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Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2)

Page 9

by Crystal Dawn

“I’d best go before my mate worries. I’ll stop by your office in the morning so we can exchange reports.”

  “Be careful going home.” It was something Niku had never said to anyone. This had been the safest planet except during war.

  He stood guard as Romo changed and flew into the air. He closed the door and for the first time he could remember he locked it. It made his heart hurt that he felt it was necessary. Moving to the kitchen, he began to fix a simple meal of sandwiches and soup.

  Cretia’s swollen lips and gums from repeated punches to her mouth would make it hard to eat anything much less solid food. He fixed a tray for two and carried it to the room Cretia was resting in.

  “I brought food for Cretia and Toreen. I thought Betty would want to eat downstairs with me.” He smiled and waited for an answer.

  “I’m not sure of Cretia can eat the soup, but I thank you for bringing food to me. I wouldn’t want to leave her side.” Niku nodded and looked at Betty.

  “I’ll come with you and we can eat.” Betty responded.

  Niku led his mate to the kitchen where they could sit at the small table in the corner. It gave an intimate atmosphere to the talk they would have. He’d already set the table and they began to eat, but he knew Betty wanted answers.

  “What the hell is going on here, Niku?”

  “Cretia was attacked by some rogues who planned to rape her and then kill her.”

  “It looked like they planned to kill her first judging by her injuries. Was she trying to mate you for protection?”

  “Yes and no. She was told to mate me or else. Cretia finally had enough of being threatened and bullied and said no. This was their response. If she had told me, I would have made sure she was protected. I didn’t want her as a mate, but we were friends.”

  “I would have expected no less. That’s what friends should do. The question is, why didn’t she come to you?” Betty wondered.

  “It was her sister.”


  “Her sister’s name is Dannia and she was forcing her to pursue me. Those males said she met with her sister and told her it was a waste of time to pursue me since I’d found a mate. Dannia said if you died, it wouldn’t matter. Cretia told her I wouldn’t be interested just because my mate died. After that meeting, Dannia sent her a message, mate him or else. She sent back a no and said she was done, she wouldn’t take anymore.”

  “I can’t believe a sister could do such a thing.”

  “Dannia told her males to have fun then make sure Cretia was dead.”

  “What will Dannia try now?”

  “I can’t even begin to guess. She wanted Cretia mated to me so she could get access to the emperor. Dannia thinks she can get him to mate her.”

  “That’s an intricate plan. What’s her backup plan?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Someone that works out a plan like that will have a backup in case the first one fails and she’s probably working it now.”

  “We’ll have to try to figure it out because she’s not shy about killing people. She killed her own mate to inherit his money and Cretia’s intended was killed too.”

  “That’s horrible. She’s got to be one of the worst sisters of all time.”

  “The males said she is exotic and lovely. She seduces males without even touching them.”

  “That just makes her even more dangerous.”

  “She’s gotten into a group of rogues and she’s using them for her own purposes. The problem is, these two males were never suspected as being rogues. The female has operatives hidden in our population that we are unaware of.”

  “How will you find them?”

  “We have two and they are talking. Soon we will have more. I only fear I will be pulled off the investigation.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “I am friends with Cretia and I was friends with the rogue male leader when we were young. They may say I am too emotionally connected to the people in the investigation.”

  “Your connection to them is barely there.”

  “I helped save Cretia from her attack. I have a personal and emotional investment in bringing her attackers to justice.”

  That’s a bad thing?”

  “They will feel that I may overstep because of my feelings in the matter.”

  “We have similar rules on our world, but only when the connection is deep, like immediate family and best friends.”

  “If I’m taken off the investigation, I will try to get Romo put on it. He’ll do a good job.”

  “He’s a good male, but so are you, Niku.” Betty kissed his cheek and his dragon did flips inside him.

  “You should stay tonight. It’s late and Cretia might need you. I have several empty bedrooms.”

  “How will I let my family know?”

  “Romo mentioned it earlier. They won’t be expecting you.”

  “That will make things easier. She needs to be watched carefully for infection. Those guys were brutal.” Betty shivered.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

  “I’ve seen that before. I’ve even been there before.”

  “Your ex-husband?”

  “Yes, he put Selia and me both in the hospital. We came so close to dying. That was when the judge finally took away his parental rights. It didn’t make much difference but it was a start.”

  “That man was the only reason you came here, wasn’t he?”

  “He was the best and the worst thing that ever happened to me. How can I regret what I went through when I got Selia out of it? Everything else he did was bad. I had the perfect job and my life was great until he got a hold of it.”

  “Why won’t you let me help give you a great life again? Everyone needs something or someone. Let me be what you need and you’ll never regret it. I already love you and that little girl of yours more than life itself. Just let me be part of your lives.”

  “I need to think about it, Niku. It’s a big step.”

  “Maybe you are overthinking things. Maybe you should just feel?”

  “Soon, Niku. I’ll give you an answer soon. I’ll go check on Cretia.” She got up and left. He looked at her empty seat for a moment then started to clean up.

  Once he was done he went to Cretia’s room. “How is she doing?”

  “She woke up for a few minutes and she’s upset about Dannia and what she has planned. Cretia said to tell Niku to save his mate. When I told her you already knew it calmed her. Then she said she hoped the emperor had good taste in females. I hope he does too.”

  “He knows the female is poison so hopefully he’s strong enough to shake off her spell. I’ve always thought him the strongest person I know.” Niku admitted.

  “We can’t always choose who our mate is.” Toreen observed his eyes shooting to Cretia.

  “That female wouldn’t hurt a fly. Now that she’s out from under her evil sister’s influence, she’ll go back to being that sweet friend I knew.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Toreen said.

  “I know I’m right. Look what she went through when she finally resisted? If this doesn’t show you the threat was real, what would?” Niku asked.

  “I know you’re right, but this one has trouble written all over her.” Toreen observed.

  “Good thing you were always known for chasing trouble.” Niku chuckled.

  “I’ve been trying to change.”

  “I noticed and it has made you boring. Maybe this is a sign not to change too much?”

  “Maybe you should take care of your mate?” Toreen said as he gestured to Betty who was asleep in the chair next to Cretia.

  “Good advice if I ever heard any.” Niku said as he moved to his mate pulling her into his arms and lifting her up. Toreen caught the door so Niku could carry her into the hallway and to the bedroom next door.

  The former owner and his mate had slept in separate rooms with a connecting bathroom. The bed was king size and comfortable. He set her down in an overstu
ffed chair next to the bed while he turned the covers back. Picking her up again he settled her in and covered her. The need to slip into bed next to her nearly overwhelmed him. He fought the desire because even if it was just to sleep, he knew she would feel he’d taken advantage of her being asleep.

  The only thing to do was to leave her and close the door so she would have her privacy. How the male that owned the house before Niku could sleep away from his mate, he couldn’t understand. All he wanted to do was touch her and hold her close. His dragon was restless and unhappy. The male shared those feelings too.

  Niku returned to check one last time on his brother and Cretia. When he reentered the room he found Toreen under the covers with Cretia. They were touching, but Toreen hadn’t put his arms around her. It was because her torso was covered in deep bruises and it might hurt her to be touched. They seemed to be doing fine so Niku decided it was time to go to bed himself.

  His first stop was the bathroom where he took a shower to wash away the dirt he’d picked up from his day and hopefully some of the worries too heavy for him to carry. It was a nice big shower with no doors or curtains. Anyone entering the bathroom got a good view of whoever might be showering.

  There was a gasp and he looked up to see Betty taking him in in all his naked glory. The beautiful thing was that Betty was naked too. It was clear her intention had been to take a shower and his presence was a surprise to her. Hopefully she was enjoying the view as much as he was.

  She stood there with her eyes as big as saucers and her mouth hanging open. It was almost as if she’d never seen a naked male before. Niku stepped out of the shower and took her hand. He pulled her into the water and wet her down. Grabbing some shampoo, he carefully massaged her scalped and worked the lather through her hair before rinsing it out. Next he worked conditioner through her long tresses. Now was the hard part as he took soap and lathered it all over her luscious body.

  Taking her was what he wanted more than anything, but not tonight. This night he would show her that he could take care of her and expect nothing in return. Running his hands over her slowly, she moaned as he moved lather over her body. More soap and more lather as he worked his hands over the intimate places on her body. Once he was done he rinsed her off and stepped back.

  “What about you?” She asked.

  “I was already done but I saw you before I stepped out.”

  “That was incredible, but I feel like I’m being selfish just taking all that pleasure and giving none in return.”

  “Don’t. Touching you gives me more pleasure than you can imagine. You need to go to sleep now, Mate.”

  “I don’t think I can sleep without you. My skin is on fire and my heart is beating so fast. I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mate, but I’m ready to make love if you want to.”

  Niku stopped breathing for a moment as he heard what she was saying. Could he take the chance that she would steal the rest of his heart and run away? Who was he kidding? She already had his whole heart and soul. He moved to his mate wrapping her in a towel and he carried her to his bed. He wanted her scent to be all over it in case she left tomorrow. Betty was only giving him tonight so he had to make the most of it.

  Sliding her down his body, he let her stand in front of her while he dried her off and then himself. He picked her up again and laid her in the center of his bed. He moved until he was on top of her with his legs between hers. Kissing her lips softly first, he then slid down kissing and nipping her throat and then her nipples before he moved down further. Once his face was between her thighs, he took a deep breath enjoying the sweet scent of her arousal.

  Letting his breath out, it hit her pussy heating it and making her squirm. His tongue, which was rougher than a humans, licked her nether lips parting them and sliding inside her. “Oh my gosh!” she screamed.

  His dragon growled and she arched up toward him. His tongue moved back and a finger took its place as his tongue moved up and searched out her clit. She jerked when his tongue slid over it. She was so sensitive and as he added another finger sliding into her channel, he worried her clit relentlessly. Niku could feel the tension building as he continued to drill into her and added a third finger. His tongue licked greedily and she froze a second before she exploded, her sweet honey drenching his hand.

  Niku continued until her body stopped jerking then he licked his finger clean as he stared in her eyes. His cock ached and dripped as he positioned himself and slowly slid inside her. Her channel hugged him and he knew he was finally home. She would never escape him now because her body knew the truth too. They belonged together.

  Betty’s legs wrapped around him in an embrace that claimed him even if her mind hadn’t caught up to her body yet. The pace he set was slow and easy, but it wouldn’t stay that way long. He was going slowly so he wouldn’t explode like an untried male his first time. His mate was perfect and the itch to bite her was also hard to fight, but he would. This female would decide everything important between them because to him, nothing was as important as she was.

  He sped up until he was hammering into her and she encouraged him. “Harder, I can take it!” She screamed. “Oh God don’t stop!”

  Niku needed his female to come so bad because a tingle was running down his back and his balls were drawing up and that told him he would cum soon. There was such delightful friction and it made him just move faster and harder. She was tightening around him as she met him thrust for thrust. Her sweet sounds were driving him out of his mind and his dragon was going crazy along with him.

  There was no way he could hold on much longer. He moved a hand between them and found her little bundle of nerves. Pinching it lightly, he felt her jerk just before she exploded all around him. Niku could feel her channel clutching at him and pulling his seed right out of him. His gums ached with the need to bite her, but he held himself back, determined not to ruin this by taking more than she offered. Turning his head prevented him from sinking his fangs into her neck and drinking her sweet blood.

  His hips jerked as his seed rushed into her hot center. Nothing had ever felt so good on every level. His body hummed with pleasure, his mind relaxed, and his emotions sent warmth through him. This was a day he’d never forget. Rolling them both over, his mate was draped over his chest trying to calm from the firestorm that was their shared climax. One hand clutched at his shoulder as if she were trying to anchor herself to him. The other hand pushed at his chest as if she wanted to push him away.

  He felt wetness on his chest and realized she was crying. “What’s the matter? Please tell me I didn’t hurt you.”

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. It was too perfect and that scares me.” Betty said.

  “To me it was beautiful and shows we belong together.”

  “I didn’t want to fall for anyone else. Relationships are too scary. I know I’m a scaredy pants, but life has shown me the dark side and it’s made me afraid to take chances.”

  “Bull shit. You just took a chance and it was the right thing to do. You’re a strong woman and a good mother. Your instincts are telling you we belong together. Fear, after what you went through is normal, but you can’t let it ruin your future. If it does, he wins. He wanted to make sure you could never find happiness away from him but it won’t work. I know you, deep down inside you are too strong to stay hidden from life.”

  “I wish you were right, but I’m not strong at all. If I was, I would have killed him the first time he threatened my child. All I’ll do is let you down because you deserve a strong female to stand by your side.”

  “Why can’t you see that what I deserve is you? So few of my kind ever get the chance to have their fated mates. The universe itself chose you for me and if you can’t be strong right now, it’s okay. I’ll be strong for you when you need me to be and I’ll let you stand beside me when you are ready. When I look at you, I see this amazing female and I want nothing more than to have you as my mate.”

  “You know you’ve ruined me for any other male

  “Damn straight! You are mine and I am yours.”

  “I’m starting to get used to your possessiveness. I wonder what that means.”

  “I’m growing on you. Pretty soon you won’t be able to say no to me anymore.”

  “That’s what I’m starting to believe. You dragons are more stubborn than humans.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a compliment.”

  “Believe me, Sweetheart, it is.” Betty yawned and covered it with her hand. “I’m keeping you awake now and you are exhausted.”

  “What we just did helped settle my mind and get me ready to sleep. I was feeling restless and that’s why I was going to take a shower.”

  “I’m glad you did. I’ve never felt better than I do right now.”

  “I feel pretty great too. I’m sleepy, but my body is buzzing. That sounds weird, doesn’t it?”

  “Not at all. I’ve been told that’s how fated mates feel when they finally get together.”


  Niku had a feeling the conversation was over. Her deep even breathing told him even before he looked to see that she was asleep. It had been a hard day for her and she needed rest to handle tomorrow and he would need it just as much.

  Chapter 7


  Romo was shocked and he wasn’t sure how to handle things. His king had put him in charge of the investigation of Cretia’s attack and anyone who might be involved. Romo’s younger brother, Dirk, had accepted the position as Niku’s assistant and would also be investigating the attack while Niku concentrated on dealing with the rogues.

  “So what’s wrong?” Bree spoke softly as Romo sat eating his breakfast.

  “These ruffians are not what I’m used to dealing with. Dragons usually won’t attack a female like this. It is so against our basic honor. Protecting females is what we were born to do.”

  “So you’re concerned if two of these rogues found it so easy to be brutal to a lone female, more violence might erupt?” Bree asked. She always got to the root of the problem.

  “Yes, I fear our society is changing and not for the better.” The pictures Bree had taken of Cretia when they had found her while they waited for Betty to find the herbs she needed, lay in front of him on the table. Today, he would show them to the king and emperor. They needed to get the full impression of what these ruffians had done.


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