Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2)

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Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2) Page 11

by Becca Jameson

  She bites her lip and then drops it immediately, her gaze shooting toward Beck. “Sorry.”

  He reaches out to stroke his thumb over her lip. “I’ll break you of that habit fast.”

  She holds his gaze for several seconds and then speaks. “I’m, uh…inexperienced.”

  Beck nods. “I get that. You’re young.”

  I cock my head to one side and narrow my gaze, my heart beating rapidly. “Are you a virgin, Abby?”

  She inhales slowly and lowers her gaze again. “Yes,” she breathes out. “Is that going to be a problem?” she whispers.

  Julius reaches for her hands and leans closer. “Nope. We don’t care how much experience you have, but we do need to know if you want to remain a virgin.”

  She looks at him. “Is that an option?”

  “Of course.” He nods. “Always an option. We’ve trained women we didn’t sleep with. Not many, but some. However, if it’s something you want to preserve, we need to negotiate where you draw the line and then stick to that.”

  “What line?” she asks, her face scrunched in confusion.

  My cock is so hard it’s about to revolt inside my damn pants. Her innocence is fucking arousing. I pray to God she doesn’t say she won’t have sex with us.

  Julius answers her. “Sex isn’t just penetration, baby. If you’re hung up on not having anyone’s cock in your pussy, we can certainly abide by that, but if you agree that we can touch you intimately with our mouths and hands and toys, you can’t really leave here saying you’re still a virgin. Not technically.”

  “Oh. Right. Of course.” Her words are quick.

  Beck leans closer. “It would be disappointing if you wanted to leave sex out of this entirely. You’re wound so tight with the need to orgasm that you can’t sit still, and we haven’t started. If you really want to pass on penile penetration, that’s fine, but if you don’t let us make your body hum in every other possible way, you’ll be missing out.”

  She leans back and glances at each of us in turn. Finally, she shakes her head. “No. I want to do it. I want to have sex. It’s absurd that I’m still a virgin at my age.”

  I breathe out a sigh of relief I hope she doesn’t hear.

  “Will I be…um…having sex with all of you?”

  “Yes,” I respond, setting a hand on her thigh. “Sometimes you’ll be with just one of us. Other times you’ll be with two of us or all three.”

  Her face turns red. “You’ll all have sex with me at the same time?”

  “Yes,” we all respond in unison.

  Her eyes widen.

  I smile. “Don’t worry. Not today. And we’ll work up to it. By the time we have group sex, your body will be ready to handle it.”

  She tucks both lips into her mouth, staring at me. Damn, she is fucking precious. We haven’t even started and already I’m enjoying every single second. I don’t even know what our game plan is, and I don’t care. I just want to see this amazing woman blossom and learn under our control. I want to watch her come so hard she can’t see straight. I’ve never had sex with a virgin, but I want to. Or hell, I don’t care if it’s me or Julius or Beck. Maybe it would be better if it were one of them. Maybe I’d rather watch than be the one lost inside her.

  She slowly nods. “Okay. I want that.”

  Blessed angels. God is on my side today.

  Julius reaches behind him and lifts up the file folder I know contains the contract. He hands it to Abby and turns the pages around so they’re facing her. “You’ve read through everything. Do you have any questions?”

  “Will you expect me to take off my clothes immediately?”

  “Not this very second, but soon. It will help put you in the right frame of mind. Each of us will work with you at different times, and we each have clothing preferences that you’ll learn as you go along, but expect to be exposed often.”

  “Even here?” she asks. “In the library?”

  “All over the house,” I inform her.

  “But your staff…”

  “Have seen more naked bodies than they can count. They’re fully aware of our lifestyle. They would never breathe a word outside of this home. They will not judge you.”

  She nods slowly, taking a deep breath. “Will I be allowed to speak?”

  Julius continues. “You may ask questions for the rest of the day. We’ll reevaluate that decision tomorrow. We expect you to think before you speak and address us with respect. Master or Sir. From the moment you sign we expect you to fully enter into the role. Turn over the reins. If you need something, you’ll ask first. Do as you’re told at all times. We’re well aware of your lack of experience. We will ease you into the lifestyle at a pace we determine you can accommodate, tightening the reins as we go along.”

  “I’ll have a safeword though, right?”

  I smile. She’s read everything closely. “Of course. Red for stop. Yellow when you need a pause or explanation.”

  “And if I decide I can’t do this?”

  I cringe inwardly, hoping that won’t happen and mentally reminding myself to take things slow so that we don’t spook her. “Then you walk out the door. No one will stop you.” This is not something we do. No woman comes to us for training and decides to bail. It’s never happened. We’ve never even had this discussion.

  I can’t wrap my mind around why I want this so badly. We all do. It’s palpable among us. We can’t keep her. We have no intention of doing so. And yet, we want to do this. There’s something incredibly gratifying about the idea of teaching a total newbie the ropes, watching her bloom into whatever type of submissive she’s meant to be.

  None of us have any doubt she will thrive, nor that she’s submissive. Time and again we have watched her react to the lifestyle. She practically needed aftercare from watching Katarina. Both times.

  I know we’re all on the edge of our seats at the prospect. It’s a challenge. Something new and different.

  I just hope we survive it and are able to let her go in the end. She’s leaving for law school in August. We can’t fuck that up for her no matter what happens or how any of us feel. When she leaves here, she will have a new view on life, and hopefully she’ll find the perfect Dom in her future who will continue to nurture her in the manner she needs.

  “Do you have a pen?” Her eyes are wide, her breath caught in her throat, her tongue reaching out to moisten her lips.

  Julius sets one in her hand.

  This is happening. I can’t breathe.

  Chapter 23


  My hand is shaking, but I don’t hesitate. This may be the wildest decision I’ve ever made, but I know it’s the right one. I will have no regrets. After tossing and turning most of last night, I finally took a deep breath, stared at the ceiling and made a mental list of pros and cons.

  Pros: All three of these men are so damn sexy that I would gladly give my virginity to any one of them. That’s saying something for me. I’ve thought hard about this and decided I’ve spent my life surrounded by people fifty years older than me and students my own age. Neither of which appeal to me. When faced with three men in their early forties, I recognize the difference. They have confidence and life experience and will handle me expertly. Every boy I’ve ever dated would have been a fumbling mess in bed.

  Pro number two would be that there’s no denying I’m intrigued and turned on by this lifestyle I’ve stumbled into. If I pass up this opportunity to explore, I may never get another chance.

  Three. I trust these men. Instinct tells me they’re professional and would never harm me. They own a business on the one hand and are well respected in the fetish community on the other. Julius couldn’t possibly be the manager of a club if he were a shitty Dom with a bad reputation.

  I read every page of this contract carefully. It states there will be no blood, no piercings, no tattoos. Nothing permanent will be done to my body. Any pain inflicted is intended for my pleasure. Two days ago, I would have laughed if someone had to
ld me I might be sexually aroused from pain, but after watching Katarina two times, I realize I was mistaken. I might enjoy a certain amount of pain.

  Four. I’m here. I have the entire summer. I’m doing a hobby I love in a mansion with everything I need at my fingertips. I can’t imagine a better way to spend my last three free months—than by turning that freedom over to someone else apparently.

  Five. No one will ever know I did this. I don’t have to tell a soul if I don’t want to. Of course, it will be hard to avoid Sabine. She’ll pull it out of me eventually. But basically, I have anonymity.

  I made that list easily. And then I struggled to come up with cons. They’re all lame. An unwillingness to try something out of my comfort zone. Fear of the unknown. Fear of losing myself. Fear of finding myself. Fear of falling too hard for a man when I have to leave in three months.

  I also need to consider birth control. I’m not on the pill. Condoms would be a must either way, obviously, so that excuse is feeble.

  That is a poor list of cons.

  I’m doing this. I’m going to put myself out there and live a little.

  I grip the pen and sign my name. It’s done.

  I belong to three men for three months.

  Julius slides the paper from my hands and takes the pen. “I know that was hard, baby,” he says softly. “I promise we won’t take your trust for granted.”

  I lift my gaze to him. Suddenly, I’m far more nervous.

  “We have a job for you to do,” he adds.

  A job?

  He takes my hand as all three men rise. I’m surrounded by testosterone. Far too much of it. But Julius’s hand is gentle as he slides it up to my elbow. “Come.”

  I leave my shoes behind as we exit the library and move toward the front of the house, stopping when we get to Julius’s office. I’ve been in here several times. It’s where he works when he’s home, which is often.

  This afternoon it is set up with a second computer and monitor across from his. “Have a seat.” He motions toward the leather desk chair that is a smaller version of the one he generally sits in.

  I shuffle across the room and lower into the chair. They really want me to work right now? It’s unexpected. I’m not sorry because it will keep my mind off what I’ve signed up for and help me relax, but I’m surprised.

  Julius rounds the desk and calmly sits in his usual spot, across from me. He leans back casually, rubbing his chin with his thumb and pointer. “I’d like you to edit this morning’s video. We need several versions. Ten minutes. Five minutes. And two minutes.”

  I stare at him, breathing heavily. “Oh. Um. Okay.” I’m flanked by Beck and Levi. I hope they don’t intend to stand there while I work. That would be too much.

  “Sir,” he says. “Okay, Sir.”

  I swallow. Right. “Yes. Okay, Sir.”

  “You said you still wanted to intern for us, right?” he asks when I don’t move.

  I nod. “Yes. Of course. Yes. I mean, yes, Sir.” I sit up straighter and put my hand on the mouse.

  Levi leans his hip against the desk inches from me. He cups my cheek, lifting my face to meet his. “If you’re going to learn both worlds, might as well combine them.”

  I nod.

  Julius steeples his fingers in front of him. “We hadn’t intended to book many sessions in our home over the summer while you were here, but under the circumstances, we’ll make a few calls and let people use the studio.” He leans forward. “In a few days you’ll be able to do some of the filming in addition to the editing.”

  I flinch. He has way too much faith in me if he thinks I could film anything like what I just watched any time soon. I would probably drop the camera and cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. Not to mention how shaky the videos would be.

  Beck steps behind me, eases my chair closer to the desk, and then sets his hands on my biceps. He leans in close, brushes my hair off my shoulder, and sets his lips on my ear. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with this morning.” His words are seductive.

  I shiver.

  “We’ll let you get to it then,” Levi says as he shoves off the desk and follows Beck from the room. They close the door behind them, the snick catching my attention.

  Julius is still leaning back casually watching me, rubbing his chin. “If you need anything, ask. But do so respectfully.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I murmur, the address flowing more easily from my lips. I pray I can get used to it quickly. Lord knows what my punishment might be for forgetting.

  “I’m sure you’re hungry. Shall I have Meredith bring us some lunch?”

  “That would be nice, Sir.” I haven’t eaten yet today, but I’m not sure I’m ready to swallow food yet either. We’ll see.

  I sit up straighter, take a deep breath, and turn my focus to the computer. It’s impossible to ignore the fact that Julius is still staring at me, but I try. I’m sure he intends for me to feel off-kilter, and it’s working. Plus, he wants me to watch a video of the same naked woman I’ve already seen live this morning and edit it.

  The first time I watched the scene, he stood behind me, arms wrapped around my torso. I’ll be thinking about that the entire time I’m working. How it felt to have him touching me. Warm. Comforted. Cared for. Cherished.

  When I have the file open, I pick up the headset and settle it over my ears. At least it gives me some escape.

  I know this is not going to be easy. It wouldn’t be easy if Julius wasn’t in the room. But with him watching me, it’s going to be brutal. The second the video starts to play, I hold my breath. All I can do at first is rewatch the scene, anticipating the moment Claudia will remove Katarina’s robe, leaving her naked.

  I’m amazed by the number of subtle nuances I missed the first time around, like the way Katarina shifts her gaze without moving her head. The camera caught that. I couldn’t see it from where I stood. And the way she shifts her weight back and forth as she spreads her knees wider.

  For a long time I sit very still watching, mesmerized as Claudia makes art. They don’t need me. They’ve created a masterpiece without my help. But Julius has asked me to create three different shorter videos. It’s something I’ve done hundreds of times. I know how to take the best parts out of a clip and cut and paste until I have a perfect sample.

  Video editing comes naturally to me. Editing a naked woman getting spanked is another story.

  I nearly jump out of my seat when a plate lands at my side. I yank off my headset and lift my gaze to find Meredith adding a napkin and a bottle of water to the desk. A duplicate set of food and drink sits across from me in front of Julius. Somehow, I’ve missed the activity.

  “Thank you,” I murmur before I glance at the screen and cringe, wishing I had heard Meredith coming and shrunk the file. I know Julius has told me his staff is fully aware of his lifestyle and won’t judge, but I still feel beyond awkward. It’s like my grandma just caught me watching porn.

  Meredith smiles warmly. “You’re welcome, dear.”

  I glance over my shoulder as she quietly leaves the room. A glance at Julius proves he’s watching me. As he takes a bite of his sandwich, he nods toward mine. “Eat, baby.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I whisper before sliding my headset back on. I can watch and eat at the same time.

  As I focus my attention on Katarina, my mind starts choosing locations where I can splice and edit. It’s hard. Even though that part is innate and I’ve had an eye for it from a very young age, two factors are making it difficult to concentrate. Julius staring at me, and the subject matter being naked.

  I force myself to ignore Julius, but I can’t ignore Katarina as she clenches her butt cheeks with every spank. And, I’ve forgotten the fact that there was a second camera angle with a view I wasn’t privy to. When my file switches to that angle, I nearly choke.

  I drop my sandwich and set my elbow on the desk, as if getting closer to the screen will help somehow. The screen is plenty large enough, and Beck had zoomed
in on Katarina’s entire private area.

  Her labia are glistening with moisture. Her clitoris is swollen and protruding from under its hood. I can hear each spank and the following counting coming from Katarina, and I flinch every time, but my gaze is locked on her sex.

  I’ve never seen a vagina this up close and personal. Not even mine. I squirm in my seat and squeeze my legs together. Why have I never taken the time to at least put a mirror between my legs? There’s no excuse for me being so naïve. I’m a grown woman. Just because I’ve been too nervous to bring vibrators into my grandfather’s house, doesn’t mean I couldn’t have locked the bathroom door and spent some quality time with myself.

  If I had ever once in the past several years felt as turned on as I am now, I might have found a way to ease the pressure. But I’ve obviously been sheltered, or even sheltered myself. Maybe I was hiding from my sexuality. Or maybe I simply never encountered anything that piqued my interest enough to explore.

  I move the mouse around, choosing the best sections of this angle to splice with the other. I block out Claudia’s voice for a few minutes so I can selfishly concentrate on Katarina. She makes me crave something I never knew existed. She’s the reason I’ve signed the contract and taken this brave step forward.

  I want to feel every ounce of what she feels. Now that I’ve seen how different things can be, I want everything. I’ll never be able to go back to being the innocent girl I was two days ago. Abigail Wise is taking control of her sexuality.

  Or maybe it would be more precise to say that I’m turning that control over to three men whom I’m certain will take me places I’ve never dreamed of.

  When the dildo lines up with Katarina’s opening, I suck in a sharp breath and bite down on my lower lip until the pain grounds me.

  I don’t blink as the dildo slides into Katarina. Jesus.

  I nearly jump out of my chair when a hand lands on top of mine on the mouse and fingers that are not mine hit the pause button.

  I squeak, mortified for no good reason. After all, the hand belongs to Julius. It’s not surprising he’s interrupted me. He slides my headset down to hang around my neck. His hand releases mine, but only for a moment. Seconds later both palms are on my shoulders. “Two things,” he begins, pausing long enough for me to panic a bit. “Spread your legs so that your knees are at least a foot apart. Do this every time you’re sitting. You don’t have permission to squeeze your pussy.”


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