Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book)

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Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book) Page 35

by Davis, Alexa

  “I don’t really have a plan,” I confessed. “I told him that I would take the article over for him to read…”

  “Which he’s going to love, by the way,” my friend smiled at me, confirming what she’d already told me. I gave it her to read over this morning, and she’d raved about it ever since.

  “And, that’s it. I don’t really have any plan other than that.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing you have me then,” she nudged me lightly, causing the nail polish to spread a little over my finger. “I can help you plan.”

  I held my nails at an awkward angle, waiting for them to dry as Hailey barked orders at the hairdresser, leaving me no control over my hair whatsoever. I wasn’t really bothered about that, Hailey could probably do a better job with the way I looked, than me anyway. I heard the words “auburn” and “razor cut” thrown about, but I decided to keep my trust in her regardless, just because I didn’t know what else I would do instead.

  While they talked over my head like I wasn’t there and set about to work on me, I allowed my mind to wander, to really think of a plan for Sunday. Maybe Hailey was right and I did need to decide what was going to happen, after all. One time of hooking up was one thing, but if it happened again, with all these complicated feelings flowing through me, I really did risk getting hurt.

  Then again, how was I going to be around Roy with nothing happening? I just wasn’t sure that I could.


  “Oh my God, my hair looks incredible,” I laughed joyfully as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. “I can’t believe it.”

  The auburn color somehow managed to highlight my brown eyes, making their light shade much more appealing. It also brought out some cheekbones that I didn’t even know where there. It turned out that the razor cut didn’t so much take anything off the length of my hair, but it did make it look a little more styled. I’d always looked a little like a country girl, so this was kind of cool.

  “What did I tell you? Aren’t you glad you trusted me now?” Hailey extended her arms and cocked her eyebrows at me, making me laugh. “Now, all of that commanding has made me hungry. Shall we go and get something to eat?”

  As we sat in the café, eating our sandwiches and gossiping, my phone rang out loudly, making me jump.

  “Oh my God, it’s him!” Hailey exclaimed as she saw his name plastered across the screen. “Can I answer it? Can I speak to him?”

  “God, no!” I laughed at her. “There’s no way I want him to have the Hailey Third Degree just yet. Let’s not put him off right away, shall we?”

  Hailey mock pouted, but she didn’t resist as I answered with a beaming grin on my face. My heart was already thundering excitedly, and I hadn't even heard his voice yet. Just the thought of him taking the time out of his day in St. Louis to call me had me far happier than I probably should have been.

  “Hi, Roy; how are you?” I could already hear the coyness in my voice, and from the smirk Hailey just sent me, so could she.

  “I’m good,” he sighed wearily. “Just sick of all this. I’ve been in meetings all day. Honestly, it isn’t just me I don’t like in suits: it’s everyone. It seems to make people boring.”

  “Well, it won’t be for much longer, will it?” On the outside, it sounded like I was just talking about the trip with him, but of course, I was referring to all of it. He wanted out of the business, and from the way he was speaking to me, it seemed like it would be the best thing for him. “You’ll be home soon.”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait. And, not just because I’ll be seeing you!”

  My pulse kicked up a notch and I found myself speechless. Every time we spoke, any self doubt I had just flew out the window, and I found myself craving him – his body, his company, his lips…everything about him. He really was incredible. “But, that most of all, right?” I finally managed to stammer out, chuckling.

  “Oh, of course; anyway what are you up to? It has to be more fun than my day is.”

  “I’m out with Hailey, having lunch,” I told him, leaving most of the details out. I wanted my makeover to be a surprise for him.

  “I better leave you to it, then. I have all sorts going on this afternoon anyway, so I’ll talk to you later?”

  “Sounds great.”

  As we hung up the phone, Hailey was already sending me a playful smile. It was as if she could already tell that I’d been playing down my feelings a little, even to her, and she wanted to discuss that.

  “Don’t,” I warned her right away. “I’m nervous enough about seeing him. Don’t make it any worse. Let’s talk about something else.”

  “Okay, sure,” she agreed far too quickly. “Let’s talk about something else. How about you talk to me about Ali. She absolutely adores you. She keeps asking when you’re going to come in again. What did you do?”

  “I don’t know, but she truly is an awesome kid,” I spoke excitedly, glad to have something else to talk about, a topic I could talk about for hours and hours, given half the chance.


  As I got into bed later that evening, I thought about sending some sort of goodnight text to Roy, but before I could start the agonizing process of crafting the perfect message, he sent a picture through to me.

  It was an image of him in what looked like a very comfy, large bed. The sheets were the stark white of what could have only been a hotel room, and I felt a pang of longing. I half wished I’d gone with him to keep him company when he was there. That desire was made even worse by the fact that he had no shirt on in the picture, showing me his rippling muscles, and he had the duvet held down, as if he was inviting someone in…me, judging by the caption.

  ‘Wish you were here xxx’

  I felt a little cheeky as I read his words, which made me act in a way that I might not have done otherwise. I slid a see-through camisole over my head and climbed into my own bed. There I took a selection of photographs, unhappy with every one. My face looked weird when I tried to pout, my eyes looked strange when I took it from above, so in the end I decided to take an image that was just natural, hitting send before I could change my mind.

  My phone pinged with a reply only moments later; ‘Wow, your hair looks incredible…so do you xxx’

  Oh, of course, my hair! I touched it inadvertently, having almost forgotten about the change in the heat of the moment. With an element of tease in my mind, I zoomed the camera in on my breasts, and took a photograph of those.

  ‘You were looking at my hair, ignoring these?! xxx’

  The reply I got was a picture of Roy, totally naked, the covers pulled over him just enough to have him covered. My heart raced like crazy as heat spread through my body. Just looking at the picture reminded me of those rough workman hands all over me, turning me on all over again. My breaths were already slightly ragged. If I allowed this to keep going, then I might just end up losing my freaking mind.

  ‘Wow…that really is a nice hotel room xxx’ I sent back, teasing him. While I waited for him to message again, my head flopped back on the pillow and I did my best to calm down my racing heart.

  Not long now, I reminded myself. Not long until I’m in his arms again. All I need to do is be patient, and wait… Even if that isn’t my strongest point.

  When my phone bleeped again, I dreaded picking it up, just in case he’d sent me something that would take this past the point of no return, but thankfully, he hadn't; ‘That’s another thing I like about you right there: you aren’t afraid to tease me. Goodnight, beautiful xxx’ I sighed with relief, preferring to keep this thing between us in the real world. What we had was special, and I felt like it deserved to be treated as such.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Roy – Sunday

  Thank God that’s over, I thought to myself as I started to make my way to the exit of the building. It had been a grueling couple of days with the investors, and I was glad to see it come to a close. If anything, it had proven to me once and for all that this was no longer for me, so at least I’
d be able to leave it all behind with no regrets.

  “Hey, Roy,” a distinctly female voice called out behind me, causing me to spin around. “What’s the rush? Where are you going?”

  It was Gloria, the woman who had been very clearly giving me the eye the entire time I was in St. Louis. Now it was obvious that she wanted to finally claim me. Unfortunately for her, if I had wanted her, I would have taken her back with me to my hotel room last night, when she’d made it clear that I was in her sights.

  I mean, she was hot as all hell, there was no denying that, but she wasn’t for me, not anymore. No longer did her platinum hair or her red lips do anything for me. No longer did her heaving breasts or curvaceous figure have anything over me. There was only one face in my mind, one image saved on my phone, and that was the only girl that I wanted to be with – for the foreseeable future, at any rate.

  “Hi, Gloria. I’m on my way home. I have a flight booked soon.” I didn’t want to be a dick, but this was never going to happen. I just wasn’t that person anymore.

  “So? Book another one,” she grinned at me, showing me a burning fire in her eyes. Normally, just that one look would have gotten me going, but it just didn’t have anything like the same effect on me anymore. “Come and have a few drinks with me. I feel bad that we haven’t managed to have any alone time yet.”

  I stepped backwards a little, trying to create some distance, before speaking out once more. “I really have to go,” I said firmly. “I have to catch this flight; there’s a lot waiting for me back at home.”

  “I don’t think I made myself clear.” She stepped closer, until I could feel her breath tickling my neck. “I don’t really want a drink with you. What I want is to take you up to my room. I want strip you down and lick every inch of your body.”

  When I didn’t instantly respond, she continued speaking. “I want to take you in my mouth. I want you to fuck me up against the wall. I want you to take me from behind. I want you to do everything to me, anything you want. I need you.”

  It didn’t work on me at all. If anything, it left me feeling bad for her. She was still in that awkward position where she didn’t know what she wanted from life, but she did want to be loved. I’d spent enough time craving human contact to know where she was coming from, but that wasn’t anywhere near enough to lure me into bed.

  “I’m sorry,” I told her gently, sending her my kindest smile. “But I really do have to go. I have someone waiting for me back at home.”

  “Oh God, I’m…I’m sorry,” she stammered, steeping away from me with a bright red face. “I heard… I thought…”

  “It honestly doesn’t matter,” I called out behind her, in a very understanding tone, but it didn’t matter. It was too late. She was gone.


  By the time I arrived back in Oregon, the strange incident with Gloria was all but forgotten. There wasn’t much chance that our paths would ever cross again, so it didn’t really matter. At least I’d been honest with her – that had to be worth something.

  I stepped off the plane and into the terminal, taking in a deep breath safe in the knowledge that I would never have to go through all of that again. For me, business was done, and that filled me with relief.

  Now, all I needed was to get my ass home.

  I picked up the phone to call June and let her know that I was back if she wanted to hang out, but all I got was her voicemail. Disappointment crushed me inside, but I knew that if I gave her a little time and called her later on, it was more likely that she would answer. Maybe she was busy with work or something, so her phone was switched off. She knew I was back today, anyway, so at some point, she would be expecting a call from me. I went to grab my luggage, trying to keep the positive feeling coursing through my veins.

  I waved as I spotted my driver standing outside the terminal, but before I could get too excited about my ride home, I spotted another familiar face standing right behind him. Sure, she looked a little different to the last time I’d seen her in person, but I recognized that gorgeous face under that brand-new hair from the photographs.

  “June?” I gasped out, a little surprised. “What are you doing here?”

  “Oh, you know, I like to just hang out in airports,” she teased, making me grin. “I’m here to pick you up, silly. I missed you, and I remember you telling me the time of your flight.”

  “Sorry,” I apologized to the driver I’d hired. “I guess I won’t be needing a ride, after all. I will still pay you, of course.” I handed him a wad of bills, probably far more than I actually owed, but I didn’t care.

  Once my driver had gone, June wrapped her arms tightly around me, and we embraced one another for a few moments. She managed to make the shitiness of the last couple of days just float away.

  “Come on, let’s go,” she finally announced before dragging me along by my hand.

  As we sat in the car, side by side with chemistry sizzling between us, we chatted about this and that. It was casual small talk about what had been going on in our lives over the past few days, but I could feel the sexual tension clinging to the air, affecting my every word. Of course I wanted June; she was all that I’d been thinking about over the last few days, but I didn’t want to think that was all that I wanted her for.

  “Where are you going?” I eventually asked her as I realized that she wasn’t going the right way, at least not if she was going to my home. She didn’t answer me; instead, she simply continued driving in the wrong direction until she eventually pulled up in an abandoned parking lot. “Oh no, is it the car again?”

  “No,” she replied, her voice husky as she unclipped her seat belt and turned to face me. “There’s nothing wrong with the car. Not this time.”

  “So, what…” I started, before she silenced me by tugging her top up over her head. Did this mean what I thought it did? Was she serious?

  Then she pulled me in towards her, and our lips crashed together, telling me all that I needed to know. This really was happening, whether I liked it or not – and hot damn did I like it!

  As we kissed passionately, my heartrate kicked up a notch, and I allowed all of the emotions inside of me to flow free. I was trying my best not to feel scared of how strongly I felt for June because it was great, but in that moment, the anticipation and the fear it made it that much better.

  I ran my hand up June’s naked stomach, just feeling the softness of her gorgeous skin. It felt so fucking good to have her back with me again, to be able to hold her, to feel her, and I never wanted to let her go.

  June was hungrily exploring my body, too, trying to make up for what now felt like a whole bunch of lost time, and each brush of her fingers was making me lose my mind. A hazy lust started to consume me. I stopped being able to think about anything other than her, not that there had been much else in my brain recently anyway. There was only her, and I was quite happy for it to remain that way.

  As my mouth ran all over her, she gasped loudly with bliss and tossed her head backwards in joy. Her dark eyes were heady with lust, her puckered lips were swollen from all of the kissing, and her messy hair was sending me wild. I loved seeing June a crumbling mess because usually she was so put together. It made me feel special, like she was letting me in where she wouldn’t let anyone else.

  Then, as if to prove just how turned on she really was, she began tugging at my top, wanting me naked, too. We both became overcome with an intense desire to get each other completely nude, to see each other fully again, that we became like horny teenagers with only a few seconds to spare.

  “Oh my God,” I groaned in desire. “That body of yours is something else.” She put everyone else that I’d ever been with to shame, but that was mostly because I couldn’t see how I would ever want anyone else again.

  The moment that neither of us had any clothes on, June swung her leg over me until she was straddling me and my cock was teasing her entrance. Half of me wanted to slow her down, to take the moment slowly, to savor what we were doing, w
hile another part of me wanted to slam into her, to take control of the situation, to drive her wild. But I wasn’t the one with any of the power. June had it all, and she seemed to be quite happy to drive me insane.

  There wasn’t a lot that I could do while she had me like that, but I could tease her in my own way by slipping a finger into her. As I did this, exploring her hot, wet desire, she almost screamed with joy. I slumped my head against her, losing myself in the moment and realizing just how much I’d actually missed this. She felt so good against me, so sweet to touch, it almost made me lose it right away.

  As I moved away from her core and began to tease her clit with my fingers, I slid one of her nipples into my mouth. I tugged at it, biting down ever so lightly with my teeth. From the way she arched her back and groaned loudly, whilst digging her nails so hard into my back that I was pretty certain she would leave a mark, I could tell that she was enjoying it.

  “Oh God, Roy,” she moaned in a way that sent a powerful bolt of lust right down to my cock. “Roy, I need you. It’s been far too long. I need you to fuck me now.”

  I certainly didn’t need to be told twice, so I pulled my hand away from her to give her the access she needed. If she wanted me, if she needed me, then I was more than happy to comply. Especially as that was exactly what I wanted, too.

  “Whatever you say, babe,” I panted at her. “Whatever you need.”

  How fucking lucky was I? Here I was with the most beautiful woman that I’d ever laid my eyes upon, and she wanted to be with me. It didn’t get any better than that…

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  June – Sunday

  Once Roy’s expert fingers had moved away from me, I slid down onto his thick, throbbing cock, allowing him to fill me up completely. Whenever I was around him, he turned me into this needy, sexual being…and I liked it. I wasn’t really the sort of woman who pulled over the car and screwed the guy I was seeing, but with him, it felt right.


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