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Carnal Discipline

Page 3

by Kate Hill

  “Excuse me for trying to be careful,” she said sarcastically. “Maybe you’d prefer I claw you and rub salt on the wounds?”

  Again he snorted, this time with amusement. A slight smile curved his lips and he glanced at her over his shoulder. Their gazes met and Vesta forgot her irritation. His eyes truly were beautiful, and something told her there was far more to Curt Razorpaw than his tough veneer first led her to believe.

  They continued removing the bandages, many soaked in blood. Vesta noted most of his injuries were almost completely healed, thanks to his regenerative powers. Still, the scent of his blood was heavenly and it was all she could to do keep from tasting him. Even though she’d satisfied her bloodlust that morning, she desperately wanted to drink from Curt. The only other wolf she felt so strongly about was Julian and even he didn’t stir her desire to such a fevered pitch. Close, but not quite.

  The problem was she really liked Julian and he was a good lover. Yet at this moment all she could think about was Curt throwing her down and fucking her until she passed out.

  Think of Julian. Think of charming, courteous Julian.

  Vesta tossed the last bandage into the trash and ran her fingertips along a claw mark on Curt’s shoulder. It was fairly deep and still oozing. “That must hurt.”

  “It’s fine.” He shrugged off her hand and headed for the bath. He stepped in and swam across the pool to the shallow end where he could lie comfortably, his sinewy arms resting along the marble edge.

  Drawing a deep breath, Vesta took a few seconds to compose herself, then retrieved the pillow and articles for washing. She placed the pillow on the edge of the bath near Curt and knelt upon it. After pushing up the sleeves of her gown, she unwound his tight braid, combed her fingers through his long, wavy chestnut hair. In spite of its thickness, it felt surprisingly soft between her fingers. Entranced, she continued stroking it and completely lost track of time. Her fingertips brushed his temples and trailed down his neck. Only when she leaned closer, her lips hovering over the side of his neck and her fangs aching, did she realize she’d been out of line. It wasn’t her place to touch him like this.

  If he noticed her mistake, he gave no sign of it. His gaze remained fixed straight ahead.

  Relieved, she dipped a washcloth into the water and lathered it with soap. She began washing his shoulders and arms. Lord, his body was rock hard. Touching him was an absolute pleasure. She could scarcely wait to massage him after his bath, to use her hands on him instead of the cloth. She ran the cloth over his chest, fighting the urge to caress the broad, hair-dusted expanse.

  His gaze fixed on her and though she tried to ignore it, she couldn’t. No man should have eyes that compelling.

  Vesta ran the towel down the length of his arm then washed his hand, noting the thickness and strength of his wrist and the pleasing shape of his fingers. His nails were short and clean. She imagined the feel of those strong, surprisingly beautiful hands on her body -- kneading her breasts and dipping into the hot, wet place between her legs.

  A low growl escaped his throat and she swallowed hard, knowing it was far too late to control her lust. The scent of her desire must be obvious to him. She could smell it herself, and Vampire senses weren’t a match for those of wolves.

  “Vesta,” he said.

  “Yes, Brigadier?”

  “I realize that your duty to me ends at bathing and massage, and I wouldn’t insult you by suggesting you must do more than that. However, there’s no rule that prevents me from expressing interest in you.”


  “Or asking if you would pursue your interest in me.”

  “How dare you --” she began, then stopped. Protesting his statement would be silly when the aroma of her lust hung heavily on the air, not to mention the way she’d nearly bitten him just moments ago.

  “The decision is yours entirely,” he said. “Refuse and I won’t mention it again. We will carry on as if nothing was said. Accept and I promise you an evening of mutual satisfaction, and again nothing will be said outside of this room -- at least not from my lips.”

  “I don’t think it would be appropriate,” she replied breathlessly. Just the thought of making love with him had her clit tingling and pussy drenched with passion.

  His intense gaze held hers for a long moment. Vesta’s pulse raced and her mouth went dry. What was it about this man? He was irresistible. The sexy expression in his eyes, his virile body and his voice that both warmed her and sent chills down her spine were enough to drive a woman mad with lust.

  “Perhaps anther time?” He took her hand, removed the washcloth and raised her palm to his lips.

  Vesta’s eyes closed and she sighed with pleasure as the tip of his tongue tickled her palm and dipped between each finger.

  Julian. Think of Julian.

  “I --” she whispered.


  Her eyes opened and she stared at him. “I’m sort of seeing someone.”

  “Ah.” He dropped her hand. “I didn’t realize you were claimed. I apologize.”

  “I’m not claimed. It’s not -- he and I…” Lord, she’d never been this tongue-tied around a man. The worst of it was, she wanted her tongue tied in a different way, preferably with his, thrusting, stroking, tasting… “I’m not claimed,” she repeated.

  He nodded slightly, cupped the back of her head and drew her closer for a kiss. Vesta welcomed the caress of his warm, firm lips. She willingly opened her mouth to his probing tongue and braced her hands against the edge of the bath to keep from falling in.

  When the kiss broke, the scent of their mingled lust filled the room. Her pulse raced and she knew there was no way she’d walk out of that chamber without fucking him first.

  “Take your clothes off,” he said in a soft, yet commanding voice that she seemed powerless to deny.

  “Unzip me, please?” she asked, turning her back to him.

  She heard the water slap against the side of the bath as he pushed himself out and sat near her on the marble edge. Vesta trembled with anticipation as he tugged down the zipper, then she felt his hot, wet hand on the bare flesh of her back. He stroked along her spine and slid his hand around to her belly. Cupping and caressing her stomach with one hand, he brushed her hair aside with his other and touched his lips to the back of her neck then covered it with kisses. Then she felt the hardness of his teeth as he gently bit up and down the side of her neck. He licked her flesh while sliding the dress down her shoulders.

  The fabric pooled around her waist, baring her torso to his touch. He cupped her breasts, kneading them slowly as if relishing their shape and softness.

  Vesta leaned against him and sighed with pleasure. She wished he’d touch her nipples, but he was still taking his time kissing her neck and squeezing her breasts. “Hmm, that feels so good,” she murmured, placing her hands over his, guiding them to her nipples.

  Curt growled deep in his chest. He took her earlobe between his teeth, nibbling and sucking it. He rolled his thumbs over her nipples, teasing and pinching the hard peaks nipples until his touch became almost unbearable. Heat and dampness flooded her pussy and she squirmed with need. She tried to turn in his arms, eager to kiss and touch him. More than anything she longed for him to fill her with his cock and cover her mouth with another deep, tender kiss.

  Curt tightened his grip, not allowing her to face him.

  After several moments she sighed and writhed with frustration. “Curt, please,” she murmured. “My nipples can’t take much more.”

  “You’d be surprised how much you can take,” he said close to her ear, his voice husky with desire. “To fully experience pleasure, you must learn discipline.”

  “Is everything about discipline to you?”

  “We’ll see if you have any complaints by the time we’re finished.”

  He stood and tugged her to a standing position. Placing his hands on her hips, he pushed her dress down. Wearing only her black satin panties, she remained still
and completely exposed to his gaze and touch. He took her hand and guided her away from the discarded dress. Little ripples of desire rolled down her spine, and her breasts rose and fell with her excited breathing.

  “There are some rules I want followed tonight, Vesta.”

  “What rules?” she murmured, slipping her arms around his neck. Gods, his body felt so rock hard against hers. She moved closer so her soft breasts flattened against the broad expanse of his chest. Her lips hovered over his, but he removed her arms from his neck and clasped both her wrists in his hand.

  “I want to touch you,” she said. His teasing behavior frustrated her. She wanted him to fuck her, damn it. Julian would have thrown her down and filled her with his cock by now. Though a gentle lover, Julian hated waiting. When they got together they appeased their desire as quickly as possible. Obviously Curt had other ideas.

  She stared deeply into his eyes, pouring all her vampiric charm into a lustful look. “Don’t you want me to touch you?”

  “Yes, but not until I say. Trust me. You’ll enjoy this. Patience, Vesta. Patience and discipline. Will you play by my rules?”

  Though she’d been hoping for a quick release, his words roused her interest and she said, “All right, but if you do something I don’t like, I’m out of here.”

  He lifted her hair and draped it over her shoulder, once again baring her neck and back. His fingertips stroked up and down her spine and he spoke in her ear, “If I’m doing something you don’t like, just tell me.”

  Vesta closed her eyes halfway and leaned back slightly, loving the sound of his voice and the tickle of his breath against her ear.

  Curt moved away slightly and circled her, his fiery blue eyes raking her curves, but Vesta scarcely noticed since her attention focused on his gorgeous, sleekly muscled body. Gods, he had broad shoulders and such a perfect chest.

  She lifted her hand to stroke the broad, hair-roughened expanse, but his gaze met hers and he shook his head slightly. Remembering her promise, she clenched her fist and dropped her hand back to her side.

  He paused, his hand on her hip, then he stroked her belly. His hand cupped her soft mound, rubbing her through the satin panties. He dropped to one knee and unfastened the straps on her sandal, pausing only to caress her ankle. “Pretty feet,” he commented.

  Vesta was glad her favorite guilty pleasure was regular pedicures. Nothing like a foot massage.

  “Put a hand on my shoulder,” he said. Once she did what he ordered, he lifted her foot to remove her sandal, then did the same to the other.

  Placing his hands on her hips, he drew her closer and covered her clit with his mouth. He licked and sucked her through the panties. The wet satin clung to her sensitive flesh like second skin and the sensation of his tongue stroking her through the fabric soon had her quivering with need.

  “Oh, Curt,” she breathed, clutching his shoulders, her fingers biting into solid muscle. Just when she thought the feelings washing over her couldn’t get any better, he growled, the sound wolfier than ever. She glanced down and saw that his facial features had elongated slightly. Thick ivory fangs gleamed against his lips and he used them to tear off her panties, not so much as scratching her tender skin.

  A new thrill shot through her. Julian had never reverted to the beast when they made love, not even a little. Though Curt basically kept his man form, those slight changes were a major turn-on.

  He glanced up at her, his pupils enormous and eyes gleaming wolfishly. Again he growled, then began lapping her clit.

  Vesta cried out sharply. It seemed her desire had been building for so long that the pleasure was magnified a hundred times.

  As if sensing when she was about to come, he stopped licking and stood. Frustrated, Vesta opened her eyes and stared at him, noting that he was now a few inches taller than her since her sandals were gone.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked. “Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

  “Just trying to ensure that you appreciate the moments when they come.”

  “I want to come. Now.” She reached for him, but he caught her wrists and guided them behind her back.

  “Do I need to tie you up, Vesta?” he asked. “I’d rather see you maintain control of yourself, but if you don’t feel you’re capable…”

  “You’re not going to tie me up,” she stated, though deep inside there was something she liked about the idea.

  He smiled slightly, wickedly, and cocked his head to the side. “That turns you on, does it? We’ll have to try it sometime. Now, can you control yourself?”

  “You’re really starting to piss me off.”

  “Pissed off and turned on. Sounds like you’re having fun.” He grasped her arm roughly, dragged her toward the edge of the pool and shoved her in.

  Vesta gritted her teeth and wiped water from her eyes. Her makeup was probably running all over the place thanks to this crude, power hungry --

  Curt dropped into the water and pulled her into a powerful embrace as his mouth covered hers in a kiss so long and deep she forgot everything except the pleasure rolling through her.

  Vesta ran her hands up his back, loving the feel of rippling muscles beneath water-slicked flesh. Finally he tore his lips from hers and devoured her neck with kisses. “Oh Gods,” she whispered, grasping handfuls of his hair.

  His rock hard cock pressed against her and she wished he’d thrust it in her and bring an end to this unendurable sexual tension. He swept his palms down her back and gripped her bottom, squeezing the spheres then parting them. He pushed a finger against her sphincter and Vesta quivered with delight.

  After several moments of delicious fondling, he swept her into his arms and carried her out of the bath by way of the wide marble steps. He brought her to the bedroom and dropped her on the bed. Looming over her on all fours, he stared into her eyes and said, “Don’t touch me until I tell you to.”


  He growled and she drew a sharp breath. “All right. All right.”

  Curt began covering her with kisses. He took his time kissing her face and neck. His tongue trailed from shoulder to shoulder then ran a warm, wet line between her breasts. He moved down her body, pausing to suck her nipples and flick his tongue over the pebble hard peaks.

  Vesta closed her eyes and moved her hands above her head, clenching her fists to keep from touching him. Even greater was the urge to bite him. By now his scent was strong with passion, his body hot. His aroused cock brushed her as he moved down her body.

  When he reached her feet, he began lapping her ankle and Vesta moaned. No one had ever licked her ankles before and the sensation was fantastic. By the time he finished thoroughly lapping both ankles, Vesta’s clit and pussy ached so much she thought she might come even if he didn’t directly stimulate her.

  “Open your eyes, Vesta,” he commanded.

  She did what he asked and watched him stretch out beside her on the bed. He stroked her pelvis then slid first one then two long fingers into her pussy. Moaning softly, she lifted her hips and clenched her inner muscles around his exploring fingers. He withdrew them and began stroking her clit in a slow, steady rhythm.

  Trembling on the verge of orgasm, Vesta thrust against his hand and he smiled wickedly.

  “Hungry, are you?” he said, rubbing a bit faster. Just when she was about to explode, he stopped and rolled onto his back. “Touch me now,” he said.


  “Suck me.”

  Vesta sat up, licking her lips as she stared at his long, thick cock. The very tip glistened with moisture, indicating that in spite of his calm words and actions he was as aroused as she was.

  At the moment she loved the thought of teasing him, giving him a taste of his own medicine. Settling between his legs, she clasped his shaft and stroked it while taking his cock head between her lips. She sucked and lapped with a vengeance, using the tip of her tongue to stimulate the sensitive underside.

  Curt remained frustratingly still against her
carnal attack. If not for the size of his cock and the moisture that kept gathering at its tip, she wouldn’t have known he was enjoying himself at all. Even his breathing remained under control.

  Still, her vampiric senses, now piqued as her desire reached dangerous heights, caught the rapid thrumming of his heart. She sucked faster, massaging his shaft and balls until he grasped a handful of her hair and dragged her away.

  “That’s enough.”

  “I don’t think so.” She smiled coquettishly and reached for him, but he shoved her stomach down on the bed and swiftly covered her body with his. He entered her from behind with a long, fierce thrust.

  Vesta cried out in pleasure and gripped the sheets tightly. “Oh Gods. Oh Curt. Please. Please!”

  He thrust slowly at first, gradually building speed and force until Vesta exploded in a blinding climax. His thrusts continued through the marvelous pulsations, pushing her headlong into a second orgasm quickly after the first.

  Moaning and gasping, Vesta could scarcely believe how good this felt. Maybe Curt had been right about waiting. Still thrusting, he licked and kissed her shoulder and neck. His grunts, growls and ragged breathing aroused her even more. Again she felt the climax building and this time when she came the sensations were so intense she couldn’t stifle her cry of pleasure.

  Somewhere beyond the carnal haze she felt him come, his hot body straining into hers. He howled with pleasure and the wildness of the sound sent quivers of desire down her spine.

  Then he rolled onto his back, panting, his eyes closed and chest heaving. Though physically satisfied, there was one last thing Vesta needed to make this night complete. She climbed on top of him, brushed aside his damp, wavy hair and sank her fangs into the side of his neck.

  At the sensation of her bite, Curt gave a sharp cry of pleasure that thrilled Vesta to the core. His arms tightened around her as she drank his essence.

  When she finished, she lay beside him for several moments while he stroked her shoulders and back. Once they’d recovered, he left the bed and headed for the bath.


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