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Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book)

Page 89

by Davis, Alexa

I pushed her head further away from me and bit down lightly on her neck. Her skin tasted amazing, everything about her was perfect, and I felt fit to burst with the knowledge this was the woman for me.

  I cupped my hands under her butt and lifted her up as if she weighed nothing. Then I dropped her onto the ground beneath me so I could take full control of her body. I watched her run her tongue seductively over her bottom lip as her fingers frantically tugged at my shorts, trying to pull them down. I kept myself raised above her using my strong arms.

  Once my cock sprung free, she wrapped her fingers around me and rubbed my shaft in a way that felt fucking incredible. My body buzzed and vibrated with lust, and my arms wobbled a little under pressure to keep myself from falling.

  Olivia lifted herself up, and she pressed her lips against my ear. Something about the sensation has a shiver racing up and down my spine. “What are you waiting for?” she whispered seductively. “I want you to fuck me.”

  Her hips bucked, she writhed beneath me, and fuck me, I couldn’t resist. I knew how phenomenal it felt to be inside her – she was fucking incredible.

  She fisted the rug beneath her as I slid my length into her. Her muscles constricted around me, and she fit me so tightly that I almost fucking lost it right away. I couldn’t keep hovering anymore. I collapsed to the ground and smashed my lips into Olivia’s, losing myself in the passion. I thrust harder and faster as it all became too much for me, my brain flew out the window, and I buried my face into Olivia, inhaling her sweet, feminine scent.

  Knowing that I loved this woman, knowing that she loved me, too, it made this all feel so much better. We both deserved this happiness, and now it felt like we were finally grabbing onto it with both hands.

  “Oh fuck, Zack,” Olivia gasped as her body bucks back violently. Her muscles clenched around me as she clung to me as if I was the only thing keeping her to the Earth. “Oh God, I love you.”

  Fucking hell… Those words caused the hot bliss to explode from me harder and faster than I expected. I shuddered, I clenched, and everything heated me up and escaped me all at once.

  “I love you, too, Olivia,” I panted breathlessly. “Fucking hell, I love you so much.”

  Once we collapsed on the rug next to one another, deflated but very happy, I clasped my hand around hers once more. I’d hoped that the article would work, but I didn’t totally expect it to. The fact that it had brought Olivia back to me in such an epic way was amazing.

  I couldn’t stop looking at Olivia, seeing her was like finding the most amazing future I could ever hope for.

  “You do know you’re phone’s beeping, don’t you?” she asked me with a giggle. “It’s been going off for ages.”

  “It has?” I grabbed it and stared at the screen. “Oh, it’s Lark. He wants to know if we are interested in going out for breakfast. Apparently, Meghan’s starving and wrapping him tightly around his little finger.”

  “Oh God, is she?” Olivia rolled her eyes and pushed herself upright. “Shall we? I mean, I’ve canceled going in to work now, so we might as well.”

  “Yeah, sounds good. What will this be, our second date? Third?”

  “I think we’re beyond all of that now,” she laughed. “I honestly have no idea.”

  She threw her clothes back on quickly and did her best to smooth down her hair. Her post-sex hair, her make-up free face, and her sweet natural smile made her look absolutely amazing. She was even more beautiful with no effort than she was all done up.

  “I’m going to go back and change out of my uniform. Come over if you want?”

  I followed Olivia across to her apartment and gave Lark a thumbs up as we went inside. I’d tell him later how grateful I was for his intervention; it truly sped things up. Olivia and I were so clearly meant to be, we would’ve found our way back together eventually, but I still loved him for making it happen quickly.

  “Are we going out?” Meghan asked excitedly. “I’m so hungry.”

  “Yes, we are.” I gave her a loving smile. The fact that Olivia still allowed me in her daughter’s life after everything was the most touching thing of them all. “Are you excited?”

  “I am. Can I put on my Batman costume?”

  “Of course, you can,” I chuckled. “That sounds awesome. I would love to see your Batman costume.”

  Olivia raced into her bedroom to get dressed, leaving me with Drea and Lark. Luckily, they’d already spent some time together, so it wasn’t too awkward because they had a lot to say to one another. Also luckily, Olivia didn’t take long. She didn’t fuss with her hair and face, she simply slipped into something a little more comfortable for the day, and she looked incredible for it.

  As we walked down the stairs, Olivia slipped her hand into mine. Now we were truly going public, which felt amazing. Meghan didn’t question anything, but she remained a little way behind us, wrapped up in conversation with Lark about Batman.

  Unfortunately, the happiness was zapped from my body as we stepped out into the world to find a flash of cameras pointed our way.

  “Oh my God,” I gasped, squeezing her hand gently. “They must have found out where I live. I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t think this would happen.”

  I thought she’d let go and run, but she didn’t. Instead, she laughed and cocked her head towards me. “I guess that’s what you get for dating a man richer than some small countries, isn’t it?”

  I almost leaned down and kissed her for that super sweet answer, but I didn’t want that in the papers. What Olivia and I had was just for us. I’d made some of it public by declaring my love, but I had control of this. I wasn’t going to hand the power back, not a chance in hell.

  “Come on, let’s get going. They’ll likely follow us and leave Meghan alone.”

  We ran away, giggling like teenagers, and just like I predicted, the photographers followed us. Once we ducked around a corner, though, they seemingly lost interest and went off to harass someone else. Hopefully someone more interesting that would keep their focus for longer.

  Chapter Thirty-Six



  I almost skipped into the office; happiness circled through me, and I was practically floating on air. Zack and I were solid now; we officially loved one another. Sure, there was a bit of an awkward moment yesterday where the press caught us together, but it passed rapidly, and we ended up having an amazing day. Lark, Drea, Meghan, Zack, and I. We were like this awesome little family.

  I even had a discussion with Meghan later on in the evening about Zack taking me out on a date. I wasn’t totally convinced that she understood, but she seemed really pleased about it all the same. She adored Zack and liked having him around.

  I didn’t think anything could zap the mood out of me.

  “Olivia.” Oh, except that . The booming voice of Mike calling through the office the second I stepped through the door. “Can I speak with you please? I need you to come into my office for a moment.”

  Uh oh. This was it. The minute that I forgot to dread. The minute I lost my job for fraternizing with the patients . The one thing that made me happy was also going to be the thing that took my job away from me. It truly was a catch twenty-two.

  “Erm, of course.” I shot Tess a desperate look, but she could only give me a shrug back. She didn’t seem to know anything, either. “Yes. Sure, I’ll come right now.”

  My knees knocked together as I followed Mike, and the room was filled with such a deathly silence I feared for my life. If this were a good meeting, then surely there’d be more of a celebratory atmosphere.

  “Please, take a seat.” I didn’t comment on the fact that “Mike’s office” was actually Ms. Simms’ old office. That felt too weird to bring up now. I didn’t want to even think about her, anyway. “Obviously, I have a lot to speak to you about. I’m sure you can imagine.”

  “Mhmm.” Should I apologize? Did I need to get my side of the story in quickly? Unfortunately, my mouth was far too dry for me to mana
ge to say anything.

  “I’m sure you’ve spoken with Mr. Taylor now about what happened?” His hands tapped thoughtfully together. “With regards to the reveal of his personal data.”

  “Erm…” This wasn’t where I was expecting this conversation to begin. It knocked me off kilter and left me a bit confused. “Yes, I have.”

  “And because of that, we’ve had to fire Ms. Simms. Of course, no one’s managed to speak to her since the article came out, but I’ve sent her an official contract termination letter, anyway. I’m sure she knows, but I have to do it in the right way.”

  Was this his way of letting me know that my termination was on the way? Would I be handed my letter this meeting? I gulped loudly. “Right, okay, of course.”

  “So we need someone to replace her.” Mike gave me a knowing look, but I couldn’t quite understand it. I didn’t get what he wanted to tell me. “Now, in my meeting with Mr. Taylor, he put in a very strong case for you to take over the job.”

  “Me?” I squeaked. This was unexpected. I’d gone from thinking I was about to get fired, to discussing a potential promotion… If I was reading the situation right, that was. “He really said that?”

  “Yes, you. At first, I said no because you’re too new to the company, but after speaking with the other therapists, they’re quite happy for you to take on the role.”

  “Really? No one else wants it?” I couldn’t work out why this was falling on my lap, it felt like a dream come true. It was a bit too much.

  “It would just be for a trial period, of course. I hope you understand that. But I’m willing to give you a try. Other people think you can do it; I just need to see it for myself.”

  My heart skipped a beat. My own practice…in a way. It wasn’t exactly as I envisioned, but it was still incredible. I actually couldn’t believe it. “I won’t let you down,” I insisted. “Thank you so much for this opportunity. It’s just so… Wow. I’m so grateful.”

  “I hope so. I’m sure you’ll do very well.” He actually smiled at me. “Now, obviously I’ll be around if you have any questions. I’m going to be a lot more involved in the practice until things are running smoothly again.” I went to stand up, but before I did, I had one last question to tackle.

  “Erm, just one that thing. I know you’ve probably heard by now about Zack and me, and I don’t…” I sighed deeply. “I don’t want it to affect my position here. I can stop working with him if that’s what it takes.” I didn’t like the idea of another therapist working with him, not when I enjoyed our sessions so much, but I had to keep my job.

  “How many sessions does he have left?”

  “Not many,” I answered honestly. “He probably only needs one or two more; he’s improving really well recently. His leg is much stronger than when he first came to me.”

  “You do it then. You might as well finish what you’ve started. I don’t have any complaints, and I haven’t heard anything about misconduct, so I’m sure you’re absolutely fine.” Mike grinned, his whole face lighting up with happiness. “Now, I’ll sort you out with the contract soon. You get back to work and have a good day.”

  My steps were almost floating as I walked back into the office. Everyone’s eyes fixed upon me, but this time I could see that it was more of a nervous energy than a negative one. As the other therapists spotted me grinning, they smiled, too. It was as if my lips shattered the tense atmosphere so we could finally all relax again. Ms. Simms had truly left a mess; I needed to make it right again. I felt determined to make this work.

  “Right, back to work,” I announced playfully. “No messing around with my watch.”

  Laughter tittered around the room, making my heart soar. This was such an incredible opportunity. I felt like I could really tackle the world.

  I made my way to my room and checked my schedule. Zack’s name sat at the top of my list – it was an appointment that I couldn’t recall making, but it made me very happy to see. I needed to thank him for his intervention in my life; he had no idea how much he’d helped me.

  “Morning.” As if I’d conjured him up by magic, there he was, standing in front of me with a gorgeous smile on his face. God, I loved him. “I’ve got some bad news for you.”

  “You have?” I pouted out my lips. “Because I’ve got some amazing news for you!”

  “Oh well, I’ll go first. Get the bad stuff out the way first then we can celebrate. This, unfortunately, is my last session. I don’t think I need to come and see you anymore.” He gave me a cheeky smile. “Plus, my girlfriend is a physiotherapist anyway so that I can get free treatment. I don’t need to come and pay a fortune for it.”

  I tutted and gave him a light slap. “Oh, you’re terrible. But I did think you were coming to the end of it, anyway. Your leg is so much better. I told Mike today that you’re done.”

  “I feel stronger. But I am going to miss you putting through my paces. It’s been fun…most of the time. So anyway, what’s the good news?”

  “Well, someone might have put in a good word for me with my boss, and someone might have been offered a promotion…”

  “Oh my God, are you serious?” Zack was too excited to let me finish.

  I nodded rapidly, unable to keep the large grin off my face. “Yep, but it’s only for a trial period, so don’t get too excited.”

  Too late. Zack jumped up and spun me around in the air. As I slid back down to the ground, he kissed me hard on the lips, and I did nothing to stop him. We weren’t doing anything wrong anymore, everyone knew about us. And it felt good.

  “Right, we better get to work before I tear all your clothes off,” I said while pinching his hip. “We can save that for later on.”

  “Well, if you’re going to promise me that, then I’ll do whatever you need me to. But only because I love you.” He linked his fingers through mine and gave me that heart-stopping smile. “So very much.”

  I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of those words. “I love you, too.”


  I wearily sighed as I got to the top of the stairs outside my apartment. It had been a very long day trying to combine my usual work with learning the ropes of the new job. It wasn’t going to be easy, but I felt sure that it’d be worth it. I was willing to throw everything into it to see what I could do.

  I was exhausted now, though, and all I wanted to do was relax.

  As I slid the key in the door, I was shocked to hear lots of noise coming from inside. I didn’t even think that Drea and Meghan were home, never mind other people, but it sounded like a party was happening.

  What the hell?

  I pushed the door open to yells and cheers from the unexpected houseful. Meghan was sitting with Lark doing a jigsaw puzzle, Zack was in the kitchen cooking what smelled like a delicious meal, and Drea was practically sitting on the lap of a man that I’d only met once before. Zack’s father. I couldn’t take my eyes off them – it actually looked like they were flirting. Maybe she was a little too young for him, but they looked quite good together.

  Unexpected, but nice.

  “Erm, hi, everyone. This is unexpected.” I dropped my bag on the ground and looked at everyone in turn. “But it’s good to have you here.”

  “Oh sorry.” Zack clapped his hand against his forehead. “I forgot to text you. I thought it’d be nice to have a family meal tonight.” He walked over to me, dusting off his apron, and kissed me in front of everyone. “We have to celebrate your promotion.”

  “Yeah, it’s awesome. I’m glad. But it’s only a trial, don’t get too excited for me. I don’t want everyone to think it’s more than it is…”

  No one paid any attention to me, they all cheered and acted like I’d created world peace or something. I laughed and went along with it, but there was a small piece of me that nervously feared I’d let everyone down if I failed at this job.

  All the more reason to make it a success.

  “Right, dinner is cooked!” Zack finally yelled. “Take a seat everyone.�

  We all jumped into place around the table, Meghan next to Lark, Drea next to Zack’s dad, and me next to Zack. And as I looked at everyone, in turn, I really appreciated the family that I’d carved for myself in New York. I had come here alone, with only my daughter and some hopes, and what I’d managed to achieve was incredible. Even if I didn’t necessarily make it in this job, I still needed to feel pride.

  I was a very, very lucky woman.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven



  “I can’t believe what you’re doing with the house, Dad,” I told him with tears in my eyes. “This is really something else. What made you change your mind?”

  “The actual thought about selling it was too much,” he admitted with a shrug. “I know I said your mom would want it to go to another family, but I just couldn’t do it. I would much rather offer it to the charity. We can turn it into a shelter for the vets who need somewhere to live. It’ll be awesome.”

  My heart swelled. “Mom would be so happy with that; she was such a giving woman.” I grabbed my dad and hugged him. “She would love you doing this.”

  “I feel good about it.” He rubbed the sweat from his forehead. “Even better now I’m all packed up. I’m looking forward to my brand new adventure.”

  “Hmm…about that.” I needed to ask him; it had been plaguing me all night long. “About new adventures… What was the deal with you and Drea last night?”

  A light blush tinged his cheeks, telling me all that I needed to know. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Dad, come on. There’s chemistry there, you two were flirting…”

  “Oh, are you talking about Drea?” As Lark walked back in from the moving van, he knew exactly what we were talking about. “Yeah, Mr. Taylor, you were definitely hitting it off. What’s the deal there?”

  “She’s about ten years younger than me.” He shrugged, trying to play it off. “It felt good to have some attention.”

  “Oh, Dad, come on! If there’s something there, you can just say it.” I paused for a moment, realizing what the issue might be. “Dad, you’re allowed to be happy after Mom. She would want that for you, and I do, too. If you like this woman, then please…”


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