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The Sinner’s Tribe Motorcycle Club, Books 1-3

Page 9

by Sarah Castille

  Through the frenzy of fists and the maelstrom of violence, she could feel Jagger’s gaze on her, whether out of concern or anger she didn’t know. But she couldn’t stay. Not now. Not when Leo thought she’d betrayed the Black Jacks. Not when Jagger knew the truth about who she was and would likely try to capture her again.

  For the briefest time, desire, so fleeting, had danced on the tip of her tongue. Hope had burned bright in her soul. She should have known it wouldn’t last. Her father’s taint destroyed everything good in her life. Even the promise of something that could never be.

  She yanked the gun from the drawer and backed up to the stockroom door. Then she turned and ran.


  The president is the sole representative of the club in all matters of public relations.

  Fuck. Jagger caught sight of the swinging stockroom door just as Leo charged.

  He easily sidestepped the assault and retaliated with a left uppercut. The back of Leo’s head slammed into the wall and blood sprayed from his nose. More satisfying, however, was the pleasing crunch of cartilage under Jagger’s knuckles.

  Leo howled. “You’ll fucking pay for this.”

  Undeterred, Jagger continued to pummel the bastard. What had he done to Arianne? Whatever it was, his brave vixen had turned sheet white, her reaction triggering his protective instincts and calling forth the darkness that he always kept tightly leashed. Now that side of him thirsted for the chance to exact vengeance on someone who deserved what was coming to him. It had been too long.

  Just as the last five days had been too long.

  Despite his best efforts, long runs with Max, and even longer workouts in the gym, Jagger hadn’t been able to get the little temptress out of his head. The meeting with the Devil Dogs had been a perfect excuse. Who would have known it would turn into a test of their courage and loyalty?

  Leo struggled to his feet, and Jagger stared at the swinging door. Viper’s daughter? He turned the words over in his mind, but he couldn’t reconcile the woman he’d dropped off at the West Side gas station less than a week ago as the daughter of the vicious, bloodthirsty self-styled biker king of Montana.

  Where the fuck had she gone? He’d come over to the bar to protect her, and instead he’d allowed himself to be pulled into a fight with Leo. So unlike him. Still, she wasn’t the kind of woman to stand around, waiting to be rescued. As she’d told him before, she could take care of herself.

  He turned to finish off his prisoner, only to realize Leo had slipped away in his moment of self-reflection. Christ. Arianne was beyond distracting. When had he ever lost focus in a fight? He headed around the bar to check out the stockroom, pulling up short when Zane called his name.

  “Wheels just got here.” Zane joined him at the door. “He brought reinforcements, but he spotted another bunch of Black Jacks heading this way.” Zane hesitated. “And something else you’re not gonna want to hear…”

  “Spit it out.” He needed to get to Arianne. Protect her in case there were Jacks outside. Zane, Cade, and Sparky could organize the Sinners who had since joined the fight.

  “It’s Axle. He and his boys are out looking for Vexy. Weasel tipped off Tank, hoping to win his way back into the club. He told Tank that Axle blames Vexy for getting him kicked out of the club. Axle still thinks if he offs her, the brothers will kick you out and vote him in as president.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ.” Jagger pounded his fist on the counter. “Does Axle seriously think the Jacks would vote him in? Or that I would ever let him get his hands on her?” He glanced around the bar. With many bikers now lying on the floor groaning, the fight had lost steam, and no doubt the police would be on their way.

  “Have you seen her? She’ll need protection until we deal with Axle.”

  “Wheels saw her getting into a cage out back.”

  Jagger holstered his weapon and made a mental note to reconsider his reservations about Wheels. Damn prospect was everywhere.

  “Tell Gunner to clear our people out of the bar, then meet me out back with Cade. We’ll have to find her. She’s got fucking Black Jacks after her, too.” He paused, reluctant to share her secret, but he’d given in to desire one too many times in the last week—from defending Arianne when he wasn’t certain of her innocence to holding his meeting at her bar—and duty reared its ugly head. “’Course if Axle hurts her, he won’t have just me to deal with. She’s Viper’s daughter.”

  “Viper’s daughter? And we let her go?” Zane’s lips pressed thin. “So are we gonna catch her and hold her hostage this time? Maybe get some of the Jacks’ secrets out of her?”

  Jagger gave an irritated huff as he rounded the bar and headed toward the stockroom door. “Axle’s actions are our responsibility, and until we deal with him, she’s under our protection. We’ll take her somewhere safe.”

  “So now we’re protecting Jacks?”

  “Zane…” He paused in front of the door. One word was all the warning he usually needed. Jagger’s best friend since they were five years old, and fiercely protective of those closest to him, Zane was the only person allowed to challenge him, but only when they were alone and only if he thought Jagger had overlooked something fundamentally important.

  Which was the case now, apparently, since he kept right on talking.

  “What if she’s a plant and the whole thing is a setup?” Zane threw open his hands. “I mean, how did it happen that a bunch of Black Jacks showed up when we were here?” He sidestepped to avoid a pair of grappling bikers as they fell against the bar. “Seems like too much of a coincidence. Maybe she called them. Staged a little drama to see what you’re made of.” He gritted his teeth and his voice came out harsh with emotion, flavored with bitterness. “Women don’t think like we do. They’re conniving and manipulative and can twist a fucking guy in knots without feeling any sort of remorse.”

  Jagger slammed open the door, his face hot and pinched with annoyance. “One day, you’re gonna have to tell me what happened to you after I left for the army—’cause those years changed you, made you bitter as hell. Not all women are the same. And this situation has fuck all to do with the fact she’s a woman. We owe her our protection. You’ve overstepped. There’s nothing more to say.” He brushed past Zane and stormed through the stockroom toward the back exit.

  “Where do you want to take her?” Zane followed him, seemingly unperturbed by Jagger’s reprimand or his quick dismissal of Zane’s concerns. But that had always been Zane’s way. Even when they were kids, Jagger had never known what Zane was thinking or how he was feeling unless Zane chose to share, which he almost never did.

  “We’ll put her in the safe house above Sparky’s shop until we’ve dealt with Axle and figured out where she stands with the Jacks.” He opened the back door, and a cool breeze ruffled his hair. He didn’t ask Zane if he was coming. Except for the years they’d been apart, Zane always had his back, and he returned the favor. That’s what best friends did.

  “Viper’s gonna be fucking pissed when he finds out you’ve got his daughter. What if she doesn’t want to get on her daddy’s bad side?” Zane followed him into the parking lot.

  “She doesn’t have to agree.”

  “She’ll agree.” A slow smile spread across Zane’s face. “Never met a woman who could resist your charm.”

  * * *

  “Faster, Dawn.” Arianne’s chest pounded as the bikers rapidly closed the distance between them. Dawn’s Ford Fiesta was no match for 1,500 cc’s of raw Harley horsepower, but maybe they could find somewhere to hide.

  “My foot is down to the floor.” Dawn gripped the steering wheel so hard, her knuckles turned white. “My Fiesta is a good car for safe city driving, not for high-speed getaways. If I’d known y’all were going to be chased by crazed bikers, I would’ve brought something sportier. Maybe you should give me a set of your keys so that next time we have to make an escape, we can take your car, although I doubt even your ancient Mustang convertible could outrun these guys.�

  “I’m so sorry about this.” She reached over and squeezed Dawn’s arm. “I should have just gone with Leo. Then none of this would have happened. You’d be safe. Banks would be safe. The bar wouldn’t have been trashed.” She scrubbed her hands over her face. “God, what have I done? I’ve never defied Viper like this before. I don’t know why I ran.”

  She looked back at the string of motorcycle headlights and groaned. “I’m sure that’s Leo and the Jacks. Maybe you should pull over and let me out. He won’t hurt you, because it’s me he wants.”

  Dawn gave an exasperated snort. “I saw what he did to you tonight. And I’ve seen you come back from the Black Jack clubhouse covered in bruises. I’m not leaving you to their mercy, because I know exactly what that means. You were so close to getting out this time. I’ll keep you hidden until you find Jeff and get your passport.”

  Arianne checked the rearview mirror and her mouth went dry. “They’re almost on top of us. I thought at first there were only two, but a third one just came out of nowhere.”

  One of the choppers accelerated and pulled up beside them. The driver motioned to the shoulder of the road, his face obscured by the glare of headlights.

  “Oh damn.” Dawn’s shoulders sagged. “That’s it. I gotta pull over, honey. They’re gonna run me off the road.”

  “And scratch their paint?” Arianne barked a laugh. “Not likely. But pull over. This is my fight. I shouldn’t have taken the ride.”

  Dawn pulled the Fiesta onto the gravel, and the bikers parked around them, one on each side and one in back. All too soon, a leather-clad fist pounded on Arianne’s window.

  “Bastard.” Dawn lowered her window. “We hear you. But I’m telling you now, you touch my girl, and it’ll be the last fucking thing you ever do.”

  “Dawn, no. I don’t want you to get involved. I’m going out.” Arianne reached for the handle, but before she had a firm grip, the door swung open, and she was yanked out of the car.

  “Jagger.” His name came out with her breath as she hit his rock-hard chest.

  He stared down at her, his body vibrating as if he might fly apart any moment, eyes blazing with sensual fire. She could almost feel the blood pounding through his veins and when she placed a hand on his chest, his heart hammered against her palm.

  “Get on my bike.”

  She stepped back, startled by his abrupt tone. “I’m going home with Dawn.”

  “You gonna put her in danger?” He stroked his hand down her hair and bowed his head briefly, as if relieved. But why would he be? He’d just found out she was Viper’s daughter. More likely he and his men were going to imprison her again, this time for real.

  “Leo doesn’t know where she lives.”

  “And if you’re wrong about that?” He dropped his hand to her shoulder. “He gonna treat you to more of the same if you go to the Jacks’ clubhouse?”

  “Actually, Viper’s the one who beats on her at the clubhouse.” Dawn stepped out of the vehicle with a can of pepper spray in her hand. “Leo just gets to shove her around outside.”

  “Dawn. No.”

  Dawn rounded the vehicle, holding the pepper spray aloft. “Y’all planning to kidnap my girl again? ’Cause I’m telling you now, it ain’t gonna happen.”

  Almost immediately, two shadows emerged from the darkness: Cade, and the darkly sensual Zane, whom Arianne recognized from the clubhouse.

  Dawn took a brazen step toward them and then faltered when she caught sight of Cade. “Got you covered, honey. Anyone tries anything, I’m taking them down. I don’t care how hot they are. Nothing’s hotter than pepper spray.”

  “Save your pepper spray for the Black Jacks,” Arianne said. “I don’t think these guys are here to hurt us.” She gave Jagger a half-hearted smile. “Thanks for checking up on us, but we need to get going before Leo—”

  With slow, deliberate steps, he backed her up to the vehicle, stopping only when her ass pressed tight against the cool metal. His gaze locked with hers, and he thudded one hand on the roof on either side of her head, caging her with his body. “Easy, sweetheart. I need you to listen.” His breath was warm against her ear, his body heat beating away the chill of the night. She gritted her teeth and tried to push him away, but he had her well and truly pinned.

  “I can listen from a distance.” She looked around for Dawn and her handy canister of pepper spray, but her faithless friend was deep in conversation with Cade and Zane and unaware Arianne was having an inappropriate response to being trapped against her car by a sexy biker who smelled like heaven and looked like sin.

  “Leo’s not the only one looking for you,” he said. “Axle blames you for his expulsion from the club, and wants his revenge. I can keep you safe.” He moved closer, his chest brushing against her breasts, his thick thigh sliding between her legs.

  Her breath left her in a rush. Part of her wanted nothing more than to accept his offer, climb on the back of his bike, wrap her arms around him and race away into the night. But her survival instinct was too strong, her independence too hard fought, and she’d seen firsthand what happened to people who defied Viper in order to help her.

  “Thanks, but I can take care of myself. And to be honest, I’m not feeling very safe with you right now. In fact, I’d have to say this position is mildly threatening and—” Her voice caught. “—a little too dominant alpha male.”

  “Always with the lip.” Although his words came out in a husky rumble, his eyes were warm, amused.

  “Always with the bossiness.” She wriggled against him, pleased when he edged away the tiniest bit.

  “Only when I’m trying to protect you.”

  She caught the slight irritation in his tone, but she was too far gone to stop her mouth from running on. “So you’ve been trying to protect me every minute since we’ve met?” Liquid heat pooled between her thighs when she felt the hard press of his erection against her stomach. Damn. Her escape attempt had inflamed them both.

  “It seems so.”

  “Have you forgotten I’m Viper’s daughter? You should be running in the other direction, or tying me up and holding me for ransom.” There. She’d said it. Might as well get it out in the open and discover his true intentions.

  His face softened and his gaze slid to her mouth. “I haven’t forgotten a single thing about you, Arianne. Not since the minute we met.”

  Enfolded in the semidarkness, his hot, hard body pressed against her, Arianne trembled. As if sensing her arousal, he bent his head and touched his mouth to her cheek, a whisper of lips so fleeting, she wondered if she’d imagined it.

  “Come with me.”

  She ached to go with him. Wanted him in that moment almost as desperately as she wanted out of Conundrum. But how could she trust her father’s worst enemy when he was bound always to do what was in the best interests of his club? And if that meant sacrificing her, he would. Regardless of his feelings.

  “You’ll probably torture me for his secrets.”

  “You have my word you’ll be safe with me. No one will hurt you.”

  She threw out another objection, something he couldn’t ignore. “You’re putting your club at risk.”

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “No more than it is already. Viper reignited the feud, burned down my clubhouse, and killed one of my men. He knows I’ll seek retribution. Giving sanctuary to Viper’s daughter, helps me further that goal. And I’m duty-bound to protect you from Axle.”

  Duty. Not desire. But how could it be otherwise? They barely knew each other.

  “Viper will go crazy looking for me.” She tapped her right cheekbone. “The last time I defied him, and it was nothing compared to this, he left me with this scar.”

  Jagger stilled, his eyes burning into her cheek like laser beams. Then, as if she’d already agreed, he backed away, clasped her hand, and tugged her toward his bike. “We’re going to the clubhouse.”

  “What about the safe house?” Zane’s deep voice cut into the
silence. “I told Wheels to go get it ready just before we left the bar.”

  Jagger squeezed Arianne’s hand. “She’s coming with us tonight. I’ll take her to Sparky’s tomorrow.”

  Arianne paused midstep and shook her hand free. “Jag—”


  Her eyes narrowed. “Did you just shhhh me?”

  He cupped her jaw with his warm palm and tilted her head back, forcing her to meet his gaze. “This is the part where I’m protecting you, so you’ll have to put up with bossy.” He ran his thumb lightly over her mouth. “And I’ll put up with your lip because—”

  “Because my lips are telling you I’m heading out of town as soon as I find my brother,” she said, cutting him off. “My lips are also telling you I didn’t agree to your plan. I’m better off at Dawn’s place. Why risk the repercussions of protecting me when I’m about to leave?”

  His gaze, hot and heavy, fell to her mouth and then he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers in the softest kiss. “Say yes, lips.” The soft yet commanding murmur of his voice turned her legs to jelly.

  Arianne’s brain fuzzed. Whether from the warm touch of his palm on her cheek, the arousal his kiss sparked in her blood, or the overwhelming desire to feel safe, even if only for a night, she didn’t know. But she wanted to go with him. Wanted it almost as much as she wanted to be free. And yet—

  A growling roar in the distance drew Arianne’s attention. But before she had even processed the fact that the faint lights were from motorcycles, Jagger, Cade, and Zane were already on the move.

  “Leave the car.” Cade gestured Dawn to his bike. “You’ll never outrun them. I’ll take you home and send a coupla prospects to pick up your vehicle when it’s safe.”

  Dawn gazed Arianne a questioning look and Arianne shrugged. Although she felt safe with Jagger, she didn’t know Cade and couldn’t give her bestie the assurance she sought. These men were bikers, after all.


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