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Invisible: An Alpha Company Military Romance

Page 18

by Beth Abbott

  He’d bought her a few little items, some perfume, a scarf he thought she’d like and some body lotions and shit that women tended to go for.

  Her main present though, was tucked away in his sock drawer.

  He’d found a beautiful matching necklace, bracelet and earring set, with fine gold chains and each set with a small sapphire with a small diamond on each side. The earrings had the sapphire with the diamonds looking like teardrops hanging down.

  Ok, so he’d blown the budget on that one, spending £5000 on that alone. But he would have happily spent fifty times that amount and not blinked an eye.

  It was just pretty enough that she would love it, and if he didn’t let on that the stones were all real, she might think he’d stayed within the limit she’d set.

  Cuddling closer to her, he slid his warm hands gently up and down her arms.

  After only a few passes, he felt her muscles tense under his hands, as she slowly started to come awake.

  Without waiting for her to come around anymore, he slid his arm around her and gently started caressing her breasts, teasing her nipple into a tight bud.

  Ellen hummed her pleasure, and with his cock at full mast pushing into the crack of her ass, he couldn’t wait any longer.

  He pulled her onto her back and took her lips in an all-out assault, licking and sucking her lips one second, plunging his tongue deep into her mouth the next.

  Ellen moaned in appreciation and kissed him back passionately, her hands slipping around his back where her nails scored his skin as her arousal escalated.

  Luke’s cock was throbbing like hell now, dying to be inside her. Who knew that having a woman leave nail marks on his back would have him almost prematurely shooting his load?

  Shit, who was he kidding. Women had done that to him in the past on the odd occasion, and he’d never thought twice about it.

  It was having Ellen do it that rocked his world!

  Knowing that she was losing herself in their passion, clinging to him while they made love, that was what made all the difference. He doubted she even realised what she was doing. Maybe he’d show her the marks later and see her reaction?

  When Ellen crooked her ankle up around his ass, he knew she was ready.

  In the few days he’d spent at her flat, they’d developed a pattern for morning sex which he had quickly come to love.

  The first time would be hard and fast, just to take the edge off, and then the next time would be a slow and thorough exploration of each other, learning each other’s bodies better, figuring out what each other liked and what pleasure they could find in joining different ways.

  He’d managed to get Ellen on top of him a few times, despite her initial embarrassment, and he’d loved watching her come as she ridden him, his hand gently rubbing her clit, helping push her over the edge.

  On another occasion he’d taken her from behind, one hand stretched around her caressing her breast, the other teasing her nub.

  He’d kept her panting for ages, letting her skim the edge of orgasm, but not allowing her to crash over. When he knew he couldn’t hold back his own orgasm for more than a few seconds, he’d finally given her clit the attention it needed to send her screaming over the edge, his cock pumping his seed into her as they collapsed into the mattress.

  With the memories swirling inside his head, he wetted his cock in the juices dripping from her pussy before finally pushing slowly inside.

  She was so incredibly tight, and the pleasure of it never failed to get to him.

  As he raised his head to look down on her, he marvelled at how beautiful she was. Now that he could see those beautiful blue eyes, they shone with emotion as they gazed back up at him.

  “So beautiful!” He murmured, his hips setting a rhythm of slow, leisurely thrusts.

  “Mmm.” She sighed happily. “More!”

  The corner of his lips twitched. God, she was unbelievably perfect.

  He picked up his pace and she wrapped her other leg around him, high on his hip, giving him the perfect angle to pump into her.

  He increased his speed again, and soon he was rocketing into her like a steam-train, over and over, now so hard that he was virtually shifting her up the bed with every inward thrust.

  She didn’t need any additional clitoral stimulation when they were joined like this. His pelvis rocking against her mound was all she needed, and within a few minutes, she was panting, crying out his name, and clenching her already tight pussy muscles around him.

  As if on cue, Luke felt his balls tighten, as his seed exploded out of him.

  He buried his face in the crook of her neck, and groaned her name.

  This was as close to heaven as he could imagine.

  Luke felt the softness of Ellen’s hands skimming over the muscles of his back as he came down from his orgasm.

  He pulled out before flopping on the bed next to her, his big arm wrapped around her holding her close.

  “Umm.” Ellen started to speak.

  Luke turned his head to look at her.

  “Did you forget something?” She looked nervous.

  Luke looked at her again, his brows knitted together.

  “Did I forget to give you an orgasm?” He asked, grinning.

  Ellen blushed, and slapped his shoulder.

  “No, asshole!” She glared at him. “But I think you forgot to suit up.”

  “What?” It took Luke a second to realise what she meant. Shit! No condom!

  “God, Ellen. I’m so sorry!” Luke shook his head. He’d never made this sort of mistake before. “I don’t suppose there’s any chance you’re on the pill?”

  Yeah, he knew the answer to that one already.

  Ellen looked down at him scornfully.

  “Not a chance! Because that would have actually required me to register with a doctor, and provide ID.” She pointed out.

  “Yeah, I guess.” Luke turned onto his back, rubbing a hand over his eyes.

  “Morning-after pill from a pharmacy?” He ventured hopefully.

  “Yeah, right!” Ellen spluttered. “It’s Christmas morning! Not too many pharmacies will be open today. Or tomorrow for that matter.”

  She flipped the cover back, and sat up on the edge of the bed.

  “I’m going to take a shower.” She informed him. “Maybe gravity will encourage your little swimmers to try a bit of backstroke instead of front crawl!”

  Luke watched her head for the bathroom, her body swaying as she walked. The woman was absolute perfection.

  As he stretched back against the pillows, he knew he should be worried.

  They’d known each other for less than a month, and already he could have been stupid enough to get her pregnant?

  Luke smirked. Actually, he didn’t find the idea so stupid after all.

  Ellen was his idea of what the perfect woman would be. Smart as hell, sassy in and out of bed, yet soft and vulnerable, making him want to curl up around her and protect her from everything that could harm her.

  He could see them spending a lifetime together. He wanted that in fact – had done from the first night they’d spent together.

  So would a baby be so bad? Would it ruin everything?

  Hell no! Luke grinned to himself. It would be freaking awesome!

  Ok, so he had to tamp down those feelings. Ellen may not feel the same way, and he would have to respect that.

  If she was pregnant and she decided she didn’t want the baby, Luke didn’t know what he’d do.

  But that was a decision for another time.

  Luke scooted out of bed, and grabbed a condom off the shelf. The thought of shower sex with his beautiful girl was far more important than all those thoughts of ‘what if’ and ‘maybe’.

  When he slid into the shower behind her, he slid his hand over her shoulder to show her that he’d come prepared this time.

  Ellen spluttered a laugh.

  “Yeah, isn’t that like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted?” She gri
nned back at him.

  “Neigh!” He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her.

  Her giggles lasted only seconds before she was squirming in his arms.

  Yeah, he was really, really good at shower sex!

  Chapter 38 - Ellen

  By eleven o’clock they were dressed and heading towards the elevator.

  They’d decided to wait until they got to Luke’s parent’s house to exchange gifts, as it would be a nice thing to share with his mum and dad after lunch.

  Ellen shook her head at Luke’s smirk when he placed the key in the elevator panel and the doors closed.

  When they reached the basement level and stepped out, Ellen paused to look around at the cars, while Luke turned to put the key in to close the elevator door.

  She couldn’t see the BMW anywhere.

  “Did Danny leave your car outside?” She asked over her shoulder.

  “Nope.” He smiled down as he walked past her.

  “Well I can’t see your piece of shit car anywhere.” Ellen announced holding her arms out wide.

  “Well, it’s right there in plain sight!” He taunted, holding his keys out in front of him.

  Ellen snatched them out of his hand before he had a chance to tease her further.

  Finding the ‘open door’ button, she pushed, and waited for a tell-tale beep.

  Sure enough, there was a high pitched beep, and the flash of lights as she heard the unmistakable sound of car doors unlocking.

  She turned her head quickly to see which car it was, and as the headlight flash faded, she saw the still illuminated running lights around the headlamps of the Jaguar XF she’d spotted the day before.

  She looked back at Luke who was grinning at her.

  “This is yours?” She gasped.

  “Well, I couldn’t have you referring to my ‘piece of shit car’ in front of my mother now, could I?” He asked innocently. “It’s not the sort of thing a lady should say, is it?”

  Ellen, shook her head, and gazed back at the Jaguar. It was black and sleek, more like a panther than a jaguar. It had a red Jaguar badge on the front grill and matching badges in the centre of the flashiest alloy wheels she’d ever seen. She peered in the window. Gorgeous leather upholstery, and buttons and more buttons and goodness knows what else.

  It was the sort of car most people could only dream of owning!

  “And you bought this, why?” She turned to Luke accusingly. “Because I didn’t like the BMW? Really?”

  Luke shrugged easily.

  “You didn’t like the Beemer, Danny did, and he was happy to give me a fair price for it……it seemed like an easy solution.” Luke explained. He didn’t need to explain that he’d lost twenty grand on a car he’d only owned for three months!

  “And you managed to get this one, how? They don’t exactly sell them ready to go in the showroom.” Ellen protested.

  “Actually, they did!” Luke laughed. “Danny went in to check them out for me, and they happened to have this one as their showroom model. It has all the bells and whistles, top of the line sound system, TV and everything. Danny rang me and told me about it, and I told him to make them an offer they couldn’t refuse.”

  “No way it has a TV!” Ellen gasped.

  “Apparently so.” Luke smirked. “Wanna drive it?” He pointed at the keys in Ellen’s hand.

  She stepped back as though he was going to burn her, the keys in her outstretched hand.

  “No freaking way!” She exclaimed. “I’d scratch her just trying to get her out of that damn parking space.”

  Luke laughed and took the keys back, pressing the fob again to open the boot.

  “You don’t actually need to press the buttons to get in.” Luke explained, dropping their bags into the boot. “It’s all keyless. Keyless entry, keyless ignition. As long as you actually have the keys on your person, the car senses them and lets you in.”

  Ellen looked suitably impressed. She slid into the car and buckled in.

  Luke spent a few minutes playing with the settings on a few things, and adjusting his seat and mirrors to his liking. Then without wasting any further time, he headed out.

  The roads were quiet as they hit the main road, and it only took them a few minutes before they were heading up onto the M4 away from London.

  “Where do your parents live?” Ellen asked, realising that he hadn’t mentioned it.

  “They used to live in London, but moved out to the country when dad split the company.” He explained. “They didn’t want us to grow up in the city, so my uncle stayed on at the head office in London, and dad transferred out to the Bath office. He’s developed that place quite extensively, and it’s now bigger than the London office. My parents live about five miles from there, just outside Bath.”

  “What does he do?” She asked.

  “They run a publishing business. Books, magazines etc.” Luke explained. “Luckily, they were pretty clued in to the emerging e-book trend, so they weren’t hit so badly as some of their competitors when e-readers took off. They have their own side-line getting professional publications onto the internet and distributed. It’s doing really well.”

  Ellen nodded. “And your mum?”

  Luke grinned.

  “My mother works two days a week at a charity store in Bath. Then she’s a member of the Women’s Institute, a hospital ‘Friend’, plus she visits the old folk who don’t have people to visit them. And then she takes her old Labrador down to the Retirement home in the village so the old people can pet him. They love it apparently.”

  “Wow!” Ellen was genuinely impressed. “Does she do anything for fun?”

  “Yeah,” Luke chuckled. “All of the above. She loves it. She always said the greatest blessing of being married to my dad, was not having to go out to work for a living. She uses that freedom to help others and gets tremendous pleasure out of it.”

  Ellen nodded, but Luke could tell she was comparing herself to his mother and finding herself wanting.

  “Ellen, she’s going to love you!” Luke reassured her. “You have more in common than you think. She wasn’t born into money. Her parents had their own business, a greengrocer store in a small town. They weren’t rich, but they made a good living. She met my dad on a day trip to London, and it was love at first sight.”

  Ellen smiled, happy to know that for some people, love at first sight developed into the kind of love that lasted a lifetime.

  Ellen stared out the window and watched the scenery roll by. She barely registered when they left the motorway, and even when the busy main roads gave way to quiet country lanes, she didn’t murmur.

  When Luke finally turned into a narrow lane, she turned to look at him, and he smiled, nodding ahead.

  She looked out of the windscreen, and as the car turned a corner, a beautiful cottage came into view.

  Well, ‘cottage’ was underselling it. The place was huge! It had at least four windows on each side of the front door, and plants climbing up the front on either side of the porch. Roses, Ellen guessed.

  “How many bedrooms does it have?” Ellen asked quietly.

  “Only six.” He smirked.

  Ellen didn’t bother to respond. That would have required using up even more oxygen, and she’d been virtually holding her breath since the house came into view.

  Luke pulled the car to a stop in front of the garage, slightly to the side of the house.

  When he came around and opened the door for her to get out, Ellen glanced up to what was obviously the staircase up to the loft above the garage. The apartment up there was going to be at least twice the size of her old flat.

  Luke slid her cold hand into his, and pulled her to his chest.

  “Stop worrying! Please?” He begged, leaning down to brush his lips against hers.

  Ellen closed her eyes, tasting his lips.

  Time to pull on her big girl panties!

  When he pulled back, she opened her eyes and smiled up at him.

good.” She reassured him.

  Before she could step away, they heard the front door open, and his mother’s excited voice calling for his dad.

  “Carl, come on, they’re here!”

  Luke grinned down at her, sliding his arm across her shoulder, and turning her towards the house.

  “Luke!” His mum squealed, hurrying down the path, and straight into her son’s arms.

  “It’s so good to see you!” She hugged him tightly.

  Luke grinned back, giving her a crushing bear-hug until she started giggling.

  Eventually, she let him go, and looked over at Ellen.

  “You must be Ellen.” She held both hands out. “You’re even more beautiful than Luke said. And he said you were pretty gorgeous!”

  She grinned back at her son, completely uncaring that she was making him blush.

  Ellen smiled back, taking her hands.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you Mrs Roberts, you have a lovely home.”

  “Hah!” She grinned at Ellen. “You can cut the Mrs Roberts crap right now. Mrs Roberts was Carl’s mother, and the most interfering bitch you ever met!”

  “I heard that!” Luke’s father said as he came out of the front door, a big grin on his face.

  Ellen looked from Luke to his father and then back to his mother.

  Oh God, Luke was a cloned image of his father!

  “I’m Carl.” Luke’s father said holding his hand out to shake hers.

  “This infuriating, opinionated witch is my wife, Sally.” He scowled at his wife. “And my sainted mother was a blessed angel!” He sniffed.

  “Hmmph!” His wife responded, her hands on her hips. “She was a bloody shrew and we all knew it.”

  Luke and Carl burst out laughing. This was obviously an often-repeated conversation.

  “Do you think we could move this inside before my nuts freeze?” Luke asked?

  Ellen gasped, as Carl burst out laughing again.

  “Luke!” Sally scolded him. “So uncouth.”


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