Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2)

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Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2) Page 12

by Becca Jameson

  When he stops talking, several seconds pass before his words register and I jerk my legs apart.

  “Good girl.” His hand slides around to cup my chin and he tips my face up and to the side so that I meet his gaze. “I know you’ve been told this before, but you should work hard to stop biting your bottom lip. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fucking sexy, but Beck is strict about permitting submissives to self-soothe in that fashion. He will punish you every time he catches you. He will also punish you every time one of us tells him you did so in our presence.”

  He lifts a brow.

  I nod. “Yes, Sir.”

  He removes his touch and leaves me staring at him as he returns to his side of the desk.

  I quickly yank the headset back on my ears and focus my attention on the screen. I haven’t hit play yet though. I’m still thinking about Julius’s gentle touch and even gentler voice. I glance down at my lap. It feels extremely awkward to have my legs parted like this. I doubt I’ll be able to maintain the position. When I start working, I’ll forget and draw my knees together in a more natural, demure, ladylike position.

  I wrap my ankles around the edges of the leather chair in the hope I can keep them there, and then I resume my job. Editing. Sex.

  Katarina’s entire body stiffens when she lifts her head and whimpers as the dildo slides almost out of her and then thrusts back inside. I remember Julius’s odd comments about Katarina’s unusual ability to orgasm in this manner, and I wonder once again what he meant. Isn’t orgasm the point of sex?

  Somehow I manage to disassociate enough to edit this video to Julius’s precise specifications. It takes me several hours, longer than it should have, but I’m satisfied when I finish, and I think Katarina will be too.

  When I hit save for the last time, lean back in my chair to relax my tense body, and pull off my headset, I immediately realize Julius and I aren’t the only ones in the room.

  I turn my face to find Beck leaning against the windowsill, his expression serious, his fingers tucked in his pants pockets.

  Levi is sitting on the leather loveseat situated in front of a wall of built-in bookcases. He’s leaning forward, elbows on his knees, hands folded, gaze on me.

  I lick my lips, wondering how long they’ve been in the room. A quick glance at Julius tells me he’s been sitting back watching me work also.

  “Sorry. I, uh, didn’t realize I had an audience. I get sucked in when I’m working.”

  Julius stands. “Respect, baby.”

  I flinch, instinctively drawing my knees closer together. I feel exposed with so much space. My panties are damp from arousal. I set my hands on my thighs and squeeze as if I can keep my legs from moving of their own accord with this silent reprimand. “Sir…s,” I mumble. Is that how I address more than one of them?

  “Good girl,” Julius praises. “You’ve been working intently for hours. It’s time to play.”

  I pull both my lips between my teeth before catching myself and dropping them.

  “Let’s go downstairs to the studio,” Julius suggests. “You’ll be more comfortable there.”

  I rise on wobbly legs, barefoot, when everyone else does and follow them out of the office and down the back hallway toward the locked door. It’s ominous. Will I ever not shiver when I descend these stairs?

  No one else is around, for which I’m grateful. I don’t think I’m ready to face Meredith or Randle right now. It unnerves me that they will not only be aware of what I’ve signed up for, but see me naked.

  Levi’s hand lands on my back as we descend. “Deep breaths, sweetness.”

  I obey that easy command. Julius is in front of me. Beck is behind Levi. I’m sandwiched. I should be suffocating between them, but they have a way of calming me instead.

  I’m surprised to find the room completely changed. The enormous bed is still there, as I’m sure it always will be, but the bench and the end table are gone. In their place is a plush white rug with thick pile. It’s funny that’s what catches my eye first because really the space is arranged like a living room with a navy loveseat and two matching armchairs that are situated around the rug.

  But my gaze is on the rug. Instinctively, I know this is my destination.

  Levi urges me forward with a hand to my lower back again.

  I aim for this new furniture arrangement.

  Julius sits in one of the armchairs. Levi takes the other. Beck lowers himself onto the loveseat.

  It’s Julius who speaks. “Stand in the middle of the rug, baby.” That soothing voice is hypnotic. I don’t know how anyone could avoid obeying it. I would do anything to please him.

  He commands compliance with nothing but his calm demeanor.

  I shuffle to do as he commands, unease climbing up my spine. This is it. This is the final moment I’ll maintain the last shred of my innocence. I’m nervous and excited and stressed and aroused.

  Levi clears his throat. “That dress is flirty and sexy but it’s time to take it off.”

  I nod as I reach behind to awkwardly unzip the back, first reaching over my shoulders and then switching to reach from below. When the zipper is fully lowered, I close my eyes and hold the navy material in front of me. I need a second. No one says a word.

  Finally, I let the dress fall to my feet and force myself not to cross my arms. I shouldn’t be embarrassed. I assume I have a nice body. My breasts are larger than average. My waist is narrow. My hips are shapely. I’m wearing a navy lace bra and panty set.

  “Turn around slowly, sweetness,” Levi requests. “So all three of us can see all of you. Keep your hands at your sides.”

  I think I’ve stepped out of my body. It’s like I’m watching this wanton woman who would strip for three men and then let them ogle her. I’m not sure who I am, but I think I was nobody, and now I’m going to find out who I should be.

  Beck speaks next. “I love the navy against her skin. Let’s let her keep the lingerie for a bit.”

  “Lower to your knees, baby,” Julius commands. He stands as I follow his orders and steps up behind me. I can feel his power. It’s palpable in the room. His hands land on my shoulder, and he pulls them back. “Spine straight. Shoulders back.” One hand goes to my head, and he angles it toward the floor. “Clasp one wrist with your other hand behind your back. Spread your knees wider.”

  I feel awkward as I follow his instructions. My hair falls around my face, giving me a curtain. But that is short-lived because Julius carefully gathers my long waves at the back of my neck and shocks me when he proceeds to divide it into three parts and expertly braid it. He secures it with a band at the end that he’s pulled out of thin air. Does he keep hair bands in his pocket?

  When he’s finished, his hands settle gently on my shoulders, but they don’t linger there. Instead, they slide down to my chest where his fingertips dance on the tops of my breasts.

  I arch slightly, unaware of my actions until afterward. I crave more than he’s giving me. Absurd. How could I be this pliable this fast?

  I fight an irrational moan when his fingertips glide over the edge of lace. My nipples stiffen, and then I nearly sway too far forward when Julius dips his middle fingers into my bra and grazes them over the tips.

  He retreats too fast, steadying me with a hand to my shoulder again and then stepping back to return to sit in the armchair.

  “We want to film you,” Levi says gently.

  I jerk my gaze up to meet his, my eyes wide, my face flushing. I shake my head. “No. Please no.” I catch myself and add, “Sir.”

  He frowns, studying me. “You have an aversion to being on the other side of the camera?”

  I swallow. “Yes, Sir. I mean I would never take that kind of risk. My family name… My grandfather…” I’m stammering. But if it got out somehow that Alistair Wise’s granddaughter was making sex tapes, the scandal would be tremendous.

  Levi tips his head to one side. “I suppose, given my own personal faux pas that started us down this path, you have a righ
t to be leery. I get that. But you have my word—you have all of our words—that we would never share a video of you with another outside of the three of us.”

  I slowly shake my head. Is this going to be a deal breaker?

  “I have an idea,” Beck interrupts. “How about if we keep your face out of the tapes, and give you one hundred percent free rein to edit them to ensure your identity is secure?”

  I shift my gaze toward him. “Why do you want to tape me?” I twist my head around to find Julius watching my reaction also.

  He leans forward. “Because you’ll learn from it and because it makes you squirm.”

  I shiver. He’s right about the second part, though I’m unnerved by how observant these men are.

  I slowly turn to face forward again and lower my gaze, tipping my head toward the floor in the position Julius put me in minutes ago. I need to think. No one seems to be rushing me, but they’re waiting.

  The idea of being filmed is so foreign. I’ve always been the one holding the camera. I can’t fathom being the subject of any video, let alone a sex tape in which I star as the naked submissive. It might be nice, however, to see myself through someone else’s eyes. If I react to submissiveness half as strongly as I react to watching submission, I will probably enter a bizarre headspace that doesn’t allow me to fully grasp what I’m projecting.

  If I could watch the playback, how would I feel? There’s only one way to find out. If I hate it—either watching it, editing it, or performing—all I have to do is take back my consent.

  I take a deep breath and blow it out, lifting my gaze to glance at each of them in turn. “Okay, but only if I do the editing, and you create a secure file. I have no interest in being used to train someone else. This is too personal.”

  “Okay, angel.” Beck rises from his seat and steps in front of me. He cups my chin and shocks me by leaning close and placing a chaste kiss on my lips. “We’ll take our cues from you. Never forget that all we can ever do is ask you to submit to our requests. You have the power to deny us. You also have the ability to walk out the front door.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He smiles. “I love the way that flows off your tongue.” He drops my chin and steps toward the smaller closet with purpose. That’s when I realize the camera equipment is all kept in the smaller storage room. The larger one, not currently open, must hold the furniture and toys.

  Levi rises, distracting me from Beck’s actions as he steps in front of me and then crouches down, face inches from mine. “You’re gorgeous on your knees. Sublime.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “We’re going to take things slow. Each of us will push you to the edge of your limits but not an inch farther. We’ve been doing this a long time. We know how to read a submissive. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.”

  I do as he asks, holding his gaze.

  “That’s it. Again.”

  Another inhale. Another slow exhale. I’m indeed calmer than I was a moment ago, hardly paying attention to the video equipment being arranged in front of me.

  I flinch when two hands land on my shoulders, realizing Julius is now at my back, sandwiching me with Levi. I’m wearing so very little. They’re both dressed in slacks and button-down shirts. No one is wearing a tie. They’re business casual. But their attire draws attention to the contrast of my nudity. It’s not like the three of them are barefoot in low-rise jeans—like the ones Beck was wearing when I watched his video. Nope. They’re dressed in clothes they could wear to see a client or even do a shoot. I’m covered enough to pole dance.

  “How well do you know your own body?” Levi asks.

  I gulp. My face heats.

  He strokes a finger around my face from my forehead to my chin. “First thing we want to do is familiarize you with yourself.”

  That sounds absurd, but it also makes sense. I’m worried he’s about to ask hard questions that will embarrass me.

  “Have you masturbated in the last twenty-four hours?”

  I shake my head, my mouth suddenly dry. “No, Sir.”

  “Not even last night after spending the evening with Claudia?”

  I lower my gaze.

  “Eyes on me. What about this entire week since you arrived?”

  I lick my lips and go for broke. It’s not like I can hide my complete lack of experience from these three for long. “I’ve never masturbated, Sir.”

  He holds my gaze, studying me. I think he’s trying to decide if I’m lying or perhaps if I’m for real. Who would lie about something like this? It’s humiliating.

  “Has anyone…” He takes a deep breath. “Has anyone ever made you come?”

  “No, Sir.” I barely breathe out these words.

  Julius’s hands on my shoulders tighten slightly. “You’ve never had an orgasm?”

  I lower my face. This is hard, but once this part is out in the open, I won’t have to go through the routine of shocking them again. Anyone would be stunned to find out a twenty-two-year-old woman was not only a virgin, but totally without experience.

  Julius crouches behind me, his arms sliding up and down my biceps. “Jesus, baby. Please let us film you. Everything. I want to watch you blossom for us, but I want to be able to see it over and over.”

  I shudder. I’m not sure how I feel about anyone seeing me “blossom.” I’m not even sure I want to see it, but I’m in this, and I’m not backing out now. By the end of this day, I suspect I will be far more acquainted with my body.

  Chapter 24

  Master Julius

  Inside, I’m shaking. I knew she was innocent. I even knew she was a virgin. She’s told us. But this is unexpected. I feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility. We’ve never trained a submissive with this level of innocence.

  She’s not a prude. She’s just uninformed and hasn’t been exposed to the massive world of sensation we’re about to show her. I feel humbled and excited, and frankly a bit nervous. There’s a certain level of responsibility here. We need to ensure she has experiences that rock her world and open her mind. We need to tread lightly and be certain when she looks back on these first few days, she does so with amazing, fond memories.

  I slide my hand up and down her biceps and then toy with the straps of her bra on her shoulders as I glance at Beck. He looks as shell-shocked as I know Levi and I both feel, but he’s managed to set up the camera and nods at me to indicate it’s running.

  Levi sets his hands on Abby’s thighs and smooths them up and down, mimicking my touch on her biceps. She’s swaying slightly, her breaths coming out in short pants. She’s aroused and we haven’t touched anything important yet.

  I’m not surprised. She’s been aroused several times in my presence now. She reacts strongly to both physical and visual stimuli. What about verbal? I lean in closer and kiss her neck before letting my warm breath tickle her ear. “Let’s get that first orgasm out of the way, shall we?”

  She gasps, not answering me.


  “Please, Sir,” she whispers so softly it’s barely audible.

  “No one is going to enter you with their cock today, so relax and let us introduce you to what you’ve been missing.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I ease the straps of her navy lace bra over her shoulders and then trace the edge of lace along the upper swell of her tits. I can already tell they’re amazing. Slightly large for her frame. Heavier under the intensity of this scene. I’d give almost anything to reach between her legs and see how wet her panties are. But it’s not time yet. And I remind myself I need to share this experience with the two other men in the room.

  I glance at Levi, and find him gazing at her body.

  Beck has approached also, but he turns around and strides back to the camera. “Let’s move her to the bed.”

  God, yes. I love this plan. She needs to be lying down so she doesn’t fall when we rock her world.

  Levi smooths his hands to her waist. “It’s a good idea. You’ll be
more comfortable.” He helps her stand, and then I set my hands on her hips from behind and urge her forward. She’s going to spend a lot of time on this plush rug, but not today. Not this afternoon. Soon she’ll be too weak to stand upright on her own. Sated and begging for more.

  It occurs to me that perhaps this is a horrible plan, making this gorgeous, sexy woman come for us. It’s a little late for me to develop a conscience and feel remotely bad about taking something from her she maybe should save for someone special.

  On the flip side, this has always been her choice, and as far as she’s concerned right now, she’s made it clear we are “someone” special. And she’s not wrong. At least we get the humble task of showing her exactly what she’s been missing out on, ensuring she never settles for less in her life.

  The bed is not made up in any particular way right now. Sometimes we dress it up in sheets and comforters or whatever the client prefers. This time, its only covering is the maroon, leather mattress cover, designed to be fucked on. It cleans easily and protects the mattress.

  I spin Abby around and then grip her waist and lift her onto the bed.

  She pulls her knees together and crosses her arms.

  “That’s not ever going to be a position you’re permitted,” Beck says as he glances at us over the camera, seemingly satisfied with the angle he has from this new location. He leaves it running and rounds the giant bed to climb up onto it from the opposite side.

  I know Beck. I know his style. He’s a quiet man, not often offering up his suggestion, but when he does, Levi and I know we should heed his advice. He’s observant to a fault. And I’m certain that includes today.

  Beck crawls to the center of the headboard and sits, leaning against it. He spreads his leg and pats the space between them. “Come here, angel.”


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