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Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2)

Page 25

by Becca Jameson

  She’s right. I know it. Levi knows it. Does Abby know it?

  “We’ll talk to her. Tonight. I promise.”

  “See that you do. This week has been hard on her. But the worst part is over. Your presence here and staying in her home can easily be explained away. She had the best summer bosses in the world, and they jumped to help her in her time of grief. People bought that. No harm has been done. But staying in her family home past tomorrow is going to cause suspicion. Suspicion she does not deserve unless she specifically asks for it.”

  I nod.

  So does Levi. “Message received.”

  “Good.” She spins around and heads back inside.

  Judging by the number of guests who have slowly left the building, and the number of people I counted inside before we left to get out of the way, I would say Abby’s responsibility here is almost done.

  We need to get her home, let her rest, and confront her.

  I know in my heart that she isn’t going to give up her dreams to become a submissive to me or any of us. I wouldn’t let her anyway. She has enjoyed this awakening. It has changed her. But Levi and I need to face the facts and let her get on with her life.

  Chapter 49


  “Where are Geraldine and Joseph?” Levi asks me when we get back to the house.

  Beck is leaning into the refrigerator, reaching for something to drink.

  I drop down onto a bar stool and kick off my heels so that they clamber to the floor. I’m exhausted. Physically and emotionally. And I know I have another hurdle in front of me that might be more monumental than burying my grandfather. “I told them to take a two-week vacation.”

  Beck spins around, standing upright, letting go of the refrigerator door. “They left?”

  I nod.

  Levi steps closer. He doesn’t touch me, but he sets a hand flat on the island next to me. “Just like that? I can’t imagine a world in which they would leave you just because you suggested it at a time like this. They’re like family to you. Like an aunt and uncle who raised you. They would never leave you alone two hours after burying your grandfather.”

  I meet his gaze. “They didn’t leave me alone.” Is he dense?

  He shakes his head as if confused. “Because Beck and I are here? That’s ludicrous. I’m not sure either of them trusts us to be in the same room with you, let alone skipping town while we’re staying here.”

  I cock my head. “What’s that supposed to mean? Why wouldn’t they trust you?”

  “Because this situation is awkward at best, and they don’t know us from Adam, and they must wonder how and why we’re so invested in a woman we’ve known for less than two months.”

  “Are you?” I ask. He opened right up to the discussion we need to have.


  “Invested?” I repeat as if he didn’t hear me the first time.

  Beck leans over the island from the other side. “Don’t change the subject. Tell us why Geraldine and Joseph left.”

  I blow out a long breath. “Because I told them to. Because I said I wanted to be alone.” These things are half-truths. I had a lengthy discussion this morning with Geraldine while Levi and Beck were showering and getting dressed. In the dark suits, ties, and jackets they’re still wearing that have made my mouth water all damn day.

  “Abigail,” Levi warns me in that tone that tells me he’s not buying my explanation. Plus, he used my full name as if I’m a recalcitrant child. It sends a shiver down my spine when one of them calls me that. The good kind of shiver that comes with goose bumps and tells me I’m about to get seriously dominated.

  I lick my lips, fighting the urge to bite the bottom one and risk Beck’s wrath too. “They know about us, okay? You happy?”

  Levi steps closer, his body heat enveloping me even though he hasn’t touched me yet. “How?”

  “I told Geraldine this morning.”

  He lifts a brow. “You told her what?”

  This was not a discussion I intended to have with them. It hadn’t occurred to me that they would wonder why I sent Geraldine and Joseph away. I should have realized the act would be suspicious. “Actually, Geraldine guessed. She said she wasn’t born yesterday, and that she knew I was hiding something huge. She shocked me, but when I met her gaze, she was smiling. She told me she loved me and encouraged me to figure out what makes me happy and go for it.”

  Levi sets a hand on my lower back and slides it up to my neck. “And what makes you happy, sweetness?”

  I glance at Beck and then meet his gaze. “I don’t know. And I’m too tired to think about anything this important tonight. Can we please go to bed and discuss it tomorrow?”

  Beck responds. “Yes. Of course. Anything you want, angel.”

  We head upstairs, both of them crowding me. I’ve tried to read their responses to my confession, but they’re impassive. I feel confident they both care about me a great deal. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be here.

  I’m concerned about Julius. He hasn’t called me once. That hurts. Levi said he spoke to him earlier in the day and that Julius didn’t want to disrupt me but that he sent his condolences. I didn’t buy it, but I also didn’t feel like arguing or digging for more information.

  I’m not sure I want the truth. It might sting. His absence and silence are loud enough. The problem is that he’s part of this relationship. I’m happy when I’m with any one of them alone or any combination of two of them also, but we aren’t complete unless all of us are in the room.

  Am I the only one who feels that bond? I’m afraid to ask, and I certainly can’t handle the answer tonight, so I’ll leave it alone and enjoy the attention I’m sure to get from the two men who are present.

  Levi undresses me when we get to my bedroom. Beck removes his own clothes at the same time, draping them over the arm of my chair. When we’re both naked, Beck pulls my back against his chest and angles us to watch Levi strip next.

  I love watching them undress. It makes my blood pump faster. They’re formidable when they’re fully clothed, but underneath the shirts and pants they usually wear are three of the sexiest bodies I’ve ever seen.

  Of course, they’re the only three male bodies I’ve ever seen naked in person, but I’ve seen pictures. I’m not a prude.

  They’re buff and broad and tall and virile. My mouth waters now for the millionth time.

  When Levi drops the last article of clothing on the chair, he stalks toward me and sandwiches me with Beck.

  I moan as my nipples rub against his chest.

  He slides his hands up my waist, cups my breasts, and flicks his thumbs over the tips.

  “It’s weird not having one of you film my every move,” I point out. For six solid weeks they set up at least one video camera to capture everything we did together. I’m used to spending my time editing myself having sex. Since arriving at my childhood home, they haven’t mentioned filming me.

  “It didn’t seem like a good idea in your home. It felt wrong,” Beck responds. “If we got caught…” He shudders behind me, his hands sliding to my hips.

  What feels wrong is not having Julius here, and I’m not sure if Beck or Levi realize it, but in my mind, the reason they aren’t filming anything is because of Julius’s absence. It’s as if our time together here can’t count since we’re missing someone. Documenting us experiencing joy seems wrong.

  I moan as Levi pinches my nipples. “You have any specific requests, sweetness? We haven’t really dominated you since we got here.”

  Beck chuckles, his voice deep. “Besides the fact that you needed time to mourn, we didn’t think it would be prudent to make you scream and risk Geraldine running up here to see if you were okay.”

  I swat at his hand on my hip. “You’re so bad.”

  He kisses my neck. “Just now figuring that out?”

  Levi clears his throat. “I know you’re going to miss your grandfather a great deal. He was the most important person in your life. We get that,
and we don’t want to tarnish this time for you by pressuring you to have sex or perform in any way so soon after burying him.”

  I nod, appreciating his thoughtfulness. “I’m fine.” I shiver. “Admittedly, I feel a little guilty for having sex so many times in the midst of dealing with his death, but I don’t think I could have remained half as sane as I have if you two hadn’t been here to make me forget and escape for a few hours every day. Is that awful?”

  Levi shakes his head. His hands slide to the undersides of my breasts. “No. Everyone grieves differently. Everyone feels in different ways too. You’re the sort of person who feels deeply and that applies to your grief and your lust. Just because you let us take away some of the tension in bed doesn’t diminish your sadness. You’re entitled to feel alive sometimes too.”

  “He’s right,” Beck whispers in my ear. “And we’ve been taking our cues from you. If you want us to climb into bed and just hold you, we will. If you want to make love, we can do that. If you want to be dominated, that can also be arranged. Your call.”

  I bite my lip without thinking, dropping it when Beck leans his head around and lifts his brows. “Sorry…Sir. And it’s weird having you give me choices. You didn’t give me choices from the moment we started this relationship. Now…it’s like things are so different.” I take a breath. “I’ll be honest. I love how you two have held me all night and taken my mind off my problems for three days. I miss our dynamic, the one we had before all hell broke loose. But…”

  Levi bends his knees to meet my gaze. “What, sweetness?”

  I close my eyes for a moment. “It seems weird submitting to you two without Julius. I get that it shouldn’t. We weren’t all four together all the time. It’s not like I didn’t submit to the two of you alone, but now… I just can’t stop wondering. I mean, what’s going on here?” I shake my head. I hadn’t meant to get into this tonight. “Don’t answer that. It’s too much to discuss tonight. Forget I said anything.”

  Beck gives me a squeeze. “Not one of us is ever going to forget anything you say. If you think that’s possible, you haven’t been paying attention.”

  “He’s right. And we understand what you mean. There’s a missing link. We get that. How about if we go to bed and get a good night’s rest. We can have a deeper discussion tomorrow.”

  I nod. It’s not like me to turn down sex lately. I seem to be insatiable, taking whatever they offer at all hours of the day and night, but suddenly, I’m beyond exhausted. I’m dead on my feet from the stress of the past several days.

  Levi must have picked up on my exhaustion because he swoops me into his arms and carefully deposits me in the center of the bed.

  Beck slides onto the other side and pulls me into his arms.

  I don’t feel like myself. A dull throb grows behind one eye. I just want to sleep, so I burrow into Beck and relax further when Levi’s body lines up with my back.

  Beck runs a hand up and down my arm. “Are you cold?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  He pulls me closer and drags a blanket over all of us. “Sleep.” He kisses my forehead. I ignore the headache, kind of surprised it took this long for it to begin. For three days I’ve been constantly on the run. I haven’t had enough time to drink enough or eat properly. It’s no wonder it’s caught up with me.

  Right now, I just want to rest. Tomorrow, I’ll eat three meals and treat my body better.

  Chapter 50


  I wake up to the most intense headache, groaning with frustration. I really should have gotten up and taken something before going to sleep. The room is dark. I roll onto my side and wince. My stomach hurts too. Great. The last thing I need is the flu. I shouldn’t be surprised. My immune system is depleted.

  Squinting into the dim light of the room, I realize Levi is sound asleep on his back next to me. When I turn my head toward Beck, I grow nauseous. He too is asleep, on his side, facing me. He has one hand on my hip.

  Somehow, I have to slide from the bed and get to the bathroom. I opt for wiggling my way to the end of the bed so I don’t disturb my men, and shockingly, I succeed.

  The moment I’m on my feet, I feel like I’m going to vomit. It’s so violent, that I nearly run for the attached bathroom, using the faint light from the window to guide me. I barely make it to the toilet before I heave, sliding to my knees and grabbing the edge of the bowl.

  I didn’t even have time to turn on the light. I don’t care. I feel so awful that even emptying my stomach doesn’t help. My head is pounding. My stomach is twisted in knots. And I don’t have the energy to stand. I lean my forehead against the porcelain and breathe slowly, afraid I’m going to slide to the floor.


  The voice startles me. It’s Levi’s. “Yeah. I’m okay.” My voice is weak. I’m not okay. I think I might faint actually. In fact, I lose my grip on the toilet and drop to the floor, grateful for the rug that keeps me from hitting my head.

  “Abby.” The voice is louder. A light comes on.

  I moan and squeeze my eyes closed against the brightness, curling into myself. I’m naked on the bathroom floor, and I don’t care.

  “Jesus. Beck. Oh, God. Come help me.” Levi’s hands are on me, but I can’t open my eyes. It hurts. Everything hurts.

  “Abby. Sweetness. Look at me.”

  I moan again. I can’t. I don’t even want to. My stomach cramps then, making me cry out at the sharp pain. I’ve never reacted so violently to the flu before. I need to throw up again. There’s no way I can reach the toilet or pull myself up.

  Unable to even tell Levi, my stomach revolts again, and I vomit on the floor between the wall and the toilet.

  “Holy shit. What happened?” Beck asks.

  Somehow, I find the strength to mumble, “Flu.”

  “Abby, this isn’t the flu.” Levi’s hovering over me. He wraps a towel around my body. I didn’t realize I was shaking until then. He scoops me into his arms.

  I burrow into him as he closes the toilet and sits on it, holding me in his lap.

  “Grab some more towels. Jesus. I think we need to call an ambulance.”

  I squint at him. “Why? I have the flu,” I murmur.

  He cups my face, forcing me to look at him. His brow is furrowed. “You’re bleeding, Abby. A lot.”

  I frown, the effort hurting. “Did I hit my head?” I lift my arm toward my forehead and then gasp. There’s blood on my hand, running down my arm.

  Levi pulls me closer, rocking me. “Hang on, Abby. Jesus. God.”

  “I have 911 on the phone. They’re on their way. Five minutes. I need to go unlock the door.” Becks words are confusing.

  “Why…” Why am I bleeding? My arm… “I… Can’t…”

  Levi brushes my hair from my face and tucks the towel around me.

  I startle for a moment as he seems to pass me off to Beck who carries me to the bedroom. The lights are on. Too bright. I moan and squeeze my eyes tight. The men are discussing clothes. I focus on that fact. Right. We’re all naked. They called an ambulance.

  A wet cloth lands on my face. “Abby. Sweetness. Stay with me.”

  Where would I go? I moan as the towel disappears and then a blanket is tucked around me.

  I can’t focus. When I open my eyes, the room spins out of control. And then I feel myself sliding from consciousness, unable to fight it.

  Chapter 51

  Master Levi

  I’m so damn scared that I’m shaking. I’ve never seen so much blood. Between the vomit and the blood, Abby looks like she’s been stabbed in ten places. I know that’s not the case, however. The moment I stepped into the bathroom and flipped on the light, I saw it flowing between her legs. It’s all over her now, but I’m certain about the source.

  I keep one hand on her leg as I shrug into the jeans I grabbed off the floor, zipping them up and snagging a shirt. I hear Beck talking downstairs and then the voices get louder as he directs the EMTs to us.

wo men in their thirties enter the room. “What happened?” The taller one asks.

  I grip Abby’s hand, realizing she has passed out. I feel like I’m going to do the same thing any moment from all the blood and the fear. “I have no idea. She got up to go to the bathroom and the next thing I knew she was vomiting and moaning and I found her sliding into a pool of her own blood when I turned on the light.”

  The EMT reaches for her wrist to take her pulse.

  “God. Please help her,” Beck pleads. “Jesus, she fainted?” He looks at me.

  I nod. “I couldn’t keep her awake. She might have seen the blood. I don’t know.” I’m frantic. I’ve never felt this kind of fear. My hands are shaking as I stroke her face, trying to give the EMTs space.

  They untuck the blanket for a moment and examine her briefly. “No open wounds anywhere?”

  I shake my head. “It’s coming from inside her. Like a period,” I inform them. I don’t know how to explain it. And no one has a period like this. Ever.

  “Is she pregnant?” the shorter man asks.

  I jerk and stare at her, shaking my head. “No. I mean, no. I mean, God, could she be?” I look at Beck.

  He is pale. His hands are running through his hair. He lowers himself to sitting on the other side of the bed. “She hasn’t had a period,” he states softly.

  I understand what he’s saying. He’s right. We haven’t known her to have her period since we met her. But we’ve been careful. Every time. Always. We’re always careful. We’ve never had sex without a condom. None of us. Not with Abby or any other woman in our lives.

  The taller man continues to examine her. The shorter man glances at us one at a time and then back, but he says nothing. There’s no judgement on his face. When he speaks, it’s calmly. “We’re going to transport her to the nearest hospital.” He hands Beck a card. I assume it’s the address. “You can meet us there.”


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