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The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series

Page 9

by Bryce Evans

  Samson nodded understanding they had a lot to do. He got on his phone and started giving orders to his Guards. Cade lay back with Adrianna, stroking her hair and back until they arrived at the halfway point then he would finish the drive to Ashland.

  Cade gently woke up Adrianna, telling her they were only a few minutes away from the rest area. She would need to get her clothes on before they arrived. Adrianna looked up with sleepy eyes at Cade smiling in her shy way. Cade loved that look. She had such a big heart and it showed even in her smile. Adrianna started putting on her clothes stretching as she did it.

  “Baby girl, if you stretch like that again, showing me your beautiful body, then those clothes will be coming back off,” Cade said as he watched her with a wolfish grin.

  The Guard and Protectors had already cleared the area before Adrianna and the others arrived at the rest stop. Making her way over to the Supreme Alpha, Selena asked how she was doing. They went to the bathroom together with Adrianna telling Selena about her mates. Selena advised Adrianna that she had another vision that confused her but she needed to sit down and tell her about it. Selena was hoping Adrianna or her mates could give her some type of insight about it.

  Mace and Damen came to sit at the picnic table with Selena and Adrianna while Cade and Samson talked to their people. “What is it Selena?” They heard Adrianna ask.

  “Well, the vision starts out hazy with it raining outside. I see Adrianna floating in a field where purple, red, yellow, and orange flowers are growing. It was beautiful. I see five wolves surrounding you as you float above the flowers. I could feel the evil in the wolves, like they wanted to kill you, but they continue to watch you until I see the wolves look back at something and bow as if they were waiting for their Master. I could feel the hate and misery in the air, but I couldn’t see who was coming up behind them. They continued to look down waiting for someone. Then I woke up. Somebody is shielding his or her identity from me. Whoever it is seems familiar to me, I just couldn’t see who it was. Do you know the place I saw?”

  “That’s Seige Fields, Selena. I would go there almost every day and lay in the wild flowers. It’s a special place. It holds a lot of magic there, or at least that was what my mother told me.” Adrianna leaned over and whispered into Selena’s ear. “I felt at home there, like the flowers and trees were talking to me. I’m afraid to tell you this because I don’t want you laughing at me or think I’m crazy, but I would talk to the flowers and trees. I could feel them talking to me. Does that sound strange to you?”

  “No luv, that’s not crazy. You have a lot of magic in you and some of your magic probably comes from Ashland. The land gives you power. You never used that power when you were a child, you were never taught how too. When we get to Ashland, we will need to go to Seige Fields and practice your magic to see what happens. I believe you will be surprised how the land will welcome you home.”

  Adrianna looked at Mace and Damen. She didn’t want anybody thinking she was crazy, even her own brother and cousin. Mace looked at her and smiled. He wanted her to know how much he believed in her and her abilities. Then Mace and Damen mentally communicated with each other, knowing that Adrianna was a very special person if she could talk to the trees and flowers.

  Cade and Samson walked up and immediately went to Adrianna’s side, touching her. They needed to touch her to know she was safe. They couldn’t be without her long. She loved it when they touched her.

  Mace informed everyone they needed to get back on the road, they only had an hour and a half left until they got to Ashland. They were making good time.

  Samson grabbed Adrianna’s hand then whispered in her ear, “Then we don’t have any time to waste, angel. It’s my turn now. Hurry up.” Samson and Adrianna walked quickly to the SUV smiling at each other. Everybody just smiled as they walked to their vehicles leaving for Ashland.

  As she got in the back seat with Samson, he instructed her on the type of mate he was. “Angel, Cade and I are very different mates. I expect certain things from my mate sexually. I’m very dominant and I expect my mate to be submissive to my commands. I have been afraid to tell you this, scared that if I pushed too hard then you would run. My sexual appetite is different from Cade’s sexual appetite. I want to tie you up, spank you, and watch you as I do that. I like it hard and I’m a Dominate Alpha male. I want you to do what I tell you to do when it comes to our lovemaking. Surrender to me, Adrianna.”

  Cade was watching in the review mirror, waiting to see Adrianna’s reaction. He also hoped she wouldn’t object to that, he liked it rough as well, sometimes. He wasn’t as dominate as Samson, but he liked to be in control. He was an Alpha and he had never met one yet that didn’t want control.

  “Samson, I don’t know what to say. I’m not experienced enough to tell you whether or not I can agree to this.” Adrianna immediately bowed her head and the feelings of not being enough for her mate started to saturate the air. Adrianna started getting scared and felt she couldn’t be what Samson needed in a mate. She didn’t know if she could be submissive.

  “No Adrianna, don’t, don’t feel that way. I can smell the doubt. You can learn these techniques. I can teach you, angel. I don’t want to hurt you, but I do like a little pain with my pleasure. Please just say you’ll try. We will work on it together.”

  Adrianna felt relieved when Samson told her that he could teach her these techniques. She had read a lot about these types of males in her romance novels, she hoped she could do it. She wanted to be everything her mates wanted and that was in the bedroom as well. “I can do that, Samson. I can try to be that person in the bedroom for you.”

  “Thank you, angel, now remove your clothes.”

  Chapter Ten

  Samson knew he couldn’t make love to Adrianna like he wanted; they were in the backseat of the SUV. He really wanted to tie Adrianna up, make her crave his touch. Samson helped Adrianna take her clothes off, then took her bra and tied her hands together then tied them to the “oh, shit” handle above the door. Samson asked Adrianna if she was okay with what he was doing, tying her up. Adrianna just smiled at Samson. He took that as a good sign, so he proceeded to place light kisses all over Adrianna’s body. Adrianna tried to remain in control, but she was lost in the feelings she was taking from Samson. Adrianna couldn’t even consider saying no to her mate. It felt so wonderful. Samson then started telling Adrianna what he was going to do to her, giving her a step-by-step program of the shocking acts. Adrianna groaned loudly trying to hold off her orgasm, not wanting to come too soon. She couldn’t help it. The orgasm hit her fast. She saw the flair of Samson’s nostrils as he breathed in her scent.

  Adrianna shivered as Samson told her to get on her knees, leaning on the door. She tried to move, but wasn’t fast enough for Samson, he helped her up, then put a finger inside of her, pushing in and out.

  “You want it, don’t you, Adrianna? You love being tied up don’t you, angel?” Samson asked.

  Adrianna swallowed hard and hoped she could handle this. Samson continued, pushing two fingers inside her. Then she felt the first smack as Samson spanked Adrianna on her ass.

  “HEY!” Adrianna shouted.

  “I asked you a question, angel. I feel you getting wetter, Adrianna, don’t act like you didn’t like that.” Then Samson spanked her again and again. Moisture lubricated his fingers as Samson continued to spank Adrianna. His hand gripped her hair and titled her head back, asking Adrianna if she wanted to come.

  “Yes, Samson, please let me come.” Adrianna continued to moan and pushed back on Samson’s fingers. She was trying to get enough friction so she could come.

  Samson smacked her butt again, this time harder. Then he pulled his fingers out of her. Samson pulled tighter on Adrianna’s hair, making her moan again.

  “I told you I was in control, angel.” Then Samson couldn’t wait any longer. He grabbed his cock and thrust inside Adrianna, pushing deep. Adrianna loved it as she pushed back as Samson pushed forward and they foun
d a rhythm in their lovemaking. He could feel Adrianna start to shiver and groan louder.

  “That’s it, Adrianna, let it go, angel.”

  The sensations had built up so high with the dirty talk and the confinement of her hands, Adrianna screamed Samson’s name as she came. Samson ground his teeth together as he pushed a few more times and then came hard, releasing his essence to travel deep into his mate. Their breathing was labored as they gasped for air. Samson reached up and untied Adrianna’s hands. He rubbed her wrists to allow the blood flow to return, asking if he hurt her.

  “I loved it, Samson.”

  Samson smiled looking down at Adrianna, whispering in her ear, “Thank you.”

  Adrianna knew what Samson meant by that thank you. Samson hugged Adrianna to him and told her to rest because there would be a lot to do when they arrived in Ashland.

  Chapter Eleven

  They arrived in Ashland in the afternoon. Adrianna knew the moment they crossed over into Ashland, she could feel it. The beauty of the passing trees and houses was all coming back to her. She loved being home. Ashland was a small town with its own beauty. As Cade drove down Main Street it felt like time had stood still. The stores were still made of red, brown, and black bricks, all perfectly decorated. They contained welcoming signs in their windows. Halloween was near and the stores all had pumpkin decorations outside the stores. It was a traditional town with mom and pop owners. Most of the stores would be considered old-fashioned with people milling around the street waving at cars passing by. Allen’s five and dime store was still in business with three old men sitting in rocking chairs, gossiping as people passed them by. Adrianna remembered the days when she was young and she would go into the store to buy some candy or cheap little toy. It always smelled like popcorn when you walked in. Cade said there were more of the bigger department stores down the road now, but Adrianna loved the simplicity of her hometown. She finally felt home.

  Cade pulled up at the hotel as he watched Mace get out of the truck stretching. Adrianna and Samson got out of the back seat and went to stand beside Cade as they looked up at the hotel. It was beautiful. She remembered seeing pictures of the hotel when it was first built; it looked like a Victorian style plantation. The hotel was elegant with detailed designed windows; a front porch that was a wrap around and it had ferns and fancy colonial type furniture placed all around. The house had beautiful woodwork that was craft mastered. Flowers were everywhere. They had an abundance of containers with ferns and roses climbing up the terraces. She could tell that someone took great care in landscaping the front of the hotel. The hotel looked like it did in the pictures she had seen online back in the 1930s.

  Afton and Selena pulled up next and got out gasping and talking about the beauty of the hotel. Jamenson McDonald came out of the front door smiling, waving at Mace, and greeting his Alpha. Adrianna looked up and saw Jamenson smile at her. She ran and jumped into his arms, squealing as he twirled her around and around. Cade and Samson started growling walking toward Jamenson.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Calm down. I’m not trying to steal her so don’t worry, I love her, but she’s my cousin,” Jamenson chuckled. Jamenson put Adrianna down asking her how she was doing.

  “Oh Jamie, it’s so good to see you again. I have missed you so much. Aunt Jessie and Uncle Mel, are they okay? I can’t wait to see them too.”

  Jamenson smiled at Adrianna then told her that his mom and dad had planned a welcome home dance for her, but they had to put it off until Saturday. Jamenson looked up and saw the Supreme Alpha staring at him. “Oh Alpha, I didn’t see you standing there, forgive my manners, sir. I have everything prepared for your arrival. I hope it meets to your standards. There may be some little things we need to finish, but it’s ready to move in.” Jamenson bowed his head, showing his neck to the Supreme Alpha.

  “Jamenson, you have grown up to be a strong Alpha male and let me say this, the hotel looks unbelievable. You have outdone yourself. When Mace told me about this building, I was reluctant, but you have turned it into a work of art and a piece of history from my past. I remember when this hotel was built and you have brought it back to life. Don’t worry son, you have out done yourself. Please accept my appreciation for your outstanding hard work.” Jamenson had the biggest smile on his face when the Supreme Alpha complimented him.

  “Thank you Alpha. Let’s go in and get everybody settled,” Jamenson stated.

  A young male came out from around the front desk to greet Mace and the others.

  “Hey Jacob,” Mace addressed the young man.

  Jacob Cord smiled and blushed as Mace spoke to him. He barely spoke above a whisper when he spoke. He was so shy that when he responded he tilted his head down and never made eye contact with Mace. Jacob Cord was a handsome young man. He was tall, approximately six foot one with black hair that he kept short, but it curled around his ears.

  “Hello Alpha. How was your trip?”

  “It was great Jacob. I brought Adrianna home with me to stay. She has two mates, so let me introduce you to them.”

  Mace put his hand on Jacob’s shoulder and led him toward Adrianna and her mates. “I would like to introduce to you your assistant, Adrianna. This is Jacob. He’s eighteen and a whiz with the computer. I thought he would be a great addition to your team.”

  Adrianna immediately felt a connection toward Jacob. She didn’t feel sorry for him, but she wanted to help him with his shyness. “It’s great to meet you Jacob,” Adrianna addressed Jacob. He never lifted his head and his face turned blood red. He was so shy that he could barely speak to her. Adrianna took her hand and lifted his chin up until Jacob looked Adrianna in the eyes. “Jacob, I won’t bite. I was hoping to make some friends when I came back home. I’m glad you will be my first.”

  Jacob looked up at Adrianna with pure joy in his eyes. “Really? You want to be my friend?” Jacob whispered.

  “Of course, do you want to be mine?”

  “Yes, yes I do, Adrianna.”

  “Well then Jacob, let’s you and I go find me and my mates a room until we can find our new home.”

  Jacob didn’t know what to do. He just looked at her and smiled.

  Before they started to walk off, Cade told his mates he would meet up with them in a minute, he needed to talk to Mace. Cade kissed Adrianna on the cheek before they went up the stairs.

  Cade watched them go before he addressed Mace. “Have you lost your mind? Come on Mace, I like Jacob and all, but when Adrianna finds out that Jacob is Eli Cord’s cousin, she is going to flip out. What were you thinking?”

  “Listen, I’m going to talk to her and tell her who he is, but Jacob has been through a lot of abuse himself from his own family and he deserves a chance. Something tells me that Adrianna can help him. I feel it in my heart. She can turn this kid around. He needs someone to love him and help him with the abuse he has been through, and nobody understands that better than Adrianna.”

  “Okay Mace, but you need to take care of this immediately. Don’t hide this from her or wait for a better time. Do it now. Remember, no more secrets.”

  “Okay, Cade. I’ll take care of it now.” Mace turned around and walked up the stairs to find Adrianna.

  Jamenson McDonald had escorted the Supreme Alpha and Selena to their living quarters on the second floor. Jamenson had taken great pride in creating the perfect place for the Supreme Alpha and his mate. He had taken a couple of the rooms and made an office in one, a small living room in another, and then a bedroom for them. He took pride in the decorations he chose for each room.

  “Everything looks perfect, Jamenson,” Selena said softly.

  “Thank you, ma’am. I tried to think of everything you would need to be comfortable here in your new home. If there is something you want changed or moved, please call me and we will take care of it. The hotel is wireless so you won’t have to plug your computer in to be online. Jacob helped with that, the kid is a whiz at computers. We want Ashland to be your home.” Jamenson turned
to walk out the door and leave the Supreme Alpha and Selena in their new bedroom, but then he turned around and said, “Welcome home,” then smiled. Both Selena and Afton smiled and thanked him.

  Mace walked into the suite that would house Adrianna and her mates until they could find a home or build one big enough for them. Jacob was still smiling as he was explaining in detail how the shower system and the phones worked. He was still whispering as he spoke to Adrianna.

  “Jacob, thank you for showing Adrianna and her mates their room. Can you excuse us for a few minutes? I need to speak with Adrianna.”

  “Oh, yes, Alpha. I’m sorry I was taking so long to explain everything. I will be downstairs if you need anything,” Jacob whispered.

  Adrianna looked at Mace with shock, she could see that Jacob was no longer smiling and thought he had done something wrong. “Jacob, thank you for showing us our room. I hope to meet with you later and take the tour you offered me and my mates.”

  Shyly Jacob nodded, and then left as quite as a mouse, closing the door behind him.

  “Mace, did you have to be so rude? I was just making some head way with Jacob.”

  “I know Sis, but I need you to know something about Jacob before you get closer to him.”

  “Well… what is it?”

  “Well, Jacob has been abused most of his life by his uncles and cousins, that’s why he is here at the hotel. I needed to keep him closer so I could protect him. He has been through enough; he is just a victim too. Adrianna, I want you to think about this before you say anything.” Adrianna sighed while waiting for Mace to tell her something about Jacob. “Jacob is a Cord. He’s Eli Cord’s cousin.”

  Mace and Cade braced themselves for the reaction they thought Adrianna would surely give, but Adrianna smirked, then turned around, and walked to the window looking out. “Bubba, you don’t give me much credit. I knew Jacob was a Cord. I can smell it on him. They all have a certain smell, but I can see in his heart that Jacob is a good person. He just needs a chance like I did when I went to live at the Oakland Resort with the Alpha and Selena. And I plan to give it to him. I will train him and when I’m done, nobody will ever beat or pick on him again.”


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