” I whisper against his powerful chest. A rumble runs through the broad expanse and then his fingers pump in and out of me.

  Fire sings through my veins. I grind against his hand and start panting. I get to the edge and he pulls back. I tug at his arms and bury my face against his body, kissing his material covered chest. I feel his muscles ripple before he pulls back and steps away from me.

  In a haze, I look into his eyes. I don’t like what I see. Determination. Like a warrior on a mission. My clit cries out and my heart aches. I understand the punishment he doled out.

  I look over to see Hallie and Skyla looking hot, bothered, and mad. I bet I look the same way. Flipping fucking warriors. I glance down and see that Tairin’s shaft is pressing hard against his pants. That has to hurt.

  I should have left a note or asked him before I left. The guys are worried about us, that’s why they punished us in such a memorable way. I glance at his protruding member again. We all suffered. Guess my friends are too new to Zaphin to trust their decisions.

  We are all ushered inside and reminded to never go out unescorted again.

  Lust thrums through my veins as my stomach sours and my heart weeps. This is officially a terrible day for all of us.

  Hallie is led toward the door followed by Skyla, she gives me a wink as she passes. My heart lightens. This is just a dark moment, not a life sentence of gloom and pain.

  From the window I see that Skyla’s vehicle is left behind. Trust will have to be rebuilt. Damn those grounfos for riling the guys up.

  My skin prickles, I’m being watched.

  I look into a domineering gold and purple gaze. He points in the direction of our bedroom. “Go to bed, seema. Your day is over.”

  The sharpness of his tone has me jumping and then heading to our room. I won’t poke the giant tonight even though a small part of me wants to.

  I close the bedroom door and pace. My heart is pounding and aching. I can’t decide if I should be angry for being treated like a child or relieved that he didn’t take me deep into the jungle and leave my unlucky ass there.

  What is happening to Hallie and Skyla? Are they okay? Heat ripples under my skin. I feel like screaming. We didn’t mean to upset the guys. My friends are good, just overconfident.

  I want to scream, fuck hard and wild, and somehow make everyone happy. Is this what having a family that consists of a lover and friends feels like?

  ~ Din Tairin ~

  I listen to her pace. She’s agitated. Her scent is filled with a riot of emotions. My heart goes out to her but Kinsey Lea Walker has to learn her place. All of the humans do. My vents flare at the hint of aggression in her scent. I don’t like it but I understand it.

  The trip wasn’t her idea but she’s paying for her decision to go. We all are paying for the humans’ spontaneous decision to take a trip during troubling times. I shift my aching shaft and rest my head on my bedroom door. Her pacing never stops. I don’t like the scent of worry coming from her. Only time will fix that though.

  I savor a nurturing aroma coming from her. She wants to fix this. That’s a good sign. I straighten and walk toward my office with a lighter heart. I’ll have to do something for her. Something that will make her happy.

  It doesn’t take long for me to get on a call with Ryk and Zar.

  “What do you think that animal is?”

  “I don’t know but I hate the thought of my pregnant kesdy being so close to it.” Ryk’s voice is gruffer than normal.

  “The Commander has sent a group out to catch one,” Zar says.

  “I wonder where it came from.”

  “I don’t know but the image has been put into our database and a match is being searched over the galaxy. We should know something within a few days,” Ryk says.

  I can’t help but tsk. “What else is on our planet that we don’t know about?”

  “That concerns me,” Zar says.

  “Our little humans are too curious.” Ryk growls in frustration.

  I understand how he feels. “We’ll just have to keep them close and indoors.”

  Ryk snorts. “That’s easier said than done.”

  Zar loudly agrees.

  My gut twists and aches. I can’t lose Kinsey Lea.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  A thud catches my attention.

  My heart speeds u
p at the sight of Tairin in the backyard. He’s home early. It’s been four days since the nightmare ending of my sightseeing trip. He hasn’t brought it up since the day it happened.

  The people in my past would have used that against me forever. Tairin is different. He’s good, special.

  He moves out of sight and I look down. My heart melts. A green birdhouse is on the ground. Two camleons are already flying around it. Their bushy unibrows are furiously moving as they inspect it.

  Tairin comes back with the pole to put the house on. My heart flutters and birds take flight in my stomach. You don’t give gifts like this to someone you plan on getting rid of.

  My chest fills with strange sensations that cause my heart to spin and my blood to heat. I love him. Something in me shifts.

  I’m in love with Din Tairin GyRol.

  Like a magnet, he draws me to him. I go outside and greet him. He inhales and his eyes fill with something special and intense.

  Flustered, I gesture toward the birdhouse. “This is very nice. I love it.” And you. I keep those last precious words to myself. I don’t want to appear desperate or foolish to him. Those kind of people get left behind.

  “I thought you’d like it. I also bought a few kits for you to put some birdhouses together. They’re not hard to build but they can be time consuming.” A grin flashes across his handsome face. “They’re cheaper if you put them together yourself. I can build them if you’re not interested in that.”

  My tightwad alien is perfect. Warmth spreads through me chest. “I’d love to put them together. It’ll give me something to do for my feathered friends.”

  “I thought you’d feel that way, little seema.”

  A blue camleon flies over and lands on my arm. I brush my hand over the tuffs of hair that stick out of the sides of its head. Its big dark green eyes close and it chirps happily.

  “Now you can invite some friends to live here,” I tell the sweet camleon. It makes a musical sound and then flies off.

  Tairin attaches the house to the pole and then I watch as he plants the metal in the ground. Sweat drips from his muscular arms. He’s sweating for me. Love spirals through my heart.

  Tairin inhales and his vents flutter. He growls softly. Camleons chirp and sing and fly around us. Something wild bursts through me. I need to dominate him.

  His eyes narrow.

  I growl. The sound startles me at first but then I like it and do it again. He tsks and then tilts his head and studies me as though I’m a rare jewel that needs inspecting for rough edges.

  Adrenaline slices through my veins. Inspect this, giant lover. “Get naked, now.”

  Now he looks like he’s trying to figure out if I’m radioactive.

  I snap my fingers. “Strip now, giant warrior. Flipping awesome looking pretty boy. I want to see skin.”

  He tsks and inhales deeply. I growl in warning. A part of me is screaming ‘caution, wild alien alert’. But I don’t listen. Today, I’m the wild alien. An emotional tug of war rages within me.

  I snap my fingers again. “Don’t make me tell you a third time.”

  His nostrils flare and then his gold and purple eyes glow. In a whirl of motion, he’s on me. One powerful arm wraps around me, pinning both of my arms to my sides. I feel him tug my eyelid down.

  Happy laughter rumbles from him. He picks me up and holds me tightly to his chest. I struggle for a moment, mad that he didn’t follow my orders. Then I breathe in his masculine scent and whimper as the need to be taken by him storms through me.

  “You’re pregnant.”

  My whole body stills. My soul freezes. “What?”

  “You’re pregnant, Kinsey Lea. That’s why your emotions are all over the place.” He sets me on my feet and stares down into my eyes. “It’s natural. You’ll go back to feeling normal after the baby is born.”

  “What are you talking about? I can’t be pregnant. You don’t have any balls.” Flipping fucking fudge, I feel like shit for blurting that.

  He laughs and takes my small hand in his massive one. “Our seed is in an organ inside our bodies. How do you think Skyla got pregnant?”

  “I thought you’d been in an accident.” Heat flushes my neck and face. I guess I should have asked him. He chuckles and it pisses me off.

  “This isn’t funny. I wanted a baby but thought that wasn’t possible with you.”

  His gaze softens and he pulls me against his body and into a firm hug. “Don’t be mad, little seema. I find your innocence adorable.”

  Wait a minute. “I’m not that innocent. How do you know I’m pregnant? Are you guessing? Because maybe I’m meaner and tougher than you thought.”

  He gives me a knowing look and tsks. “Tough, yes. Mean, no.” he touches the edge of his lower eyelid. “Females pregnant with a zaphinian baby have silver inner eyelids. Yours are silver and your emotions are all over the place.”

  Is he mental? Been in one too many fights? I turn and head to the bathroom. I stare in stunned disbelief. My inner eyelids are silver.

  Joy does a backflip off my heart. I’m going to have a baby! A family! Someone to love forever.

  I’ll make sure he or she is never abandoned. I touch my flat belly in awe. “You will be loved forever, little one.”

  “Yes, he or she will,” Tairin says.

  I whip around and see him in the doorway. Heat spikes in my core and sinks low. Him being so powerful and masculine makes me want to devour him.

  He inhales and his vents flutter. Resignation fills his pretty eyes. “It’s already beginning.”

  “I want you naked and on the couch, now.” My nipples harden at the thought of him naked. All those powerful muscles rippling and flexing. Moisture slicks my folds. He inhales and his eyes darken. I watch him take his clothes off.

  “Now go sit on the couch,” I demand. Power surges through me. It’s heady and arousing. No wonder the guys want to fuck so much. Flipping fuck, all this power feels good.

  He grits his teeth and heads for the living room. When he turns to sit, I give him a push and then jump on him. The cushions whoosh under our weight.

  At his growl, I say, “I’m sorry.” Part of me is anyway.

  His masculine scent fills my lungs and makes me hot. I tug my sheer uniform off and settle my wet slit against his hardening erection.

  He groans and his hands gently caress my back. I love it and hate it. I need rough sex. I nip his lower lip and sink my tongue into his mouth as he growls a warning.

  The taste of him drives me wild with need. I grind against his hard shaft as I devour his mouth. My clit presses hard against him. I shudder as pleasure racks through me.

  “You taste so flipping fucking good.” Needing more, I slide up his thick length and then fit his wide crown to my entrance and slowly impale myself on his hard shaft. “You feel amazing.”

  I stick my tongue in his mouth before he can reply. His growl turns soft and sexy when I start riding him hard. I love the feel of his warm skin and hot length. I lick and kiss my way to his neck. When I nip his shoulder, he growls and smacks my ass. I whimper as the aggression in me slips away.

  He growls softly, approvingly and then grips my hips and starts pumping in and out of me. His hard cock tunnels beautifully through my wet sex.

  Tension builds in my core. I grip his broad shoulders and hang on as he fucks me powerfully. The wet slapping sounds of sex mingle with the scent of arousal. My nerves tingle and my senses sharpen.

  I squeeze my inner muscles and relish the feel of his shaft filling me up. His hands tighten on my hips and he pushes me all the way down to his base bulge. When my pulsing clit touches the thick flesh he sinks his fangs into my shoulder. Fireworks explode.

  I fist his hair and cry out as I float away. Hot seed fills me, prolonging the bliss pulsing through me. Powerful arms hold me tight and a soft purr vibrates through his chest.

  I ride the waves of ecstasy for a long while. Nothing’s real except for Tairin. The man I love. The father of my
baby. My family.

  Something deep within me flicks on. I hardly restrain a possessive growl. Din Tairin GyRol is mine.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  Each clang of metal has me cringing.

  Din’s Drokty is in full swing. The warriors are having a good time. I flinch when Din Tairin barely dodges one of Din Von’s throwing knives. I watch in amazement as the knife returns to Din Von. He catches it with ease every time. I’m glad Tairin can dodge so well and that he’s flipping good with a sword.


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