Steal Me Away: A Mountain Man Romance

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Steal Me Away: A Mountain Man Romance Page 15

by Ilsa Ames

  I felt a little tired still, but strong, too. I was going to take it easy, but I was determined to get fighting fit as soon as I could.

  “Nah, don’t worry. I’ve got everything I need. You just get back to your family, man. You’ve done enough, trust me. And I can’t even thank you enough. I’m feeling much stronger already. I’ll call you if I have any trouble.”

  We were nearing the cabin now, and I was eager to get back to my sanctuary. To get the place tidied and fixed up, make sure I had all the supplies I needed, then to come up with a plan of getting Lia back.

  “Alright, buddy, here we…”

  His voice trailed off as we pulled up the cabin. There was another car there, one I didn't recognize, parked next to my truck. A thin wisp of smoke trailed lazily from the chimney on the roof of the cabin.

  “Uh, you expecting company?”

  I was silent, and he turned to me.

  “Everything alright?”

  I considered his words, not even knowing myself if things were alright. I wondered who this visitor was, my mind racing over the possibilities.

  One thing’s for sure, they know where my cabin is, and are comfortable enough, or brazen enough, to waltz in and start up a fire. A fire that’s been going since last night, at least.

  I thought quickly, hoping beyond all hope that Preston had finally let his daughter make her own decisions. But I was afraid that she’d run away and wondered if she might have jeopardized everything we’d worked so hard for.

  Or what if it was Preston? Here to tell me the deal was off, that he’d found out about the baby? That wasn’t part of the deal we agreed, that was for sure.


  Well, whoever the mystery visitor was, and whatever it was they wanted, I knew I was going to have to deal with this on my own.

  I looked around, trying to think of something to tell James which wouldn’t worry him too much. Plus, I wanted him to get back home, and spend his one day off with his family.

  “Oh, nothing to worry about. It’s just the associate of the guy paying the bills. Looks like they’ve turned up early for our meeting. Must have driven through the night, I guess.”

  “Alright, man,” he eyed me warily. “But when that meeting’s done, you take it easy alright?” He punched me lightly on the shoulder, and I said goodbye, thanking him for his help and hospitality.

  I got out of the truck and walked slowly towards the cabin, waiting to hear the crunch of tired from behind me.

  I checked over my shoulder to make sure John was on his way before walking up to the front door, taking a deep breath before turning the handle.

  A wave of warm air greeted me as I entered the cabin, which was lit by a warm glow from the embers of the fire.

  I looked around, not seeing any immediate sign of anyone, until my eyes rested on a figure swathed in blankets on the couch.

  A tuft of blonde hair poked from one end of the blankets, and I slowly released the breath I hadn’t even known I’d been holding.


  It was her. Not in a fantasy or a lingering dream, but for real right there in front of me, curled up for warmth in my armchair. I closed the door quietly behind me, my heart racing.

  The figure on the couch didn’t stir as I slowly walked over to the fireplace, poking the embers and adding another few logs.

  Slowly, I turned to watch her sleep. Every single part of me wanted to scoop her up, and to hold her, and touch her. But, there was that one piece holding me back—like touching her would suddenly vaporize everything like breaking a magic spell.

  But fuck, she was here. With me.

  My heart soared, and I knelt right next to her, my eyes tracing over the softly rising and falling curve of her body under the blanket. I didn’t know how she’d gotten away from Preston, but I didn’t care. I just hoped that it wasn’t just a quick visit, and that she’d be staying with me for good this time.

  But then, another, fiercer thought hit me.

  No, I didn’t just hope she was staying. I knew damn well she was, because I knew without a sliver of doubt that there wasn’t a single chance of me letting her go this time.

  I stood there watching her sleep for a long moment, wondering if I should leave her to sleep or wake her up. My mind ran over all the things I wanted to say to her, to apologize for ignoring her emails, and to ask how she was, what she had been up to all this time.

  But I didn’t know where to start, and stood there as my mind went over everything, emotion rising within me as it started to sink in that she was back with me.

  Then, suddenly, Lia stirred from under the blankets, and I smiled as I saw her pretty face emerge from the blankets. She stretched a little before opening her eyes, rubbing at them as she stared up at me, rousing herself from the deep sleep she had obviously been in.

  Her eyes widened as she saw me standing before her, and she froze in shock for a second.

  And then it was like lightning striking both of us.

  She squealed, jumping up and falling into my arms. I staggered a little at the impact, then took her into a fierce embrace, my heart soaring at the feel of her warmth, sighing at the smell of her hair as it wafted over me.

  “I was so worried about you,” she whispered fiercely into me. “I thought maybe you’d got sick, or my dad…” her words trailed off as she sobbed gently into my chest. I stroked her back with a hand, trying to soothe her.

  “It’s okay, love. I’m fine. I was just feeling a little run down and spent a few days with friends in town.”

  I kissed her fiercely, letting our lips sear together as I held her tight, like I’d never let her go this time.

  “I’m sorry, Lia,” I groaned, struggling to hold back the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm me. “For everything. That you had to go away, that I didn’t reply to your emails, that I didn’t get in touch. Fuck,” I swore. “If I had known you were pregnant I’d…”

  She took a step back to look up at me, holding my hands in hers and shaking her head.

  “You don’t need to apologize. I was worried even speaking to you would jeopardize everything. I just wanted you to know I was okay, that I was still thinking about you. I came back as soon as I could.”

  I wiped a tear from her cheek, hoping that everything was okay between her and Preston. I wanted Lia back, but I wanted her to be safe and happy, and not have to worry about anything anymore.

  “Is everything okay with your father? What happened?” Part of me knew that something must have happened between them for her to appear so suddenly and without warning.

  “Everything's fine, now. He was mad at first when he found about the baby… our baby. He went crazy, locked me up and took away my phone and my laptop.”

  I scowled grimly at the irony of Preston locking her up, and at the surge of protective anger I felt at his actions.

  “But I spoke to him, told him I wasn’t his little girl any more. Which actually made him madder at first, but I managed to talk sense into him. He could see I wasn’t happy, and he couldn’t just leave me locked up forever. He’d only done it because he was afraid of losing me again.”

  She rested a hand on her stomach, and my gaze dropped to the small bump that was showing through her t-shirt.

  “But I told him, if he didn’t let me go, he’d lose me forever. I gave him the only option I can see ever working with him—he leaves us alone, and I won’t tell the world about his dirty secrets. Someday,” she swallowed, shaking her head. “Someday maybe I’ll be ready to see him again. But for now, yeah,” she smiled, pulling close to me.

  “For now, it’s just you and me, and no one’s going to be coming for either of us.”

  I grinned, wrapping my arms around her as I pulled her close. I was amazed at how strong she’d been, finding out she’d been pregnant when she was all alone, and having to confront her father.

  I knew it would take me long time to be able to forgive Preston, if I ever was able to. But after staying to true to his wo
rd of paying for the recovery effort, and finally letting Lia make her own decisions, he’d at least made a start.

  “Damn I’m gla you’re okay,” I groaned quietly, leading Lia to the couch and sitting her down next to me. “Baby, I can’t tell you how fucking worried about you. But with your dad, and the contract….” I shook my head, my jaw clenching as I felt her soft fingers run up my arm.

  “I didn’t know what he’d do if we were still in touch.”

  I looked down at her stomach again, finding it surreal to see that she was pregnant. I was still getting used to the idea of having her back in my life, let alone bringing a baby into the world.

  She saw me looking at her small bump, and I rested my hand gently on her stomach.

  “That’s right. You did this to me,” she said, smiling up at me. “Now you gotta deal with it.”

  I chuckled with amusement, and looked up at Lia, to see her eyes bright with humor, realizing that despite everything, she was as strong as ever.

  “Yeah, well I’d do it all over again,” I grinned. “I mean, it was pretty fun the first time.”

  Lia giggled, her whole face beaming with happiness, before her expression turned serious, and a different sort of light shone in her eyes.

  “Well, I’m here now. For good. Now we can do it all over again.”

  Her voice trailed off, and I felt a stirring of desire that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  “Can we…?” I frowned. Hell, it’s not like I was an expert with the logistics involved with Lia and I in her condition.

  “Uh, I sure didn’t drive all night not to,” she grinned, chewing at her lip. “And yeah, it’s totally fine. Just… we’ll be a little more gentle.”

  She leaned forward towards me, lips brushing mine as she grabbed one of my thighs with a small hand.

  Fuck, it’d been months since I’d felt her touch like this. Months of wanting more of her. And now here she was, round with her pregnancy, and even sexier and more glowy than she’d been when she’d left. The stress, the overwork and the exhaustion were all forgotten as I kissed her deeply on the lips, and I started to lose myself as she filled my senses.

  I caressed her tongue gently with mine and lifted my hand that was on her stomach to her breasts, and squeezed one gently, and she moaned softly around the kiss.

  It had been so long since we’d been together, since I’d seen her naked, and I just wanted to rip her clothes off, to succumb to the desire rising within me. But I held back, wanting the moment to last as long as possible.

  I gently lifted her t-shirt up over her head, and she raised her arms to aid its removal. My eyes were on her breasts, full, pert, and heavy in the bra she was wearing. As if reading my mind, her hands went behind her back, and unfastened the clips to let it fall from her shoulders.

  Her breasts had grown since I’d last seen them—her nipples large and puffy. I groaned, my cock throbbing rock hard as I took one of her soft breasts in my hand again, squeezing a little harder. She whimpered in pleasure, grinding herself into my hard bulge.

  Lia pushed herself back onto me, kissing me again harder and deeper. I felt my cock pulse against her, her naked torso pressed against my chest and her nipples dragging over my muscles. She ran her hand up my thigh, lighting cupping my bulge, and she began to massage my cock through my pants, slowly and gently.

  I groaned deeply, lost for a second at the sensation of her hand on me, longing to free my cock from the confines of my jeans.

  She slowly undid my shirt, one hand on my exposed chest, nails digging into my skin. With the buttons all undone, I tore the shirt off and threw it aside. Her mouth was on my chest now, kissing me as she began to undo the button of my jeans, then moving to undo the zipper.

  She tugged at my jeans, and they came off easily enough with my help. I pulled down my boxers, letting them drop to the floor along with my pants as my aching cock sprang free.

  “Oh fuck,” Lia whispered in a thick voice, pressing her naked breasts against my chest and reaching down to grab my throbbing hard cock. “I think someone’s happy to see me.”

  “I think someone missed you,” I grunted into her.

  “What part of me,” she whispered back.

  “All of you.”

  I growled as I kissed her fiercely, tasting her whimper as she melted against me.

  I had to touch and see more of her—to tear the rest of her clothes off and run my mouth and fingertips over every inch of her skin until it remembered me again.

  The sensation of her hand stroking me with slow, rhythmic movements hypnotized me. I kissed her again, more passionately now, and moaned in pleasure as she started to kiss her way down my chest, lips brushing softly against my skin.

  She kissed her way down my body, until she was lying with her face in my lap. She looked up at me, eyes locked onto mine as she began kissing at my shaft, using her lips and tongue to tease me.

  I felt my cock twitch at the sensation of her mouth on me, and I let out a deep moan of anticipated pleasure as she took my cock into her mouth.

  I groaned, hissing in pleasure as my abs tightened at the sensation. Her soft, wet mouth slid down my shaft, sucking me, tasting me. Making my whole damn head spin. I reached down, cupping her breasts in my hands and using my fingertips to tease her soft pink nipples to aching points.

  Lia gasped around my cock, moaning into and taking my cock deeper into her mouth.

  I reached further down, running my hand across her soft stomach, and slipped a finger under her yoga pants, urging her to pull them and her underwear down. I wanted to see all of her—her body so gorgeous and swollen with child.

  She obliged, and swiftly kicked off her pants and underwear, pushing them off of the couch.

  Lia lay across the couch her side, kissing and sucking at my cock, completely naked now. I growled as my eyes took her in—from her breasts, over her round belly, and then down to her swollen, pink, and dripping wet pussy, nestled between her soft thighs.

  Her mouth bobbed on me, making me groan as I slid my hand between her legs and dragged a finger through her wet, slick lips. My finger found her clit, and I began to massage her gently. She moaned again and started to use her hand to stroke me as she sucked at me harder and faster.

  I pushed two fingers into her tight, wet pussy, using my thumb to circle her clit as I pushed my fingers upwards rhythmically. I ran my other hand over the soft skin of her body, drinking in how beautiful she was, even more radiant and full figured in her pregnant state.

  We both gasped and moaned together, Lia's hand jerking me off in circular motions while she used her tongue to tease the tip of my cock. The sensation was almost too much, her pushing me so close to the edge with that tongue of her and with how damn much I’d missed touching her like this.

  I had to have more of her.

  I felt my cock twitch and grabbed her hand with mine to stop her before it was too late. She looked up at me, cheeks red and eyes wide, and she raised her eyebrows.

  I pulled her upwards into a sitting position and moved so I was sitting in the center of the couch. I used a hand to grab her thigh, encouraging her to straddle my hard, throbbing cock, longing to feel her pussy on me.

  She slowly, teasingly, perched up on her knees and put on either side of my hips. I sat back and placed my hands on her thighs as she lowered herself onto me, guiding my cock into her with her hand.

  She closed her eyes and moaned loudly as my cock touched her pussy lips, and she paused for a second, using it to tease her clit, and she shuddered slightly at the sensation. I rocked my hips up, pushing against her, dying to feel my length slide into that wet, slick heaven between her thighs.

  She whimpered and opened her eyes, looking deeply into mine as she lowered her hips on to mine. I groaned as I felt her spread around me, her soft, teasing pussy sliding down onto me as she pushed my cock deep into her. Her breasts bounced in front of my face as I slid in to the hilt inside of her, and she placed her arms around my neck, pressing
her naked body against mine.

  She began to ride me slowly and gently, rising up and down, her breasts brushing against my face as she fucked me. I sucked at her hard, sensitive nipples, using my lips and tongue to harden them even more.

  "Oh, fuck... Logan," she said, voice hoarse with desire. “Fuck, I've missed you."

  I moaned as she spoke softly into my ear and grabbed ahold her waist as she started to fuck me harder and faster. I pushed my hips up in time with her, pushing my cock deeper into her.

  She cried out loudly in my ear, shuddering as my thickness pushed deep and fast into her. I felt her slow for a second, and her whole body trembled as an orgasm overcame her, I felt her pussy clench around my cock as she came, and I barely managed to control myself, wanting to feel her come before giving in myself.

  She shuddered again, letting out a squeal of pleasure as the orgasm passed, and I felt my cock twitch with pleasure inside of her. Her soft brown eyes stared into mine, and she had a half smile of pleasure and satisfaction on her face as she started to ride me again.

  Her ass and thighs slapped against me, her breasts swaying in front of me, and I took on in each hand, pushing them together against my face as she fucked me.

  All of my senses were filled with Lia, her smell, the feel of her full breasts in my hands, her soft skin against mine, her wet, slick, perfect pussy riding up and down my cock

  It was too much, and I started to lose control, feeling the need to come, longing to feel the release.

  I groaned, looking up at her gorgeous face as she looked down at me. She leaned forward, our lips coming together with a fevered kiss as I drove my cock deep into her and let go.

  She moaned with me, clinging to me, her pussy tightening on my throbbing cock as I erupted inside of her. I growled into the kiss, tasting her deeply and holding her to me so tightly as I ground into her. We both moaned loudly together as I came, and she gasped as my hard cock pulsed with the waves of the orgasm. I thrust slowly and deeply, finally pushing up hard, lifting her hips up and keeping myself inside her as the orgasm reached a climax, pleasure exploding through my body.


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