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The Sinner’s Tribe Motorcycle Club, Books 1-3

Page 44

by Sarah Castille

  “Really?” Dawn raised an eyebrow. “I’ve always wanted a guy to tell me he was thinking about me while a stripper was offering to writhe naked on his lap.”

  “She wasn’t completely naked.”

  “Oh well then. That’s so much better.” She grabbed the empty glass and held it to her nose, inhaling the strong scent of liquor. She’d never been tempted to drink while at work, but being this close to Cade gave her a burning need to cool off.

  Cade leaned back in his seat, wincing when his shoulders hit the wooden frame. “You’re making me think you care.”

  “I don’t. Go see all the strippers you want, but not if you think I’m your girl. Some women might not have a problem with it, but I do.” She stared at him for a moment, torn between turning and walking away and asking him if he was okay. She’d seen the deep knife cuts over his Sinner’s Tribe tattoo when she’d fixed him up the other night, the ultimate disrespect from one biker to another, and wondered if her household antiseptic was enough to clean wounds that deep. Now she suspected it hadn’t been, but knowing Cade, he’d be falling off his bike before he’d see a doctor.

  “Something wrong with your back?” She licked the edge of the glass, and the burn on her tongue made her eyes water.

  “’S good.” A smile played at the corners of his lips. “You thirsty?”

  “Um. No. Just tasting.” She put down the glass. “Something is wrong with your back. I saw you wince and I saw what they did to you the other night. Why don’t you come to the stockroom and let me check it out?”

  Cade’s brow creased. “Nothing’s wrong, so there’s nothing to check out.”

  “Fine. I’ll just leave you to think about the stripper in your lap and the cuts on your tat and I’ll get back to work.” She turned to leave, at least she thought she did, but her feet were still planted firmly on the floor.

  “You’re damn sexy when you’re riled.” His hand slid up her thigh, curling around her hip, and he pulled her gently between his spread legs. “And even more sexy when your compassion gets the better of you.”

  Game over. She should never have let him touch her. Dark hunger gripped her belly, and she struggled against the heat coursing through her veins.

  “My face is still bruised. Bruises aren’t sexy.”

  “Yours are. Everything about you is sexy.” He shoved up her skirt, just an inch, his thumb stroking along her inner thigh. Dawn trembled, wanting more and hating herself for it. He’d just come from a goddamn strip club. She knew exactly what would have happened in the back room. And the kind of guys who used them …

  “I’m in my work clothes.”

  “Sexy little skirt.” He caressed her with both hands, smoothing his fingers over the curve of her hips to her waist. His fingers tightened and he stood and spun her around, guiding her the few steps to the hallway leading to the washrooms. Then he pushed her against the wall, his massive body hiding her from view.

  “Cade. I’m working.” She studied the slightly off-kilter set of his shoulders, the weariness of his face, breathed in his scent of beer and bourbon. “And you’ve been drinking. A lot.”

  “Stuff came up during an ambush. Stuff I’d buried a long time ago.”

  Dawn frowned when his voice cracked. She didn’t really know that much about Cade—his family, his past, what he’d done before joining the Sinners, and what led him to the club. “You okay?”

  Ignoring her question, he drew her closer, trailing his fingers over her ass, then cupping it in his broad palms, grinding her hips against his. “More compassion. And a sexy white apron with strings that hang over your lush ass.”.

  “No…” Her voice caught. “You were just with … Delilah.”

  He clasped her hand and placed it over the bulge in his jeans. Her fingers tightened involuntarily over his erection, hard as steel beneath his fly.

  “You think I’d be this hard if I did anything at Peelers other than hanging at the bar, having a few drinks, and shooting the shit with some of the brothers? I put in my time so no one felt let down when, really, I wanted to be here. With you. I can’t fucking stay away.”

  A soft groan escaped her lips and she glanced around, concerned someone might see. But his hands were already on the move, sliding up her abdomen, circling her rib cage, and stopping just below her breasts.

  “Sexy tight top that makes a man hard just looking at it,” he whispered in her ear. “If we were anywhere else, I’d tear it off and spend an entire evening worshipping your tits.”

  She tried to pull away, but Cade wasn’t done. He tangled one hand through her hair, pulling her head back, exposing her neck to his heated slide of his lips. He’d never been so aggressive with her before. So demanding. Dominant.

  “Sexy beautiful throat.” He kissed the hollow at the base of her neck and her knees went weak.

  “If you’re lying to me about Delilah—”

  “Sexy soft jealous lips tell me you care.” He covered her mouth with his own and kissed her hard and fast.

  “I’ll…” What? She’d never threatened anyone in her life. Even when she’d lived on the streets, she managed to find a safe haven with other street kids. What would Arianne say?

  “Shoot off your balls.”

  Seemingly unconcerned, Cade feathered kisses along her jaw. “Good thing I’m not lying ’cause I’m gonna need them right now. One taste of you and I gotta have more.” And then he thrust his thick thigh between her legs and rocked her gently. “Sexy wet pussy.”

  “Cade. Stop.” Gritting her teeth against the delicious sensation, she wrenched herself away. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight. And even if we’re just having a good time, even if this isn’t real, I can’t handle your … other … Dancing Delilah.”

  Oh God. Did she just say “Dancing Delilah”?

  “I don’t want her. I want you.”

  “If you wanted me, why did you go to Peelers?”

  “Because I didn’t want to want you.”

  She stroked his cheek, rough with stubble. He hadn’t shaved in a couple of days, and now that she was closer she could see lines of weariness marking his brow. Haggard.

  “Then why did you come here?”

  “Because everything is better when I’m with you.” He clasped her hand and pulled her down the hallway. With a quick look back over his shoulder, he pushed open the door to the ladies’ restroom and dragged her inside.

  “What are you doing?” But she knew exactly what he was doing, and she was more than fully on board with the program.

  He closed and locked the door, then flicked on the light. Both stalls were empty. He pushed her against the burnt-orange wall and settled his hands possessively on her hips.

  “I need you, sweetheart, and I need you now.” He angled his head and claimed her mouth in a fierce kiss that ripped a moan from her throat.

  “What happened when you were on the road? Talk to me, Cade. Let me help.”

  Cade smoothed his broad hands over her hips and raised her tight skirt, his fingers curling around the hem as he tugged it up to her waist. “Nothing for you to worry about.” He kicked her legs apart, cupped her mound. Dawn gasped, her brain trying to catch up with her body’s instant response to the focused intensity of his sensual assault.

  “I am worried. I’ve never seen you like this.”

  His hand rocked, rubbing her through her panties until she was grinding against him; so wet she ached to feel him inside her.

  He clasped her hand and pressed it against his shaft, rock-hard beneath his fly. “I want to be inside you. I want to forget. Something about you. So sweet. Soft. Sexy. You light up the darkness.” He brushed his lips over her ear, whispering dark secrets, things he wanted to do to her, all the ways he wanted to make her come. Then he slipped his hand into the front of her panties and slid his fingers through her folds, teasing her clit. “Only thing you need to know is I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She tried to pull back, but he thrust his
finger deep inside her wetness and she panted her breaths, head spinning as the rush of sensation threatened to carry her away.

  “You need me.” He added a second finger, stretching her, thrusting harder this time. Dawn’s heart thundered, blood pounding through her ears.

  “You need me like I need you. Say it.”

  The door shook with a heavy blow and Banks shouted outside. “Dawn? You okay? What’s going on?”

  “Just a minute,” she called out.

  Cade’s eyes narrowed. “He wants you.”

  “You think everyone wants me.” She reluctantly pulled back and tugged down her skirt.

  “They do. You’re sexy as fuck.” His chest heaved, his eyes hot, the bulge in his jeans betraying his need. “Benson I can handle. Mad Dog, too. Banks might be a problem. He took down six men in less than three minutes when Jagger decided to bring him to the clubhouse for questioning. Might just have to shoot him.”

  Her lips turned up in a bemused smile. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t. You’ve already put one of my jobs at risk.”

  Cade made a quick self-adjustment and then nodded for her to open the door. “Won’t shoot him unless he touches you.”

  “Much obliged.”

  He brushed his knuckles lightly over her cheek. “Still wanna fuck you.”

  “I get off at midnight.”


  I will never dishonor my colors.


  Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Cade shot back his bourbon and closed his eyes as the thick, sweet liquid burned its way down his throat. What the hell was wrong with him?

  If Banks hadn’t knocked on the door, he would have taken her in the restroom. Over the sink. Her hair twisted around his hand, back arched, legs wide as he plunged his cock deep into her hot, wet pussy.

  Only Dawn could push the demons away. He’d never felt a connection with anyone in his life, but during the two nights he’d spent with her, he’d felt no pain, suffered no flashbacks. He had wanted those nights to go on forever, and when she left him, he hadn’t been able to shake the memories. He’d imprinted. Like a goddamn newborn chick.

  He watched her work her way through the bar, the grace of her movements, the ring of her laughter, the brightness of her smile marred by the fading bruises on her face. He imagined his hands on her ass, his fingers in her hair, his mouth on her soft lips, his cock inside her slick, wet heat. He liked her compassion, her sass and directness. When she was annoyed, she let him know it, and damn she’d been pissed about Delilah.

  Christ, he’d liked that little flare of jealousy. Her indignant sniff and the flush in her cheeks were the only things that told him he wasn’t wasting his time. Everything about Dawn screamed sex, but there was something more that kept bringing him back. He’d never been so inexplicably drawn to a woman in his life.

  Apparently the bunch of losers in the corner felt the same. They’d been harassing her all evening, but the bouncer kept them in line. Now, however, the bouncer was occupied with a belligerent drunk and one of the biker wannabes was trying to pull Dawn onto his lap.

  Cade shoved back his chair and stalked across the bar, knocking tables and the odd person out of his way. Dawn struggled in her captor’s grasp, then jabbed him hard in the ribs with her elbow. The dude bent over and she spun around and clipped him a good one in the chin. Damn fine woman could look after herself, but the dude’s friends didn’t look so happy. Time to make sure they got the message the party was over.

  But before he reached the table, a black blur shot in front of him and Deputy fucking Benson stole the show.

  “I suggest you keep your hands to yourself.” Benson put one protective arm around Dawn and pulled his fucking shiny sheriff badge from his pocket. The dude Cade had intended to pound into the floor paled.

  “Didn’t mean anything by it, Officer. Just joking around.”

  “Good to hear.” Benson tucked away his badge., “But I suggest you move on. There are real bikers in this bar who might not take kindly to you playing dress-up.” He nodded to Cade, but Cade wasn’t interested in playing the game. Not while Benson had his hands on Dawn.

  “Let her go, Benson. Dawn had this fight.”

  “She was in danger. Someone needed to step in and save her.”

  “I deal with this all the time.” Dawn struggled to free herself from Benson’s tight grip. “There’s no need for them to leave. I can handle guys like this.” But Benson wasn’t listening. His hand tightened around her shoulders and he glared at the miscreants.


  The wannabe bikers threw some money on the table and raced out of the bar.

  A sliver of annoyance slid through Cade’s chest. Earlier this week, he’d thought Benson wasn’t a threat, but now he saw him in a totally different light. He wanted what Cade wanted. He’d come to the bar to make his move while Cade had been getting drunk and squeezing tail at Peelers.

  “She’s fine, Benson. Get your paws off her. Last thing she needs is more of the same.”

  “You okay, Dawn?” The soft murmur of Benson’s voice grated on Cade’s already taut nerves, but not as much as his fingers stroking her neck.

  Cade’s body reacted before his mind had processed what he was about to do. One minute he was standing beside Dawn, the next he had Benson up against the wall, his hand pressed against Benson’s chest. The depth of his fury shocked even him. “Thought I told you to let her go.”

  “Cade. Stop.” Dawn’s voice barely registered through the pounding of blood in his ears. “You’re doing exactly what you just told him not to do.” Dawn stepped between Cade and Benson, her head barely reaching Cade’s outstretched arm.

  Benson met his gaze, his direct stare raising Cade’s hackles and loosening the last threads of his self-restraint.

  “You don’t want to do this, honey.”

  “Outta the way, babe, or you’re gonna get hurt.” Cade tried to maintain his resolve, but it was damn hard with the scent of her perfume surrounding him, the soft brush of her hair against his skin, and when she wrapped her arms around his waist and pushed him back, he couldn’t hold on.

  “Fuck. Dawn. Stop.”

  But she didn’t stop. And even though he could have easily pushed her aside, he let her back him up until five feet separated him and Benson.

  She looked up and glared, her beautiful face doing strange things to his stomach. For a moment he lost himself in her gaze, perversely pleased that she was here and not five feet away. She’d put her arms around him. Not Benson. She’d determined he was the bigger threat. Not Benson. And now she was looking up at him with those big liquid eyes and all he could think about was kissing her soft lips.

  “You don’t have to solve every problem with violence,” she said softly. “I can’t go down that road again.”

  “You don’t have to.” He bent down to kiss her.

  She turned her head so his lips brushed over her cheek. “I like that you let me handle this myself. I liked knowing you were there as backup. Don’t ruin it by playing into Doug’s hands. He wants to arrest you. Don’t give him an excuse. I’m safe. Isn’t that all that matters?”

  Cade looked up and stared at Benson. The deputy was leaning against the wall, arms folded, the faintest smirk playing out on his lips. Cade needed to hit something. Benson’s face being the most desirable target. Sensing Dawn might not be pleased, he smashed his fist into a table instead, his anger dissipating as the legs cracked and the table tipped sideways toward the floor.

  “Tsk. Tsk. Destruction of property.” Benson’s voice was laced with amusement. “Maybe you should cool your heels down at the station.”

  “Doug.” Dawn looked over at Benson and scowled. “Don’t make it worse.

  “And you…” She poked Cade in the chest and lowered her voice so only he could hear. “I told you to let it go.”


  She looked up when his voice cracked, and her face softened. Pressing herself against him, she wr
apped her arms around his chest and gave him a hug.

  “Must have been a really bad week.”

  And it just had gotten worse. What the hell was he doing? Leaving his brothers at Peelers? Walking away from Delilah? Fighting over a woman? Women fought over him. And assaulting a police officer? No doubt Arianne had seen what he’d done and would report back to Jagger. Not that he was afraid of Jagger, but he structured his life so he was rarely in a situation where he could lose control.

  He needed to get away from here. Clear his head. These confusing feelings he had weren’t rational. This wasn’t him. After growing up in a household where he could only sit by and watch his mom suffer, control was of the utmost importance to him, and right now it was slipping away. “I gotta go.” He pulled away and caught Benson studying them with interest. Their gazes met, locked, and then Benson dropped his eyes.

  Primal satisfaction flared in Cade’s chest.


  And then he turned and walked away.

  Not Benson.

  * * *

  “I hate her.” Dawn screamed and threw her phone across her living room. In an incredible show of agility, Arianne leaped over the coffee table and caught the phone before it hit the wall.

  “What did she say?” Arianne stumbled to a stop and then fell heavily on the couch, her chest heaving.

  “She won’t bring the girls because I don’t have the extra money. She says it’s not worth her time. The court order gives me three hours with them every Sunday. I can call social services, but she’ll just make something up about how she brought them here and I was high and she was afraid to leave the girls. She did it once before, and because of that damn court decision the people at social services believed her over me.”

  “I can vouch for you.” Arianne thumped her boots on Dawn’s coffee table. “I’ll tell them she didn’t even bother to show. I’ll even put on civilian clothes so I look civilized.”

  Dawn scrubbed her hands over her face. “Thanks, but by the time we jump through all the bureaucratic hoops, it’ll be too late. I tried calling my lawyer last time and we didn’t get an emergency court hearing until Monday morning. It was a waste of time and the legal fees almost broke me.”


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