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Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book)

Page 81

by Davis, Alexa

  “See, I didn’t know you played volleyball. What else don’t I know about you? All stuff I would love to spend time discovering.”

  “I just got those out to show Meghan,” she insisted. “It isn’t a big deal, really. Just something that I used to do in school.”

  “That’s the sort of thing I want to know about you,” I chuckled. “The stuff that you don’t think matters. I find that fascinating.”

  I wasn’t lying when I said any of that. Olivia was the first person to captivate me in a very long time really. I did want to know all there was to know.

  “What about Meghan?” she eventually asked quietly. “It isn’t just you and me, is it?”

  “What about Meghan? She’s a sweet kid, and I like her.”

  It was funny, the one thing I thought was going to be an issue, really wasn’t. I loved Meg. She actually added to Olivia’s allure. I wanted to take care of both of them. “There isn’t anything to worry about there.”

  This time as Olivia’s face turned red; it was with rage. Clearly, I’d said something terribly wrong, and ice cold guilt tore through me while I waited for my comeuppance.

  “That isn’t enough!” she yelled. “Just because you tell me not to worry, I shouldn’t worry? Are you serious! I’m all that Meghan has – it’s my job to worry about her. Not yours. You can’t act like you understand what it’s like to be solely responsible for a child.”

  “I know...” She had me there, but she had no intention of allowing me to defend myself.

  “What happens if we break up and my daughter is left heartbroken, hmm? What then? Will you still be telling me not to worry when she has to see you in the hallway knowing that you ripped her heart from her chest?”

  That was clearly about both of them, and it was a concern that seemed so far in the future – if at all – that it made me want to laugh. “You’re worrying about breaking up when we aren’t even together yet. Don’t you think that’s a bit insane when I’m just asking you on a date?”

  “Insane?” she screamed. “Insane? No, for me, it isn’t. I have to plan ahead. I have responsibilities. I can’t just do what I want on a whim.”

  “Don’t act like I haven’t thought this through.” I didn’t mean to rise to the bait, but I couldn’t help myself. Yes, I didn’t have a child, but I wasn’t some young idiot playing life by ear. I really wanted this, I knew that it could work, and it was all I’d been thinking about for ages. I also hadn’t imagined this conversation taking such a negative turn, which did nothing to improve my mood. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Plus, I’m your physiotherapist,” Olivia continued as if she hadn’t even heard me. “How do you think that will go down? I could lose my job over this!”

  “Don’t you think we’ve overstepped that mark already?” I wasn’t trying to be cruel, I just wanted her to see that it wouldn’t be a problem, but the death stare she gave me proved I’d made a mistake. “I’m just saying that it won’t be an issue, no one needs to know.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.” She shrugged helplessly. “I can’t just jump into this haphazardly; I need to be smart. I have so many things that could be affected by this. Even if it is what I want, I have to be practical.”

  Even if it is what I want. That statement alone had my heart skipping a beat. She wanted this; she wanted me, she was just afraid. I needed to make her see that her fear was unfounded, that I would be good to her – no matter what.

  I didn’t think anymore, I simply grabbed her and kissed her hard. I pressed my lips against hers and tried to convey all of the emotions she needed to hear. At first, Olivia stiffened her back, but soon enough she fell into me. It was hard for her to resist what her heart desired. Now it was up to me to be worth that risk.

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  I didn’t want to succumb to Zack; I really didn’t. Everything that I said still stood. I really did have to be careful, but he was right about a lot of things. We did have an intense chemistry that was unlike anything that I’d ever experienced before. Even with Ben, even when I adored him like he was the best thing in the world, it never felt quite like this.

  A fiery desire circled my heart and bolted right down to my core. My entire body pulsated with an intense need for him, which was weird since it wasn’t the middle of the night and I hadn’t spent the time working myself up over him. It was just because he was there, riling me up, making me angry and turning me on all at once.

  Zack’s strong arms worked their way around my waist, and as he gripped onto me, his touch created butterflies all over. I knotted my fingers in his hair, tugging lightly as the passion got far too much for me.

  I was so mixed up; I didn’t want to think anymore. I just wanted to feel.

  As Zack’s fingers slid under the hemline of my tee shirt, my head lolled to one side, and my eyes fell closed.

  His hand tantalizingly crept up my skin, edging further and further to my nipples that were already standing to attention for him. I wasn’t wearing a bra because I was only sorting things out in the house, which meant his flat palm soon made its way to my breast. As he kneaded me, while his thumb flicked my overly sensitive nipple, I found myself flying and gasping breathlessly. It was almost all too much for me.

  I arched my back, molding my body into Zack’s, and I was filled with the sensation that this was right, this was where I was supposed to be. He knew it, and I did, too… I was just too scared to accept it.

  Ever since having Meghan, I’d spent far too long being scared of everything.

  I drift my fingers down Zack’s body, tracing all the gorgeous muscles on the way down, and it wasn’t long before I found what I was looking for: that rock hard erection that was all for me.

  Despite the fact that there was something different about this time, that it seemed to be more than just a random hook up, I was filled with the same level of intense excitement by the idea that it was me who turned him on so much. And, that any minute now I would get the full feel of him inside me.

  I twitched excitedly at that thought. I knew how incredible he felt, and I ached to have that once more. I needed him inside of me, fucking me, making me feel phenomenal. I wanted that hard, intense orgasm that only he could give me.

  But first, there was something that I wanted to do for him.

  I pushed Zack backward until his back hit the table behind him. His hands automatically flew off of me as he steadied himself to keep himself upright, so while I was free of his grip, I grabbed onto his thick thighs and slid downwards until my knees hit the floor with a light thump.

  “Oh God, you’re going to be the death of me, volleyball queen.”

  I smiled to myself at his little joke, but I didn’t allow myself to get distracted. My mouth watered. I’d wanted a taste of Zack for a very long time now, and I couldn’t wait to get it finally. This unexpected moment in the middle of the day where Zack could see me fully, where there was no darkness to hide behind, felt like the perfect one.

  My fingers went to the waistband of his shorts, and I traced my nail along the top of them for just a moment. He shuddered violently, and his knuckles turned a funny shade of white as he gripped onto the table behind him.

  I yanked them down, bringing his underwear with it, and I found myself staring at a throbbing cock that was so huge, it made my eyes water. I knew he was huge, but somehow seeing that rod of steel so close to me made it that much more intimidating. But thrilling, too.

  I took his length between my fingers and moved my hand up and down his shaft. As Zack’s eyes shut, I brushed his tip, making him snap them wide open again. I wanted him to look at me, I wanted him to see me as I took him in my mouth, and I needed to see his reaction. Deep in my core, I yearned for that.

  I pressed my lip against him, inhaling his thick, masculine scent as I did. His smell made my lips desperate to part, and my legs, too. I could feel my underwear growing wetter by the moment at the tho
ught of what was to come. I almost reached down one of my hands to touch myself as I tasted Zack, but I knew from last time that it felt much better when it was him.

  Even if it killed me, I was going to wait.

  Eventually, my mouth could take it no more, and my lips fell open for him. I placed Zack’s cock on my tongue and moved all over him, tasting his sweet, saltiness as if it was the sexiest damn thing on the whole planet.

  “This isn’t right,” he growled at me, halting me in my tracks. Was I really doing it wrong? Was my sexuality about to be stripped from me in one idle comment? But no, what Zack had in mind was something else entirely. “I need you to be naked while you’re doing this, and I need your eyes on me the whole time.”

  With a smirk, I pushed myself into a standing position, and I shimmied my sweatpants down over my hips. Zack groaned as if it was agony for him to look at me like that, which only increased as I kicked my panties off, too. As I yanked my tee shirt off, he shed his clothes, and for a moment we stood across from one another, completely naked, completely vulnerable and exposed, devouring one another’s bodies as if we were both completely starving.

  Then I leaped on Zack, and I kissed him with that deep desire all over again.

  “I’m not done with your mouth yet,” he moaned. “I still need to feel your lips wrapped around me. That was so fucking incredible; you have no idea.”

  As he grabbed my hair and guided me downwards, I went willingly. I wasn’t done with taking him that way, either. This time, I wrapped my hands around his butt cheeks, and he continued to grip my hair, so when he rode my face, we could both control the pace. It was sexy as hell, leaving me dominant and submissive all at once. I fucking loved it, more than I thought I would. So much so that when Zack pulled me back into a standing position, I actually felt a little disappointed.

  That was until he spun me around and he placed my hands flat on my dining room table. All my medals surrounded me, still reminding me of the person I once was before Ben walked into my life, and I felt powerful and sexy.

  “Part your legs for me,” Zack begged. “I need you; I need you so badly.” I did as commanded, giving him a perfect view of how turned on I was for him. “So wet for me,” he moaned. “Always so wet.”

  His hand reached around my thigh, and he slowly moved it down to my clit. With the other hand he angled himself into me so not only was he inside of me, he was brushing the most sensitive area of my body at the same damn time. I had nothing to grip onto me as he screwed me hard and fast, just as I needed it, I could only slam my hand down on the table as the pleasure building up inside of me became too much.

  It was hot, burning, and buzzing. It stripped all the air from my lungs leaving me breathless and completely dizzy. I vibrated, I buzzed, I tensed. Everything snuck through my veins and stiffened as my hips bumped into the table over and over again. Zack’s cock, his fingers…they were magical. I never wanted them to be away from me; I wanted him touching my body all over forever more...

  And then the storm washed over me in waves, the pleasure rocked through my body, causing me to buckle and spasm hard. I screamed like no one was listening, I felt everything like there was no tomorrow, and a little bit of my heart opened to Zack without me even realizing it.

  I was falling for him, even if I didn’t want to admit it to myself.

  “Shit,” I panted once sensibility began to flood me once more. “Oh my God, that was insane.”

  I grabbed my clothes like a crazy person and pulled them onto my body in a rush. I wasn’t a single woman with no responsibilities that could just have carefree sex in the middle of the day like there wasn’t anything to worry about.

  “What are you so panicked about?” Zack laughed as he causally stretched upwards, seemingly completely comfortable with being nude. “That was amazing.”

  “Meghan,” I managed to blurt out. “And Drea, they’ll be back soon.” I picked up his shorts and tossed them at him. “Get dressed quickly.”

  Seeing the true terror in my eyes must have made Zack realize that I was serious because he got himself dressed in a hurry. I grabbed the medals off the floor, they must’ve fallen at some point, and I shoved them back on the table, then I checked the whole apartment as if I was looking for something that was out of place, giving me away.

  Really, I was simply trying to avoid eye contact with Zack. Now that was over, I felt a little embarrassed and off-kilter. He basically told me that he wanted to be with me, and I didn’t really answer him. While it was for very valid reasons, neither of us now knew where we stood. If he brought it up again, I wasn’t sure what I’d say...

  But that didn’t matter; it wasn’t going to happen. The lock made a noise in the door, which meant my daughter was home. If she’d been only moments before, it would’ve been a terrible story. I needed to be much more careful if I wanted to keep this thing a secret.

  “Hi, Drea; hi, Meg,” I said brightly.

  “Hi, Zack!” Meghan totally ignored me. “Where’s Lark? Can I play games with him again?”

  I couldn’t look at Drea, I didn’t want to know what questions she had for me, so I busied myself in the kitchen. I flicked the kettle on and washed a clean dish, anything to make me look innocent...which probably left me looking much guiltier.

  “Oh, Lark’s out of town at the moment, but as soon as he’s back, I’ll let you know.”

  I couldn’t stand it anymore; the tension was boiling inside of me, getting dangerously close to exploding point. “Zack has to go now,” I said rapidly. “Don’t you, Zack?”

  “Erm, yes.”

  I pushed him unwillingly out of the door and gave him a warning look, but undeterred, he smirked and blew me a cheeky kiss. The action should have infuriated me when it was so obvious that I wanted to cover things up, but since no one saw, it didn’t. Instead, it filled my chest with some very unexpected emotions.

  No, Zack, I thought to myself. I think you’re going to be the death of me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  I smirked at my reflection in the mirror as I pumped myself up for what was about to come. I hadn’t seen Olivia since our spontaneous hookup yesterday – instigated by me for a change – and I couldn’t wait to lay eyes on her again. She still didn’t manage to give me an answer, that hadn’t slipped my mind. Maybe at a physical therapy appointment wasn’t the best way to do it, but damn it, I wasn’t leaving today without getting my answer.

  Olivia would say yes, I knew that she would. I just had to persuade her to do so.

  Okay, I nodded determinedly to myself. You look fine; this will be good. Today is the day you finally get a girlfriend.

  I couldn’t wait. No one had made me want them quite like Olivia, and I was excited to call her mine finally.

  I stared at the door when someone knocked on the other side, confused. I wasn’t expecting any visitors, which could only mean it was Dolly. She loved to turn up by surprise to rant at me, but I didn’t have time today. I needed to get away quickly. I really couldn’t be late. I didn’t want to start things with Olivia on the wrong foot.

  I grabbed my coat, making it obvious that I wanted to leave, and I swung open the door.

  “Oh, hi Lark. I didn’t know you were back already?” I usually kept pretty good track of his schedule, but I guess I’d been distracted recently. It was shocking to see him instead of Dolly; the sight stopped me in my tracks for a few moments. “How’s it going?”

  “I just knocked on Olivia’s door to see if Meghan wanted to play games for a bit, you know to take her off Olivia’s hands for a while, but I guess no one’s in.”

  Huh, he really was taken with Meghan . I could understand that since I was smitten with her as well. If only Olivia could see inside of me, she’d know that I only had good intentions and that I’d never want to hurt her daughter. Still, she couldn’t see inside of me, so I was going to have to make her see.

  “Well, Olivia’s at work. I’m ju
st going to my physical therapy session with her myself.” Lark looked a little lost as he nodded. I wondered if he’d suffered a bad loss at his last competition. If so, he desperately craved company afterward which I would have to be for him. “Did you want to come along with me?”

  “Yeah, alright then.” He shrugged in a blasé manner, but I could tell that he was pleased. “Sounds good. See you in action.”

  In the beginning, Lark came with me to my appointments a lot because I couldn’t move well without him. But now things were different. I didn’t mind him coming, though. I wouldn’t let it throw me off my game.

  “Just to warn you,” I added as I clicked the lock shut on the door behind me. “Today’s the day I’m going to make Olivia agree to a date with me.”

  “You are?” His eyes widened in shock. “Wow, that’s...something. You’re going to have to fill me in on everything I’ve clearly missed out on!”

  “We have the train ride over. I’ll tell you everything then.”

  I wouldn’t tell him everything, of course. I wasn’t about to go into gory detail about how amazing I felt buried in Olivia, how wonderful her tongue was as it trailed up and down my cock, how we were so sexually compatible I felt turned on by here mere touch...they were all details just for me. But everything else I wanted to share with my friend. Things were finally looking up, and since he’d been with me all the time, he deserved to know.

  “The elevator’s working!” I declared happily. “That’s usually a good sign that it’ll be an awesome day.”

  “Honestly, dude,” Lark shook his head at me. “You need to move.”


  “That’s it, now stretch it a bit further.” Olivia tugged my leg a little hard, it shot pain right up to my hip, but I didn’t react to it. I was too busy staring at her beautiful face. Damn, she was stunning .


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