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Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2)

Page 5

by Gow, Kailin

  He’d proven to be more than just interesting. He was knowledgeable and fascinating to listen to. His profound interest in the Tudors made me want to listen to him for hours.

  “Annulled, behead, died, annulled, beheaded, survived. That is the fate met by his six wives.”

  “That’s certainly an interesting way of putting it.”

  Our room glowed with the warm light of several candles. Immediately drawn to the view from our window, I hurried to gaze up at the stars.

  “Magnificent, isn’t it?” Moore said as he came up behind me. He pointed to our left. “Did you see? The moon is rising.”

  “I never believed in fairy tales,” I murmured softly. “My life has always been filled with such ugliness, with the evils of the world.” I realized in that moment how fighting demons had left me slightly jaded; a little too cynical. I was too young to have such an unfavorable view of life.

  “I want to make all your dreams come true, Lux.” Moore’s lips brushed across my ear as his promise touched a cord deep inside me. “You're so hardened, so accustomed to battles. You have a wall built around you, around your heart. You’ve forgotten how to just let go and enjoy what life has to offer.”

  “I didn’t forget,” I said softly, my gaze fixed on the moon. “I’ve never known how.”

  I turned to face him, to face the prince who’d so charmingly weaved his way into my life. I feared for him, and feared for the emotions that slowly built up inside me. I couldn’t love him. I couldn’t allow myself to be blinded by silly emotions.

  I couldn’t just let go, as he’d suggested.

  “You seem rather familiar with this castle. How many times have you been here?” I wanted to shake off the emotions and change the subject.

  “A few times,” he said with a vague shrug as he paced the floor. “My parents became increasingly desperate to find a way out for us; voodoo, exorcism, black magic, witch’s spell; anything and everything to save us. Then they heard of the Book of Angels at Cambridge. It turned out to be a part of a private collection, which then led them to San Francisco. They didn’t know who had the book or where it was exactly. Nor did they know just how close they brought Shayne and me to finding it. I mean, who would have thought Dr. Kingsley could own such a book?”

  He remained silent a moment, his eyes suddenly distant, as though traveling back to a more innocent time. “Even young, Shayne wanted to impress those around her. She wanted to be part of the in crowd, the social elite; hobnob with the rich and famous.” He pressed a wry grin. “I guess her social soirees had a purpose after all.”

  “You think she maintained the social standing in order to get the Book of Angels?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it was just luck that she came to know who had it, and how to get into his circle. Shayne is a complicated woman. She has enough charm to disarm anyone, yet she can be insanely savage when she feels wronged or incapable of getting what she wants. She wasn’t always like that, at least not this bad. She’s always been quick to anger, but lately she’s angered for no reason at all.”

  “Your parents probably had a hand in controlling her when younger.”

  “Probably. I can even remember a time when she was pretty decent, almost fun. I think when she saw what became of my parents it cleared things up for her. It made her own future more distinct.”

  “Freaked her out?”

  He nodded.

  “I can imagine it’s not easy finding out you're from a cursed line of succubus and humans. Born as a human and eventually turned into a complete demon. She went from being the epitome of high society to…”

  “To doomed.”

  Slowly, almost reverently, Moore took my hand and led me to the fabulous four poster bed.

  “I didn’t ask to be this way,” he said as we sat down. “I loathe it and would give anything – anything to be normal. It’s one thing to be completely demonic, to have the conviction of evil and to simply forge forward based on that evil, to follow the devil, but to have that human side, than angelic side that constantly battles for good… Damn, you have no idea how hard it can be. I thought… I hoped Asher and that Book of Angels would be the answer. I could almost taste the freedom from the demons that live within me, but all it did was cause more trouble.”

  “I’m glad you realize that, and I’m glad that you're here, alive and willing to fight this.”

  He brushed his fingers through my hair. “It’s all because of you. It’s all for you. I’m grateful you didn’t slay me. You had so many chances to do so, yet you didn’t. Why?”

  I averted his gaze. “Because…”

  Pulling me into his arms, he brushed his cheek across mine. “In a way, you're struggling with your own battles, just like I am,” he said, his voice heavy and husky. eavy anBwA part of you hates me, hates what I am and hates what I’ve done, but a part of you feels something stronger for me. A part of you want me to hold you, to kiss you, to love you, doesn’t it?”

  I stood and turned my back to him, suddenly unable to bear his touch. If I say anything now, all my emotions would show, and I would have to admit that my feelings have grown for him so much these past few days.


  “Yes,” I blurted out. Bringing my hands over my tired eyes, I groaned my fatigue and my confusion. “I admit there’s something about you that…”

  He reached for my elbow and gently pulled me back to him, parting his knees to bring me into a full embrace. “That what?”

  Shaking my head, I gazed up at the bed’s canopy. Was I simply intoxicated by the romance of it all? Was I enchanted by the fairy princess treatment he’d shown me since leaving St. James? “I think,” I said, my words choppy and hesitant. “That deep inside you, somewhere, there truly is someone good, someone who wants to be good, but…”

  “Forget the but for now.” He pulled me closer as he licked his lips in hunger.

  “I know that look,” I said, trying to sound flippant, but hearing the jagged ting of lust in my own voice.

  “I know I promised to be a perfect gentleman, but you're so hard to resist.” His arms tightened around my waist, crushing me to his chest.


  He kissed me with a gentleman’s restraint, but the restraint was short lived. Passion fired up quickly as his tongue invaded my mouth and sent my head reeling and my body crying out for more. Before I lost complete control, I pulled back, tearing my lips away from the warmth of his, but his hold remained strong at the small of my back.

  My head fell back and I arched toward him as his lips assaulted my neck, trailing a heated path down into the opening of my shirt.

  “Moore,” I groaned as my fingers pried through his hair and pulled him to me. Even as I heard my voice I questioned my intent. Did I call out his name to stop the onslaught of sensual arousal, or did I cry out for more?

  Regardless of my desires, he stopped. Just as suddenly as the passion had risen, it cooled and ceased. His hands securely on my waist, he pushed me back and stood. “I have to go.”

  Lust filled my brain and numbed my body as I turned to look at him. “Go? Go where?” The hotel room he’d booked had had two bedrooms. Where could he go, but here?

  He chuckled softly. “I was lucid enough to reserve two rooms…just in case. I might not be a perfect gentleman, but I still have the capacity to be an imperfect one.”

  I swallowed the impulse to beg him to stay.

  “Forgive my stumble, milady,” he said, affecting a British accent. “But now I must bid you goodnight. I shall retreat to the Gloucester bedchamber. Perhaps you can join me for breakfast. You get the Duke’s bedchamber all to yourself. We can have scones and tea while enjoying the view of two of the oldest Tudor gardens in all of England; the Privy Garden and the Goodly Gardens.”

  I stood, reluctant to let him leave, but charmed by the great care he’d taken to keep his promise. “Goodnight, milord,” I said as I led him out of my bedchamber.

  With a chaste kiss on the brow a
nd a regal bow, he left me.

  Chapter 6

  Breakfast was a treat for the senses. The tantalizing aromas, the delectable flavors, but most of all, the spectacular view. As enchanted as I’d been to sleep in the Duke’s bedchamber I was mesmerized by breakfast in Moore’s room.

  “This is enough to make me forget the jet lag,” I said, scoffing down another marmalade laden toast. “It’s lovelier than any storybook.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it all. Maybe sometime we can come back; spend some real time.” His eyes smiled at me.

  I nodded, my mind already counting the hours of the day that would no doubt fly by all too quickly. “Yesterday you mentioned Cambridge.”


  “That’s a prestigious school. Couldn’t Braxton be there?”

  “It’s a university. He’d have to have finished high school first.”

  “Braxton is incredibly smart and I know he was well advanced in many of the courses at St. James.”

  Moore put down his fork and looked solemnly at me. “You think he could have skipped straight on to college?”

  “I wouldn’t put it past him. He certainly was smart enough to tutor me, remember? He was way ahead of what we’re learning at St. James.”

  “Yeah, right.” He glanced away, seeking something else to focus on.

  “Don’t worry. Just because we find him… I won’t forget what you’ve done for me, Moore.”

  Swallowing, his pride or his pain, he glanced at his watch. “It’s a four hour drive, clear past London.”

  “Well, we can maybe stop at other schools you have listed along the way and make it our final stop. I have a feeling about this, Moore. If Dr. Kingsley purchased the Book of Angels from Cambridge, it may also lead Brax back there.”

  Cocking his head to one side, he picked up his fork, speared a length of sausage and pointed it at me. “Makes sense. You're smart.” He took a large bite and gazed at me with interest as he chewed. “Must be why I like you.”

  “Yeah,” I said with heavy sarcasm. “That must be the reason.”

  He chuckled and finished his last bite. “Onto Cambridge it is then.”

  As expected the few schools we stopped at along the way had no sign of Brax, but each stop gave us a well needed break from the long ride to Cambridge.

  The moment the university came into view, I knew we’d find Braxton.

  I could feel him.

  “This place is huge. He could be at any one of the colleges here.”

  “Over there. King’s college.”

  Moore gazed quizzically at me, but said nothing as he drove us to the dorm.

  The moment he parked the car, I asked a few students if they’d heard of Braxton. It didn’t take long to find someone who knew the handsome new student.

  “Bodley’s Court,” the pretty brunette said. “Room T23.”

  My heart soared. We’d finally found him, though Moore didn’t quite share my enthusiasm. He practically growled at the girl and grimaced as I headed in the direction she’d pointed to.

  T23. I hesitated before knocking. Moore stood at my side, straight and stiff, his eyes focused blindly on the door, his lips in a resigned, tight line.

  “This weekend has really been great,” I whispered as I reached for his hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze.

  He nodded almost imperceptibly and I finally knocked on the door.

  An annoyed groan sounded from behind the door accompanied by the sound of latches being thrown open. The door opened a crack and I saw Brax’s eye. In an instant, the door was flung back, I was pulled in and the door slammed behind me as he took me into a frenzied and passionate embrace.

  “Lux,” he muttered as he kissed my brow, my cheek and reached for my lips. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe you're here.” He covered my mouth with his lips and kissed me with passion like never before. His hands traveled over the length of my back, over my shoulders, down my arms and back to take my waist, confirming I was truly there.

  With a final kiss that left me weak, he cupped my cheeks and looked disbelievingly at me. “Is it really you? Have you really come for me?”

  The slow, loud knock at the door went unnoticed by him.

  “Brax,” I said, tilting my head to the door.

  “Oh, right.” Opening the door, his face was transformed from loving to murderous rage on seeing Moore. “You!” he spat.

  Caught off guard, Moore backed up as Brax charged him.

  “Brax, don’t,” I shouted, grabbing his arm and pulling him off. “Brax, stop it.”

  “That bastard…”

  “He helped me find you, Brax. I would have been lost without him. I would have never found you.”

  His chest rose and fell as every angry breath seeped through his tightened lips. “He’s the reason I’m out here. Him and his insane sister. Have you already forgotten what they did, Lux? For crying out loud, they killed my uncle, they almost killed us. They unleashed a room full of demons.” He turned away and passed his hand through his hair with harsh and aggressive motions. “Damn it. I can’t believe you came here with him.”

  “Brax, what happened to your uncle wasn’t Moore’s fault. It was Shayne. And Moore is trying to fight it. He’s being good.”

  “Good?” Brax glared at me, his brow cocked with indignant disbelief.

  “I think I would have preferred you not find me at all rather than show up here with him on your arm.” He shot Moore a hate-filled grimace.

  “Brax, I had to find you. You have to come back. You're untrained and it’s dangerous for you to be out here on your own. And the estate… it needs tending and you're the rightful owner, and there is just so much to take care of.”

  “Well then, you came all the way out here for nothing, Lux. I’m not going back. I’ve had it with this supernatural stuff. It was hell when my parents disappeared and I was just starting to get readjusted when…” His balled his fist and glared once again at Moore. Shaking his head, he looked at me. “I can’t go back. I want out of this insanity. I want to be normal, to live a normal life. I’m not cut out for this demon world you live in.”

  “I know, but you live in this world too. I know this is all hard and that’s why I want to help. You have to let me help you, Brax.” I pulled him into my arms, feeling his tension and his anger. “I came to help you.”

  After a moment, his body relaxed and he sat on the sofa.

  “I also need to know what happened,” I said.

  “What happened? What do you mean, what happened?”

  “Since that night… since the death of your uncle…”

  “Murder,” he corrected with a deadly glare at Moore.

  “Since the murder of your uncle, I’ve been having these dreams. And just recently, when I awoke from such a dream, I saw them.”

  “Them? Who’s them?”

  “Your parents, Brax. I saw them, only not in human form. They told me to help you, to save you. They want me to keep you from turning into them.” I sat beside him and grasped his hand.

  He snorted. “That’s impossible. They’re dead.”

  “I know, Brax.”

  “What are you saying, that they…?”

  “They weren’t…” I fought to find the best way of breaking it to him. “They were like… like demons, though they clearly loved you and wanted you to be saved.”

  Moore sat across from us and propped his elbows on his knees. “What were they investigating?”

  Brax fell back into the cushions and sighed. ons andpoI don’t know. They didn’t really tell me much. They said it was too dangerous and the less I knew the better off I was.”

  “Maybe it’s time you found out,” I said. “They wanted me to save you from becoming like them, Brax. Surely their turning has something to do with whatever they were investigating.”

  “Demons,” he muttered, his voice an agonized croak. “How can that be?”

  “You're not the first to have this happen to, Brax. Look at Shayne a
nd me. It’s a curse that is passed on from one generation to the next, each generation more deeply afflicted by the force of darkness.”

  “And that could be the reason you see angels and demons like I do,” I said. “Yet, you're not really like me. You're like Shayne and Moore.”

  He sat up. “Are you nuts? Like them? Never.”

  “She’s right, Brax. Just like Shayne and me, you’ll start to show demonic signs.”

  “I’m the same age as you are, Moore, and there is no sign I have anything demonic in me.”

  “To the outside world, I don’t really show any signs either. It starts small, discreet, and to a certain extent you try to control it, but as you get older, that control gets harder to maintain and suddenly you find yourself doing things you never thought you’d do. These evil spirits are corrosive and they eat away at your soul little by little, taking over in the most insidious way. Maybe it’s a little slower in coming to you and maybe you’ve managed to hold it off a little longer than I have, but, I promise you, Brax, what’s coming isn’t pretty.”

  Brax gazed at me, his eyes imploring me to tell him differently.

  “You need to come back to St. James and to your uncle’s estate. We have to find out what he knew and we have to find out what happened to your parents, what kind of curse hangs over your head.”

  He inhaled deeply and pulled me into his arms before letting his breath seep out in despair. “A part of me wants to go back. I’ve missed you terribly.” He crushed me against his chest, his lips pressing to my temple.

  From the corner of my eye, I caught Moore sitting back and looking away, though I couldn’t quite read his expression.

  “Holding you like this,” Brax said with a tender squeeze. “I’d forgotten how good it could be; how wonderful you make me feel.” His nose to my hair, he breathed in. “You smell sweet and fresh, like a walk in the summer rain.”

  Moore stood and loudly clasped his hands together. “Well, I think I’ve do ne all I can do here, Lux. I brought you to Brax and now it’s up to him to make the decision to come back or to stay here. I’ll let you two…” He faltered over the words while holding his chin high and strong. “I’ll wait outside.”


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