Book Read Free


Page 11

by Helena Vera

  Spotting his closet, I walk in tentatively, feeling a bit odd at going through his personal stuff. His closet is huge with several cupboards and racks where clothes are hung. I locate what seems to be a cupboard for his T-shirts and snag one, shrugging it over my head before leaving.

  As soon as I step outside his bedroom, I smell a delicious aroma of what must be breakfast. So that’s what he’s doing. A small smile on my lips, and feeling less apprehensive, I walk barefooted to the kitchen and stop in the archway, staring at him shell-shocked. Apparently, I’m the only one who has morning after jitters.

  He is naked as the day he is born, flipping pancakes. Shock gives way to desire as my eyes roam his body hungrily and it has little to do with the wonderful smell of the pancakes either. I can’t believe I am still sore from last night but I want him again. His back is to me and I study his broad back, narrow hips and taut backside.

  I am not sure if I make a sound but he turns and catches me watching him. Now I am no longer staring at his backside but at his front. My eyes widen at his cock swelling beneath my gaze. Oh my.

  “You see what you do to me, woman,” he says to me. “Come here and give me a kiss.”

  I approach him shyly, thinking of giving him a peck but that’s foiled when he snags me around the waist and kiss me fully on the lips. His dick pokes me in the belly and I clutch his arms, almost swaying when he releases me.

  “That’s good for a start,” he whispers and pushes a hand down between my legs to stroke me gently. “How are you down here? This is the only thing that can cure what’s ailing me right now.”

  I pull away from his touch. “I’m a little sore,” I admit.

  “I can kiss it better.”

  I blush and walk away from him to sit at the island in the kitchen. “Breakfast is a better idea,” I inform him.

  “Okay, one breakfast coming right up.”

  As I watch him, I wonder how a man could be comfortable in so many different domains. He piles pancakes on our plates and a platter with scrambled eggs and bacon. Orange juice tops up our glasses and we dig into breakfast.

  “This is good,” I moan around a mouthful of eggs.

  “I can think of a thing or two that’d be much better.”

  “Do you ever think of anything else besides sex?” I quip, taking a sip of the orange juice.

  “It’s not my fault my cock remembers so well how good it feels being inside of your tight body.”

  My face is red from his comment and I decide it would probably be safer for me to stop talking. Otherwise he would come up with more sexual innuendos, making me horny and as much as I could imagine how great it would be for us to have sex here in the kitchen, I don’t think I could go up to another round at all. My body needs some time to recuperate.

  He finishes breakfast before me and gets up to wash his dish.

  “I’ll clean up,” I tell him. “It’s only fair since you made breakfast.”

  “Okay. I’ll go take a shower. Amuse yourself until I get out.”

  He leaves the kitchen and I feel like I’m finally able to breathe properly. I quickly wash up, wiping down the counters, marvelling at how at home I feel in his home.

  Afterwards, I go searching for my handbag and dress. I can’t find my dress anywhere but my bag is on a little table in the living room. I search inside, trying to find my phone to call Jessica and gossip a little before Axel gets out the shower but it’s not in my bag. I can’t think of anywhere else it would be. I check the bedroom but it’s not there and I don’t feel comfortable poking my nose about.

  Not because we’d slept together last night means our personal space isn’t our own.

  I’m sitting on the bed, frowning when Axel walks out of the shower, a towel knotted around his waist and another rubbing his hair dry.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks then gives me one of his usual cocky grins. “Missed me already?”

  I roll my eyes at him. “I’m trying to find my phone to call Jess. She’s probably worried she’s not heard from me all night. Do you remember if it also fell out my bag at the parking deck?”

  “Hmm, you don’t have to worry about that,” he replies.

  “What do you mean? She knows I’m here yes but she’s a very active imagination. I’m sure she’s called me a dozen times by now and probably thinking of you as Jack Ripper since I’ve not answered.”

  He chuckles and walks towards his closet. “You’re right. She called you ten times but don’t worry. I called her back and let her know you’re okay, just sleeping.”

  “You did what?”

  I am taking to his back because he’s already disappeared into the walk-in closet. I can’t decide if he’s ignoring the question or didn’t hear me.

  I trail after him into the walk-in closet where he’s getting dressed. I’m distracted a bit when he pulls on a pair of navy blue boxers but shake it off.

  “What do you mean you called her? Where’s my phone?”

  “It’s in my office.”

  “What’s it doing in your office instead of in my handbag?”

  He glances over at me with a bored expression which only serves to tick me off even more. “Try to keep up, will you Joyce? I heard your phone vibrating so I answered it and told her you were fine.”

  “You went through my bag?” I exclaim in astonishment.

  “Your phone was ringing.”

  This time my face isn’t red with embarrassment as it usually is around him. It’s infused with heat from my anger and the way he is so nonchalant about it.

  “My handbag’s my personal space. You don’t just go through a lady’s handbag.”

  “Get over it already Joyce. No harm done.”

  He turns to me, now fully dressed and attempting to leave the closet but I’m standing in his way and I have no intention of moving until I get my point across.

  “I don’t want you going through my purse, my phone, nothing!” I tell him. “How’d you like it if I searched through your apartment?”

  “Be my guest,” he says in amusement. “And while you’re at it, see if you can find my favorite cufflinks. I’m sure I dropped them somewhere.”

  I’m so frustrated with him, I’m barely stopping myself from stomping my feet. “I’m being serious here Axel.”

  “For fuck’s sake Joyce, it’s no big deal. If I can cum inside you. I sure as hell can go into your bag or your phone.”

  This is one time I don’t appreciate his plain speaking. “One has nothing to do with the other. You violated my privacy.”

  “Do you have something to hide?” he demands. “Do you have a call you’re expecting so you can leave here and hop in bed with another man?”

  I gasp in outrage and I’m so hurt by his stamen, I slap him hard across the face. I regret it instantly, seeing the red imprint of my fingers against his white flesh. I step back but not soon enough. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up against him, his eyes glinting dangerously. I pale thinking he’s going to slap me back or worse.

  “Don’t you ever do that again,” he said softly but his tone brooks no argument.

  Tugging my arms behind my back, he kisses me ferociously. My brain tells me to resist him but I can’t. He has me weak as usual. I lean into his hard body and accept his kisses, sucking on his tongue. My nipples are hard beneath his shirt and sore or not, I want this man inside me. Now.

  I rub against his crotch and he lets me go as though burnt. I am blinking up at him in his confusion and his face is hard, robbed from any trace of affection or warmth.

  “I’ll get your dress from the dryer,” he tells me. “You’re to get dressed. I’ll drop you back at your apartment.”

  I nod around the tears in my throat but I could have saved myself as he’s already walked by me out the closet. I take a minute to swallow the sob rising up inside my chest before I walk into his bedroom. He returns with not my dress, shoes and my phone.

  “Thank you,” I say to him.

  He ignores my note of
gratitude. “Meet me in the hall and don’t take all day.”

  He walks out once more and I hastily dress. I’m still fighting the tears when I meet him in the hall and we walk side by side to the parking deck without touching. He opens the car door for me as usual but now I see he does it out of habit and not because he thinks I am anything special. The truth is devastating.

  The ride to the apartment is way too short while I struggle to find something to say to make things better between us once more. He doesn’t get out the car when he gets to the apartment building but parks outside with the engine running.

  “I’ll be out of town for a few days on business,” he says to me. “You’re not expected to show up to work until I get back.”

  “Okay.” He says nothing else and I realize this is it. I quickly exit the car and slams the door shut. He drives away before I even get to my apartment. My eyes are blinded by tears, driving me to frustration as I miss the keyhole several times. Inside the apartment, I finally let the tears fall.




  For the third time since the small number of guests arrived at the mansion, I discreetly move away to myself and check the phone in my pocket. No missed call from her. I know it’s unlikely she would notice I’d placed my number in her phone the day I’d taken it from her bag. That was three days ago and I haven’t spoken to her in all that time. I feel like I’m being driven up the wall.

  I wonder what she’s doing. I know she’s probably home with her roommate, but I can’t help wondering if she’s with anybody else. Especially after the way we had parted last. The idea makes me want to hop on a plane and head back to Detroit to ensure she is keeping her sweet pussy all for me.

  I toy with the idea of calling her but I’m not sure she’ll even answer. The morning after I’d taken her virginity had spiralled downhill very fast. I’d planned for a sexy breakfast in bed but she’d foiled that by waking up too early and surprising me in the kitchen.

  She’s probably right about boundaries but I can’t see us having any boundaries. I don’t want any personal space with her. I want to know where she is and who she’s with. It’s the first I’ve ever been this intense with a woman and it scares me. So I fuck up with her as I’ve done that last day.

  Normally, I enjoy these shindigs with my parents and the parties they put on. Tonight they’re having a private birthday party for my step-mother. I’d originally planned to take Joyce with me but not after the way we’d argued. So I’d lied and told her I would be caught up with business.

  Joyce is becoming a drug in my system. Everything is changing. I’d already felt fiercely protective of her but now that I know no other man knows what it feels like to be inside her body, I’m adamant to let it remain that way. She’s mine but how to get her to accept it for what it is? She could be so stubborn and infuriating.

  “Hey man, what are you doing here in this corner alone?” Donnie asks, sneaking up on me. “Telling your girlfriend how much you miss her?”

  He’s so immature I don’t even bother to answer him. “Did you pick up the surprise for mom?”

  “Yup. Did you think I’d forget?”

  “Given you have a brain the size of a pea, yeah but I was hoping you’d come through this time.”

  Donnie’s ready goofy grin turns into a scowl. “Hey now. I do eventually get the important stuff right. So why isn’t your girlfriend here? Or don’t tell me that was just a one time thing?”

  “For your information, it’s none of your business,” I respond and start to walk off.

  “Then you wouldn’t mind me looking her up and hitting it? What I saw—”

  Before he finishes what he’s saying, I hold him by the throat not caring if anyone sees us although I doubt it because we’re in the corner.

  “You stay away from Joyce, Donnie.”

  “So you admit she’s more than just the regular lay?”

  “I’m not admitting it,” I say through clenched teeth and squeeze his neck a bit enough to hurt but not to leave any damage. “You just ensure you’re never anywhere around her. You hear me Donnie?”

  “Fuck man, I was just kidding,” Donnie whines when I let him go. He rubs his neck and gives me a black stare. “Shit. You’re acting like it’s the first time you’re getting good pussy.”

  “One more word, Donnie. Just one more word and I’ll not be sorry for knocking your teeth down your throat.”

  He shakes his head and the goofy grin is back. “Just as I’d thought. That chick’s taken you off the market. At least she ain’t half bad.” He sees the murderous look on my face and step away from me. “Okay, I’m going. I’m going.”

  I try not to pay Donnie any mind. He’s a goofball, always clowning around and being a nuisance although we are close. This is one time though I couldn’t take his clowning around. Not when I am here trying to decide what this feelings for Joyce is.

  “Axel, dearest, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

  At the sound of my step-mother’s voice, I turn to regard her, my face relaxing in a pleasant smile. I never had the whole wicked step-mother thing growing up. She’s done a fine job not treating me any differently from Donnie. For those who doesn’t know my father was married before to my mother before she died, they’d have guessed I am also Anne’s son.

  I’d always held her as a benchmark for the women I allow in my life. I’m not talking the one night stands either. The handful of serious relationships I’ve tried before but never seems to work. Her poise and effervescent personality always make people feel welcomed in her circle. She’s vivacious, knows how to play the part of the host and she could also be very verbose. I smile remembering the way she’d wrung my ears the day she’d found me smoking back in high school. That time I’d towered over her petite frame but she’s gotten hold of my ear and marched me right to my father.

  It hits me then that she’s very different than Joyce physically and personality. She’s fair with strawberry blond hair that she keeps dyed now to maintain her youth while Joyce has dark hair and although petite she’s a well-endowed woman. Joyce’s small breasts with the sexiest nipples I’ve seen on a woman comes to mind and it takes practice for me to restrain the stirring of my cock.

  Joyce is quiet and seems almost always nervous, like she’s second-guessing herself but Anne is opinionated, always in the know and the proverbial social butterfly. By right, I shouldn’t feel this way about Joyce if someone like Anne is what I’m going for. But here I am up to my neck in emotions about that woman.

  “Mother,” I greet her as I always do. She deserves the title for being a mother figure to me. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you how radiant you look tonight.” And she is. At fifty, she doesn’t look older than her late thirties.

  “Thank you dear,” she says then pats my cheek affectionately as is her custom. “I’d like you to meet Elizabeth Darling. She’s the newest member of our Society, recently moved here and I’m showing her around and introducing her. Elizabeth, this is my son, Axel.”

  I groan inwardly. What a horrible time for her to play matchmaking. I can appreciate that at least she knows my taste in women. Or what my taste used to be before I met Joyce. Elizabeth Darling is a tall, leggy woman, extremely beautiful to look at. She has black hair which is cut in a sleek chin length bob. I can’t help comparing the style to Joyce’s long hair. God, I miss sinking my fingers through her hair while she’s bent over my cock sucking.

  I really should have brought her along with me. At least she would be amusing me now, making me laugh. Even when she’s irritated at me, it’s better than this silence between us.


  Anne’s sharp voice pulls me from my thoughts. Her face is red with awkward embarrassment. I’d been so distracted thinking of Joyce, I never noticed the hand Elizabeth had stretched out for a handshake. I try to cover by reaching out to take her hand quickly.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Elizabeth.”

bsp; “Elizabeth, would you be a dear and excuse us for a minute,” Anne remarks. “I just remember an urgent family matter I want to speak to him about.”

  I groan when she slips her arm through mine and propels me through the double doors which leads to the patio overlooking the gardens. She closes the door behind us, shutting out the chattering going on by her guests who were mingling and mixing.

  “I’m fine, Mother,” I tell her before she can say anything.

  “The fact you said that tells me you aren’t,” she analyses aloud. “I didn’t intend to say anything but when you got here three days ago you were in a foul mood and it’s only gotten worse. Is it the new business you took over? Is it not doing as well as you thought it would be?”

  I should have known she would have noticed my mood. She is too astute and over the years have become very good at accurately reading her two ‘boys.’

  “The business is fine,” I respond and it is, given I’ve taken it over only one week now. I’ve started the revamping process but it’s been a bit slow given my preoccupation with Joyce. If I hadn’t been so preoccupied with her, I’d already have the place in top shape.

  “If it’s not the business then what it is?” she presses. “It’s not a woman, is it? Because I introduce you to Elizabeth who by the way I’m sure you can see is hot but you don’t even seem to see her.”

  I run my fingers through my dark hair, struggling to find the right words to say. How do I even begin? I think I am falling in love with a woman I’ve met in just a week? Even saying it in my head seems like a crazy notion. There has to be something else to accurately describe what I feel for Joyce.

  Anne places a hand on my shoulder. “Axel, you know you can talk to me about anything. I’m the one who you talked to about your first crush, remember? The night you had sex for the first time and you didn’t know what to do, you came to ask my advice about women. And I know some of these conversations may have seem a bit embarrassing but we’ve always muddled our way through them.”


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