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Page 26

by A. m Madden

  Her giggles make me want to devour her. I smile wickedly before taking her bottom lip into my mouth and sucking. “Get me food, Wench!” I slap her ass. “I’m getting horny.”

  “Straddle me.” I command. She jumps into my arms and wraps her legs around me. Her eyes dart around the beach nervously. There’s no one around. The closest human is at least one hundred yards away. The surfers are all preoccupied with catching their perfect wave. “We’re alone. No one can see us except the lucky fish swimming by. Relax, Babe.”

  “Now that we’re out here, I’m losing my nerve,” she admits while still scoping the beach. The water is pretty calm, and from a distance it looks like a boyfriend holding his girlfriend in the ocean. My cock is rock hard from the thrill of it. I grip her ass with both hands, and then stealthily slip a finger into her bikini to skim her pussy. Her eyes lock onto mine. When I slip my finger into her, she bears down on my hand.

  “Okay, I’m convinced,” she pants against my mouth. “Hurry, you’re driving me insane.”

  “That’s the plan, Baby.”

  The mixture of salt water and Tara is an intoxicating combination. The cool water does nothing to lower my body temperature. I’m on fucking fire and it’s not from the ninety-degree weather. I remove my finger to push the fabric aside. I use her legs to lower my suit just enough to release my cock. He springs out as if he just heard the starting gun at a race.

  “Ready, Babe?” Her hand grips me, and she steers me right into her pussy. “I guess so.” I chuckle at her enthusiasm.

  “Oh, God,” she rasps before closing her eyes. Her fingers tighten around my neck. She uses my body as leverage to lengthen her pumps up and down my cock. Fuck, this feels incredible. I never had ocean sex. Hot tub or pool, yes, but there’s something about being out here that’s sexy as fuck…especially with her.

  “Trey, faster,” she pleads. Her eyes are still closed when she rests her forehead against mine. “God, I can feel you, every inch of you.”

  My only response is a throaty grunt. I’m close and I’m getting closer. “Oh fuck,” I manage to get out as I feel my balls tightening at the base of my cock. She lowers her head and stares directly into my eyes. The sunlight makes them lighter in color. Her lips are swollen from all the sucking and biting on them that I’ve done these past few days. I drive my tongue into her mouth, holding her head still to penetrate her mouth as deeply as I’m penetrating her pussy. I time the thrusts of both my tongue and cock perfectly. Seconds later she tightens around me and comes while calling my name.

  She’s so fucking hot. My name on her lips and her hot pussy sucking my cock in are enough to make me come immediately after, and it seems like it goes on forever.

  “Shit, that was insane,” I voice out loud when I finally finish thrusting into her.

  She kisses me long and hard. “Can we do it again?” she asks when she pulls away.

  “I’m game, but our hosts may not want to witness another round.”

  She gasps, turning her head to see Jack and Leila on their deck. “How long have they been out there?”

  I noticed them just as I slipped into her. “Um…”


  Her panic causes me to laugh. “I’m sure they didn’t see anything. Still want to go again?”

  She lowers her legs and stands unsteadily. I hold her tightly to keep the surf from pushing her away. “I guess our opportunity is over,” she shrugs. “Sorry.”

  I look over to the deck and pretend to be annoyed again. “That Little Lair is a pain in my ass.”

  We trek our wet bodies back to the house, and Jack sees us approaching. “Well, well. If it isn’t Ariel and Eric.”

  “Who the fuck are Ariel and Eric?” I ask, not having a clue what he’s talking about. I wrap a towel around Tara, and then one around my waist more so to hide the remnants of a fresh hard-on.

  “The little mermaid and her prince.” I stare blankly and he says, “Oh, fuck you. I’m a dad now.”

  “You’re a pussy now,” I counter. “Speaking of, where are the demons?”

  “My parent’s house.” Jack hugs and kisses Tara.

  Leila hears us and comes back out onto the deck. “Hey, you two. Have fun out there?” she asks with an amused smile on her face.

  “The water felt great,” I shrug.

  Tara throws me a dirty look. “It was hot out.”

  “Looked hotter in the water,” Jack mumbles.

  “You two want to go cool off for a bit? We’ll sit here and watch.” I tilt my head and wink at Leila.

  “We’re good,” she smirks.

  “We are?” Jack asks, pulling her onto his lap. He whispers something into her ear and she instantly blushes.

  “Hey, Lei. What’s long and hard and full of seamen?”

  “Really Trey? I’m here all of five seconds.”

  Ignoring her, I add, “A submarine. You’ve got a filthy mind. I think you have Jack’s sub on your mind.”

  “Jackass,” she says with her hands on her hips. “Tara, come help me get some drinks. The guys will be here soon.”

  “Whoa, what guys?”

  “Be nice,” Tara reprimands.

  “Only because you asked me to,” I look up at her face, feigning annoyance. She kisses me before joining Leila.

  Once the girls go inside, Jack immediately says, “She’s got your balls, doesn’t she?”

  “You’re insane. My balls are still firmly attached.”

  “You’re full of shit. You know Hunter has been waiting to collect his money for years now. He’s going to make your life miserable.”

  “I welcome it. I’ll bet you fifty he’ll be wearing an apron next time we go to his place.”

  Jack laughs and proceeds to tell me of all the stupid shit Hunter has said lately. The girls join us with drinks and food. We talk and laugh. Tara beams as she tells them about her latest article. Leila tells stories of the twins. While they laugh and gossip, Jack looks on with a perpetual smile on his face. When he looks my way, he quirks an eyebrow at the look on my face. It’s only then that I realize I’m also grinning like a fucking idiot.

  I feel at peace. In my mind, I feel like I finally finished a difficult book that tore at my heart with every page. I filled it with only the good memories I hold of my past. I include only the ones that warrant a place in my history. I visualize placing Taylor’s picture in the book along with her bracelet and her ring that never held a place on her finger. And once all the things that I did care for and did love are safely tucked inside the book, I place it on a shelf to never be glanced at again.

  I’m a world away from those pages. I feel like I’ve aged so much. Yet, by the same token, I feel young and carefree. I’m anxious to finally live. I should say I’m anxious to finally live a normal existence. Hanging with friends, shooting the breeze, holding my girlfriend on my lap…it’s all so normal.

  Trey Taylor never did normal.

  Until now…

  Trey Taylor is happy.

  Wow, look at that. The sky didn’t fall, pigs didn’t fly by, and a meteor didn’t hit the earth. There was a time when I thought that the thought of me ever being happy would cause an apocalypse of catastrophic proportions. Here I am, living, breathing, and being fucking happy. Who would have thought?

  The cause? Tara Rodston.

  She has singlehandedly caused this euphoria that runs through my veins as fluidly as my blood. I still maintain that she’s my angel. Someone sent her to me in exchange for all the fucking bullshit I was dealt in life. Even as she lies beside me, her golden hair fanning the pillow, her naked gorgeous body pressed up against mine, and her delicate hand resting right over my heart, I know all the bullshit was what got us to this very moment.

  It’s hard to wrap my head around that.

  How can I regret any of it if it led me to her?

  Our romantic weekend turned into a Devil’s Lair getaway. Hunter, Amanda, Scott, and Patti joined us and even I have to admit we had a blast. My gir
l laughed so much watching how we all interact. She got a front row seat to our antics. Watching her happy and carefree was the best feeling in the world.

  Just as predicted, Hunter was an ass regarding my newfound happiness. He claimed that Tara’s his new hero for bringing Trey Taylor to his knees. He wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. My retaliation? Armed with Scott’s industrial strength sunscreen, Hunter’s bare chest became the perfect canvas. Let’s say he won’t be falling asleep in the sun around me anymore. I told him to stop bitching like a girl, and that he’d be able to go shirtless in a few weeks.

  If camera crews were to invade, they would find a bunch of rock stars acting NORMAL. Cooking meals, watching movies, football on the beach, just acting completely normal. There’s a first for everything.

  When Tara and I left Jack and Leila’s, we ended up at my place. It didn’t matter that we just spent every waking minute together, we both just knew that we would continue to spend every waking minute together. We decided, as a couple…did I just say that? Couple?


  Anyway, we decided as a couple we would spend the rest of the summer getting to know each other. Once we get back to the studio in a few weeks and she gets back to her regular office hours, we’ll settle into some sort of routine. For the time being, we’ll do as we please when we please. We’ve spent our days naked. We sleep when we should be awake. We’re awake when we should be asleep. The two main activities when we are awake include eating and fucking.

  She’s a fantastic cook. Food never did it for me. Eating things that Tara whips up has been orgasmic, even more so when I eat her food off her body. I’ve never had anyone nurture me in any way. When growing up in Hell, we had cooks and maids. No one ever made me a plate of pancakes on a Sunday morning just because all I wanted was pancakes. No one ever baked me a cake for no reason. I never showered with someone. Fuck, I never even walked down the street holding someone’s hand.

  Tara is giving me a piece of normalcy that I never knew I needed.

  She stirs beside me when I slip my hand under the sheet to release her breasts. She smiles when she feels my fingers pinching her nipple.

  “Are you awake?” I ask as I continue to play with her tits like a horny teenager.

  “Now I am.”


  She stretches and smiles. “How long did you allow me this time?”

  I reach for my phone, illuminating the screen. “You got a few hours. That’s plenty of sleep. So are you up?”

  “Do I have a choice?” she sits up, exposing her gorgeous body to me.

  “Nope…” I launch out of bed and throw her over my shoulder.

  She squeals and giggles when I trot toward the kitchen. “Trey, what are you doing?”

  “You promised me pancakes!”

  My nerves are causing my heart to pound. I’m quite used to others reading my work and scrutinizing my words. It goes with the territory. For some reason, sitting here having him do it is the worst form of torture that I’ve ever experienced. I sit facing him, nursing my glass of wine and wishing he would hurry up already.

  “Well?” I ask impatiently the minute he flips the last page. The look on his face causes my heart to sink. “You hate it,” my words come out as a statement more than a question.

  “I don’t hate it. It’s very good.”

  “You’re lying. Your face tells me otherwise,” I challenge him. He puts it down and holds a hand out to me. I accept his invite to settle on his lap.

  “I’m not lying. I really do think it’s very good,” he says in all sincerity. “I guess the thought of having it out there for the entire world to see is hitting me harder than I thought it would. This isn’t an article that covers my life in a few pages. This is a three hundred page confession.”

  I put my wine down to hold his face in my hands. The vulnerability that he showed me when I first suggested writing his story is once again fresh in his eyes. I quickly back-peddled that day. I didn’t want him to think that I was interested in publishing his life story for the wrong reasons. Especially, since he knows it’s been my goal to write a book. I wanted to do it mainly to let the world know what an amazing person Trey Taylor is. I also felt it would have been therapeutic for him to make the journey with me, release all those old demons and ghosts that continued to haunt him at every turn. But, seeing the look in his eyes when I mentioned it had me never mentioning it again.

  He surprised me one day after having sex when he suddenly said he wanted me to write this book. Going through every detail of his life with him was an experience I’ll never forget. It gutted him to retell his heartbreak. My heart ached for him when he shared his torment, his heartbreak with me. He showed me Taylor’s bracelet and ring. He admitted what he felt for her. It was a journey I’ll never take for granted. Having this magnificent man trusting me with the best and worst he was dealt with was an honor. I was honest with him when having to hear of all his past sexual conquests. The man he described is nothing like the man I get to make love to. He’s been through so much.

  Sitting here, watching his eyes cloud over in doubt now makes me doubt his decision.

  He leans over and picks up the book. I called it Backstage, and my man is prominently displayed on the cover.

  “It is a cool cover,” he admits while staring at his image. “I’m glad you added yourself on the back.”

  Ignoring his attempt to change the subject, I prod further. “Trey, are you regretting this?”

  He doesn’t meet my gaze for a few seconds. When he does, he traces a thumb over my bottom lip and shakes his head. “No, Babe. I’m not. I realized that it was necessary for me to do. You did an amazing job. It wasn’t an easy subject matter, that’s for damn sure. You took the shit that life threw at me and you turned it into something I’m very proud of. Thank you.”

  “You’re thanking me? Do you have any idea what it means to me that you allowed me to do this? You trusted me, completely. You opened up to me, completely. You’ve grown so much, Trey. I love you more than anyone on this earth. I’m so proud of the man you’ve become.” My eyes become misty with pure emotion.

  He leans in and kisses me so sweetly. “I love you, too. You’ve made me a better person. It’s all you.”

  I know I’m responsible for some of the changes he made, but not all. Since meeting him, this man has changed so much. The fact that he did, allowing me to be there with him by his side, is the most profound thing I’ll ever experience. I now know that I mean the world to him…and he knows the same of me.

  I look over at the kitchen clock and sigh. “It’s getting late.”

  He pats my ass and says, “We have to get ready.” His comment makes me release another sigh. He chuckles at my response. “What?”

  “I’m nervous.”

  “About what?” He kisses me hard and then adds, “It’s me they’re going to give shit to, not you.” He laughs again at the look on my face. “I’m jumping in the shower. Join me?”

  “If I do, we’ll never get out of here.” I stand to allow him to get up. As I walk away to get more wine for liquid courage, he spins me and wraps me in his arms. His hands find the skin under my T-shirt before they slide further down to slip into my jeans. The warmth of his hands on my ass makes me want to throw him down on the floor and take full advantage of the hardness I feel pressing against my belly.

  With a groan, he pulls away from me. “You’re right. We won’t get out of here and we have to. The sooner we do, the sooner we can resume this.” After one more kiss and one more smack on my ass, he heads to the bathroom to shower.

  The sight of my rock star in nothing but old jeans that hang low on his hips, his beautiful tattooed body all lean and firm on display, makes me want to chase him into that shower. He can stop my heart by just looking into my eyes. When he’s happy, or right before he comes, they turn from a pale blue to a sparkly blue. I made the mistake of telling him that. His response, “Babe, I don’t sparkle. I sizzle.”

nbsp; He’s absolutely right. Sex with Trey is the hottest sex I’ve ever had. He pushes me to experiment, to try new things. I do so very, very willingly. He has a penchant for watching me masturbate. It drives him crazy, prompting him to then drive me crazy. I’ve never considered myself a very sexual person. I enjoyed sex. With Trey I crave it. I need it like a junkie. He stirs things inside that I never knew existed. By just skimming his thumb along my bottom lip, he can practically induce my orgasm. I made the mistake of telling him that bit of info as well.

  I always took care of myself. I now do so for him. I wear things he likes me to wear. Not because he requests that I do, but because he compliments me and I love that he does. I’ve added tattoos to my pale skin. He came with me each and every time that I did. He’s explained to me the meaning behind most of his, even the T.T. initials over his heart, and what they meant in symbolism. He joked that he’s glad my name is Tara. Otherwise, he’d have to alter them into something else. Of all the things Trey has shared with me over these two years, telling me about Taylor and what she meant to him meant the most to me. Once he opened up by telling me his inner most secrets and thoughts, I knew he loved me. He’s more than just my lover. He’s become my best friend. We are a couple, in every sense of the word.

  When I look back over the past two years, it seems like ages ago when I started dating this elusive, guarded, cocky rock star. He pushed me away more times than I can count. Each time that he did, he’d hurt me just a bit more. The more time I spent with him, the deeper in love I fell. I never felt for anyone what I was feeling for Trey. There were little things, little contradictions that caused me to fight for him. His actions sometimes said one thing. But, so many times the way he’d touch me or the way his eyes would seek me out in a crowd and calm when he saw me, all told me another. Those are the things that told me, or more so told my heart, that he was falling for me as well. I waited for him, I worked on him, and I made him mine.

  We moved in together about six months ago. After spending so much time apart while he was touring, we couldn’t be apart for more than a few hours. We were practically living with each other anyway. We both gave up our places and found a stunning apartment in a building with a doorman near Jack and Leila’s. Trey isn’t domesticated by any means. He’s a slob who has no idea how to live with someone. I may never train him, but I’m not giving up quite yet. Sex has become a very powerful bargaining chip.


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