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GALLANT (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 3)

Page 19

by Marilyn Campbell

  Without warning something dropped over Cherry's head and body. She put up her hands a fraction too late to stop what felt like a net from tightening around her and Gallant.

  Mar-Dot confirmed the obvious. "The life forms are now in a circle around you, Captain."

  Gallant snorted. "Very timely, Mar-Dot. I believe they're about to escort us below, so just keep the channel open. Usual orders stand."

  Cherry felt a nudge from behind and took a step forward at the same time as Gallant did. They were definitely being prodded along to somewhere.

  "Are you all right?" Gallant asked.

  "I'd be doing a hell of a lot better if I could see, but I'm okay. What are Mar-Dot's usual orders?"

  "If our suits are taken away, we won't be able to communicate with them, so they'll contact me mentally every other hour. I can't return any messages but they'll be able to ascertain whether I'm still alive. As long as I'm breathing, they won't leave the planet without me. In the meantime, the security shield should protect them and the ship from harm. Mar-Dot, someone just removed my weapon and the lead line from my belt. We'll be relying completely on you to guide us back when we're done here."

  "Understood, Captain."

  Their escorts brought them to a stop. Cherry could hear a long scraping sound, like rock against rock, and guessed that they had come to the entrance of the tunnel that Mar-Dot had mentioned. They were pushed forward another few feet and halted again.

  Slowly, the rock beneath Cherry's feet began to vibrate with a humming sound similar to that of an elevator motor, and it took her a moment to realize that they were indeed descending. Clinging to Gallant's arm, she whispered, "Aren't we being a little passive about all this?"

  "If they wanted to kill us, we'd already be dead. There is no logical reason to put up a fight... yet."

  As soon as the rock elevator touched bottom, they were nudged off it and the humming sound indicated that it was rising again. In the next instant, a great gust of wind practically knocked Cherry off her feet. She could hear and feel it whirling around her and upward. The blowing stopped at the same moment the humming sound did, taking with it enough of the mist to allow her to note that a bluish, phosphorescent light emanated from the walls of the cave. Cherry immediately took advantage of the improved visibility to check out their guides.

  As Mar-Dot had reported, there were five life forms moving around them but it was impossible to tell what they looked like as they were completely shrouded from the tops of their heads to the ground like ghosts, but in reflective silver material instead of white sheets. The only indication that they had faces was the two circles of convex black glass that made Cherry think of bug-eyes. Since it was obvious that they had been able to see her and Gallant in spite of the mist, she assumed those eyes had something to do with that ability.

  While one of them removed the net that bound her and Gallant together, another shoved a large flat rock a few feet across the cave floor, revealing a narrower opening than the one above them. Then that being and another figure lowered themselves into the abyss.

  The one who had removed the net pointed at Cherry and Gallant, then to the hole. Once she and Gallant stepped to the edge, she could see there were steps leading down.

  "Hold it," Gallant told her. "Let me go first. That way, if you slip, I can catch you instead of strangling you with this chain."

  "My, my. Even in trying times you live up to your name. Well, go on then. I'm right behind you. Or rather, above you."

  Once they were all within the second cavern, one of the guides pulled down a lever protruding from the wall. Automatically, another gust of wind swirled around them, carrying more remnants of the mist upward through the opening. Before the last figure descended the ladder, he slid the rock back over the hole. This entire procedure was repeated two more times without their guides uttering a word.

  Cherry estimated that they were now about a hundred feet below the surface and there didn't seem to be any traces of the mist left. However, it wasn't until the figures began removing their shrouds that she assumed the air was safe.

  The five beings turned out to be one female and four male humanoids, wearing animal furs over most of their bodies. It may have been an effect of the bluish light, but Cherry thought their facial skin was so pale it had an opalescent quality to it.

  Using a series of hand signals, one of the men directed Gallant to remove the slave collar from Cherry's neck and get out of their protective suits. Gallant quickly took off the collar and chain and handed it to the man, but he was much slower about his suit.

  Following his lead, Cherry unfastened the headpiece, took a shallow breath, and waited to see how the air affected her before pulling it off completely. Gallant gave her a nod and they helped each other out of their suits. The female took possession of those items and the slave collar.

  The man who had given them their instructions signaled to another, who then wrapped his hands around a rock protruding from the wall and turned it. His efforts produced a loud grinding noise, followed by the appearance of a crease in the cavern wall. Countless turns later a portion of the rock opened outward like a hinged door.

  Cherry and Gallant were motioned ahead of the others through the opening and into an enormous cavern at least two hundred feet square. The bluish light was brightened by the presence of thousands of stalactites hanging like iridescent icicles from the ceiling thirty or so feet above. At the far end of the cavern was a low oval-shaped table carved from the same glowing stone as the walls. Around the base of the table, a number of mats were scattered, implying that this was either a dining or meeting area, with primitive being the operating word for decorating style.

  The escorts stopped Cherry and Gallant when they reached the center of the room and all the males departed through a corridor on the left. Still carrying their suits, the female marched straight ahead in military fashion, rounded the table and went into another corridor behind it.

  Cherry waved her hand in front of her nose. "The air down here may not kill us but it smells like rotten eggs and boiling cabbage mixed together."

  Gallant grimaced. "Mostly sulphur, I think. With just a hint of unwashed bodies."

  "Maybe if we asked real nice, they'd let us put the protective suits back on. Any idea what happens next?"

  "From the looks of it, I'd say we're in a receiving—"

  A cacaphonous blasting of horns made them both return their attention to the end of the room where the table was. Two male children, carrying ivory tusks nearly as big as they were, marched stiffly out of the corridor. Wearing only white cloths wrapped around their lower bodies diaper-style and a white band around their heads, they each took a position against opposite walls and blasted the horns again.

  Cherry and Gallant spared one curious glance at each other before the parade continued. Out came eight of the biggest, brawniest, ugliest people Cherry had ever seen. The three men and five women, one of whom was the female from the escort party, wore short, sleeveless jumpers made of a variety of animal hides and furs.

  The simple covering made it possible to see that they all had a pearly quality to their pale skin, just as the first group had. On the other hand, the multitude of scars marring the flesh suggested that the skin tone did not denote weakness, only a lack of sunlight.

  Without making eye contact with either Cherry or Gallant, they lined up in front of the table. Another ear-splitting screech of the horns caused them all to raise their chins a notch and stand at stiff attention.

  Cherry couldn't help but gape at the next person who entered the hall and strode purposefully toward them. Though the almost nude, scarred body was as muscular as any man's, the ample breasts proved that it was a female.

  She stood over six feet tall in her bare feet, but on top of her head was a gold-plated helmet with a set of antlers that increased her height by at least two more feet. Several furry animal tails were tied to the center of a gold chain around her hips, covering the other proof of her gender, a
nd a large gold medallion hung from a leather thong around her neck.

  "Holy stars!" Cherry muttered without thinking. The next moment she felt the back of the woman's hand striking her cheek. Before she could defend herself, Gallant stepped between them.

  "The female belongs to me," Gallant declared. "If she requires punishment, I'll dole it out."

  The amazon met his unblinking gaze. "I was informed that she wore a slave collar when she arrived. We do not find the device necessary, since there is nowhere that a slave can go from here. The first rule she must learn is that slaves are not permitted to use verbal language. If I decide to let her live, she will learn the signs like the others. But we shall discuss her disposition later. I wish to hear your name."

  Cherry's cheek smarted, but she was relieved that her translator was interpreting whatever language the woman was speaking into Americanized English.

  Gallant prevented her from stepping forward again as he answered, "My name is Gallant Voyager... from the planet Norona."

  "I think not. Kneel, Gallant Voyager, and bow your head." He did as she requested. Using the long curved fingernail of her right index finger, she parted his hair along the white streaks on each side of his head and examined the roots. "How is it that your hair is striped in this fashion?"

  "I was born this way," he answered cautiously.

  "Did you inherit the trait from your parents?"

  "I wouldn't know. I was adopted," he answered, clearly unsure where this interrogation was leading.

  "And on what date were you adopted?" He told her and she stepped back from him. "Rise then, Gallant Voyager and meet your destiny." As soon as he rose to his feet, she removed the helmet from her head and shook her long black hair free.

  From the center of her widow's peak to the ends of the hair down her back was a thick white stripe. "I am Princess Honorbound, daughter of the late sovereign and ruler of the planet Illusia." She motioned for one of the boys to come and take the helmet from her.

  "According to the edict passed on to me by my father, you have been tested. You found your way to us in spite of the obstacles thrown in your path. You have been trained without being told of the purpose and the time has finally come for you to assume the position you were born to."

  She removed the medallion from her neck and held it in front of her. "I have kept this medallion in trust for the heir apparent to my father's throne. You, Gallant Voyager, the son of the brother of the late sovereign, are my cousin. But it was you, not I, who was born with the royal mark of the double stripes. I have sworn to abide by the nine-hundred-year tradition in our noble family. Therefore, I pass the medallion to you, the new sovereign of Illusia." She placed the leather thong around his neck and knelt before him.

  The men and women behind her shouted, "Hail to the new sovereign, Gallant of Illusia." Then they knelt as she did.

  Cherry tugged on Gallant's vest from behind, but he ignored her, so she inched her way around to his side. She was desperate to see his face and confirm that the ridiculous pronouncement was as much of a shock to him as it was to her but his next words stunned her even more.

  "I have known what I am for some time," he stated in a perfectly level voice. "But I'll require further proof of what you're saying before I'm willing to take on the responsibility of a dying planet."

  From the tight expression on the Princess's face, Cherry was positive that subservience did not come naturally to the woman.

  "With your permission," the Princess said, and waited for him to wave his hand before she rose.

  The others remained on their knees until he gave them his permission as well. "You will have your proof and the answers to all your questions in a moment.

  "First I must give you a warning. As I know you are aware, the mist above is deadly and blinding but the air within these lower caverns is perfectly safe. Taking the precautions you witnessed is the only way to keep the two atmospheres separated. We have been told that mixing them for any length of time could result in a destructive explosion and we have no interest in testing that theory. Therefore, the exit tunnel is always well guarded... to make certain no one accidentally opens the series of doors improperly.

  "Also, your protective covering has been stored and will be returned to you when it is necessary. Be assured, you would not survive on the surface without it."

  Cherry easily read between the lines and deduced that Gallant may be an honored guest but not yet a trusted one. Sovereign or not, he was only going to be allowed to leave alive if and when the Princess approved it.

  "Now let me introduce you to your council. They are impatient to meet you after so much time." She stepped to his side and faced the others. "Jaro, your second in command."

  A giant of a man, with very short blond hair and a beard, he seemed to have a few less scars on his face and arms than the others. He came forward, looked directly into Gallant's eyes, bowed his head and returned to his place. Each person was introduced in a like manner.

  "There are two more members to your council. Bessima, your first in command, is on a mission elsewhere. We will explain the details later. And you have already met your chief advisor." She clapped her hands and a stoop-shouldered man with snow white hair shuffled into the room.

  "Josep?" Gallant asked, failing to hide his surprise. "You're the Con rep spy?"

  The Princess laughed. "It is good to see that growing up among the Noronian fiends did not entirely strip you of your emotions. Let us sit down and fill in the years for you." She crooked a finger at the boy holding the helmet. "You. Take this girl to the slave quarters and have the officer there assign her to a duty... though she does not look strong enough to be of much use."

  Jaro stopped the boy with his hand and approached Cherry. Only the fact that he was several inches taller and broader than Gallant made her stand still for his inspection. Light gray eyes seemed to strip the jumpsuit from her body as his lips curled back to show gritted yellow teeth. The low growling sound he made gave her chills. "She is built more like a boy than a girl. I might find it interesting to have such a bed-slave."

  His hand was within an inch of her breast when Gallant grasped his wrist. "You must not have heard me before. This woman belongs to me, and until I tire of her, my bed is the only one she'll be warming."

  Jaro backed away with a nod. "Of course, my lord. Forgive me."

  The boy took another step toward Cherry but this time Gallant stopped him. "She stays."

  The Princess pursed her lips but said nothing. After shooing the two boys out of the room, she guided Gallant to a floor mat at one end of the oval table. She sat to his right, Josep to his left, and the others took the remaining places.

  With a brief movement of his eye, Gallant told Cherry to sit behind his right shoulder. She had made him a lot of promises concerning her behavior and she trusted him to know what he was doing, but when she had made those promises, she certainly hadn't expected him to be named head honcho of a bunch of savages, nor would she have expected him to be so complacent about it.

  Josep held up his hand and the others immediately quieted. He began with a deep breath and a sigh. "Gallant, there is a lot you need to know that had to be kept from you until now. Since the late sovereign made me responsible for you when you were born, this tale must logically start with the events leading up to that time.

  "After the Consociation created the barrier around Illusia, the people were prevented from warring with their neighbors. Thus, they returned to the pattern of warring amongst themselves. For almost three hundred years, they battled over possession of the smallest property, ultimately destroying much of the planet along with the population. The subsequent pollution of the air, water and soil became as much of a problem as protecting oneself from enemies.

  "Illusia was dying slowly but surely. The people needed the challenge of war but they also needed a new world to inhabit. Your ancestors maintained supreme control of the planet by sheer force over many centuries. Then your grandfather came up wit
h a way to unite the Illusian people toward a common goal, which would satisfy both of their primary needs. He formulated a hundred-year plan and had all of the underlords sign their agreement to it. When he was assassinated by a traitor, your uncle became sovereign and he and your father continued with the plan. The traitor was caught and executed by the way." He had to take another deep breath before he could go on.

  "A team of the most talented Illusians was selected from among all the noble families to create a continuous image for the benefit of the Consociation monitors. The war-ravaged planet gradually took on the appearance of a peaceful, productive land in order to convince outsiders that the Illusians were no longer a threat to anyone."

  "Excuse me for interrupting, Josep," Gallant said. "But I never had the opportunity to do much experimenting with my ability to create illusions. I understand how easy it is to deceive other people but how are they able to fool the computers?"

  Josep smiled. "Illusians have never been interested in exploring the deeper mysteries of life. We know only that our creations seem to take on a solid appearance, even to machines."

  "And yet, the savages on the surface didn't look solid to me."

  "Correct. The power is of no use against another Illusian."

  Cherry's mind was formulating questions a lot faster than Josep was talking, but Gallant was apparently on the same wavelength as she.

  He rubbed his chin as he drew his first conclusion. "That had to be what the Weebort trader was referring to when he used the word counterfeit. The document he had seen must have explained the deception being perpetrated."

  Josep nodded. "Actually, the document was a copy of the one-hundred-year plan smuggled off Illusia. But you're getting ahead of the story. Convincing the Consociation they were no longer dangerous was absolutely necessary to get them to lower the barrier. The scheme, as you must now realize, was to first appear passive, then helpless against a drought. They had no doubt that the gentler people of the Consociation would want to offer assistance to the poor, desperate victims and thus raise the barrier.


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