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Invisible: An Alpha Company Military Romance

Page 16

by Beth Abbott

Ellen got her clothes ready for the next day, both for shopping and for work, and even ironed some clothes from Luke’s bag for him to wear. She insisted on putting some of his dirty clothes in the wash, so at least he’d have enough to wear during the week.

  They had agreed that she would continue to wear her brown contact lenses this week. There was no point in anyone here finding out that she was anyone other than who they thought her to be.

  She was going to tell G and Fran that after a whirlwind romance, she was going to live with Luke in London. It wasn’t so unbelievable, seeing that they’d already seen first-hand how smitten he was with her. They might try and talk her out of it, but they’d give in eventually and wish her well.

  By bedtime, she had listed all the things she wanted to take, those things that could go to the charity shop, and what could go out as rubbish.

  Luke would get a start on things as soon as she went to work tomorrow.

  By the time they undressed and crawled into bed, Ellen had finally accepted that her life was going to change irrevocably, once again.

  Only this time, she wouldn’t be entirely alone.

  When Luke took her into his arms, he kissed her lovingly, his hand palming her face as he licked and nibbled her lips.

  Eventually, his lips drifted down to her breasts, and he licked and tongued her nipples until they were taught bundles of nerves, eager for more stimulation.

  Luke’s hand smoothed across her flat stomach, and across her pussy, his palm stopping to lightly roam across her clit.

  Ellen’s sex clenched as he did so, but his fingers were already there, rubbing across her entrance, gathering up her juices.

  Wasting little time, Luke spread her legs, and slid one finger inside her. Ellen’s gasp was the only sound in the room.

  Instead of thrusting his finger in and out, he swirled it around inside, almost searching for the bundle of nerves that would send her rocketing.

  Her soft pants were the first sign that he had found her G-spot, and Luke continued to rub gently, making her achy and desperate for more stimulation.

  Just when she thought she’d have to beg, he pulled his finger out altogether, quickly reaching for a condom.

  Seconds later he was braced over the top of her, the tip of his cock just penetrating her vagina. Taking her hands in his he pulled them up over her head, where he pinned them to the pillow.

  The feeling of him taking control of her body was so erotic, that her response was to surrender herself to him completely, spreading her legs wider to help ease his entry.

  Luke took her lips again in a ferocious kiss, and as his tongue surged into her mouth, he thrust forward, his cock penetrating deep into her pussy.

  Luke’s lips, locked fast with hers, prevented her from taking the deep breath she needed, and for a few seconds, she felt light-headed, a dizzy euphoria overtaking her brain.

  When he finally broke contact so they could breathe again, the rush of oxygen left Ellen feeling spaced out.

  Was this what it felt like to be high on drugs, she wondered?

  Luke surged into her again, his long cock hitting her cervix. God, he was filling her completely!

  Each thrust was sending waves of excitement through her, and when he glided out, her pussy clamped down, hating being empty, desperate for him to fill her up again.

  Luke’s own passion was increasing by the minute, and Ellen could tell he was getting close himself. When he released one of her hands to reach down and pet her clit, she cried out, words that made no sense, but seemed to be understandable to Luke, as he increased both the tempo of his surges, and the pressure on her clit.

  Two more thrusts and she exploded in ecstasy, her hips lifting and her free hand gripping his shoulder, leaving nail marks scoring his skin.

  Luke desperately held off his orgasm, wanting to wring as much pleasure from Ellen as he could.

  As she finally crested the wave, and started the slow descent to reality, she cupped his face in her hand and kissed him, as he continued to thrust into her slowly and deeply.

  “I love you!” She whispered.

  That was all it took. Luke’s balls exploded and his seed detonated out of his cock, filling the condom completely.

  He groaned into her shoulder, and kept thrusting, his orgasm washing over him again and again.

  Ellen rocked her pelvis into him, helping elongate the orgasm like nothing he’d ever experienced.

  When he finally slumped onto the mattress, he was utterly spent.

  “My God, you’ve broken me!” Luke groaned.

  Ellen couldn’t help but smile. Less than a day since she’d lost her virginity to this man, and already she’d managed to ruin him.

  “Well, I don’t know!” She murmured into his ear. “A big strapping soldier like you? I never had you down for a ‘once and done’ man.”

  Luke lifted his head and turned to her, the look on his face priceless!

  “I’ll give you ‘once and done’.” He protested, rolling over onto his back. “Just give me five minutes to recover.”

  Ellen lifted her head and looked down at his flaccid cock, still sheathed in the used condom.

  “Hmmm.” She grinned. “Better make it ten.”

  Luke growled at her, but didn’t move.

  But if Ellen thought that he was done for the night, then she’d been in for a big surprise!

  By the time morning came around, they’d made love four times altogether. Each time was different, but all of them ended with rocking climaxes and words of love between them.

  Ellen couldn’t think of when she’d ever been this happy.

  Sleep had claimed them eventually, as she knew it had to. But her dreams for once, were happy and pleasant, and when she woke, she felt more contentment than she’d ever known.

  Chapter 34 - Georgie

  As George Drayton examined the end of his cigar before setting it to the flame from his lighter, he tried to ignore the intermittent noise coming from the open space outside his office. He closed the door, trying to block out the dull noises coming from beyond.

  “Doof, doof, doof.”

  “Doof, doof, doof.”

  It was getting monotonous.

  He’d give it five more minutes, then go down and change things up a bit.

  This wasn’t his uptown office, the one just along from the Gherkin in the City of London. The one where he met all of his financial clients, and from where he did multi-million pound deals nearly every week.

  No this was his other ‘office’, in a disused warehouse in South London.

  It was from this office that all of his other business deals were done. ‘Imports’ was his secondary business. Mainly cannabis, occasionally cocaine, and even alcohol and tobacco if the prices were right and the loads were big enough. Not that the actual goods came through here. This was more of a base of operations.

  George didn’t dabble. He wasn’t interested in what you could smuggle in the back of a van. Unless it was loaded with cash!

  No, George had goods imported by the container, or by yacht, or private plane. Whatever was available to him.

  He was well organised, well-funded, thanks to his legitimate business, and had a crew working for him who were well drilled, well paid and bloody loyal to a fault.

  Whilst he loved his uptown business, loved making money and impressing his clients, it was his side business ventures that stirred his blood and made his cock hard.

  Take today for example. He’d spent the morning in the City, signing off on a deal that would clear him a cool £5m for say, two month’s work by one of his teams.

  Easy money!

  It had given him quite a buzz.

  But this afternoon, his boys had gone out and rounded up a few dealers on his payroll who he suspected of dipping into the supply chain, and helping themselves to some of his profit.

  They were at that very moment being worked over out in the delivery bay by a few of George’s guys.

  Now that got his di
ck hard!

  Once they’d been worked over so that their own mothers wouldn’t know them, he would go and have a little chat with them. He’d get them to confess to how much they’d stolen, how many other people were involved, and what they’d done with his ‘product’.

  For that information, he would promise to go easy on them.

  Yeah, he’d put a fucking bullet in them! That was about as easy as George got these days.

  And if they didn’t give him the information, he’d pull out his old faithful, a four-inch scythe shaped blade with a carved wooden handle. Perfect for cutting a man’s Achilles tendon to make sure he couldn’t walk or run.

  It also worked equally well when slitting a man’s throat, the curve of the blade making it so easy you didn’t even have to adjust your grip as you cut from ear to ear.

  That was his ‘signature move’, if that term could be applied to how you killed a person.

  He didn’t mind either way really. The gun was a bit cleaner, well for him at least. There was less chance that he’d mess up his suit.

  But when it came to delivering a message that would filter throughout his empire, the knife was definitely the way to go.

  Still, he always gave them the choice, and never went off half-cocked before they’d had the opportunity to confess.

  He’d found with both his business ventures that you got the best out of your people by being consistent in your approach to all things.

  Never promise a reward and not follow through. If they’ve earned it, they get it!

  Never threaten a punishment you don’t deliver. Georgie never let someone off a punishment they were expecting, as it sent the wrong message to the next person who thought to cross you.

  People knew where they stood with him, and they respected him for it.

  George stood up to look out of the dirty glass window of his office, to judge how far along his boys were with the two guests they had down in the bay.

  The men were strung up by their arms, which had been pulled up backwards rather than in front of them. This left their shoulders sticking out at odd angles, but meant that their faces were in a better position to be hit. It also caused a hell of a lot more pain to the joints!

  George smirked as he opened the door to go join in the fun. God, but his men were good at this!

  As his foot hit the bottom step, he looked towards the two blood-covered masses hanging from ropes in the bay.

  “Well, gents?” He turned to Mickey and Dunne, his ‘enforcers’.

  “Have our friends been helpful today?” He asked, slowly walking around, enjoying the sight before him.

  Mickey smirked. “You know boss, they really have.”

  Dunne laughed. “Yeah, they’ve told us how much product they stole from you, who they dealt to, and where the money is. Now how’s that for being hospitable?”

  George shook his head sadly. “Have we recovered the money?”

  Mickey nodded over towards a bag on the table. There was probably around twenty grand inside it.

  “It’s all there.” He confirmed.

  “And did you make them the usual offer?”

  “We did.” Mickey nodded. “They both liked the ‘going easy on them’ option.”

  Dunne laughed harder.

  “Oh well, I guess the clean-up will be quicker.

  Just as George reached inside his jacket for the piece he had tucked into his belt under his jacket, his phone rang loudly.

  A man’s voice started singing the opening lines from one of his favourite Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals, Joseph and his Technicolour Dream-coat.

  Mickey and Dunne sniggered.

  Georgie could be a ruthless killer, and the meanest mother-fucker on the planet, but he’d assigned jingles from musicals to every damned person in his phone directory.

  With his gun in his right hand, he juggled to hit the answer button on his phone with his left.

  “Gary.” He smiled. “You haven’t checked in for a while. I was beginning to think you liked it ‘Up North’ more than you let on.”

  George’s attempt at a Yorkshire accent was appalling, and had Mickey and Dunne cracking up.

  “For God’s sake, dad!” Gary exhaled. “I’m just outside Birmingham, not wandering about on the Yorkshire Moors.”

  “Ah well, you know me.” George laughed. “Anything north of the M25 is, well, so provincial.”

  Gary blew out a breath. “So, do you want to know why I’ve rung?”

  “To wish me happy birthday?” George asked sarcastically. “No, that was last week!”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  George could hear his son’s embarrassment.

  “No. I phoned to tell you that there’s finally some movement at this end.”


  And didn’t that knock the wind out of old Georgie’s sales!

  “Yeah. The bitch has quit her job and is moving away.”

  “What?” Georgie roared. “Where the hell is she going?”

  “Not sure yet, so calm the shit down before you have a stroke!” Gary shouted back.

  “Look, she came in on Monday and quit her job. Said she’s moving away to shack up with some bloke. But when she was asked where she was moving to, she was really vague on the details. I knew she’d never tell me. The bitch thinks I’m a stalker!” He snorted. “But she hasn’t told the boss or his wife either. And they’re pretty tight.”

  “Who’s the bloke?” George asked.

  “Not sure.” Gary admitted. “He’s a big-ass mother-fucker, I know that much, with a London or southern accent. Looks like he’s got a military background, and he’s built like one of them Navy Seals. I’ve seen him driving around in some fancy-ass BMW, but after she made her announcement, I went to get the plates to see if I could track it, and the Beemer’s gone. No sign of it, although the bloke is still around, probably shacked up with her in her flat. By the looks, he’s packing everything up ready to move.”

  “Good work, son!” George said, running the gun in his right hand up and down his leg while he paced the floor.

  “You’re gonna have to follow her when they take off, you know that right?” George asked.

  “I know.” Gary acknowledged. “I already started packing up the shit I need to take with me.”

  George chuckled. “Don’t tell me, your X-box One, and all your games!”

  “Screw you!”

  Yeah, George knew his son well.

  “So when are they likely to leave?”

  “My guess is Saturday, as she’s working up until late Friday night.” Gary confirmed.

  “Do you think there’s any chance she’s going to meet with her father?” George asked.

  “Honestly? No.” Gary replied. “Firstly, we don’t even know he’s still alive. Second, I can’t get a number for her. No land-line in her flat, and if she’s got a mobile phone, G and Fran don’t have the number. I know that for a fact, because when the boss has needed her to come in early, he’s literally had to run around to her flat to speak to her. So, if she’s got no phone, how would she have ever kept in touch with her old man?”

  George sighed. Gary had a good point. However, whilst there was an outside chance that David Lansing was still alive, then the girl was the only thing that would help George find him.

  Because if Lansing, that cheating, lying piece of crap, was still breathing, he would have access to enough information to send George and his crew to prison for life, at least ten times over.

  “Ok, son. This is what’s going to happen… I’m sending Mickey, Dunne and Leftie your way. They’ll be there by tea-time tomorrow.” George had resumed his pacing. “When the girl makes her move, you follow, but don’t get made!”

  Gary exhaled slowly.

  “I’m not a bloody kid, you know. I do know how to follow someone without being seen. I’ve been doing it for three sodding years!”

  “Yeah, I know. But this is the first time we’ve gotten wind that she’s moving on. We can’t
lose her now or we’ll never find her again. In the meantime, I’ll get a team ready to move quickly, in case we hit the jackpot. I want Lansing and the girl together. On his own, he won’t give up anything. With her as leverage, he’ll sing like the proverbial canary. Then we can get rid of the pair of them.”

  “Shit!” Gary moaned. “And I so wanted to screw the smug superiority out of that bitch’s ass!”

  His father chuckled.

  “I may still let you.” He laughed.

  As he ended the call, George turned to find the two blood-spattered bodies hanging in front of him, their moans barely audible.

  Shit! He had much more important things to be doing now.

  Without any hesitation, he raised his arm, pointing towards the nearest man.


  He turned….


  In less than two seconds, he’d put a bullet in the head of each man, and was already walking back towards the stairs, the men forgotten.

  “Bollocks!” Mickey said to Dunne, looking at the two sagging and bloody bodies they’d spent an hour pulverising. “And we’d softened them up so nicely!”

  Dunne nodded. “No appreciation for good workmanship these days.”

  They looked at each other and grinned.

  “Come on!” Mickey said, as he started to lower the first man onto a sheet of heavy plastic. “No rest for the wicked either!”

  Chapter 35 - Ellen

  Saturday morning was forecast to be bright and clear, and Ellen woke early, before sunrise, anxious to get started.

  G and Fran had thrown an impromptu leaving party for her last night, having made sure all of the normal customers had left by ten o’clock.

  By the time they’d left at half past eleven, Ellen had cried buckets, danced and laughed with her work-mates, and accepted a gift from her friends as well as an envelope with £1000 in it from G and Fran.

  When she tried to refuse it, Fran had wrapped Ellen’s fingers around the envelope and shook her head.

  “It’s for you, baby girl, so, although I’m sure you’ll never need it, you have a way to get back to us, should you ever need a safe harbour.”

  Ellen had cried more tears then, not sure if they were happy tears or sad tears.


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