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Protecting His Forever

Page 17

by Ashers, LeAnn

  We are a few miles away from the location when the roar of motorcycles is coming up from behind us. The one in front is waving for me to pull over. Shaking my head, I ignore them because my woman is close.

  He smacks my window. Growling, I pull over and jump out ready to knock some motherfuckers out. The dude in the front slides off the motorcycle. His arms are covered in tattoos, and he is a mean motherfucker—I can see that from here.

  Walking up to him, I stand nose to nose. “What the fuck do you want?”

  He grins at me. “I’m about to kill some motherfuckers in that building up ahead. They’ve been kidnapping women and selling them. We are taking the fuckers out. Nobody messes with people in my town especially women.”

  Stepping back, I look at all of them. “My woman is in there. I’m going in to get her back.”

  “Let’s get her back then. Follow behind us.” He gives me a sinister smile and gets back on his motorcycle.

  Jumping in I start the truck. “We got your back, man. We will get her back,” Chase says.

  Staring straight ahead, I prepare myself for what’s to come. If one of them has hurt her I will kill all those motherfuckers. Clenching the steering wheel, I speed up as the motorcycle gang speeds up. The building is just up ahead.

  They don’t stop until they are right at the door. They jump off their motorcycles and run in.

  “Let’s do this shit.”

  Grabbing my gun, I run in the building. I can hear them right behind me. Walking inside, nobody is around. Then I hear gun shots. My body stiffens and my heart is pounding out of my chest. Taking slow breaths, I get into combat mode. Looking at the men behind me, they have the same expressions on their face. Nodding my head at them to see if they are ready, they nod back. Taking a deep breath, I pull my gun up and walk around the corner. We clear all the rooms and she isn’t here.

  My heart pounds into my chest as each room we clear doesn’t produce Sydney. Going into the kitchen, I see three men on their knees and the MC dudes surrounding them. I point at the door that leads to the basement to one of those men. He nods and moves out of the way, but he follows close behind us. Five sets of footsteps follow behind me.

  She better be fucking okay. Walking down the steps, my heart is beating out of my chest, but it doesn’t prepare me for what I see. My woman’s face is bloody, and she is hanging off the ground by her arms. Her blue eyes meet mine, and I run to her.

  Looking over, I see a naked woman whose entire back is bloody and torn to shit. I’ve seen beatings like that before, and I know her back will be completely covered In scars no matter how well she heals. Averting my eyes because I can’t stand someone hurt like that, I walk over to Sydney who is watching me. Removing the chains from her arms, she immediately starts to fall. She cries out as her arms fall to her sides. Picking her up bridal style, I look over to see Isaac helping the other woman down.

  “Kane,” Sydney groans.

  Gripping her tighter to me, I run up the steps and into the kitchen, being careful not to jolt her too much. “Baby, which one of the men did this to you?” I look down at her swollen face ready to commit murder.

  Three men are on their knees still. One is staring at Sydney with pure malice. Eyeing him, I know it’s him. Sydney points at him and confirms what I thought. “You’re mine,” I mouth at him and walk out of the room. Ethan is close behind me.

  “Take her, man, and get her to the hospital. I got business to take care of,” I tell Ethan.

  “Our prospect will drive you and the other girls to the hospital.” The president walks up beside us and motions to the van.

  A van pulls up beside us. Sydney is staring up at me and my heart is breaking from how her face looks. I don’t want to leave her, but I have to make these men suffer.

  “Kane, make him pay for what he did to the other girl,” she barely manages to croak and squirms wanting down. Shaking my head no, I place her in Ethan’s arms. “I love you, sweetheart I will be right behind you guys.” I kiss her forehead.

  “Love you,” she whispers and cuddles into Ethan's chest. Isaac is coming out next carrying the other chick wrapped in his shirt now. He gives me a look that tells me to make sure he pays. The motherfucker isn’t going to die easy.

  “Let’s kill some motherfuckers.” The President gives me a look and walks into the kitchen. Passing the already dead body of Sydney’s father in the living room with a gunshot right between the eyes.

  Following behind him my eyes instantly go to the man who kidnapped and hurt my woman. What kind of fucking man hits a woman? I understand if she was beating the shit out of you for no reason and you push her off, but physically hitting her to cause hurt? That’s uncalled for. Men are protectors, not abusers, and I’m about to cause this man a lot of fucking pain.

  Walking up to the man, I lift him off the ground by his hair. Pushing him in the chair, I tie his hands behind his back. Taking a pair of brass knuckles from my back pocket. The man smiles at me. Fucking smiles. Rearing my hand back, I hit him twice. Blood and teeth fly out of his mouth.

  Taking his hair, I pull his head back. “Tell me why you did all this? Her dad and that one sick fuck already in jail?”

  His chuckles. Blood pours out of his toothless mouth. “Like I would fucking tell you.” He spits at my feet. Lifting him off the ground, I lean the back out of the chair against the table. Spotting a cloth by the sink I throw the cloth over his mouth and nose.

  Digging through the cabinets until I find a bucket, I fill it with water and walk over to him. Looking around, I spot the President who is leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face. “Hold the motherfucker still.”

  He nods and grabs the man's shoulders. “You gonna talk, fucker?”

  He shakes his head no. Lifting the bucket over his head, I start to pour the water over his nose and mouth slowly. He starts sputtering, coughing, and starts moving around trying to get away. A few seconds later, I pull the rag away from his mouth.

  “Her fucking father is the one wanting her dead. I met her in college, and I’ve followed her since. My dad and her dad apparently knew each other. Waited forever for a chance to take what’s mine, but your stupid ass cut right in. Her dad and me planned this all.” He angrily tells me out of his toothless mouth. It’s almost comical.

  “Don’t worry, her dad is fucking dead.” Putting the rag back in his mouth, I take my gun out of my back pocket, but a hand on my arm stops me.

  “Kill him, and we will put away the bodies. He won’t be fucking found. We will throw his ass in a tub of acid and dump the rest of him in the lake out of the middle of the fucking woods.” The President lets me go and steps back.

  Putting the gun to his head, I pull the trigger not even thinking twice about it. Yeah killing someone is wrong, but I have a family to think about. I have a fiancée and kids. They’re not going to be in danger again as long as I can help it. Putting some fucker down to keep them safe? Nothing to even contemplate.

  I don’t know the Prez of the MC Club, but I’m following my gut, and I know I can trust him. Turning around, I nod my head at him. Smacking him on the back, I say, “Thanks, man.”

  “No thanks needed, man. I wanted these fuckers dead anyway. If it was my woman I would have done ten times worse.”

  Nodding my head, I walk out of the house without looking back. I have one thought and that thought is getting back to my woman.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Groaning, I roll over in bed. The bed feels hard and rough. The blanket covering me is stiff and doesn’t hold any warmth. I start to shake from the cold, and I can feel my teeth chattering which causes my face to ache. Where am I?

  Oh no. I’m still down in the basement. I raise up quickly and open my eyes while looking around frantically.

  “Shhh, baby girl. I’m here, baby.”

  Warm hands touch my hand and arm. Looking over, I see Kane leaning over the bed—a worried expression on his face. Now that the blanket h
as fallen off me, the shaking and the cold is ten times worse.

  Grabbing Kane’s hand, I pull him, wanting him to get in bed with me. He starts to shake his head no. “Please, Kane, I need this,” I barely manage to get out through my chattering teeth.

  He nods and kicks off his shoes. Climbing into bed, I lie on his chest. His arms wrap around me, and I’m surrounded by his warmth. I snuggle deeper as he pulls the covers over me with his arms around me. Down in the basement I felt like I would never get to see him or my kids again. I know Kane would do anything to find me, but so many things cross your mind in that situation.

  Those guys were sick. Poor Emily. Her back and how they brutalized her body. No, it didn’t happen to me, but I saw what her body looked like. That poor girl dated Cameron and when she found out what he was planning on doing to me, he did that to her and let his men have a go at her. Her back is a mess. Her whole entire back was marred with scars and that is something that will forever be engraved in my head.

  “Sweetheart,” Kane says while wiping away my tears. I never ever realized that I was crying. Taking my hand, I wipe my sore face. I wince when I hit the bruises.

  “Did he?” he starts. He grips me tighter waiting for my answer.

  Shaking my head furiously, he lets out a noticeable sigh of relief. I snuggle deeper into Kane wanting to crawl into him and forget the past two days. Then I notice the room around me and hear my babies’ heartbeats.

  “My babies. They’re okay?” I ask Kane, scared.

  “They’re fine, baby.” He kisses the top of my head and rubs his hand on my belly.

  “Where are my kids?”

  “They are with your mother.” Nodding my head, I start to drift off. Being in Kane’s arms makes me feel safe, and I just want to soak it up and revel in it.


  Little voices wake me out of my sleep. Managing to open my sore and tired eyes, I notice Kane is still in bed with me. Looking around him I see Arabella and Carter staring at me scared.

  “Momma huwt.” Her bottom lip trembles.

  Waving her forward, I raise up in bed and motion for Kane to pick her up. She sits on his lap and just stares at my face. “Mommy is okay, sweetheart.”

  She nods her little head. She then wraps her arms around my neck and climbs into my lap. I notice that Carter didn’t come over. “You too, sweetheart.”

  He runs over and hugs my side. “I love you, Mom.”

  My heart is about to explode with joy. Tears roll down my face. “I love you too, Carter, so much.” His little shoulders are shaking from crying. Kane looks at us all with a tortured look. He hates to see people cry.

  “I love you,” I mouth at him and he presses a kiss on my forehead.

  “I love you, sweetheart. So much.”

  Closing my eyes, I smile because I have my family. Kane and these kids are my whole life. Kane popped into my life when I least expected it. Now I have my kids, Arabella and Carter, who captured mine and Kane’s heart. Kissing the tops of their heads, I look up at Kane and smile. Because of him, I have my forever and because of Kane protecting his forever, we now are a family.


  Six months later

  I’m in labor. My water broke right in the middle of a restaurant. Kane left me standing because he lost his ever-loving mind when he saw that it was time. His face turned white as snow and his mouth fell open. He stared at my vagina like a baby was going to pop its head out and say peek-a-boo.

  I carried these two babies to full-term which is rare for having twins. My boys didn’t want to come into the world just yet. Yes, I’m having two little boys. God help me if they’re anything like their dad.

  Kane comes back a second later. He takes my hand and leads me out to his truck, his hand shaking as he does so. He opens the truck door and when he goes to lift me up I bend over as the first contraction hits. Holy mother of God, that freaking hurts.

  “Oh shit, baby. Was that supposed to happen?” He starts wandering his hands all over my body like he can fix it and it freaking pisses me off.

  “Get your hands off of me!” I hiss and glare at him.

  He jumps back holding his hands up in the air. “Baby, I need to put you in the truck,” he tries to convince me. Sighing, I lift my arms so he can pick me up.

  Once my butt hits the soft leather seats I lean back to relax. Kane runs across the front of the vehicle and jumps in the truck. He puts the key in the ignition and burns rubber as he tries to race out of the parking lot.

  “Holy mother of God!” I scream as another contraction hits. I grip my belly and bang my head against the window.

  “This is killing me!” Kane yells and cusses at himself.

  I can feel the horns sprouting out of my head. “You!” I scream. “I have a fucking head trying to squeeze its way out of my vagina. Which is fucking small!”

  “I’m sorry!” he apologizes and tries to take my hand. I jerk my hand away glare at him.

  “Keep your hands and demon dick away from me!” I yell and groan again as the contractions starts to fade.

  Kane doesn’t say anything else. Smart man. Then I feel bad, but I don’t. “I’m sorry, Kane. It freaking hurts,” I whine to him.

  “I know, baby.” He laughs and I see the bright lights of the hospital up ahead. Another contraction hits. I grab Kane’s hand and bite a hunk out of it. “Ouch!” he yells and tries to pull away.

  “That’s nothing to what I’m feeling!” I yell at him again. He holds his injured hand and opens the truck door and runs inside to get a wheelchair, nurse, or whatever.


  Five long hours later it’s time for my baby boys to be born into the world. “Push!” The doctor yells at me. 9, 8, 7, the nurse counts down for the umpteenth time. Kane is holding my hand and the other is holding my leg back.

  “You’re doing good baby.” Kane kisses my sweat-covered forehead.

  “Here’s its head!” One more push, the doctor tells me. Nodding, I give one more push. Then I can feel the baby leaving my body.

  The nurse lays the baby on my belly and starts to cry. Laughing, I touch his little forehead. God, he’s beautiful. Looking up at Kane I see tears falling down his face and the nurse takes the baby away to clean him up.

  “All right, let’s get ready for baby number two,” the doctor says too cheerily.

  “Okay,” I grunt.

  “So proud of you, Momma.” Kane kisses my temple.

  “Push,” the doctor says and the nurse counts down. Letting out a deep breath, I bite my lip at the pain. Tears run down my face. “One last time,” the doctor tells me. Nodding my head once more I look around the room at my baby boy over across the room in the heater.

  “Push,” he tells me again. The nurse counts down again. Then I hear the cry of my second baby. She sets him down on my belly. I break out in sobs at the pure love I feel for these babies. They’re finally here after these long months. I have four babies now.


  Hours later the family leaves and it’s just Kane, the babies, and me. Kane is holding both the babies against his chest with a content smile on his face. They both start to stir and whine. It’s time for them to eat.

  Kane stands up and lays one of the babies on my lap. Taking out my breast I grab the pillow and lay it under him. Elijah latches on. I run my finger across his chubby cheek.

  “We make beautiful babies, sweetheart,” Kane tells me in amazement as we look at these two little boys.

  “Yes we do.” I lean my head back so Kane can kiss me.

  Fifteen years later.

  “Dad! I’m about to kill Carter, Jacob, and Elijah!” Kane groans and takes his mouth away from mine. His fingers were up my pussy.

  “I’m coming, Arabella.” He sits back and gives me a wink. “I’m not done with you yet.” Fixing my clothes, I follow after him.

  Arabella is on the couch with her three brothers sitting on her back. Some other boy who is looking really nervous is sitting on the recliner
a few feet away. I can see the wheels spinning in Kane’s head from back here.

  “Who are you?” Kane’s voice booms through the house. Placing my hand over my mouth, I struggle to stifle the giggle. He leaves our sight for a second and comes back with a big ass shotgun.

  “I-I-I-I’m Tommy,” he stutters out and rubs his hands together.

  “He asked me out on a date, Dad. I need you to get these baboons off of me!” She starts squirming all five foot nothing of herself. Carter just leans back and relaxes. All of my boys are over six foot. Carter is twenty-one, Arabella is seventeen, the boys are fourteen.

  “You have a what? You really think I’m going to help you? You’re too fucking young for that shit.” He points at Arabella fuming. Then gives Tommy a pointed look.

  She just shakes her head and laughs. She is used to hearing things like that. Her brothers nod their head in agreement.

  “Daddy...” Yeah, she said Daddy. She is coming out with the big guns. A giggle escapes me and Kane glares at me. I hold my hands up—I’m taking no part in this.

  “We’re just going to the movies and then back home.” She smiles at him sweetly. Carter chuckles.

  “You’re not going,” he hisses and turns to glare at the boy who looks like he is about to shit his pants.

  “Please, Daddy,” she says in a sweet little girl voice. She has got that shit in the bag.

  “Fine! Get her home at ten o’clock on the dot. Just know I’m cleaning my shotgun while you’re gone, and I will be waiting outside for her.” He glares down while pointing the shotgun at him. He gets right down in his face until they’re almost nose to nose.

  “Remember whatever you do to her I will do to you. Remember that as you try to get grabby. Plus, my daughter could kick your ass with one arm tied behind her back.” He pats the boy on the shoulder who jumps out of his seat.

  The boys let her up and they walk to the door together. Well, he is a good four feet away from her. He opens the door but stays far away. He practically runs out of the door. As soon as his vehicle starts up and pulls out of the driveway, Kane walks to the table and throws the boys his car keys and some money. “Follow his ass. I don’t trust the fucker.”


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